Lin Yu was lost in thought when Boss Feng suddenly called him back to his senses.

"The super-grade vagina has come out."

Super quality vagina.

Lin Yu looked at the auction table and saw something like a mechanical bracelet placed on the tray.

You can tell from the smell on top that this is a top quality product.

"The bloody mist of the super-grade vagina, in order to avoid causing casualties, I won't cover it up. I can show you the replay."

The auctioneer took out a stone and injected Yin energy into it. After a while, a picture appeared.

Just like a screen projector.

In the picture, the blood-colored mist is activated, and needles so small that they cannot be seen are shot at the ghost beasts. These are not needles, but attacks formed by compressing Yin or spiritual power.

A fierce ghost-level ghost beast could not be avoided, and blood instantly covered the entire screen. "Four two three"

Lin Yu frowned, no wonder it was called Bloody Mist. Being stabbed by it, wouldn't it be bloodletting?

"The bloody mist can change its form, and it is up to the buyer to test it. The starting price is 500,000 hell coins, and the starting price is no less than 50,000 hell coins."

As soon as the words fell, the scene fell silent, and no one on the first floor spoke.

Lin Yugang was about to press the number keys when a voice came out one step ahead of him.

"Five hundred and fifty thousand nether coins, Yewei Tomb is determined to get this Yin weapon. If you are sensible, just give up."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yu was still hesitant to buy it, but now he had to buy it.

Must buy.

"Six hundred and fifty thousand for box number seven."

Lin Yu is in box number seven.

"Seven hundred thousand for box number nine."

"Eight hundred and fifty thousand."

"Nine hundred thousand."

"One million and fifty thousand."

Lin Yu increased the price to one hundred and five, and the people who cried at the tomb at night were completely angry.

"Director Bian'an, are you sure you want to rob me of Ye Crying Tomb's belongings?"

Lin Yu was quite puzzled: "The one with the highest price won't win?"

Huangquan auctioneers also issued a warning.

"No verbal threats are allowed during the auction, and any problems will be resolved outside the auction."

"Okay, just wait for me."

Ye Crying Tomb gave up the bidding, the auctioneer hit the auction hammer, and he succeeded in buying a super-quality item that made Ye Crying Tomb angry. Lin Yu was in a happy mood.

At this moment, the door was knocked again.

Lin Yu thought it was someone who came to deliver a top-quality vagina. Boss Feng went to open the door. When he saw the person coming, he took two steps back.

"Director from the other side?"

A strange male voice sounded, and Lin Yu looked over subconsciously.

Then he frowned.

"The one who cries in the grave at night?"

He didn't know the person who cried at the tomb at night, but his voice seemed familiar to him.

The male ghost was wearing a black cloak, only showing an ugly face. He looked Lin Yu up and down, and said sarcastically: "When will there be human directors on the other side? Aren't you the rations of our ghosts? How dare you come here to hang out? It's really interesting."

After the male ghost finished speaking, he looked at Lin Yu proudly.

As expected, he had nothing to say.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "I've eaten ghost meat before, and it's not bad."

When he participated in the dungeon for the first time, in order to attract Zhu Jiang, he took out Jiuyou Soul Purifier Wine, and in order not to eat human flesh, he asked Zhu Jiang to kill the accountant who was causing trouble for him.

That was the first time he ate ghost meat.

The implication of Lin Yu's words was very clear, and it was not necessarily who was whose ration.

The male ghost's expression changed instantly.

"Human, you are so brave."

Lin Yu sneered: "I'm braver than you. Is there anything else? If nothing happens, you can go out. Don't delay me from watching the auction."

He was too lazy to talk nonsense to this ghost.

The male ghost gave him a gloomy look and left.

After he left, Boss Feng paced the room anxiously.

"What should I do? You must have offended them now. If they know that you have taken over my supermarket, you will not be able to start your business."

Lin Yu didn't care, it was just a fight.

There was nothing he wanted after that, until the last thing, the female ghost brought up an egg that was all red.

This egg looks so familiar.

Lin Yu thought of the egg he won in the competition, which was exactly the same.

"Ghost Kite, a sixth-level ghost beast egg, was originally a nest of two eggs. The other one was taken away by humans. The egg has been born for two years. With a little hatching, you can get a fierce ghost-level Ghost Kite. "

The Ghost Kite can only be found in the inner and core areas. Its incubation period is three years. The young Ghost Kite has ghost-level strength when it is born and can grow to the peak of the Ghost.

It is also because of this that the eggs of the Ghost Kite are relatively expensive.

The starting bid is one million.

Lin Yu was thoughtful, so his ghost kite egg will come out in one year?

I don’t know what the chapter looks like.

In the end, this was a kite egg that was taken away by someone on the second floor for two million..

Yewei Tomb also participated in this auction, but he was not as rich as the one in the other box.

The ghost who cried in the grave at night was going crazy because he missed two good babies.

"Have you found out who that human is?"

"Your Majesty, that human being is indeed the director of The Other Side, but his directorship was bought with Hades coins. He used more than three million Hades coins to buy the position of Honorary Director of The Other Side, and he also went to the Nine Layers of the Underworld. , there is an ore deal with the wardens on the three sides outside the prison."

"anything else?"

The subordinate hesitated: "Just, that's all I found."

"Trash, if you dare to be so arrogant to me, you must have other backgrounds. Could it be someone from Huangquan? No, that shouldn't be the case. Who could that be?"

"Your Majesty, are you still going to grab it?"

The male ghost came back to his senses and said with a sharp look: "Go, why don't you go? When the time comes, people will be killed and eaten. Just don't admit it if they find us."

Huang Jiu personally came to invite the people in box No. 7.

Thinking of what the boss had just told him, he was told to invite the guests in box number seven.

Huang Jiu felt strange that the boss hadn't invited anyone for a long time.

What's the reason this time?

The assistant next to me gave the answer.

"The guest in Box No. 7 is a human being, and the Hades Coin he took out is brand new, and the Yin Qi on it is very abundant."

Brand new Hades Coin?

Huangjiu was surprised.

You must know that the horror world has not seen a new underworld coin for many years.

Huang Jiu couldn't help but get excited when he thought of this.

Standing at the door of box No. 73.0, Huang Jiu straightened his tie and knocked on the door.

Lin Yu hasn't left yet, he is waiting for the super-grade vagina.

Hearing the knock on the door, Lin Yu got up and opened the door himself.

Lin Yu was surprised when he saw Huang Jiu with a smile on his face outside the door.

"Auctioneer? Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Mr. Fengdu Emperor, my boss wants to meet you and personally give you the super-grade vagina."

Huang Jiu's posture was very low, as he was afraid of angering the human being in front of him who seemed very small to him.

"Your boss? The boss of Huangquan Auction House?"

Huang Jiu nodded reservedly.

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