After hearing this, Heiyue was shocked.

"What kind of incredible luck are you doing? It's really amazing. Now I'm starting to believe what he said."

The last sentence was especially whispered.

Lin Yu didn't hear clearly and asked doubtfully: "What did you say?"

Heiyue shook her head and said: "Since you brought it back, treat it well. It will help you no matter what."

After saying that, she got up and left.

Although the game is over, there are still many things to deal with in the aftermath.


As soon as Lin Yu got up from his nap, there was a knock on the door.

Open the door, and there is Wentian outside.

He said: "Great Emperor, people from the Sakura Kingdom are looking for you."

Sakura country?

"What are you doing with me?"

Wentian was very depressed: "They won't tell you, but they must see you."

Lin Yu was a little curious and didn't refuse.

"Then let them wait, I want to wash up."

Wentian went downstairs.

The leader of the Sakura Kingdom and his team members sat on the sofa in the living room.

Heiyue went to deal with the follow-up matters of the competition, and the awards will be held tomorrow.


Apart from them, there were four people sent from above in the villa.

Zhao Qian stood aside, and the other three people also found their own places to stand.

If you look down from upstairs, you can see that the position where the four of them are standing is the best position to attack the Sakura people.

Wentian told them: "Our team leader has just woken up and is washing up. We need you to wait for a while."

The leader of the Sakura Country looked a little ugly.

To Wentian's surprise, he didn't lose his temper, but said in a good-tempered manner: "Of course."

It seems that he has made up his mind to see Lin Yu.

Half an hour later, Lin Yu walked downstairs and saw Sakura sitting on the sofa.

The leader of the Sakura Kingdom had already stood up when Lin Yu came down, with a warm smile on his face.

"Emperor Fengdu, congratulations on your victory this time. This is the gift we have prepared. Please accept it."

217 Sixth-level ghost beast egg! Ghost Kite!

People from Sakura Country came with gifts.

Lin Yu didn't answer. He was more curious about the purpose of coming to Sakura Country than the gift.

"There's no need for gifts. Why do you guys come to see me?"

Lin Yu asked directly.

The leader of the Sakura Kingdom looked slightly stiff. He put the gift aside and said apologetically: "I came here today to apologize to you for the previous unpleasantness. By the way, I would like to ask Emperor Fengdu if he intends to participate in the large-scale seventh-level competition. Regional copy?”

Level 7 regional copy?

Lin Yu was a little surprised that Hei Yue hadn't told him this.

However, he looked at the Sakura Nation leader.

The lowest level for a large level seven regional dungeon is probably peak level five to level six.

What did this person mean by mentioning it to him?

"No, please come back if nothing happens to you guys."

Lin Yu didn't want to talk nonsense to them anymore, and he had already formed a relationship with Sakura Country.

I came to him for no reason and asked him if he would participate in the dungeon.

Lin Yu didn't think they would be so kind.

I'm afraid I came here to inquire about information.

The Sakura people didn't ask any more questions, although their faces looked a little ugly after being driven away.

Several people stood up to leave, but Lin Yu stopped them: "You forgot your things."

The leader of the Sakura Country took the gift with an ugly expression, and 02 left angrily.

After they left, Lin Yu asked about going to Zhao Qian's copy.

Zhao Qian shook his head: "I don't know either. The captain didn't tell me. You can ask her when the captain comes back."

This wait lasted until midnight, when the black moon came back under the cover of night.

Lin Yu was still sitting on the sofa. The two looked at each other. Hei Yue breathed out, smelling of alcohol.

"Zhao Qian told me that I will tell you about the dungeon after receiving the prize tomorrow. It's too late now. I'll go up and rest first."

After she finished speaking, she went upstairs.

Lin Yu was not given a chance to speak at all.

Looking at her back, Lin Yu frowned slightly.

Black Moon's reaction told him that he should not be among the candidates for this seventh-level hell dungeon.

When I returned to the room, the system reminder of how late I was was ringing in my mind.

[Task 7: Only when you have money and power can you become a master, use money to conquer the world (completed)]

[Task content: Based on the initial store as a standard, open ten stores in the periphery within a week and attract 30 customers, with a consumption amount of (70 million/70 million)]

[Mission reward: Crazy crit card*5 Inner area travel card*2, Resurrection Pill*2]

[The reward has been placed in the system space. 】

Among these rewards, Lin Yu is most interested in the Inner Area Travel Card.

Take the card out of the system space. It's a palm-sized black and gold card. I don't know what material it is made of.

It feels very flexible when pinched, and the card has three words "Entry Card" written on it.

"With this, can I go to the inner area?"

I have to find time to go there.

Just as I was thinking about it, the system prompted again.

[Task 8: Only those who are rich and famous are truly rich, and let the world be your legend (unfinished)]

[Ask the host to use the inner circle travel card to go to the inner circle to complete the consumption amount to increase the reputation (zero/100 million)]

[A five-day period to reach one hundred reputation points (impressing a thousand ghosts)]

[Task reward: Crazy crit card*5, Buddha*1, random high-grade vagina*1]

The reward this time actually includes a top-grade vagina.

Looking at the reward list, Lin Yu was stunned.

The system has not been so generous in a long time.

Speaking of which, he hadn't drank the magic quenching crystal dew given last time. Lin Yu took a look at the system space and found that there were still many system rewards that were useless.

After thinking about it, I realized it's of no use for the time being, so I'll leave it alone for now.

Early the next morning.

Lin Yu was woken up by a knock on the door and looked at the time.

Exactly seven o'clock.

Opening the door, Heiyue stood outside the door, threw him a clothing bag, and said: "Change into it and receive the award."

Lin Yu took out his clothes and found that it was a suit.

He doesn't like to wear suits, and the clothes he buys are mostly casual.

He was not used to wearing formal clothes all of a sudden.

After changing clothes and going out, Heiyue stood in the corridor and talked on the phone. His voice was lazily. He didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone. Heiyue sneered: "Don't forget that I am not your subordinate."

After saying that, Heiyue heard the footsteps and turned around to look.

He met Lin Yu's cold eyes.

The dark blue suit looks good on him, and his cold eyes give people a sense of abstinence.

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