"Let's talk again."

Lin Yu did not continue this topic. The few of them chatted about other things for a while, and the topic shifted to Tianshu.

"Tell me which ghost company is cooperating with our Tianju. If you can close the entrance, your status in the horror world must be high."

Lin Yu didn't know whether he was low or low, but he had a hunch that the cooperation had something to do with the girl.

But, what exactly does she want?

Early the next morning.

Lin Yu was awakened by the noise outside.

He opened the door and the sound became clearer, accompanied by excited roars.

what happened?

Could it be that Yewei Tomb has been attacked?

Just as he was wondering, Wentian ran over and shouted: "Great Emperor, your ghost has arrived with the ingredients. Everyone is waiting for you."

Boss Feng has arrived.

So fast.

Lin Yu changed his clothes and walked out.

The entrance to the gate was completely surrounded and there was no way to get in. When Wentian saw this, he howled: "The Great Emperor Fengdu is here."

Hearing the sound, the ghost immediately gave way.

Who is Emperor Fengdu?

Before yesterday, they would have said they didn’t know or didn’t recognize him.

But after yesterday, they all remembered this code name.

Who is Emperor Fengdu?

He is the key figure in whether they can have enough to eat in the future.

Lin Yu walked in with Wentian. The mine owner was talking to Boss Feng in the back when he saw him coming.

He walked over in stride.

"Little friend, your ghost moves are so fast."

The mine owner smiled so hard that his teeth were exposed, which showed how happy he was to see so many ingredients.

Lin Yu smiled slightly and looked at Boss Feng.

The ghost had a very discerning eye. When he saw him looking over, he immediately bowed his waist and said respectfully: "My lord, fortunately you have lived up to your command."

What he said created a completely pretentious scene for him.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Mine owner, since the things have arrived, let's have them unloaded."

This was what the mine owner was waiting for, and he immediately started unloading with his ghost.

Boxes of meat, long-lasting vegetables, and staple food were all moved down, and at the very back, there were several carts hanging.

Lin Yu took a look and Boss Feng ordered the ghost to move the car down.

This car was obviously better than the one the mine owner sold from Yewei Tomb. Lin Yu asked Boss Feng: "How many hell coins are there?"

Boss Feng stretched out a hand: "Five hundred ghost coins."

The price he negotiated with the mine owner was still one thousand, and he earned half of it directly from a car.

At this time, the ingredients have almost been moved.

The mine owner also saw those cars and suddenly became excited.

"Little friend, let's go try it?"

Lin Yu nodded: "Okay."

The cart brought by Boss Feng was filled with a cart of ore, and Heilong volunteered to push it. Yesterday, he pushed a cart of ore underground, and the wheels of the cart were crooked. The mine owner knew this.

I originally wanted to refuse, but since Lin Yu was here, the mine owner was embarrassed.

Wait and see Heilong pushing the car out without any effort.

The mine owner was stunned.

Is it possible that this person did it on purpose yesterday?

Black Dragon is very excited. This car is more in line with human body mechanics and is much stronger than the one yesterday.

After his explanation, the mine owner was dubious and tried his ghost, and found that it was true.

As a result, the sale of a thousand-dollar car was completed perfectly.

As mentioned before, the price of Guiyan Mine is not low, and the owner of the mine is quite wealthy, otherwise Yewei Tomb would not covet his mine.

As a unique being, he has many advantages.

After the deal was concluded, the mine owner and Boss Feng agreed to deliver goods once every three days and three trucks at a time.

All carts have been replaced with new ones.

After saying this, the mine owner said he would arrange for the kitchen to prepare some new dishes and left first.

Lin Yu introduced Heilong Wentian to Boss Feng and asked him about crying at the tomb at night.

"Did they come back to cause trouble after I left?"

0··Ask for flowers··· 0

Boss Feng nodded: "Yes, but he was driven away by Huangquan's people. Boss Huangquan told them in public that he and Mr. Fengdu were good friends, and the people who cried at the grave at night never came again after that."


Lin Yu was a little surprised.

What is Huang Quan's purpose in doing this?

Are you going to break up with Yewei Tomb because of them?

Unable to figure it out, Lin Yu continued to think deeply.

Compared with this matter, there is another matter that needs Huang Quan's action.

Tell Boss Feng about the Night Crying Tomb Society's attack on the Guilty Eye Mine, and ask him to go to the Huangquan Auction to look for Huangquan after he returns.

Tell him about it.

If Huang Quan can make a move, 80% of the goods from the Guiyan Mine can be given to him.

As for the remaining 20%, he planned to use space to take it away to the periphery.

.... ... ...

He didn't tell Boss Feng about this plan.

Had lunch.

Boss Feng took the people back.

The mine owner invited Lin Yu to visit the mine.

Lin Yu did not refuse, he also wanted to see how big the Guileyan Mine was.

Walking along the mining area, I don’t know how long I walked, and I saw the endless mountains in the distance.

Lin Yu had a hunch that the Guileyan Mine was not small, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

As for the mine owner who owns the entire mine, Lin Yu wouldn't believe it if he said he had no background.

Then why did the copy ask them to guard the mine for them this time?

Could it be that Yewei Tomb's attack came unexpectedly?

Thinking about it, Lin Yu casually asked through the chat: "Omine owner, you occupy such a large mine, aren't you afraid that some organizations will covet you?"

The mine owner smiled complacently and said, "They didn't dare to act rashly. They forgot to tell you, little friend, that I am a ghost from the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave."

Cave of Ten Thousand Ghosts.

Lin Yu had heard of this name, but only once. It was said to be a very mysterious organization, and the ghosts in the organization were powerful.

However, the ghosts there are very low-key.

Don't reveal your identity easily.

However, the more this happens, the more people cannot ignore it.

Lin Yu somewhat understood.

However, distant water cannot quench near thirst.

He didn't ask any more about the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave.

The mine owner said nothing more.

Huang Quan's reply came quickly and directly.

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