Close the door.

Lin Yu returned to the living room.

The male ghost in the living room has disappeared, and the doll underground has also disappeared.

He walked to the study and was about to open the door when he found that it seemed to be locked inside.

It didn't open even after twisting a few times.

Lin Yu frowned and turned to look elsewhere.

The kitchen was filled with dishes and chopsticks, giving off a rotten smell.

When he opened the bathroom, Lin Yu was so excited by the scene in front of him that he vomited.

The bathing pool was filled with black and red blood, and floating in it was a ghost fetus that had not yet fully developed.

The cyan ghost fetus floated in the bath with its eyes tightly closed.

Extremely weird.

Lin Yu quickly closed the bathroom door.

I just felt my stomach churn.

He took out the sour snacks he bought earlier from the system space.

After eating some, I could barely suppress the disgust in my stomach.

There was a sound of opening the door nearby, the study door was opened, and the male ghost ran out holding the doll with a swollen belly. He looked around, as if he was guarding against something.

Realizing that there was no danger, he happily ran to Lin Yu's side.

He looked at the snacks in his hand while drooling.

Lin Yu's heart moved and he handed the snacks to him: "Want to eat?"

The male ghost nodded crazily, and Lin Yu pointed to the study: "Let me go in and take a look, and I'll give these to you."

The male ghost seemed a little hesitant, and it was obvious that he wanted to eat.

Lin Yuyou took out a piece of instant meat and raised the stakes.

"How about adding this?"

The male ghost nodded sharply, took him to the door of the study, and stretched out his hand to look at him eagerly.

Lin Yu gave him the snacks.

When he walked into the study, he expected to see a messy and dirty study.

But surprisingly, it was very clean.

A warm yellow lamp illuminates the study room very warmly.

There was a bed in the study, and lying on the bed was a female ghost.

Lin Yu was stunned. The female ghost seemed to be asleep, lying there with her eyes closed.

At first he thought it was the bride in the wedding dress, but after seeing the female ghost clearly, Lin Yu discovered that they were two ghosts.

This female ghost has a peaceful face, with a slight smile on her face even when she sleeps.

Not at all as violent as the wedding ghost.

Lin Yu walked out.

The male ghost was still eating snacks, he noticed.

The male ghost divided the snack into two parts. He ate one part and held the other part in his hand.

He didn't move the piece of meat.

Seeing him come out, the male ghost walked into the study with snacks, closed the door and locked it.

The house became quiet, as if he was alone. Lin Yu didn't want to go to the second bedroom to rest, so he simply settled on the sofa and thought about the current situation.

The copy suggested that this was the bride and groom's new house. They thought they could live happily until something unexpected happened.

It is known that there are two female ghosts and one male ghost in the house.

Who the male ghost's bride is is unknown.

Could it be that the accident was due to the female ghost who was not the bride, and the fact that the baby in the bathroom was not well developed?

A male ghost married a female ghost. After the marriage, the male ghost cheated on another female ghost and made the female ghost pregnant.

A female ghost came to the house and wanted to force the male and female ghosts to divorce. She was injured by the female ghost and cruelly dug out her child.

If you put it this way, the mistress should be in the master bedroom.

There was a big wound in her stomach.

It's strange that he's still alive like this.

Is it because of the power of rules in the house?

When Lin Yuchu came in, he found that the whole house was surrounded by the power of rules.

He can't get out of the house until he completes his task.

But, will the first wife let the mistress live in the master bedroom?

Moreover, if the study room is the original wife, then the male ghost is obviously in love with his original wife.

Is the mistress he is guarding against?

If you don't love me, why would you cheat on me?

Men’s bad nature?

He fell asleep on the sofa with doubts. Before going to sleep, he vaguely felt that he had forgotten something.

This doubt was quickly drowned by sleep.

When I woke up, the room was still dark and dark.

There was a rustling sound in my ears.

Following the sound, I saw a male ghost sitting on the ground, playing with a puppet in his hand.

He took out the hands and legs from the doll's belly and clamped them bit by bit with clamps.

Because his hands and legs were bitten to pieces, the cotton inside came out with his movements.

The male ghost doesn't mind the trouble and puts it in over and over again.

248 Clear up the misunderstanding! He was the initiator!

Seeing him sitting on the ground, Lin Yu suddenly realized that he was sitting on the ground because he was lying on the sofa and occupying the male ghost's place.

Feeling a little ashamed for a moment, Lin Yu stood up and gave up the sofa.

The male ghost heard his movements and sat on the sofa holding the puppet and continued to play with it.

Lin Yu hesitated and took out some snacks.

"You understand what I'm saying, right? Can you speak? If you can, I'll give these to you."

The male ghost stopped what he was doing and looked at him.

He opened his mouth and whispered: "You can't speak, it will wake her up."

Wake her up?

"Wake up who?"

The male ghost spoke even softer, and Lin Yu could barely hear it until he got closer.

"Her, she can kill ghosts. She is very powerful and scary. I dare not speak. Yunyun told me that I can play outside as long as I don't speak."


"Is Yunyun the female ghost in the study? What is your relationship with her?"

Speaking of Yunyun, the male ghost was very happy and his voice became louder: "Yunyun is my treasure and my bride."

Therefore, the person in the study is his original wife.

"What about the woman in the master bedroom?"

The male ghost backed away in fear and kept waving his hands: "You can't say it, you can't say it. She will kill ghosts. I won't talk to you anymore. I want to go find Yunyun."

The male ghost ran away with the doll in his arms, even forgetting to ask him for snacks.

The study door was locked again. .

It can be seen that the male ghost is very afraid of the mistress in the master bedroom.

Since he is afraid of the mistress, why would the male ghost cheat on the mistress?

Lin Yu always felt that he had overlooked an important point.

what is it then?

By the way, dolls.

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