After saying that, he looked at Lin Yu calmly, trying to see his panic expression.

However, Lin Yu did not panic.

"Then you must not have been to the city during this time."

"If you go there, you will definitely know that Fengdu Supermarket has changed people."

The mine owner frowned. He had indeed not been to the city during this time.

Lin Yu knew that no matter how much he said, it would be better to come up with something to convince the mine owner.

"The mine owner must have heard about the Huangquan auction some time ago. Unfortunately, I went to attend and bought some things by the way."

He took out the Black Crow envelope and accidentally took out the other side badge.

Seeing the badge, the mine owner's expression suddenly changed.

"Are you the director of the other side?"

Lin Yu glanced at the badge.

How come everyone knows this thing?

"it's me."

The mine owner looked at him in surprise, believing Lin Yu's words to the fullest.

He looked at the envelope again.

"This is?"

"The black crow envelope was sold at the Huangquan auction."

The mine owner was stunned, his eight points of trust had now grown to ten points.

He looked at Lin Yu and smiled.

"I believe you are the owner of Fengdu Supermarket. We can negotiate this deal."

The bald ghost walked out in a daze.

He didn't expect that this human being could have so many identities. He was rational on the other side and the owner of Fengdu Supermarket.

Also participated in the Huangquan auction.

Until he returned to the mine, Black Jacket saw that Lin Yu was no longer around him, so he pulled him and asked, "What's going on? Where is that human?"

Old ghost Li pretended to pick up ore and squatted next to the two ghosts.

Listen to them.

When Lin Yu didn't come back, Li Laogui felt happy, hehe, maybe that human being had become a snack at noon.

The bald man was still in a daze. He was silent for a while before saying to the black jacket: "Let's talk about the deal with the mine owner again. He is the director of Bian'an and the owner of Fengdu Supermarket."

As soon as these words came out, Black Jacket was shocked.

"A human being is actually the owner of Fengdu Supermarket? Isn't the owner of Fengdu Supermarket a ghost?"

No wonder Black Jacket was so shocked, he had also been to Fengdu Supermarket.

The bald ghost was also confused: "I don't know about this, but the mine owner believed it. The human told the mine owner that he would bring food to the mine tomorrow."


Black Jacket was excited. Damn it, he hadn't eaten enough during this time.

Even if I don’t do any physical work, I can’t hold on.

The bald ghost went back after saying that, but Old Ghost Li who was squatting on the ground panicked.

That human being is not dead, he is still the director of the other side, and he has negotiated a deal with the mine owner.

how so?

How could the mine owners trust humans?

No matter how panicked Old Gui Li was, Lin Yu was currently signing a contract with the mine owner.

He has sent a message to Boss Feng in a black crow envelope, asking him to find someone to transport the ingredients to the Guiyan Mine. If he can't find anyone, he should go to Boss Huang Quan.

Black Crow envelopes work great.

Write the content on the stationery, write the address on the back, and the stationery will disappear.

When you appear, you will be by the recipient's side.

After seeing his communication method, the mine owner became more enthusiastic towards him.

When he learned that Lin Yu was here to complete the copy, the mine owner said.

"`¨If you need anything, just say it."

Need, Lin Yu didn't know what he needed.

Ever since he was forcibly sent to this copy, he had not received any prompts.

After signing the contract, Lin Yu went to the mine to find anyone he knew.

Ask them what they need to accomplish.

The mine owner solved a major problem and immediately agreed to go with him.

Lin Yu stood up and just walked out of the mine owner's office.

A reminder rang in my mind.

[Welcome to the Creepy Eye Mine. As the only mid-grade mine in the inner area, the Creepy Eye Mine is coveted by many ghosts. 】

[Level 5 resistance dungeon, guard the Creepy Eye Mine and help the Creepy Eye Mine resist an attack from the Night Crying Tomb (unfinished)]

Lin Yu stopped suddenly, and the mine owner walking beside him looked at him doubtfully.

"Little friend, what's wrong?"

After they signed the contract, the mine owner kept calling him Xiaoyou and said that the two were destined for each other.

Now Lin Yu just wants to say that this fate is too deceiving.

A level 5 resistance copy can still resist the attack of Night Crying Tomb.

Just thinking about it makes me feel dizzy.

"Do you cooperate with Yewei Tomb?"

The mine owner was stunned by his question and nodded: "Yes, our Weiye Mine is the only medium-grade mine in the inner area. Many ghosts want to cooperate with us, but we have only cooperated with two companies so far. Crying in the grave, a family is in hell."

"Speaking of Yewei Tomb, that organization is too overbearing and insists that we only cooperate with him exclusively. I'm not stupid. Isn't that the only one who can be controlled by him?"

224 You are the noble person of our mine!

The mine owner had a proud look on his face, and Lin Yu was silent for a few seconds, feeling helpless: "The mine owner is wise."

I was originally confused as to why Yeweiling Tomb would attack the Sly Eye Mine, but now I understand.

"The mine also cooperates with Huangquan. Yeweiling Tomb and Huangquan are both in the inner area. Doesn't the mine cooperate with the outer area or the core area?"

The mine owner looked at him with a strange look, so strange that Lin Yu wondered if he had said the wrong thing.

Fortunately, the mine owner didn't look at it for a long time before explaining to him.

"It's not that we don't cooperate, it's that we can't send it out. We need access cards from the outer perimeter to the inner perimeter, and we also need access cards from the inner perimeter to the core."

"It takes a lot of money to get a door card, and you also need to have strength, otherwise you won't be able to survive in the inner area. Since you were assigned to us to pass the dungeon, you should also know how difficult it is to enter the inner area."

"The door cards are mainly controlled by two organizations, Yewei Tomb and Nether Paradise. If I want to transport my goods out or to the core area, the Nether Coins required are more expensive than the ore I sell."

The mine owner's intention was obvious. It wasn't that he didn't want to sell, but that the tolls would be too expensive.

His words revealed an important message. The door card was controlled by Yewei Tomb and Netherworld Paradise.

Lin Yu had never been in contact with Netherland Paradise and didn't know what kind of people were in that organization, but he had been in contact with Yewei Tomb.

Very bad impression of it.

Anyone who can collude with Yewei Tomb is probably not a good organization.

Lin Yu did not continue this topic.

Come to the mine with the mine owner.

Old Ghost Li was picking up stones when a pair of white sneakers suddenly appeared years ago. He was deeply impressed by this pair of shoes.

Which human being.

He, he's fine.

Old Ghost Li swallowed his saliva with difficulty and stood up tremblingly.

The mine owner told Black Jacket the good news. As soon as he finished speaking, he looked towards Lin Yu and saw Old Ghost Li who was shaking like chaff.

Old Ghost Li is the old man of their mine. He has no wife or children and is alone. He has been working in the mine for hundreds of years.

Because I accidentally provoked a fierce ghost when I went out, I was beaten by the fierce ghost until I was left with only one breath. I finally survived, and my strength also regressed to that of the evil ghost.

The mine owner thought that he had been working in the mine for so long and that raising a useless ghost wouldn't cost much, so he arranged for Black Jacket to let him pick up stones outside and lead others.

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