The smile on Black Dragon's face grew even brighter!

"I didn't let you believe it!"

"I'm just telling you about your fate!"

"Believe it or not!"

"If you don't believe it, just keep moving forward!"

"But what makes me a little curious is...the ghosts in the ghost world don't believe in fortune telling?"

"If you want to say that humans don't believe in it, that's true. Many humans really don't believe in fortune telling!"

"But you are don't even believe in fortune telling?"

"Now I really wonder if your knowledge is too short-sighted!!"

Black Dragon said, looking at them with a somewhat regretful look!

Then, he took two steps back,

He waved at the two evil spirits!

The meaning is obvious,

It’s just saying, “If you don’t believe it, just keep going and take a look”!

And the two evil spirits, after hearing the black dragon's words and seeing the black dragon's movements,

Their expressions also changed again,

It even became a little uncertain!

The evil ghost behind took two steps and came forward.

He whispered to the strong evil ghost beside him:

"This guy...has something wrong!!"

The strong evil ghost also frowned,

"Did he really calculate our fate?"

"Are we actually going to die here?"

"Death at the hands of these two weak humans??"

The evil ghost next to him shook his head slightly and said:

"He didn't say we would die at the hands of either of them!"

"But that we will die today..."

"Of course these two weak humans can't deal with us!"

"But... other variables may not occur!"

"It's very possible that we died due to other unknown variables!!!"

The two evil spirits whispered,

I felt even more frightened in my heart! !

They took another look at the humans in front of them,

The black dragon still had a half-smiling expression.

It seems that he is not afraid of these two evil ghosts at all!


These two evil ghosts began to hesitate in their hearts!

They somewhat believed what Black Dragon said!

The unknown... is the scariest thing!

Precisely because they did not expect what they would die of,

That’s why I hesitate to move forward now! ! !

And at this moment,

The corners of the black dragon's mouth curled up,

He had a thought in his mind,

In front of him, a skinny figure appeared! ! !

No...I should say yes,

Ghost! ! ! !

The face of this ghost is very blurry.

But the only thing that stands out is that

This ghost's mouth was sewn shut! ! !

The ghost's mouth is full of blood!

Even the skin and flesh are somewhat ulcerated! ! !

But the threads that sewed his mouth shut,

But it is very strong! ! !

When this ghost with its mouth sewn shut appeared,

The two evil spirits in front were both shocked!

"This guy... actually took advantage of this moment to take action!?"

"Hmph! He's just a second-level ghost controller, he really doesn't know how to live or die!!!"

Just when these two evil spirits were about to take action,

But they suddenly felt something was wrong! !

I saw the black ghost figure in front of the black dragon,

Suddenly an extremely terrifying yin force emitted! ! !

This negative force...

It actually far exceeded the combined Yin power of their two evil spirits! ! !'s a combination of Yin energy before being restricted by prison! !

That is to say,

Even now the two evil spirits are not restricted by prison,

He is no match for the black shadow in front of him! ! !


"How can this be!!??"

The two evil spirits were extremely frightened! !

The scene before my eyes,

Let them immediately start to suspect ghosts! ! !

"He is just a second-level ghost controller..."

"Why do you control such a powerful ghost????"

Faced with such terrifying evil force,

These two evil spirits had no power to fight back at all.

I was immediately hit hard by this yin force! ! !

boom! ! ! ! !

The overwhelming terrifying force before my eyes,

In the eyes of the two evil spirits, he becomes more and more powerful! ! !

They have been suppressed to one-tenth of their strength,

There is no way to resist at all! ! !

They only feel,

I was about to be torn apart by this huge Yin force! !

On the other side, the two evil spirits were chasing Wentian.

Indeed, I didn’t feel the powerful Yin force at all 0..

In their opinion, these two evil ghost brothers were just hallucinating.

He stood there motionless in a daze! !

And the black dragon also, after summoning the shadow ghost,

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