Boss Feng acted very quickly, and the two of them spent the entire morning completing the transfer and leaflets.

The transfer in front of Fengdu Supermarket was peeled off, and Boss Feng took him into the supermarket to take a look around.

I have to say that Boss Feng’s supermarket would rather have Fatty in the real world.

Everything is complete, divided into three areas: high, middle and high-end.

There is also a meat and fishery area.

Boss Feng is quite proud.

"Fengdu Supermarket has been open for 12 years, and no one has ever said anything bad about us. Business must be real to last long."

223 Return to the Tower of the Underworld! ! Horrible new record?

Lin Yu agreed with this point.

After visiting the supermarket, Lin Yucai asked about Boss Feng.

"We haven't talked about how much."

Boss Feng is a practical person. After thinking about it for a moment, he held out two fingers: "Including the goods in the supermarket, you can give me 20 million."

This price is by no means high, after all, this is a long-established supermarket, and the 20 million also includes supermarket goods.

"I'll give you fifty million."

Lin Yu spoke, and what he said shocked Boss Feng.

"You take this money, except what you deserve, and you use the rest to run the supermarket."

Boss Feng nodded drowsily and asked Lin Yu: "Then how do I usually contact you?"

"I will contact you if something happens. If you want to see me for something important, just go to Boss Huang Quan."


The supermarket business came to an end, and their flyers were sent out in the afternoon.

As a long-established supermarket, the closure of Fengdu Supermarket will undoubtedly attract public attention.

Therefore, the flyers were sent with a photo of him and Boss Feng printed on them.

It made many ghosts pay attention.

Lin Yu took the time to look at the system tasks.

I found that the task was not completed even though it was completed.

[Task 8: Only those who are rich and famous are truly rich, and let the world be your legend (unfinished)]

[Ask the host to use the inner circle travel card to go to the inner circle to complete the consumption amount to increase the reputation (50 million/100 million)]

[A five-day period, reaching one hundred reputation points (impressing a thousand ghosts) (Completed)]

[Task reward: Crazy crit card*5, Buddha*1, random high-grade vagina*1]

The reputation has been achieved, but the consumption amount has not yet been reached.

Lin Yu didn't worry anymore. After handing the supermarket to Boss Feng, he teleported back.

Return to the villa.

Lin Yu took a good nap, and it was only a day before he arrived.

It’s not time for the forced copy yet.

Being bored at home, he simply came to the thriller space.

There is still a gray sky in the space, and two tall towers stand here.

There were many people surrounding the Tower of the Underworld.

Lin Yu walked over and heard them talking about breaking into the tower.

He subconsciously looked up. The record of 2.1 seconds he set before was still there unbroken.

I just have time today, so I might as well go in and have some fun.

Tower of the Underworld: It is currently known that there are one hundred floors, and each floor has different levels and numbers of ghosts.

Lin Yu walked into the Tower of Dark Spirits, and the next moment, three or four ghosts appeared around him.

The ghosts in the Tower of Netherworld have increased from low to high.

It was really easy to get through. In one minute, Lin Yu had already reached the tenth floor.

At this time, outside the Tower of the Underworld.

Everyone watched in shock as the number of layers was frantically refreshed as quickly as possible by a ghost controller named Emperor Fengdu.

"It only took him ten seconds to reach the fifth level? Oh my god."

"There is also the tenth floor. It only took him twenty seconds. It took me half an hour to get through the tenth floor last time."

The speaker was full of bitterness. Compared with Emperor Fengdu, he looked like a waste.

At this time, Lin Yu was completely immersed in it.

It feels like meeting a god and killing a god, meeting a demon and killing a demon.

Not long after, he arrived at the fortieth floor.

Starting from here, it is already a fierce ghost.

Lin Yu put away the Seven Evil Nails of Luohu, turned his wrist, and the super-grade yin instrument Xuanlu for drinking blood appeared in his hand.

At this moment, the forty-level ghost seemed to be aware of the danger and did not dare to rush forward.

If they don't take the initiative, then it's up to him.

Lin Yu clenched his spear and stepped forward quickly.

Every inch is stronger.

This is not a lie.

Lin Yu didn't get close to those evil spirits at all, so he eliminated them one by one.

This was his first time fighting with Blood Drinking Xuanlu.

It was indeed tailor-made for him by Ding Liang. He held the spear as if it was part of his body.

So handy.

Take his Blood-Drinking Xuanlu and see how many floors you can reach.

"Holy shit, he's on the fiftieth floor."

"How long has it been? Not even an hour, right?"

"It's going crazy. At this speed, Emperor Fengdu must be at the peak of the sixth level, right?"

"If the name hadn't been different, I would have suspected it was Tianshu, the strongest person."

Because of Lin Yu's super fighting power, more and more people gathered around the Nether Spirit Tower. Many of them came out of the Nether Spirit Tower and stood here again.

The horror space is not only filled with people from Xia Kingdom, it also contains ghost masters from all over the world.

There are many ghost masters who practice here every day.

At this time, the ghost controllers from various countries looked at the name of Emperor Fengdu.

All were shocked.

"Is he the Fengdu Emperor I know? Isn't he only the fourth level?"

The ghost controller who participated in the competition with Lin Yu last time in Bangzi Kingdom muttered to himself.

No one around him answered him, and they were also thinking about this question.

Still thinking about life.

Heilong and Wentianfa had just come out of the Tower of Dark Spirits.

They had nothing to do at home, so they made an appointment to break into the tower together. They finally made it to the 40th floor. They were all evil ghosts. It was really difficult for them to deal with them, so they withdrew.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it came out, I saw Emperor Fengdu refreshing the fastest ranking.

Now, the number one on each floor is Emperor Fengdu.

Looking at the neat names on it, Heilong and Wentian were both excited and envious.

"` ¨We are both at the fourth level, so how come the Great Emperor is different from others?"

"So he is the Great Emperor and you are the Black Dragon. How are they the same?"

Wentian rolled his eyes at him and continued looking.

Lin Yu has already reached the fifty-fifth floor.

The fierce ghosts here are all in the middle level, and there are many of them, so it is really difficult to deal with them.

After piercing a ghost, Lin Yu took a breath, picked up the spear, and pierced another ghost that sneaked up on him.

Not long after, the evil ghosts had almost been killed.

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