Lin Yu killed the last one and was almost exhausted.

He didn't intend to hold on, so he turned around and walked out.

Outside the Tower of the Underworld.

Wentian suddenly pulled Black Dragon crazily. He was staring at the effort to refresh his ranking. When Wentian pulled him, he thought he did it on purpose. Just as he was about to speak, his peripheral vision caught sight of a familiar figure not far away.

"Feng... uh uh."

"Don't shout, do you want the emperor to be surrounded?"

After Wentian finished speaking, he pulled him towards Lin Yu.

Lin Yu broke through to the fifty-fifth floor and came out. At this time, he was the number one on the fifty-fifth floor.

The three people walked out of the range of the Tower of the Underworld.

Black Dragon danced to express his excitement and admiration.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "You're not bad either."

It's fine if I don't say it, but I'll lose it if I mention the black dragon.

"Forget it, I'm a waste compared to you."

Boss Lin Yu: How can he answer this?

Wentian changed the subject: "Emperor, has Mr. Bai Ye contacted you?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"No, I just wanted to express my condolences and give us the reward."

Lin Yu nodded. He entered the world of horror after returning from the game. It was normal that he didn't receive it.

It was learned from Heilong that they were now in Jiangcheng, and the three of them made an appointment to drink together.

They each exited the horror space.

Night falls.

The stalls outside and the restaurant were extremely busy.

After a hard day's work, night is the best time to relax with a drink.

224 Ghost attack! Crisis in Xia Kingdom!

At the barbecue stall.

Mao Fuyi unbuttoned his belt and found three boxes of empty beer bottles under the table.

His companion wanted to persuade him to drink, so he waved his hand.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to pee first, it's suffocating me."

There is a dark alley next to the barbecue stall, which is the best place to drink water after drinking.

His companion didn't care when he walked over and continued drinking with the others.

Before I had finished my glass of wine, I suddenly heard a scream.

The companions were startled by Mao Fuyi's cry, and shouted displeasedly into the alley: "What's that weird cry about? Hurry up and get out. Such a cry scares me to the point where I feel it. Hey, are you going?"

"It's okay to go, let's go."

The two of them walked in together, but they didn't find that Mao Fuyi had stopped barking. They thought that Mao Fuyi didn't dare to bark anymore.

The two of them approached the alley, and under the faint light from the street lamp, they saw a thrilling scene.

A green and white figure was holding Mao Fuyi and feasting on his flesh and blood. Their appearance interrupted the ghost's eating.

The ghost raised its head, revealing the half-eaten Mao Fuyi.


The police car came quickly.

At this time, the ghost that killed Mao Fuyi had already escaped.

The two companions who discovered Mao Fuyi were also frightened, looking at the alley with dull eyes.

After the police took the person away, they immediately reported the incident to the No. 9 Investigation Bureau.

At the same time, many similar cases occurred in various parts of Xia Kingdom.

The horror world is really here.

Early the next morning.

Lin Yu received a call from Bai Ye.

I thought it was a condolence call like Heilong and the others, but that was the first thing Bai Ye said.

"Emperor Fengdu, I now invite you in an official capacity to come to Jiangcheng to attend the meeting of ghost masters."


Lin Yu was confused, why was there a meeting?

"Emperor Fengdu, it's too late to explain to you. I can only tell you that Xia Kingdom is facing a huge crisis now. I also want to inform others to come over as soon as possible."

After saying that, Bai Ye hung up the phone.

The biggest crisis facing Xia Kingdom?

Lin Yu frowned, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

After simply cleaning up, he put on the Faceless Face, and his face instantly changed into an ordinary face.

On the way to Jiangcheng, Lin Yu received a call from Heilong.

"Emperor, have you come to Jiangcheng? Wentian and I went to pick you up. Let me tell you that a supernatural incident happened in Jiangcheng last night. It was said that a man was eaten by a ghost. The two people who saw it were frightened."

Lin Yu's heart moved, thinking of the crisis Bai Ye mentioned.

Speculations ran through my mind.

(acda) If this is the case, then this is indeed a big crisis.

Arriving in Jiangcheng, the car approached an apartment.

Heilong told him that the government had prepared a place to live for the ghost masters who came this time. The apartment was a one-bedroom and three-bedroom apartment, and three people lived in one apartment. Wentian and Heilong had already moved in.

The house has been found, which shows that this matter cannot be resolved in a short time.

Put your luggage in the room.

Heilong and Wentian told him the latest news.

"Not only are supernatural events happening in Jiang City, there are also supernatural events all over Xia Kingdom, and they all happened last night. Great Emperor, could it be that all the ghosts in the horror world have escaped to the real world?"

Lin Yu didn't answer. He still didn't know the matter yet.

Wentian glanced at his phone with a strange expression on his face: "Those ghost masters announced in the group that they were going to explore Jiangcheng at night and asked us if we wanted to go."

Black Dragon subconsciously looked at Lin Yu.

Visiting Jiangcheng at night, Lin Yu shook his head: "I won't go, you can go if you want."

Heilong was a little moved, and after discussing it with Wentian, they decided to go and have a look together.

In the afternoon, Lin Yu received a call from Li Nian.

She said that Bai Ye invited her to attend an official meeting and asked Lin Yu if he had been to Jiangcheng.

"Already here, in the apartment."

"Brother Lin, let me treat you to dinner tonight. By the way, I want to tell you about this matter. My father cooperates with the authorities and knows more about this matter."


In the evening, Heilong and Wentian went to join the ghost controllers who were exploring Jiangcheng at night, while Lin Yu went out alone to find Li Nian.

Almost all the ghost controllers are here. The ghost controllers who have seen Lin Yu glanced at Heilong and Wentian and asked deliberately: "Isn't the ghost controller who lives with you here?"

Asking in front of so many people, his intentions are evident.

Wentian said with a cold face: "He was called away by Mr. Heiyue, saying he had something to say."

As soon as these words came out, the man shut up.

Heilong also glanced at Wentian in surprise. Didn't the Emperor go on a date with Li Nian?

What do you care about Mr. Black Moon?

At this time, Lin Yu had already arrived at the restaurant.

When he walked into the box, Li Nian was already there.

After the two of them ordered their dishes, Li Nian didn't talk about what happened until the waiter went out.

"The official has sent people to investigate. The current results are very bad. The most likely possibility is that a group of ghosts escaped from the horror world. I don't know the exact number, but there are definitely quite a few."

Lin Yu could think of this.

If it were any less, the officials wouldn't have so many ghost masters.

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