Although the gap is still inevitable,

But for the weaker side,

There is no doubt that there is a little more possibility of survival!

At this time, Heilong and Wentian faced five evil ghosts.

That's the case! !

In Wentian’s view,

Although the yin power in this evil ghost is still stronger than mine,

But it’s no longer an insurmountable level! !

He had a thought in his mind,

A little ghost monkey with grinning teeth and blue-purple skin suddenly appeared behind Wentian!

The ghost beast little monkey grabbed the evil ghost's outstretched hand and

Started eating directly! !

This ghostly little monkey has hollow eyes, sharp teeth and sharp claws, and is agile but extremely powerful! !


Surprisingly, it is also an evil ghost! !

And after the evil ghost's hand was grabbed by the little monkey, he felt a sharp pain!

The little monkey bit off a piece of "Three Zero Three" flesh from the devil's hand in one go! !


The evil spirit screamed,

Black blood is constantly dripping from his hands!

And this little monkey was chewing this piece of flesh crazily in its mouth.

While its mouth was full of black blood, it also revealed an extremely ferocious and weird smile! ! !

And at the same time,

Wentian has already run away,

He ran out more than ten meters away! ! !

The other four evil spirits who saw this scene,

His expression is becoming more and more fierce!

“Humans who don’t know whether to live or die!!!”

One of the evil spirits, who was very muscular and muscular, said,

"You two, go after that skinny human!"

"Let's go after that long-haired human!"


Several evil spirits nodded,

Let’s take action separately! !

Just as Wentian ran away,

Naturally, it is impossible for the black dragon to stay still.

He also started running towards the outside of the cave without any delay!

As long as I can run back to the mine,

Then it's safe! !

At this time, Black Dragon discovered,

The two figures behind him caught up faster than him! !

"Damn thing!!"

The black dragon cursed angrily,

But he didn't speed up to escape at this time.

Instead, it stopped.

Look back at the two evil spirits chasing after you!

The two evil spirits saw the black dragon stop running away,

He also chased me directly.


"Why don't you run away?"

"Have you finally recognized the fact that you have no escape and a dead end??"

The black dragon smiled, the expression on his face seemed a little relaxed,

He opened his mouth and said:


"The reason I don't run is not because I have nowhere to run!"

"It's because I suddenly discovered that you are the ones who will die!!"

The two evil spirits looked at each other,

I suddenly felt a little cautious!

The human being in front of me who was panicking just now,

Why are you suddenly so calm and relaxed now?

Could it be...

Is there any ambush ahead? ?

"Hmph!" The strong evil spirit snorted coldly.

Walk slowly towards the black dragon!

"Then tell me... why do we die?"

Although he said this, he was also walking forward slowly,

But he is always observing his surroundings,

Afraid of any accident happening around me! ! !

The black dragon shrugged his shoulders.

He said without any worry:

"Because I can tell fortunes!"

"It's not over yet at the beginning, so I'm a little afraid that you will really kill me..."

"But now I have seen clearly the fate of you evil ghosts..."

"I won't die at all today, the one who will die... is you!!"

Having said that, Black Dragon still showed a very expectant expression.

Look at the two evil ghosts in front of you!

And after hearing what Black Dragon said,

The expressions of the two evil ghosts changed slightly! !

"What did you say!?"

But then, the evil ghost behind said viciously:

"Haha! It's okay for you to trick a three-year-old kid with this trick!"

"Lie to us?"

“I’m afraid you’ve deceived the wrong person!!!”

After hearing his words, the strong evil ghost in front also moved its neck and wrist.

With a fierce look in his eyes,

Staring at the black dragon in front of him.

"That's right!!"

"You said you can tell fortunes??"

“Do you think we will believe this nonsense??”

And seeing the look of the two evil ghosts,

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