"I was sent by the Heavenly Bureau to the Bangzi Kingdom to investigate some things and found out about the sacrifice. They were looking for young and beautiful women. I took the initiative to show up and was chosen by them. I stayed on the ship for two days. Those ghosts They should think that we women will not survive. I didn’t hesitate to speak. I heard them say before that they would bring these ghosts attending the dance to the ghost island and let them become ghosts. When the ghosts reach a certain number, the ghosts on them will He will come over and perform a forbidden technique."

Xia Qiu didn't know what the forbidden technique was, and those ghosts only said so much.

But, what is certain is that it is definitely not a good thing.

"The ghost island is coming soon. When all the ghosts go down, I'm afraid they won't be able to get back up. Emperor Fengdu, we must stop them."

Lin Yu was very calm: "How to stop it?"

These are ghosts, and they have no trust at all with humans.

Even if they tell the initiator of the conspiracy, those ghosts won't believe it.

Xia Qiu also understands this.

She was a little impatient.

However, what if they were made aware of the existence of Ghost Island?

After a while.

The ghosts in the ballroom whispered together in pairs.

"Did you hear that this ship is going to Ghost Island?"

"What are you doing there? Those ghosts can charm the mind."

"Who knows? When we got on the boat, we didn't say it was just a dance party and we didn't say we were going to other places. The Ghost Island is not a good place."


In a moment, the news that the ship was going to Ghost Island spread throughout the cabin.

Soon it also reached the ears of the responsible ghost.

The ghost in charge became furious and threw a wine glass.

"How did they know? Who spread the news?"

The kid was trembling, with a face full of fear: "Sir, we don't know either. None of us have ever told anyone about this."

"How could they know if I didn't tell you?"

The ghost in charge had a ferocious look on his face. He looked at the kid and chopped off his head with a knife.

Putting away the vagina, the responsible ghost straightened up his expression and walked to the ballroom.

At this time, Lin Yu and Xia Qiu had sneaked here and saw the ghost in charge leaving. He took away the two guards, leaving only two standing at the door.

Guard is the peak level of Li Gui.

Breaking in will definitely alert other ghosts.

Then, we can only outsmart him.

At the same time, in the dance hall, just when the ghosts were a little panicked.

The person in charge of the haunted house came over.

He comforted the ghosts: "Our ship will pass by the Ghost Island. There is a ghost sperm on the island that emits light at night. It will be very beautiful then. We will be on the ship. Unless there are special circumstances, we will not let you off the ship."

The assurance from the responsible ghost helped a little, but only a little.

The ghosts were still a little panicked, but under the deliberate guidance of the responsible ghost, they fell into carnival again.

The fierce ghost who liked Xia Qiu felt something was wrong and took some things to the cellar.

At this time, Lin Yu, Xia Qiu and others had found some envelopes in the room responsible for the ghost.

There's just nothing on the letter paper.

"what to do?"

Xia Qiu took a deep breath, with anxiety on her face.

Lin Yu dared to speak, but her expression changed.

"I'm going back, that ghost came to find me."

After saying that, Xia Qiu immediately walked towards the cabin.

Lin Yu didn't follow him. He asked Ding Liangzhi in his mind if he didn't know how to restore the words on it.

Ding Liang said easily.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

After a while, Ding Liang took out something like a pen.

Ask Lin Yu to apply the liquid on the tip of the pen to the letter paper.

After a while, two lines of words appeared on it.

"Everything is ready, just waiting for those ghosts to get on board."

Further down.

The letter reported some preparations made by Zaigui.

After reading it, Lin Yu had a rough idea of ​​what Ghost Island had done.

The more I get to know him, the heavier my heart becomes.

We are well prepared on Ghost Island.

Once you get up to these ghosts, don't even think about coming down.

Just when he came to the cabin and was about to cause trouble, Xia Qiu came out with the fierce ghost on his arm.

They exchanged glances, and Meng Gui led her to the ballroom.

The ghosts are still partying, not knowing that this will be their last party.

0··Ask for flowers··· 0

Lin Yu took the letter and walked to the other side.

Xia Qiu was talking to the fierce ghost there.

Suddenly, a piece of letter paper was thrown at her, and Xia Qiu quickly grabbed it.

The movement caught the fierce ghost's attention.

Without waiting for the fierce ghost to ask, Xia Qiu took the initiative to pick up the letter and handed it to the fierce ghost, and asked doubtfully in a delicate voice.

"What's written on it?"

The fierce ghost lowered his head and looked serious.

After reading it, he couldn't help but stand up.

The strength of this fierce ghost is comparable to that of a responsible ghost.

Otherwise, he would not have picked Xia Qiu. Among these human women, Xia Qiu's appearance is second to none.

He strode forward, attracting the attention of the ghosts.

The little devils guarding here also realized something was wrong.

.... .... 0

When the fierce ghost reads the contents of the letter.

The little ghosts were shocked and quickly went to find the ghost responsible.

By the time the responsible ghost arrived at the ballroom, the fierce ghost had already finished reading the contents of the letter.

The ghosts in this ballroom are rioting.

Who can be calm about things that endanger the lives of ghosts?

"Everyone, please be quiet and listen to my explanation."

The ghost in charge didn't listen to what he said, and they no longer trusted him.

The person in charge was extremely anxious, how could this happen?

How did the letter get leaked?

Could there be a spy?

Thinking about it, the ghost in charge immediately had an idea.

"Everyone, this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against us. That piece of paper is a forgery."

This sentence made the ghosts calm down a little.

The ghost in charge then said: "Everyone, I don't know how this happened, but what is certain is that there must be a ghost who wants to ruin this dance."

"Then do you want to explain why we have to go through the ghost island? We only like dance parties and don't want to see ghost sperm."

A voice came, causing some of the ghosts that had been quiet to become commotion again.

The face of the ghost in charge changed, and he forced himself to explain.

"This is a route for our cruise ships."

"Can't it change?"

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