The woman wanted to grab Lin Yu's clothes, but he dodged her.

Xia Qiu crossed her arms and smiled sarcastically.

"Emperor Fengdu probably didn't tell you that he is a ghost controller on a mission. Now that the mission is completed, he is leaving."

.... .... 0

The woman's eyes lit up, thinking she could be taken away.

But Xia Qiu's next words shattered her hopes.

"He can't take you away. You are not a ghost master, or a mission worker sent in by a copy. From the moment you are sacrificed and enter the horror world, there are only two roads waiting for you."

"Either you get eaten like those people, or if you survive by chance, you just live in a horror world. In short, you can't get out."

The woman's eyes widened in shock. This was an outcome she had never thought of.

Can't get out, can't get out.

How could this be.

"No, I can't be here, I will be eaten, benefactor, benefactor, please take me away."

Lin Yu was a little irritated. Can't this woman understand human speech?

never mind.

"Xia Qiu, I can't explain it to her. Come and tell her."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the dance hall.

The woman wanted to chase her, but was held back by Xia Qiu.

She was also a little annoyed.

"Don't you understand people's words? I told you that he can't be taken away by anyone and can only be teleported back by himself. Why are you making things difficult for him? Why, I rescued you and got you into trouble? Do you know what it means to be difficult for others? Do you want to be embarrassed? If you don’t want to live in a horror world, then go die.”

After Xia Qiu finished speaking, she turned and left.

The woman was left lying hopelessly on the deck.

The ship is already approaching Netherworld City.

Lin Yu said hello to Xia Qiu and Toyotomi.

Tell Xia Qiu that Yujie Yin Wen Shop in Netherworld City is his property, and the person in charge of it is named Bai Rou'er. Ask her to tell Bai Rou'er his real name, so that Bai Rou'er can believe her talent.

246 Xia Qiu’s arrangement! Toyotomi's tyranny!

He bought two villas in Thriller World and let Xia Qiu live in one alone.

Without Xia Qiu, his mission this time would not have been completed so smoothly.

In addition, they are all from Xia country.

Xia Qiu did not refuse, but Toyotomi objected.

"I also have a house, so naturally my woman wants to live with me."

Lin Yu did not comment on this point.

After saying this, he left.

A white light flashed, and there was one less person in the cabin.

The ship docked, and the ghost in the cabin came out.

It was still a misty sky, but they felt extremely friendly.

They came back alive.

The ghosts got off the boat one after another.

Xia Qiu also came down, and only the woman stood on the boat, looking at the sea.

She thought she was going to jump and was wondering whether to save her.

She was also afraid of being entangled, but the woman didn't jump.

She stood for a moment and then slowly walked off the boat.

"Four Four Zero"

This place is full of ghosts, and she doesn't fit in among them.

However, people who are afraid of death usually find ways to survive.

Xia Qiu smiled slightly, turned and left.

At this time, Lin Yu had returned to the villa.

The mission points are worth 100,000, and the total points are 400,000.

Lin Yu didn't pay much attention and contacted Bai Ye again.

Tell her about the sacrifice and Bai Ye gives him a word.

"Enter the horror space."

Entering the horror space, the invitation of the white night jumps out in front of you.

Lin Yu clicked to accept.

The scene turned to Bai Ye's room.

She was busy as always, and her face looked a little haggard.

Lin Yu found a chair to sit down and said, "You don't seem to be surprised about the sacrifice."


Bai Ye nodded, "The Heavenly Bureau asked you to buy the Ming coins to make sacrifices. We Xia people are not included in this sacrifice."

Lin Yu frowned: "Is Netherland Paradise a threat to Xia Kingdom?"

His face looked ugly.

Bai Ye put down the work at hand and smiled: "It seems that you also know something. Let's put it this way, the matter of sacrifice is not only about Nether Paradise, but also other organizations. Moreover, Horror World now has a deal with the United Nations. Emperor Fengdu, there are some things that we are unable to stop at the moment."

Bai Ye's words revealed a lot of information.

The United Nations cooperates.

Therefore, this sacrifice was tacitly approved.

Heart, slightly heavy.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. You said you still have something to ask me. What is it?"

Bai Ye suppressed the discomfort in her heart and told Xia Qiu's story.

"She can't teleport back. Is there any other way to return to the real world? For example, the previous black hole."

Bai Ye said seriously: "Don't think about black holes. We finally reached an agreement with Horror World. Once we violate the agreement, we will give them an excuse to violate it. This is not good for us. As for Xia Qiu, she was indeed officially sent to Bangzi Country." Ghost Controller, she is not a bad thing in the horror world, so be it, I will find a way to contact Xia Qiu."

"Give her something she needs."

Lin Yu nodded, it was good that the official was willing to take over Xia Qiu.

"It's nothing, I'm leaving first."

Bai Ye hesitated for a moment and nodded.

After spending a relaxing day in the villa, Lin Yu received a call from Heilong, who brought Wentian and Shangqing here to play with him.

The four of them found a restaurant to drink.

Asked about Shangqing.

Black Dragon chuckled: "This guy is now the leader."

The super clear dough was thin and turned red.

"It doesn't matter, it's my senior brothers and uncles who have given in to me. I, I have no choice but to agree."

After saying that, he lowered his head helplessly.

The black dragon laughed unkindly.

Lin Yu couldn't help but laugh.

Shangqing looked helpless: "Don't laugh, the leader has a lot of internal affairs. I almost don't have time to go to the horror world. I used the immunity card twice."

"Then why don't you find an ordinary person to help you handle it? Just like a secretary."

Speaking of secretary, Lin Yu thought of Bai Rou'er.

"Contracted ghosts can also be used. I have a ghost who is a secretary and is very capable of handling affairs."

As soon as these words came out, they attracted the meaningful gazes of the three people.

Lin Yu almost splashed water on their faces.

"What are you thinking about? A normal relationship."

Black Dragon said in a long voice: "Oh~".

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