Fengdu Supermarket has been operating in the inner area for twelve years, and this is his hard work.

If he hadn't been forced to do anything, he would never have sold Fengdu Supermarket.

"Don't you understand Yewei Tomb? Let me tell you, Yewei Tomb is an organization no less than Netherworld Paradise. Their behavior is more cruel than the ghosts in Netherworld Paradise. You..."

"If you don't believe it, just accompany me to the Underworld Auction."

Lin Yu interrupted him. The male ghost was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Yu suspiciously.

There was no panic or fear on Lin Yu's face, only a steady control of his plans.

The male ghost lowered his head and was silent for a while, then said, "I have nothing to do, so I will go with you."

Having said this, Lin Yu happened to ask the male ghost.

"When is the Huangquan auction?"

The male ghost was stunned for a moment, then looked at him in disbelief.

"You don't even know this. Didn't you come to the inner circle just for the Huangquan Auction?"

Lin Yu didn't say anything. Do you want him to tell the male ghost that he heard what other ghosts said after he came in?

The male ghost sighed helplessly and gave up hope on him.

"Tonight, you need a ticket to enter the Huangquan auction. Do you have one?"

Lin Yu shook his head, he really didn't.

The male ghost's face became even more expressionless.

He stood up resignedly and said, "Let's go and see if we can still buy it."

On the way, the male ghost told him.

Tickets for the Huangquan auction are not cheap. Each ticket is worth a thousand yuan. However, the auction items inside are all good goods.

While he was talking, the male ghost took him to a shop, where a young male ghost was holding a book and reading obsessively.

The male ghost called him, and the young male ghost raised his head, with two big dark circles on his face that seemed to be covered with white powder.

"Boss Feng, are you here to buy tickets?"

The young male ghost said and glanced down.

"There are only two left, one with two thousand nether coins, how many do you want?"

The male ghost Boss Feng screamed like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "Why is it so expensive? Didn't it cost one thousand before?"

The young male ghost looked at him with disdain.

"There will be super-grade artifacts and rare ghost beasts in this auction. The price of tickets will definitely increase. Do you want to buy it?"

Boss Feng muttered "gui" and turned to look at Lin Yu.

The young male ghost followed his gaze and looked at Lin Yu, wondering: "It's actually a human being?"

Lin Yu was also a little helpless. Humans are relatively rare in the inner area?

"I want both."

Lin Yu took out four thousand Ming coins and put them on the counter.

The young male ghost looked at the brand-new Ming Coin, which was full of yin energy, and his eyes lit up after rubbing it.

"This, this (acda) new hell coin, where did you get it?"

Boss Feng was also surprised. He thought Lin Yu was a big talker and bringing him here to buy tickets was just to take him out. As for the transfer of the supermarket, Boss Feng had no confidence in him.

But now, he watched this human being who was not optimistic about him take out four thousand brand new Hades coins.

Boss Feng's heart began to waver.

What if he can do it?

The young male ghost quickly put away the Ming coins and put the two tickets in front of Lin Yu.

Smile showing eight teeth: "Thank you for your patronage."

Just as Lin Yu held the ticket in his hand, a rough male voice came from behind.

"Two tickets for the Huangquan auction."

"Sorry, the last two tickets were bought by the two of them."

Lin Yu turned around and faced the two fierce ghosts outside.

The fierce ghost's eyes passed over the ticket in his hand, and then looked at him again.

"Human, it's useless for you to hold this vote. Give it to me."

Of course Lin Yu would not agree.

"Since you bought it, it's useful. Get out of the way."

The fierce ghost was furious: "Human, if you dare to be so arrogant in front of me, you are seeking death."

Lin Yu refused to give in at all: "What, you want to rob me?"

The fierce ghost was stunned, with an evil smile on his face.

"I just don't want to spend money. This is a good idea. If you don't want to die, just give me the ticket."


Lin Yu looked at the fierce ghost who was speaking arrogantly with a speechless expression.

Really, I don’t know how high the sky is.

Boss Feng pulled him: "These two are notoriously tough and very strong. I can't stop them from taking action. Give them your vote."

"Did you hear that? A fierce ghost, a fourth-level ghost master. Speaking of which, he hasn't eaten human flesh for a long time."

The fierce ghost seemed to recall the taste of humans and couldn't help but show greed.

Boss Feng was also a little panicked and pulled Lin Yu to ask him to give them the tickets.

depression to luck.

"My things are not that easy to get."

Lin Yu laughed, and the ghosts onlookers thought he was stupid.

He was still laughing at this time, and some ghosts were even discussing that Lin Yu would be torn into pieces by fierce ghosts.

Seeing the smile on his face, the fierce ghost felt that he had been provoked.

He immediately decided to tear this human being to pieces on the spot.

Seeing the fierce ghost approaching, Boss Feng had already run away. Lin Yu stood on the spot and shouted General Zhu's name when the fierce ghost was two steps away from him.

next moment.

A breath more powerful than a fierce ghost suddenly arrived.

The tall and strong ghost stood in front of the fierce ghost, which made the fierce ghost look particularly petite.

Cyan skin, white eyes.

And the spatula held in the big hand.

"Lord, is he the one who spoke rudely to you?"

The fierce ghost's words were also heard by Zhu Jiang. He was going to come out from the beginning to teach this ghost who was rude to his master, but he could not come out unless he was summoned.

Now it's finally out.

Zhu Jiang stared at the little Luo Luo with trembling legs and grinned.

A big palm like a big cattail fan slapped the fierce ghost on the face.

Just slap the fierce ghost away.

210 Teach the devil a lesson! Items at Huangquan Auction!

This is a crushing force.

Another fierce ghost quickly helped up his companion and looked at General Zhu in surprise.

They couldn't see through Zhu Jiang's strength, because Zhu Jiang's injuries in the core area had been completely healed. If it weren't for the chain around his neck, his strength would be stronger.

Lin Yu knew that his current strength far exceeded that of a fierce ghost, but he didn't know what level it was.

I'll ask you later.

In two minutes, the two fierce ghosts were beaten until they could not move.

Zhu Jiang was about to completely deal with them both, but was stopped by Lin Yu-.

Boss Feng had just told him that these two people were from Yekui Tomb. If he beat them to death, Yeqiu Tomb would never let him go.

Lin Yu didn't care about this. He just made a name for himself here and left. He didn't know when he could come back later.

The reason why he stopped Zhu Jiang was that he wanted Zhu Jiang to eat these two ghosts. Eating ghosts can also increase their strength.

Not to mention two fierce ghosts.

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