Speaking of which, this human being also came today. Could it be that Old Ghost Li brought him?

Lin Yu also saw Old Ghost Li, glanced past his trembling body, and turned to look at the mine owner.

"I (acda) have a suggestion, I don't know whether I should mention it or not."

When the mine owner heard this, he quickly said: "That's all my friend said."

"Many of the carts in the mine are broken, which affects the work efficiency. You can only load as much as you need with the iron bucket. The required quantity is not provided with decent tools. This is not a good thing for a mine."

If they lose their ghost heart, these ghosts will definitely run away if they are attacked. Who wants to fight for the mine?

The mine owner frowned and looked at Black Jack.

Black Jack didn't expect that this was what Lin Yu meant when he opened his mouth.

He was a little dissatisfied, but Lin Yu was now the key to whether their mine could have enough food.

Can't offend.

"Mine owner, I was just about to tell you that several of the carts have been broken. I need to go to Yewei Tomb to buy a few more."

Lin Yu was stunned. Did you buy the carts from Yewei Tomb?

"How much does it cost for you to buy this cart?"

"It's not cheap, one thousand Ming coins."

When it comes to the price, the mine owner is full of complaints: "It's still not working, and I have to replace it in two months. This batch was replaced not long ago."

Lin Yu had seen the quality of the cart, and it seemed true that it was very average.

It takes a lot of effort not to mention that it’s quite expensive to sell.

The most important thing is that I bought it from Yewei Tomb.

The mine owner cursed and wanted to contact Yewei Tomb, but was stopped by Lin Yu.

"I'll send a message to my people and ask him to bring a few over tomorrow to compare the two."

The mine owner didn't want to buy Yewei Tomb's goods, but he immediately beamed when he heard this.

"My little friend, you are the noble man of our mine."

Lin Yu smiled faintly.

After sending a message to Boss Feng, Lin Yu walked around the mine and found no humans.

Could it be that the people who came before have left?

Just as he was thinking about it, a familiar voice came from the cave next to him.

"What is this thing? Isn't this just a laborious thing? I'm really impressed that you can still use this thing. In our world, this thing has been thrown away a long time ago."

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows.

An unexpected surprise.

Unexpectedly, it was an acquaintance who came this time.

Just as he was about to go over, a figure came out with difficulty pushing a cart.

Even if the black dragon is a fourth-level ghost controller, it will still be difficult for him to push this cart of ore.

This is too heavy.

I don’t know what happened to Wentian.

Just as he was thinking about it, the wheel suddenly tilted to the side, and Heilong might as well let go subconsciously.

A cart full of ore fell to the ground.

Black Dragon was dumbfounded.

The grumpy Black Jacket came over, waving his whip.

A whip hit Heilong's feet. Heilong was startled and subconsciously wanted to take out his vagina.

At this moment, Lin Yu came out.

"Black dragon."

When Mengbuding heard the familiar voice, Heilong was stunned and looked over subconsciously.

His eyes widened suddenly.

"Great Emperor, why are you here? No, are you also assigned to this copy?"

Lin Yu nodded and told Black Jacket that Black Dragon was his brother without saying anything more.

Black Jacket responded lukewarmly, turned around and was about to leave when he heard the man behind him say.

"Great Emperor, Wentian is still in that cave."

Black Dragon pointed to the side.

Black Jacket subconsciously looked over and saw Wentian pushing a cart out. Wentian was already thin and small, and the cart was squirming. As expected, the wheels were tilted.

The ore fell to the ground again.

If he hadn't heard the conversation between Heilong and Lin Yu, Black Jacket would have really wanted to scold them both. No, that's not right. They should be given a few whips.

A total of three people came here today, and two of them were so deceitful.


Black Jacket walked away with a cold face. Black Dragon didn't care about him. He was waving to Wentian excitedly.

Wentian also saw them and ran over excitedly.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yu told them that they didn't have to work and explained the reason.

The two of them have always been convinced of Lin Yu's abilities.

I thought I would suffer a lot in this dungeon, but who knew Lin Yu was here.

This is another happy copy.

"What is your mission in this dungeon?"

Heilong was about to say something, but was interrupted by Wentian.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go over there and talk."

The ghosts next to them almost picked up stones under their feet.

If the eavesdropping is so obvious, do you think they are blind?

After finding a location where there was no one around, Wentian was the first to speak out.

"Hold the mine."

Black Dragon then nodded: "Mine too."

"That's all? Did you say what will attack the mine?"

The two shook their heads.

They didn't get as much information as Lin Yu.

"It's the Night Crying Tomb."

Speaking of this organization, Lin Yu told them about his last visit to the inner area.

235 Ingredients delivered! Someone is coming from Huangquan!

Lin Yu emphatically told them about Yewei Tomb's cruelty and cunning.

Just to let them be more prepared in future copies.

The two of them were angry because he was almost killed by Yewei Tomb.

He said fiercely: "When those ghosts come, I will definitely kill two more."

Although the words are rough, the concern in them is touching.

"Well, let's talk next time."

Lin Yu didn't tell the mine owner that Yewei Tomb was going to attack.

Now is not the time to tell.

The mine owner didn't trust him, just because he said he could bring food.

If his people can't bring the ingredients tomorrow, then he and the three of them won't be able to live well.

Thoughts return.

Lin Yu took them to the residence he assigned.

It's a single room.

This treatment is already considered good, after all, the mine owner’s room is also so simple.

"Great Emperor, how are you going to tell the mine owner about this? Why don't you tell him that we got the news from the copy."

In fact, it is not wrong to say so, but I am afraid that the mine owner has ulterior motives.

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