Listening to the woman's words, Lin Yu was slightly startled and almost ate.

A rough male voice sounded next.

"I won't eat you. You are so beautiful. I want to take you home. Don't worry, I don't like eating human flesh. But you can't go down there anymore. I will take you to hide."


Capturing this word keenly, Lin Yu gave a silent reminder to the woman behind him. He turned slightly sideways and saw the male ghost and the woman standing at the bow of the ship.

What surprised him was that the woman was a mixed-race girl from Bangzi and Xia countries.

She kissed the male ghost after he finished speaking.

The male ghost couldn't help but hold her for a while, and finally, panting heavily, he carried her towards the cabin.

Lin Yu followed immediately.

Realizing that he did not enter the ballroom, but walked to the side, he followed him without getting very close.

Behind him, the woman followed him, walking with great difficulty.

It was very dark here, and the eyes of ghosts were not afraid of the dark. He walked with a high stride. After walking for a while, he stopped, lifted a board, and walked in with the woman in his arms.

There was some light underneath the board. Lin Yu walked to the board and followed after hesitating for a moment.

As he entered, Lin Yu discovered that this was a place similar to a ship's cellar for storing vegetables, with some vegetables that were resistant to storage piled inside.

The ghost was very familiar with this place. He was still walking inside with the woman in his arms. After a while, he turned another corner.

Lin Yu quickly followed him and saw him entering a room.

He didn't follow, but walked in the opposite direction and saw a compartment without a door. There were some hay in it to prevent the boat from getting wet.

The room was dark and empty, making it perfect for hiding people.

Lin Yu looked at the woman, who bit her lip and walked in.

"These are for you. Try not to go out here. I will bring you food later."

After saying that, Lin Yu left some food for the woman and turned around and walked out of the room.

The door to the small room was still closed.

The ghost hasn't left yet.

Returning to the ballroom, the lights are bright and ghosts in gorgeous clothes are dancing together.

The blood on the ground has been wiped clean.

If there weren't dozens of empty iron cages, no one would notice that a dozen women were missing.

Lin Yu found a seat and sat down. The food on the table was being replaced by hot food by the waiter.

He had no appetite, so he took a glass of wine and held it in his hand.

The dungeon mission hasn't been released yet, and I don't know what's going on.

Lin Yu took a sip of wine and glanced at the male ghost walking from the side.

It's him.

The ghost that hides the mixed-race woman.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded in my mind.

[Dungeon mission: The so-called carnival is a conspiracy. When they have eaten and drank enough, they will be sent to the guillotine like half of the pigs. 】

[In order to prevent the number of ghosts in the dark sea from increasing, please expose this conspiracy and lead the ghosts to fight back]

[If the mission is successful, points will be awarded based on performance. 】

Expose the conspiracy and fight back?

Lin Yu frowned.

He got two pieces of information from the system mission.

All these ghosts on the ship will die.

but why? What on earth is the initiator of this dance going to do?

Another point is that the ghosts in the dark sea are generated after the ghosts die.

Lin Yu couldn't sit still anymore, got up and walked out of the cabin.

It was still a foggy sky outside, but it was getting darker.

There is a feeling that a storm is coming.

The water below is black.

The waves were crashing, and everything around him was normal, in line with the normality of the horror world.

But, he didn't see the ghost.

not a single one.

If you follow the prompts, there are already too many ghosts in Wuming Youhai to increase.

So, why haven't we seen it yet?

"Are you human?"

A familiar female voice sounded from behind.

Lin Yu turned around and looked at the woman behind him, frowning slightly.

She stood behind him and Lin Yu didn't notice her presence at all without speaking.

"It's you."

The mixed-race woman smiled. In fact, when it came to her appearance, she didn't look very much like a Xia country person.

"Well, my name is Xia Qiu."

The mixed-race woman was not surprised that Lin Yu knew about her. She discovered him when Lin Yu chose the woman from Sakura Country.

Of course, it was probably because of him that he brought the fierce ghost to the outside.

"Emperor Fengdu."

Lin Yu said, frowning: "Are you a ghost controller?"

The woman smiled and nodded: "Yes."

As he said that, he added: "I'm here to do a mission."

One thing she didn't say was that the mission she was doing was not a mandatory dungeon mission.

Lin Yu intuitively felt that her mission was similar to his.

He was more curious about where the woman came from than about the mission.

When asked, the woman quickly gave an explanation.

"I was selected by the Bangzi Kingdom and sent here to sacrifice. However, unlike those people, I took the initiative to let them choose."

Those people are forced.

Both of them thought of the tragedy just now.

"Emperor Fengdu, you are here to do a dungeon mission. I think we can cooperate."

"How to cooperate?"

Xia Qiu smiled and stretched out his hand: "Let me introduce you to each other. My name is Xia Qiu. I am originally from the Xia Kingdom and belong to the No. 9 Investigation Bureau."

Lin Yu's outstretched hand paused.

How did the people from Investigation Bureau No. 9 become Bangzi Chinese?

Could it be that….

"A ghost has come out, come with me."

Xia Qiu grabbed him and they walked to the stern of the boat.

240 Conspiracy! Forged stationery?

There was a ghostly scent at the bow of the ship.

Listening to the footsteps are two ghosts.

A ghost said in a respectful tone: "Sir, the route has been arranged and we will arrive at the Ghost Island soon."

"Well, are all the arrangements for Ghost Island~?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Don't have any accidents, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

"Sir, there will be no accidents."

As the conversation ended, footsteps entered the cabin again.

Lin Yu and the other two were not walking over. The news they just heard made them both feel a sense of urgency.

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