Seeing that she was about to get angry again, Lin Yu quickly explained.

"I heard what your husband said."

The ghostly aura on the female ghost's body gradually eased, and she seemed to have calmed down.

He asked coldly: "What are you here to help me with? What can you help me with? Don't think that I don't know that you went to the master bedroom. What agreement did you make with that female ghost?"

She knew he went to the master bedroom.

Lin Yu was a little surprised.

"Then you should be able to guess that I learned something from her. I want to know, why do you hate her so much?"

443 “Why?”

The female ghost roared, looking like a ghost face.

"She seduced my husband and became pregnant with my husband's child. She also wanted to take my place. She wanted to monopolize my husband. How could I tolerate it."

The female ghost looked at him sharply.

"You're not here to help me, you're here to help that bitch, right?"

"I didn't, I'm not."

Lin Yu hurriedly denied that he had never been so aggrieved before. This woman's current state was too weird.

"Don't get excited. She told me that she had no intention of robbing your husband. It was your husband who found her."

Lin Yu was afraid that she would get excited again, so he simply finished it all at once.

"Your husband said you were infertile. He wanted a child, so he found her and said he would give her 100,000 when she got pregnant. He would give him 100,000 when she gave birth to the child. After she became pregnant, your husband did not give her the money. I was discovered by you, and then I was invited here by you, and you know very well what happened after that."

Lin Yu's words seemed to shake the female ghost's mind.

She couldn't help but murmur: "How is it possible? It's impossible. My husband told me that she took the initiative to seduce him. She got her drunk and that's what happened. She also said that she was pregnant and threatened him to divorce me."

"How is it possible? It's impossible. He said he loves me and he doesn't love her. I don't believe it. I don't believe it."

Lin Yu felt a little sympathetic to this female ghost, who had harmed herself like this just because of her husband's personal affair.

"Then let me ask you, are you infertile?"

The female ghost was silent, and Lin Yu guessed it from her expression.


The misunderstanding was resolved.

The female ghost also disappeared. Lin Yu hurriedly chased her out and found the sound of fighting coming from the master bedroom.

He ran over quickly and was grabbed by the male ghost.

"Don't go there, let them beat them. If they are all dead, we can go out, hey hey hey..."

"If they all die, I can go out. That's great. Let's all die. Let's all die."

The male ghost chuckled.

The silly expression looked particularly vicious.

Lin Yu couldn't help but kicked him away.

Everything happened because of him, and those two female ghosts were innocent.

But he wanted them all to die.

Those two female ghosts should really listen to what he just said.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Yu suddenly felt a ghost behind him. He turned around and saw the ghost of his mistress and his first wife.

They didn't know when they came, and they didn't know if they heard the male ghost's words.

However, it seems that I heard it.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the two female ghosts transferred their hatred to the male ghost.

Seeing that the male ghost was being beaten to death by two ghosts, the ghost of the first wife stopped the third female ghost.

"I'll take him away, you go."

As these words fell, the power of rules around the house gradually dissipated.

The figure of the original wife became more and more transparent. The male ghost struggled to escape, but she directly pierced the heart.

She placed the male ghost's heart in her blank space.

The male (acda) ghost died and she disappeared.

The door of the house opened.

When he came to the street, although it was still foggy, Lin Yu felt like he could finally breathe fresh air.

Although the air is really not fresh.

"I'm leaving. This is for you."

Most of the injuries on the female ghost's body have healed. She has changed her clothes and looks very beautiful.

Lin Yu took the withered lamp and said, "Wait a moment."

He asked the system to exchange ten million coins and gave them to the female ghost: "Your wish will come true for you."

The female ghost was obviously shocked and said a curse word.

"I have never seen so many ghost coins in my life. You are really a boss, but you have already brought me out. How can I have the nerve to ask for your ghost coins? I don't want them anymore."

"That won't work."

Lin Yu became anxious and said with a serious face: "This is my mission. I must fulfill your wish, otherwise I will not be able to complete the mission. I still have a lot of Ming coins. You can take it, I'm leaving."

Putting the ghost coin into the female ghost's hand, Lin Yu teleported it back directly.

The female ghost was left holding 10 million ghost coins with a dreamy face.

Lin Yu had never come back so quickly and returned to the villa.

A copy prompt sounded in my mind.

[Congratulations on completing the dungeon mission, points have been distributed. 】

Just as the copy prompt ended, the system prompt sounded again.

[Task 8: Only those who are rich and famous are truly rich, and let the world be your legend (completed)]

[Ask the host to use the inner circle travel card to go to the inner circle to complete the consumption amount to increase the reputation (100 million/100 million)]

[A five-day period, reaching one hundred reputation points (impressing a thousand ghosts) (Completed)]

[Task reward: Crazy crit card*5, Buddha*1, random high-grade vagina*1]

[The mission has been completed and the reward has been distributed. 】

Lin Yu didn't care about the reward because his cell phone rang.

Black Moon's name was displayed on the phone.

Just as the call was connected, Hei Yue's serious voice came from the phone.

"Emperor Fengdu, Li Nian is missing."

Lin Yu's pupils shrank and he stood up suddenly.

"It's gone. It's missing somewhere."

"A world of horror."

Hearing these four words, Lin Yu's heart sank.

"Emperor Fengdu, the only person who can save her is you. The situation is very serious. You need to come to the investigation bureau as soon as possible so that I can tell you the whole story."

hang up the phone.

Lin Yu drove away from Hecheng.

An hour and a half later, the car stopped at the entrance of the Investigation Bureau.

Black Moon had already received the news and was waiting at the door.

Lin Yu doesn't like Li Nian, and he knows it very well.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't care about Li Nian.

In his heart, he had already regarded Li Nian as his sister, a being who was more important than a friend.

Although he usually doesn't express it.

250 Close the city and find Li Nian! Two little devils!

But the specialness of a person can be shown in some things.

For example, when he comes to Jiangcheng, he must meet Li Nian.

Heiyue knew very well that Li Nian was special to him.

So after Li Nian disappeared, she immediately found Lin Yu.

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