Exquisite food is placed on the long table.

There were also some waiters in black tuxedos walking among them.

It's a feast.

It's like a drinking party for rich people in the real world.

The music suddenly stopped.

A male ghost in a white suit walked down the stairs on the second floor. He stood on the middle step and raised his hands below: "Everyone, welcome to my carnival party."

"Now, you can party as much as you want, release to your heart's content, and do what you want to do most. I have prepared these for you."

"Not only food and wine, but also beautiful women."

The waiter stepped forward and pulled open the table with a tablecloth on the edge. Only then did Lin Yu realize that it was not a table, but large iron cages.

Inside the cage are beautiful female ghosts and people.

Lin Yu frowned fiercely.

He was right, there was a woman in it.

"Oh, I almost forgot, there are some snacks here. Of course, these are all prepared by me for you. I announce that the carnival has begun. Everyone, get crazy."

As the music plays.

Those ghosts holding wine glasses and wearing formal clothes, pretending to be human-like, returned to their true nature one by one.

They stood by the cage, looking wildly at the female ghost or woman inside.

Lin Yu is also among them, but he is not doing it for fun.

His eyes fell on a woman with a Xia country face, and there was a ghost next to her who was also looking at the woman.

However, his eyes sparkled not only with desire, but also with perverted excitement.

Before the ghost could take action, Lin Yu strode forward, grabbed the woman and pulled her out.

He moved very quickly, and by the time the ghost reacted, the woman had already been pulled away by him.

The ghost stared at the woman's back unwillingly. He didn't know what he thought of, and withdrew his eyes vaguely, looking for other women.

There were almost a dozen women in the cage.

When he didn't know the situation clearly, it was enough for him to save one.

The women were trembling all over. They knew exactly what they were going to face when they came here.

Lin Yu sympathized, but was not prepared to comfort.

After finding a hidden position, Lin Yu looked at the woman.

"How did you get here?"

The woman looked at him in confusion and spoke a string of Sakura Mandarin.

Lin Yu was stunned, she was not from Xia country.

My heart suddenly relaxed and then sank.

He switched languages ​​and asked the woman again.

"What countries are the women with you from?"

The woman understood and immediately replied: "Sakura Country and Bangzi Country, and one is a mixture of Bangzi Country and Xia Country."

Xia Kingdom mixed blood.

Lin Yu's eyes sharpened: "Where is she?"

The woman timidly raised her head and glanced at the venue, pointing to a woman held in the arms of a ghost: "It's her."

Lin Yu looked over and saw that the woman was being held in the arms of a fierce ghost, with no expression on her delicate face.

The ghost seemed to be obsessed with her. It just held the ghost that did not make any other moves and did not want to have it, and it had already started the communication between spirit and body.

Lin Yu looked away, glanced at the woman, and frowned slightly: "` ¨Aren't you a ghost controller?"

The woman's eye circles instantly turned red. She choked and said, "No, we are all ordinary people. We were sacrificed here by the emperor of our country."


Lin Yu caught this word keenly.

The woman couldn't control her voice and said intermittently: "I, I don't know what happened. I was at work and suddenly I was selected. They said it was time for me to contribute to our country. They took me Arrest him and put him in a dark room, where there are other people who were arrested like me."

"They came earlier than me. They said that we were arrested to be sacrificed to the horror world. I was very scared. I begged them to let me go, but no one answered me."

The woman was very excited. Lin Yu didn't answer and looked at her coldly.

She wiped her tears and looked horrified.

Don’t talk excitedly about your own experiences.

"We were arrested and imprisoned for three days, and then we were taken away in a car. The iron cage that contained us was always covered with black cloth. We could not see anything, but we could only hear some sounds."

"The last thing I heard was someone saying that I didn't know if this batch could satisfy the appetite of those ghosts."

"After that, we came here. We were hungry here for two days before meeting you."

Lin Yu was thinking about the woman's words.

A woman's scream suddenly came from the venue.

He looked over subconsciously.

A woman's throat was bitten by a ghost, blood spurted out, and the woman's bright eyes gradually dimmed.

This scene undoubtedly stimulated those ordinary women, who couldn't help but scream.

Little did he know that these screams were cheering up these ghosts.

There were screams one after another.

Looking at this scene is like purgatory.

Lin Yu could hardly hold back the anger in his heart.

239 The secret of Wuming Youhai! Xia Qiu seeks cooperation!

Until someone caught him by the corner of his clothes.

"You, you can't be impulsive, they have so many ghosts, you can't beat them."

The woman's trembling voice brought him back to his senses.

Lin Yu turned around and looked at the woman.

"Follow me."

He was not looking at this bloody purgatory-like scene.

He is not cold-blooded. He did not cause these people's mess. It was their country that sacrificed them.

Their fate has become a foregone conclusion.

How can an ordinary woman survive in this horror world?

Get out of the cabin.

Looking at the foggy sky outside, surrounded by the endless deep black sea.

The waves rolled up again and again, hitting the boat.

The woman stood beside him and asked softly: "What is your name?"

Looking at the sky, Lin Yu said calmly: "I will find a relatively safe place for you later. You can hide there and don't come out."

He didn't answer the woman's words.

The woman suddenly panicked: "I, can't I follow you?"

Lin Yu's eyes were slightly cold.

"Are you following me to hold you back? I'm just doing it casually. Whether you can save your life or not depends on you."

If she didn't have a face that was too Xiaguo, he might not have saved him.

He had a bad impression of being a native of Sakura Country.

437. It is difficult to find a hidden location where you can hide people.

Especially since Lin Yu was not familiar with this ship.

It can only be found using the most primitive methods.

The woman followed him quietly, and she kept crying after knowing that Lin Yu was not going to continue taking her.

Lin Yu saw it, but pretended not to see it.

Suddenly, a soft female voice came.

What he said was standard Xia Mandarin.

"Are you really not going to eat me? They have eaten all those women like me, aren't you greedy?"

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