Wentian and Shangqing also laughed.

But the suggestion sounds good.

Shangqing said: "I'll go back and try."

After eating and drinking until evening, the three of them had a great time.

Lin Yu didn't like getting drunk, so he only drank a little and was responsible for taking the three of them back.

The other car couldn't be driven and was left in the parking lot. He drove the three people back to the villa.

At night.

There was a slight sound outside the door.

Lin Yu opened his eyes, and there was no trace of sleepiness in them.

He stood up and stood behind the door, the Pharaoh's bandage shining white in the moonlight..

The killer opened the door and saw a white bandage.

The next moment, the bandage wrapped around him as if it were alive.

Lin Yu didn't take action. Standing at the door was a man wrapped in Pharaoh's bandages like a mummy.

This is also a ghost controller, a third-level ghost controller. He didn't even have a chance to take action before he was trapped in seconds.

Lin Yu dragged the man in and asked Pharaoh to loosen the bandage on his mouth.

"Come to assassinate me?"


The killer gritted his teeth and admitted.

Lin Yu was speechless: "Don't you know to inquire about my strength before you come?"

A mere third-level person dares to come.

"I, I didn't want to kill you. I was going to knock you out and ask you for money. I saw the reward notice you issued. You said you were looking for bodyguards and you offered such a high price. I knew you were rich. , thinking of blackmailing you."

Lin Yu...

Should he thank him for his honesty?

never mind.

"If you have nothing to do, just go to Thriller World and clear dungeons to improve your strength. Don't always think about making these ill-gotten gains."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he asked Pharaoh to loosen his bandage.

The man was surprised: "If you want to let me go, aren't you going to send me to the police station?"

"No need, you can go."

The current situation in the country is grim. One more ghost controller means more resistance.

Moreover, it was this man's words that saved him.

The man ran away in a hurry, not forgetting to say thank you to Lin Yu before running.

After he left, Lin Yu thought of offering a reward of 3.0 orders.

Suddenly it felt boring.

Contact Bai Ye to withdraw the reward order.

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. If that doesn't work, let Zhu Jiang go.

It’s time for a mandatory copy again.

Lin Yugang was about to enter.

A system prompt sounded in my mind.

[Task 8: Only those who are rich and famous are truly rich, and let the world be your legend (unfinished)]

[Ask the host to use the inner circle travel card to go to the inner circle to complete the consumption amount to increase the reputation (**/**)]

[A five-day period, reaching one hundred reputation points (impressing a thousand ghosts) (Completed)]

[Task reward: Crazy crit card*5, Buddha*1, random high-grade vagina*1]

[Please host to complete the remaining consumption amount as soon as possible, countdown to five days. 】

Lin Yu was shocked.

what happened?

Why is there a time limit for this mission? .

247 Five days countdown! Scarlet Bride!

There are still 10 million tasks left, and it seems that this copy will be completed as soon as possible.

White light flashed.

Lin Yu appeared in a room.

The lights were on in the room, and the bright light illuminated the room.

Dirty, messy.

This was his first impression of the room.

[Dungeon mission: Help the bride resolve the misunderstanding and fulfill the scarlet bride’s wish]

[This is a new house, where the bride and groom live. They should have lived a happy life, but an accident happened and plunged them into despair. 】

[The dungeon reward points will be issued after the dungeon is completed. 】

This reminder is very timely.

Lin Yu pushed open the door, and outside was the living room.

Unlike the bright lights in the room, the living room outside is dark.

A figure could be vaguely seen sitting on the sofa, bending over and fiddling with something.

Lin Yu walked over and saw the figure playing with something in his sight.

It was a male ghost, and he was playing with a puppet. The puppet's arms and legs were broken, and the male ghost was stuffing them into the puppet's belly.

The belly couldn't hold the hands and legs, so the male ghost bit them into pieces one by one and stuffed them in bit by bit. 02

The clothes on the doll's body have been torn and the body is stained with blood, and the appearance of the doll's bride can be vaguely seen.

This is a bride doll.

There should also be a groom doll correspondingly.

The male ghost is immersed in his "handicraft".

Not aware of his presence at all.

Lin Yu did not stop, his mission was to fulfill the scarlet bride's wish, he wanted to find the bride.

This is a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms.

The room he just walked out of was the second bedroom.

Opposite the second bedroom is the study, and at the very edge is the master bedroom.

Lin Yu went to the master bedroom first.

He opened the door and saw that the lights in the master bedroom were not turned on and the curtains were drawn, so he saw only darkness.

Lin Yu fumbled to turn on the light.

The moment the light came on, he could see the room clearly.

Bloodstains, full of black and red bloodstains.

Lying on the bed was a female ghost wearing a white wedding dress. The snow-white wedding dress was covered with scarlet blood stains.

The snow-white skin was covered with scars, like a torn doll.

As the lights came on, an eerie ghostly atmosphere spread throughout the room.

It was the first time that Lin Yu felt such a strong ghost energy.

The dead female ghost on the bed opened her eyes, her body moved strangely, and there was a clicking sound in her body.

"It's not him. You're not him. Who let you in? You're looking for death."

The female ghost's aura instantly soared.

"Fierce ghost level."

Lin Yu was filled with shock. Seeing the female ghost dragging her wedding dress out of bed, he subconsciously turned off the lights.

There was another clicking sound in the darkness, and after a while, the ghostly spirit disappeared.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Lin Yu could clearly see that the female ghost on the bed still looked the same as before.

So, as long as the light is not turned on, this female ghost will not attack?

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