Another evil ghost also said:

"We placed these ores one by one according to the direction!"

"Didn't you realize that the ore at your feet leads right to here?"

0··Ask for flowers··· 0

And what these ghosts said,

Heilong and Wentian realized it belatedly...

The ore that is easy to move along this road was deliberately placed by these evil spirits!

I came here just to deceive people!

And the two of them,

He just fell into this very low-level ambush! !

Although the two of them felt panic in their hearts,

But on the surface, he quickly calmed down.

Faced with five evil spirits,

It's impossible for them to fight head-on!

Just think of another way!

Black Dragon quickly said:

"So...what do you want to do?"

"It's against the rules to fight in prison!"

"'s still during work!"

"You wouldn't want to break the rules at a time like this, would you?"

And after hearing the black dragon’s words,

Several evil spirits burst out laughing! !

"Ha ha ha ha......"

"Breaking the rules?" an evil ghost said disdainfully,

"Do you think we don't know this?"

"But I think you must have misunderstood something!"

"That's... the rule of no fighting is when you're in the cell!"

"There is no such rule in this mine now!"

... 0 ...

I heard what this evil ghost said,

Heilong and Wentian felt something bad again in their hearts!

They didn't notice this detail! !

It is written in the cell that fighting is not allowed.

It's the rules of the cell!

No longer in the cell!

There is no limit to this rule!

An evil ghost next to him then spoke:

"'s not like this mine can't attack others!"

"As long as the guards don't see you!"

"That's why we led you here!!"

"It's so remote here that the prison guards won't notice it at all!"

Hear what he said,

Although Wentian was a little scared in his heart, he still held back and said:

"If the two of us die, there will definitely be problems when counting the number of prisoners!"

"Aren't you afraid of being found out in the end?"

"Human, you are too naive!" Another evil ghost said,

"Don't you know,"

"How many prisoners die in this Nine Hells Prison every day?"

"Too many prisoners die every day!"

"Killing you two humans won't cause any trouble at all!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Heilong and Wentian looked at each other,

They also understand now,

These evil spirits are determined to kill them! !

Moreover, Black Dragon and Wentian basically don’t have much spiritual power available now!

After all, they are still under "restriction"! !

However, the two of them also understood...

Precisely because this prison has restrictions!

Therefore, they have a glimmer of hope! ! !

After all...the strength of these evil ghosts has been limited! !

If in the outside world, the two of them are only second-level ghost controllers,

Facing five evil ghosts, death is certain!

But now... there may not be a glimmer of hope! !

"Monkey...we are now grasshoppers on the same rope. If we don't join hands today, I'm afraid we will all die here!!"

Black Dragon lowered his voice and said seriously,

Wentian also nodded, his face very solemn.

"We can't beat them head-on... As long as we find a way to delay them, we can rush out!!"

The two people exchanged glances,

It seems that he thought of something at the same time! !

At this time, some of the five evil ghosts were already impatient!

"What are you still talking about in a sneaky way!!"

"Just wait and be eaten by us!!"


The evil spirit exploded from this evil spirit,

He reached out directly to grab Wentian! ! talent.

126 Lin Yu arrives! ! Black Dragon and Wentian emerge from a desperate situation! ! !

The evil power in this evil ghost,

In Wentian’s view,

Much taller than me!


The difference is not that big! !

Because the restrictions on the prisoner's strength in the Nine Layers of Hell Prison are proportional!

The strength of all prisoners,

It will be suppressed to one-tenth of its original level!

For example, two ghosts with 500 Yin power and 3000 Yin power,

Originally, the difference in Yin power was as high as 2,500!

But after being suppressed by prison,

They became 50 and 300 respectively!

This Yin power gap is only 250!

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