Yesterday, the male ghost opened up the doll's belly, stuffed the doll's legs and hands into its belly, stuffed them in, and added them together with clamps. It looked like a pregnant woman with a big belly.

But yesterday I saw a woman in the study with a flat stomach.

If the male ghost wants to have a child because his first wife is infertile, he cheats on the mistress.

Then it all makes sense.

The male ghost only wants children, not the mistress.

Therefore, the mistress female ghost comes to the door and wants to use the child to force the male and female ghost to divorce her and marry her.

The male and female ghosts are unwilling.

New questions arise.

Who cut open the mistress's belly?

Why does this house have the power of rules?

Lin Yu thought that he could ask the only two female ghosts in the house who could communicate with him.


Go to the master bedroom again and turn on the light.

It's the same scene as yesterday again.

This time, before the mistress ghost went crazy, Lin Yu spoke before her: "You are not dead, you are just injured. I can help you heal. You have to tell me what happened between you."

The strong ghost energy dissipated instantly. The mistress ghost stood up dragging her wedding dress. The bloody ghost faced Lin Yu and smiled.

"Help me heal, how can I help?"

Lin Yu took out the withered lamp.

Scorched Lamp (middle-grade third-level consumable): The lamp oil in it can be used for practice.

The mistress can feel the Yin power in the withered lamp.

She looked at Lin Yu and softened her tone.

But it's still cold.

"What do you want to know?"

"The relationship between you and those two ghosts."

Lin Yu put down the withered lamp.

The lamp oil burned, and the yin energy emitted penetrated into the female ghost's body.

She practiced with her eyes closed and answered Lin Yu's questions.

"I am the lover that the male ghost is looking for. You should have guessed that his first wife couldn't have children. He wanted a child, so he found me. He promised to give me 100,000 ghost coins when I get pregnant, and he will wait for the remaining children. Give me another hundred thousand."

"But, before he could give me the coins, his original wife discovered the affair between me and him. I was deceived by her first wife into coming here, saying that she wanted to give me coins. When I came, she wanted to kill me. "

Hearing this, Lin Yu was stunned.

This was different from what he thought.

The female ghost continued: "Of course I don't want her to kill her. When the two of us fought, the cowardly male ghost squatted in the corner and didn't dare to intervene. I was stronger than the female ghost, so I inserted my hand into her heart. I ended her, but I didn’t know that she used her last life to cast the power of rules. She trapped me in this house. She died, but she didn’t die either. That male ghost was crazy, crazy and stupid. "

"And she became something that people couldn't defend against. She controlled the male ghost to grab me who was seriously injured and cut my stomach open. She confused the male ghost and turned herself into a victim, and I became the perpetrator. .”

"Oh, they were all deceived by her. That female ghost is the most vicious ghost."

After the female ghost finished speaking, Lin Yu also figured out what happened.

Thinking of the task requirements to resolve the misunderstanding.

Is there any misunderstanding in this?

No, there is a misunderstanding.

Why is the first wife so resentful of the mistress?

He would rather die than trap her here and cut her belly open so cruelly.

Thinking of that cowardly male ghost, Lin Yu had a guess.

"What did you say my first wife became? How can I see her?"

The mistress opened her eyes and looked at him sarcastically: "Are you looking for death if you see her?"

Lin Yu shook his head, the mistress was too irritable.

"` ¨I want to clear up the misunderstanding between you. By the way, is the Scarlet Bride you or her?"

The female ghost's expression became strange.

"Why do you ask?"

Lin Yu simply confessed to her: "I want to fulfill her wish. You are wearing a wedding dress. It should be you, right?"

The female ghost snorted: "It's not easy to fulfill my wish."

Lin Yu was not surprised, it was no longer a task if it was completed easily.

"What do you think."

"Get out of this hellish place. Also, I want 10 million hell coins."

The female ghost said this on purpose. She couldn't finish it anyway, so she just opened her mouth.

After saying that, looking at Lin Yu's stunned look, the female ghost sneered: "Just say you can't finish it."

Lin Yu didn't expect that while completing the dungeon task, he would also complete the system task.

This is really, really cool.

"You first tell me how to meet your original wife, and I will fulfill your wish."

The female ghost was obviously surprised, with a look of disbelief on her face.

But she didn't say anything, just said: "When the male ghost comes out of the study, take the ghost baby in the bathroom to the study (okay, okay), and she will appear."

Still more like this.

Lin Yu nodded and said he understood.

Seeing that the female ghost was still practicing, Lin Yu left the room.

Come to the study room.

The study door was still locked, and Lin Yu knocked on the door tentatively.

The door was opened, revealing the wary face of the male ghost.

After learning about this from the female ghost, Lin Yu had no good impressions of the male ghost. He took out snacks and gave them to him: "I want to enter the study again, and these are for you."

The male ghost hesitated for a moment and opened the door. Take the snacks and run to the sofa to sit down.

Seeing that he wasn't paying attention, Lin Yu came to the bathroom.

The ghost baby floated on the bloody water, and the corpse was already stiff, which made people sick to watch.

Lin Yu fished out the ghost baby and found it cold and stiff in his hands, not that disgusting to the touch.

Came to the study again.

This time, he closed the study door.

The ghostly spirit gathered quietly in the study.

The peaceful face of the female ghost on the bed turned ferocious.

249 Mission accomplished! Li Nian is missing?

Suddenly, murderous intent came from behind. Lin Yu suddenly turned sideways and saw the ghostly female ghost behind him.

Her body is close to solid, but like water, it seems that it can dissipate at any time.

There is a hole in the heart, and the heart inside is missing.

"You deserve to die."

The female ghost looked at the ghost baby with utter hatred in her eyes.

"Don't do anything yet. I'm here to explain something to you."

The female ghost didn't want to listen. She was filled with hatred and attacked with her sharp claws.

Lin Yu took out the Pharaoh's bandage. The bandage seemed to have encountered some obstacle and could not wrap around the female ghost at all.


He forgot that the female ghost was in a strange shape now.

what to do?

Lin Yu gritted his teeth and suddenly remembered her name.

"Your name is Yunyun, right? I'm here to help you, I really am here to help you."

The female ghost said hoarsely: "Why do you know my name? Only my husband can call me this name."

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