The card looked extremely familiar.

If you look carefully, isn't it the inner travel card the system gave him?

The reason why he didn't recognize it right away was because the card the system gave him was brand new and full of yin energy.

And what these ghosts are holding is very old, like money that has been circulating for many years.

There were two fierce ghost-level monsters checking tickets in front of them. The team entered very quickly, and it didn't take long for him to arrive.

"Take out the tickets."

Lin Yu took out the card, and the ticket-checking ghost looked at him in surprise, with a strange expression on his face.

He took the card and said: "There is a tourist bus into the city on the right side when you enter."

There are also tourist buses.

Lin Yu was a little surprised.

When I walked in and looked to the right, I heard a black convertible.

There are four positions inside.

There are already two ghosts standing in front of the car.

Lin Yu walked over and heard their conversation.

"What are you going to do in the inner area?"

"I'm here for the Huangquan auction, what about you?"

"Me too, I heard there's something good this time."

"I heard there is a super-grade vagina."

"What a superb vagina. I dare not think about it. I came here just for the vagina."


After the conversation ended, Lin Yu also arrived in front of the car.

He heard the conversation between the two ghosts.

Huangquan auction?

Suddenly I thought of Huangquan Inn, does it have something to do with it?

When we arrived in the inner city by car, the two ghosts had already gotten out of the car and left.

The sky in the inner area is still gray and foggy, and the wide roads are filled with fierce ghost-level ghosts.

Lin Yu randomly found a restaurant to eat.

There are many ghosts in the store, and they are talking about one thing.

"Have you heard that Fengdu Supermarket is going to close down?"

"No, this is a long-established supermarket. I passed by it before and saw that the business there was good."

"Tsk tsk, their family was targeted by Yewei Tomb. They said they offended the people in Yewei Tomb and were banned by Yewei Tomb."

"That's no wonder. It's a pity. That supermarket has always been good."

"Who says it's not the case? You'll have to travel far to buy things in the future."

The conversation between the two ghosts gradually shifted.

Lin Yu stared at the table thoughtfully.

Fengdu Supermarket unexpectedly has half the same name as myself.

And it’s also a supermarket.

Lin Yu has been thinking about how to complete system tasks and make real objects, to put it bluntly.

He took the ghost coins and scattered them on the street, saying that he was the Great Emperor of Fengdu to make people remember him, but this would be too silly.

And, it will soon be forgotten.

Combined with the system's pattern of releasing tasks these past few times, maybe this fame will have other effects in the future.

In this case, it’s better to be a big one.

I had no idea about it at first, but now, I can only say that it was an unexpected surprise during the meal.

After dinner, Lin Yu asked Boss Menggui about the location of Fengdu Supermarket.

Fengdu Supermarket was not far from him. After walking for twenty minutes, Lin Yu saw a red sign.

It says "`¨Fengdu Supermarket"

The door of the supermarket was closed, and the word "Transfer" was written on the door.

Below is a list of addresses.

"No. 459 Linmen Street."

Half an hour later.

Lin Yu stood at the door of No. 459, which looked like an urban village in the real world.

A row of farmhouses are connected together.

Knocking on the door, a dull male voice came from inside the door: "Who is it?"

"Does Fengdu Supermarket want to be transferred?"

Lin Yu got straight to the point.

The footsteps inside the door became faster, and after a while, the big door opened.

A white and fat ghost stood inside the door, with a wary look on his face and suspicion in his eyes.

"Do you want to accept Fengdu Supermarket?"

Lin Yu nodded, and the male ghost seemed to let down some of his vigilance and opened the door.

"Come in and talk."

Walking into the yard, a middle-aged female ghost was washing vegetables. There was a piece of black meat in the basin. The female ghost looked at him doubtfully and asked the male ghost: "Who is he?"

"Let's ask about the transfer of the supermarket. You can cook two more dishes tonight."

With that said, the male ghost turned around and glanced at Lin Yu up and down.

"Are you human?"

Lin Yu nodded, the male ghost looked at him, and he also looked at the male ghost.

When Lin Yu entered the inner area, he discovered that the ghosts here were basically fierce ghosts.

But this supermarket owner is at the level of a serious ghost, not yet at the peak of a serious ghost.

How does this kind of strength survive in the inner zone? And also opened a large supermarket.

"You are so brave. You came to me yourself and you were not afraid that I would eat you."

219 Fengdu Supermarket? Tickets to the Underworld Auction!

The male ghost's words were obviously a joke.

The female ghost glared at him and said, "Don't scare people. By the way, tell him clearly about the supermarket. Oh."

The female ghost sighed and left with the basin.

The male ghost was not as depressed as the female ghost, and he even had a smile on his face.

"Come in and talk."

On the tea table, the male ghost poured him a cup of tea, took a few sips and said, "I can't transfer this supermarket to you."

Lin Yu was stunned and didn't know why: "Why?"

The male ghost put down his tea cup and said: "I don't know where you learned that Fengdu Supermarket is going to be transferred, but you probably don't know that the reason why my supermarket can't be opened is because I offended the people who cry at the grave at night. They are not just targeting Me, and my supermarket.

"They wanted to force me to buy the supermarket to them at the lowest price. Before you, four or five ghosts came to consult the supermarket. As soon as I told them about this, they left. It's not easy to offend Yecrying Tomb. "

The male ghost spoke in a calm tone.

There is no grief and indignation of being forced into despair by crying in the grave at night.

Lin Yu nodded to express his understanding.

"However, I insist."

The male ghost was stunned and wanted to say something else.

Was interrupted by Lin Yu.

"I have 423 ways to keep this supermarket, and I will not change this supermarket, including its name."

The male ghost was completely stunned, and it was obvious that he was very tempted.

None of the ghost goods that we came to negotiate for transfer were going to be turned into supermarkets because Fengdu Supermarket has a good location.

They were ready to do other business.

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