Lin Yurang paused to rest.

After walking for several hours, not only everyone was tired, but the little white ball was also tired.

Putting it down, to Lin Yu's surprise, it didn't escape and just sat next to him.

The transformation of the little white ball made Lin Yu feel confused. It was not like this before. When did it start?

From Zhu Jiang.

By the way, after he took Zhu Jiang back, he found that the little white ball was looking at him. Looking back now, it should be looking at Zhu Jiang.

Is it possible that this little white ball has taken a liking to General Zhu?

This idea made Lin Yu burst into laughter.

Black Dragon saw it and curiously asked him why he was laughing.

Lin Yu shook his head and said: "Nothing, Wentian, ask the little monkey if he can climb up there?"

Wentian agreed, and the little monkey who was resting in the contract space was called out again.

216 Compensation for ghost eggs? The Sakura Country is coming to your doorstep!

It looked at the straight and tall tree, its head couldn't stop shaking, and backed away while shaking.

It looked like it was too high for the monkey to do.

The little monkey can't, so it depends on the little white ball.

Without waiting for Lin Yu to speak, Xiao Bai Qiu climbed up the tree on his own initiative, and his little body jumped upwards.

Wait until Lin Yu and the others get the flag.

The leader of the Lighthouse Country ran out of the poison gas forest on his own.

As soon as he ran back, he heard the announcement that Xia Guo's mission was completed.

When he looked up, he saw Lin Yu holding a flag.

The team leader was so angry that he fainted.

Lin Yu didn't care about him, and the others just teleported back, taking the little white ball with them.

It followed him voluntarily.

Back at the competition venue, real-world time has only reached noon.

The leader and one team member of the Lighthouse Country were teleported back in a comatose state.

The captain of the Lighthouse Nation woke up the leader with an ugly expression.

The team leader "420" shouted as soon as he woke up: "Impossible, you don't have a road map, how can you find a place?"

He thought he was in Wild Wesen when he said this.

The captain of the Lighthouse Nation turned red instantly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you confused by the poison gas?"

Hearing the captain's voice, the leader was confused for a moment and then suddenly came to his senses.

"I'm back?"

Lin Yu sneered and said, "Not just you, but also one of your teammates."

The aggravated word made the captain of the Lighthouse Nation look ugly.

The leader's face also looked ugly.

He glared at Lin Yu fiercely, his eyes filled with unwillingness.

Lin Yu didn't care. He put the paper of the road map in front of Hei Yue and said, "Captain, I don't know who tampered with it. This is the road map we received."

The blank paper was displayed in front of everyone.

The team leader froze when he saw this.

He thought about what he had said when he first woke up.

The blank road map was taken away by the organizer's referee, and Black Moon was also called away.

Along with the referees.

Before leaving, Heiyue told him: "Don't worry, I will definitely get the justice you deserve."

After Heiyue left, several people returned to the villa.

It was already noon, and Heilong knocked on his door and asked if he wanted to go to dinner.

Lin Yu had no appetite and didn't want to eat, so he refused.

The black dragon muttered and left.

"Wentian won't eat either. If you don't eat, I'll find Kuang Dao to accompany me."

In the room, Lin Yu took Zhu Jiang out and cooked for him.

The fire used by ghosts to cook is non-smoking.

So it’s okay to do it in the room.

Zhu Jiang moved very quickly, and four dishes and one soup were put on the table.

Just as I was about to eat, there was a knock on the door.

It was Li Nian who came, and she was bringing the little white ball back to him.

Because Lin Yu's holding of the little white ball attracted too much attention, he gave the little white ball to Li Nian.

After that, she carried her back to the villa, and just now she remembered to give it back to Lin Yu.

"The food has just been prepared, let's eat together."

Lin Yu took the white ball and invited Li Nian to join him.

Li Nian was a little worried, she knew Zhu would be cooking.

After all, Lin Yu and she were in the same batch of newcomers, and they were assigned together.

If it weren't for Lin Yu, she might have died long ago.

"Would it be inappropriate? I'm not hungry now either."

Lin Yu stepped aside and said, "If you're not hungry, eat less. How can you not be hungry after walking in the horror world for so long? Come here to eat."

Li Nian came over and looked at the four dishes and one soup on the table, feeling hungry in his belly.

Lin Yu didn't eat well at lunch, not because of Li Nian.

But because of the little white ball.

He didn't know why a ghost was so persistent in eating cooked ghosts?

They are the same ghosts, so there is no need to rush into eating each other.

But the little white ball just wanted to eat. Lin Yu stopped it several times but failed to stop it from taking a piece of ghost beast meat.

He ate with gusto on the side, and looked at Lin Yu expectantly after finishing the meal.

He ignored it and started eating with Li Nian.

Unexpectedly, the neglected little white ball became unwilling and rushed directly to grab it. Therefore, the scene was very chaotic for a time.

It was Lin Yu who compromised and poured half a bowl of meat for it, so the little white ball became obedient on the side.

The meal was not good, but Black Moon brought good news.

"To express our apology, the organizers decided to add another item to the original championship reward, a ghost egg."

"Ghost egg?"

Lin Yu looked at her in surprise.

What do the organizers think? Take out a ghost egg.

"Can the ghost beast inside there still survive without the mother beast?"

Heiyue looked at him speechlessly and said: "It's just because there is no female beast, okay? Otherwise, why do you think the organizer is so generous?"

I see.

Lin Yu was a little curious, what kind of ghost egg could it be?

Ask Heiyue, Heiyue doesn't know either.

She also talked about the compensation from the Lighthouse Country.

"Two medium-grade vaginal instruments, compensation of 30 million 0..."

After saying that, Heiyue still muttered unwillingly: "Only this thing, if the organizer hadn't said it, I wouldn't have let it go with them. Those people are too courageous to dare to put it on the road map." Manipulation and manipulation, if it weren’t for your strength, you might not even be able to find the place, but how did you find the place?”

Having said this, Lin Yu called out the little white ball.

"that's it."

During Heiyue's doubtful inquiry, Lin Yu told him about his encounter with Little White Ball.

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