It's better than killing him directly.

As soon as he said this, the eyes of the ghosts surrounding him changed when they looked at him.

What kind of devil is this, actually letting the ghosts he contracted eat fierce ghosts?

Run quickly, don't wait until the monster, which is more terrifying than the fierce ghost, is staring at them after eating the fierce ghost.

As a result, before Zhu Jiang could say anything, all the ghosts onlookers had run away.

Also on this night, a rumor was circulating in the inner area.

There was a human being with a ghost whose strength he never knew, and he ate two fierce ghosts on the street.

As word spreads, it turns out that a ghost will disguise himself as a human and come to the inner area to eat two ghosts on the street.

It is said that the ghost will be extremely cruel.

Lin Yu didn't know about all this yet.

If he knew, he would shout to the group of onlookers running past.

"Remember, my name is Emperor Fengdu."

The fame plan is not easy to accomplish.

In the evening, after having dinner at Boss Feng's house, Lin Yu followed him to the Huangquan auction.

The auction was held in a large house. When they arrived, there were already many ghosts lining up at the door.

Boss Feng pulled him to line up.

There are uniformed ghosts nearby to maintain discipline.

It seems there are thorns everywhere.

Lin Yu reached for the ticket and heard a "pop" sound.

The tickets were taken out and a sign fell out.

Boss Feng picked up the sign and Lin Yu took a look at it. It was Bian'an's director badge.

Just as he was about to put it away, he saw a figure walking over from the corner of his eye.

"Excuse me, are you the director of the other side?"

Lin Yu saw that the person coming was the security guard maintaining order here.

"I am, is something wrong?"

Is it possible that the director of the other side is not allowed to enter the Huangquan auction?

Just when I thought of this, I heard the security guard say: "Dear guests, you don't need to line up, please come with me."

Distinguished guest?

Lin Yu was a little surprised. He followed the security guard and walked in from the side door. The ticket checker saw the badge in his hand and let him go.

The other side's director badge was more useful than he thought.

The security guard took him to a room with a sofa and coffee table, fruit pastries on the table, and one of the walls was transparent.

The auction below can be seen here.

The security guard brought them over and left. After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Boss Feng opened the door, and a female ghost wearing a cheongsam walked in with tea.

"Two distinguished guests, please have tea."

The tea was placed on the coffee table, and the female ghost filled it herself.

Then he picked up the fruit and wanted to feed him.

Lin Yu blocked her hand and said, "I don't need this kind of service, you can go."

After the female ghost left, Boss Feng smiled at him and said, "You are so surprising, you kid. I don't want the beauty that comes to my door."

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows, he didn't think it was Yanfu.

There is a difference between humans and ghosts.

After sitting in the box for half an hour, there was movement at the auction.

A middle-aged man in a suit and tie walked onto the stage.

"Welcome to Huangquan Auction. I am Huang Jiu, the auctioneer of Huangquan Auction. Now, the auction begins."

Lin Yu wiped the water splashed on his clothes. Boss Feng looked at him doubtfully and said, "Is there anything wrong with the name of rice wine?"

Why did he react so much?

Lin Yu shook his head. He couldn't tell Boss Feng that in the real world, there was a kind of wine called a yellow bar.

At this time, the female ghost wearing a red cheongsam was already walking on the stage carrying a plate.

Huang Jiu lifted up the red cloth on the plate and revealed the contents.

"The first treasure is Devil's Vine. It is a top-grade Yin material that can be refined. The starting price is 5,000 Hades coins. The highest bidder will get it."

The bidding sounded, and Boss Feng was explaining to him the evil material like devil's vine.

"Devil's Vine is a wooden vaginal material, and the Devil's Vine on it is of good quality. However, the Devil's Vine is suitable for refining vaginal weapons such as whips, and the craftability is not very good."

0··Ask for flowers··· 0

Strong phone calls won't be that cheap either.

In the end, the devil's vine was auctioned off for 20,000 nether coins.

Then came the second piece.

"The Black Crow Envelope, this is a magical envelope. It can send messages anywhere. The starting price is 20,000 nether coins. The highest bidder will win."

This envelope made Lin Yu a little interested.

This is not similar to what a cell phone does.

You can’t use your mobile phone in the horror world, but you can use it.

"forty thousand."

A voice came from Lin Yu's box.

The ghost below showed a surprised expression.

This is only the second treasure. Why did the guy upstairs start taking action?

Is it possible that this black crow envelope is really needed?

No matter what other ghosts thought, Lin Yu still took a picture of the black crow envelope.

With one final blow of the auction hammer, it was his.

.... .. ...

Boss Feng looked hesitant to speak: "The good things are all at the back, don't forget to take pictures."

Lin Yu nodded casually.

Soon, the black crow envelope was delivered by a beautiful female ghost wearing a cheongsam. Lin Yu took the money to settle the bill. The female ghost looked surprised when she saw the brand new Ming coins on the tray.

"Anything else?"

Seeing that she hadn't left yet, Lin Yu frowned.

The female ghost left quickly. After walking out of the room, she took the ghost coin and walked up to the third floor.

At this time, Lin Yu was reading the black crow envelope.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary envelope with exquisite patterns on the edge.

Lin Yu opened the envelope and found a blank piece of letter paper inside.

Just write the letter here?

Forget it, go back and try.

Lin Yu returned his attention to the auction, which was now on its fourth treasure.

What came up was a small box. The box was opened, revealing two round pills inside.

"The Rejuvenation Pill can restore peak strength when seriously injured. It lasts for two hours. The starting price is fifty thousand hell coins. The increase price will not be less than ten thousand hell coins. The higher bidder will win."

Lin Yu is not interested in the Rejuvenation Pill, and he has not used the Rejuvenation Pill given to him by the system.

Boss Feng was more interested, but when he heard the price, he gave up.

He felt that it was not worth the hundreds of thousands of dollars to take two pills that could only restore the peak moment for two hours.

Soon, two pills were taken away for 100,000 nether coins.

Several more items were brought up that Lin Yu was not interested in, but he didn't even look at them. He lowered his head and fiddled with the black crow envelope.

211 Black Crow Envelope! Meeting with the auction owner!

I don’t know how letters written here will be sent back. Can letters written in the thriller world be sent back to the real world?

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