He also nodded immediately.

"No problem bro!!"

"But... all I have here is a little smoke."

"When I go out later, I'll get the things you want right away!"

Lin Yu nodded and then said with some doubts:

"You said you would go out and get it later?"

"Is it time for free activities later?"

When this ghost heard what Lin Yu asked, it understood in its heart.

The other party just came to the prison today and doesn't know many things about the prison yet.

He shook his head and said,

"Wait is not the time for free activities."

"We have to go out and stand in line later, waiting for the prison guards to count the number of people in each cell!"

"You'll be taken to work later!"

"While working, the rules certainly don't allow for casual activities!"

"But I'm quite familiar with some of the prison guards,"

"So as long as you're not lazy and don't work too blatantly, it's okay!"


He glanced at Lin Yu with some doubts.

"Brother, do you need anything else? I can help you find out!"

As a "small businessman" who often interacts with various people and prison guards in prison,

He also has a certain ability to detect information!

And what Lin Yu was thinking about,

Naturally, I want to find out where the rest of the team is!

Although I will go out to count the number of people later,

It’s also an opportunity!

You can quickly observe whether there are any teammates among the prisoners around you.

But there are many prisoners in this prison;

You may not be able to discover the location of other people in a short time!

Therefore Lin Yu also said,

"When you go out later, pay attention to see if there are any of these people."

"A very thin man with dark skin who looks like a little monkey. His strength is a second-level ghost controller."

"The other one has long hair and is dressed like half a Taoist priest. But he looks a bit arrogant, and he is also a second-level ghost controller."

"The last person who looks upright and looks like a complete Taoist priest is a third-level ghost controller."

The reason why Lin Yu could describe their appearance in this way was

It's because their clothes didn't change much after entering the prison!

Although they are in prison,

But the prison in the ghost world is naturally different from reality!

Therefore, their appearance is still the same.

That's why Lin Yu said the words "Taoist dressing up"!

Hearing Lin Yu's description, the ghost nodded.

"I understand, brother! I will pay attention to these people later!"

"My name is Li Fuju. If you need anything from now on, just call me!"

Lin Yu nodded,

Then he spoke again:

"By the way, where are the female prisoners?"

Li Fuju immediately replied:

"The female prisoners are not on this floor, but on the top floors!"

Lin Yu nodded,

Didn't feel any surprise.

Naturally, male prisoners and female prisoners are not kept in the same place!

He asked,

Just casually asking about the locations of Li Nian, Bai Ye, and Hei Yue!

But in this case,

If you want to join up, you have to wait for free time!

So Lin Yu spoke again:

"You said you were going to work later. What exactly do you want to do?"

"When is free time?"

Li Fuju thought for a while and said:

"After the head count is done later, all ghosts and humans must work first!"

"But the work is not complicated. It's basically hard work like moving things!" the ghost explained.

"Then it's time to eat together."

"After eating, it's time to go out for free activities!"

Lin Yu listened and nodded.

After listening to what this ghost said,

Lin Yu has also understood the daily action process!

In fact, starting from working hours,

There is already a chance to find out the news!

And at this moment,

Suddenly there was another extremely harsh ringtone outside! !

"All prisoners, get out of your cells!!!"

A voice full of powerful sinister power spread throughout the prison! !

And the door of each cell opened automatically!

"Brother, we have to go out and stand in line now and wait for the prison guards to count the number of people!"

Li Fuju looked back at Lin Yu and said 0...

Lin Yu nodded.

Then they walked out.

As for Park Dae-soo and Kone Ichiro,

It was also extremely difficult to stand up.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his face was covered in blood!

Limping out of the cell!

After Lin Yu walked out of the cell,

The field of vision has also been expanded a lot! !

This prison is huge! !

He could see all the cells on the floors above and below!

The entire prison is a huge ring!

And there are many layers!

Walking out of the cell and standing in the corridor,

You can see the scenes from every level above and below! !

All the cells went around and around, and the ghost prisoners inside were also walking out of the cells one after another!

And after walking out of the cell,

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