In the cave, several mining ghosts were chatting.

"The lunch meal is getting more and more confusing. Not only is it not delicious, but it is also limited. We are doing physical work. How can we do it if we don't eat enough."

"That's right. We're letting humans right under our noses, so we're not afraid that we'll eat them if we get hungry."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Our mine is too remote and it's hard to buy things. It would be nice to have food."

"Then we have to keep them fed. Besides, don't we cooperate with Yewei Tomb and Huang Quan? Can't we ask them to bring some food?"

"What you are thinking is simple. The ones from Yewei Tomb and Huangquan are not capable of stripping off two ounces of meat. If you ask them to bring things over, the ore from the mine will not be sold at a high price."

"Really, this is too frustrating."

"What does this smell like? It smells so good."

A smell of meat appeared in the mine, which attracted the three mining ghosts to smell it. Until they turned around, they saw the human whom they regarded as food rations holding a whole piece of instant meat.

He didn't eat either, so he just held it.

The three ghosts smelled the meat and almost salivated.

"Why do you have meat?"

The more rational bald ghost of the three mining ghosts asked.

Lin Yu smiled slightly and said: "This piece is for the three of you, but you have to answer a question from me."

"what is the problem?"

As soon as the bald ghost finished speaking, the impatient ghost next to him became annoyed.

"No problem, why don't the three of us grab the meat?"

"Yes, as long as you have the ability."

Lin Yu's other hand had already grasped Luohu's Seven Evil Nails.

The bald guy is more sensible and calms down the impatient guy.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Is your mine owner at the mine?"

This question was irrelevant. Even if he was told whether he was there or not, he didn't know where the mine owner was.

"In the mines."

After the bald man finished speaking, Lin Yu threw the meat over and took out another bag from his pocket.

Open it slowly.

Mining Three Ghosts:…….

The bald ghost was very smart. He looked at Lin Yu warily and asked, "What else do you want to ask?"

"Where are you mine owners now?"

As soon as these words came out, the bald brother's face turned ugly.

"What are you doing with our mine owner?"

Seeing the vigilance on his face, Lin Yu smiled slightly: "Let's negotiate a deal with him that will satisfy you."


"What's the meaning?"

The bald man thought he heard wrongly.

Lin Yu stood up and said, "It means that I have the ability to deliver ingredients to your mine so that you can eat enough."

The bald man still didn't believe it.

"Why should I trust you?"

Lin Yu shook the meat on his hand.

"Isn't this enough?"

The impetuous ghost pulled the bald ghost: "It's okay to tell him. There are bodyguards around the mine owner. Even if I tell him, he won't be able to see the mine owner."

As for what Lin Yu said about negotiating a deal, he didn't believe it at all.

Human beings are so capable.

The bald ghost didn't do what the hotheaded ghost said.

He knew very well how much Lin Yu said their mine needed it.

You can suppress yourself if you are not full for a while, but no one can bear it if you are not full for a long time.

"You two dig first, and I'll take him to the mine owner."

Upon hearing this, the impetuous ghost glared: "You are stupid. You just believe what he says. How can he be here if he is so capable?"

The bald ghost didn't say anything. He patted the impetuous ghost and said, "I have a sense of propriety."

Walked up to Lin Yu and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to find the mine owner."

This result was better than Lin Yu thought, so he threw the meat in his hand to the impatient ghost.

The bald ghost was a little surprised, and his attitude towards him softened a little.

"Follow me."

After walking out of the cave, Old Ghost Li was still standing at the entrance of the cave. When he saw him coming out empty-handed, he was about to say something but was interrupted by the bald ghost.

233 Resistance copy! Resist the Night Crying Tomb!

"I'll take him to the mine owner."

Old Ghost Li was stunned and stepped forward to stop the bald man.

"Why take him to find the mine owner?"

The bald ghost's voice was light but his aura was strong: "Something's wrong."

Old Ghost Li continued to ask, but was pushed away by the bald man, and Old Ghost Li's expression changed.

Black Jacket noticed the movement here and came over.

Just as he was about to ask, the bald man pulled him aside and after saying a few words to him, Black Jacket's expression changed.

He said to Lin Yu: "You better not be lying, otherwise, you will be a dish for today's lunch."

Lin Yu ignored him and followed the bald ghost.

After he left, Old Ghost Li walked up to Black Jacket, and when he was about to ask, he stared back coldly.

"Do your job well. Don't you know what you should and shouldn't ask?"

Old Ghost Li's expression froze and he stepped back.

Looking at Lin Yu's retreating back, he frowned and felt a little panicked, feeling that something out of control was about to happen.

Just a human being, what can he do? Maybe he can be used to add food to lunch.

Thinking about it this way, Old Ghost Li was no longer so panicked.

At this time, the bald ghost took him to a small door next to the warehouse.

There were no guards here, so the bald ghost opened the door and walked in. After walking through the long corridor, Lin Yu saw two guards guarding a room.

They looked at the bald ghost and saw Lin Yu.

"Has this human committed a crime?"

"No, he said he had a deal to discuss with an adult."

"Negotiating a deal?"

The guard seemed to have heard a joke, "What kind of deal can a human negotiate with an adult? Go back."

"Are you sure you don't want to inform your Lordships? My deal may not be big or small, but it will satisfy the ghosts in your mine."

The words just fell.

A voice came from the room: "Let him come in."

In a dark room.

A middle-aged man with unshaven beard pulled the curtains. He had a scar on his face, which made him a bit more fierce.

He is the mine owner.

The room is not big, just a bed and a desk.

The mine owner sat down on the chair and raised his eyes to look at Lin Yu.

"You said you want to make a deal for me? Tell me, what do you have?"

Lin Yu pulled out his chair and sat down. The bald man stood beside him, with a look of disapproval on his face.

Lin Yu didn't pay attention. He was talking to the mine owner: "I have a big supermarket in the inner area. You should have heard the name, Fengdu Supermarket."

The mine owner was stunned for a moment, then reacted and sneered: "Do you think I don't know anything about the city at the edge of the inner circle? I have met the owner of Fengdu Supermarket. His surname is Feng. He is a ghost, not a human being."

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