In the conference room.

Heiyue handed a piece of information to Lin Yu.

"Li Nian went to participate in the Plan A dungeon. This is the new plan dungeon of the Investigation Bureau. It is a level 5 regional dungeon. It has certain dangers but also opportunities. Li Nian signed up to participate, and there were five members of the Investigation Bureau who went with her. A fourth-level ghost controller, including her, there are six people in total."

"The copy lasted for five days. After five days, only four of the six people came back. One was killed by a ghost, and Li Nian. Those four people told me that they saw Li Nian before they teleported, and thought she was also there. The teleportation came back, but Li Nian didn’t come back.”

"We sent a fifth-level ghost controller through the location to search. It is very certain that Li Nian is no longer in the previous copy. She does not know where she went. No one is seen alive, and no body is found dead."

The conference room fell into deathly silence, and Lin Yu looked at the words on the information.

"Plan A Startup Mode"

Challenge yourself.

The first copy: Desert ruins. It is rumored that there is a ghost of Emperor Fengdu here, which attracts countless treasure hunters. The desert is full of withered bones.

The second copy: The Forest of Injustice, this place is full of abandoned people, they are fierce and cruel, and countless innocent souls have died at their hands.

The third dungeon: The Mysterious Land, this is a maze with a bandaged clown. If you meet him, you must answer his questions, otherwise, you will become his flower fertilizer.

The fourth copy: Fengcheng, the ghosts here are beyond your imagination. The ghost craftsmen who exist here are all top-notch. They love farming and like to bury the finished Yin tools in Fengcheng. If you find his Yin tools, he will Be friends with you.

The information ends here.

Lin Yu looked at Hei Yue: "Which one did Li Nian go to?"

Hei Yue frowned and spoke two words from her red lips: "Lose the city."

The top ghost craftsman who is keen to cause burying in the ground.

Lin Yu took a deep look at the information, stood up and said, "Make arrangements, I'll go in now."

Heiyue was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth and then held back.

"Okay, I'll get ready."

Do everything well, Heiyue told Lin Yu.

Fengcheng is a strange place. Ghost controllers who have been there say that although there are many Yin weapons there, they are not easy to get.

And, even if you can dig out the vagina, if you meet a ghost craftsman with a bad temper or a weird one.

What awaits you may be death.

The ghost controller who was lost before was killed by the ghost craftsman.

The top ghost craftsmen are also very powerful.

"Don't act rashly when you get to the city. You can secretly explore Li Nian's news. If you learn about bad results, don't be impulsive."

Lin Yu didn't answer and asked Hei Yue: "Can I go now?"

Black Moon knew that he might not do what she said.

Feeling helpless, I had no choice but to nod.

"follow me."

After walking into a room, Hei Yue left, and a prompt appeared in Lin Yu's mind.

[Emperor Fengdu, you have received an invitation to seal off the city in the fifth-level regional dungeon. Do you want to enter? 】


White light flashed.

The room was empty.

At this time, Lin Yu was standing in a private house.

Staring at a cyan-skinned kid with big eyes and small eyes.

The kid was playing with toys. When he saw him suddenly appearing, he immediately became alert and stepped back step by step.

Lin Yu took a step forward and wanted to explain.

Before he could say anything, the kid turned around and ran away.


Lin Yu's hands were hanging in the air, helpless.

After a while, a tall female ghost with blue skin was brought in by the kid.

Seeing that Lin Yu hadn't left yet, the kid immediately pointed at Lin Yu and said.

"This human suddenly appeared at home, sister, is he a bad person?"

The female ghost is also very vigilant.

She and her brother depended on each other in Fengcheng, but because of their low strength, they were often bullied.

"You, who are you?"

Lin Yu finally got a chance to speak and explained: "I am a human ghost master. I have no ill intentions towards you. I just fell here randomly. I'm sorry for scaring you."

The female ghost was still alert, but not as defensive.

"Are you also here looking for vaginas?"

Lin Yu was stunned. The people or ghosts who came here seemed to have this purpose.

But he's not.

"I'm looking for someone."

"Find someone?"

The female ghost was surprised, but she didn't ask any more questions.

"Go out and go left. There is a market. Go there and see if there is anyone you are looking for."

Lin Yu knew that the female ghost was afraid that he would be harmful to them, so he nodded and said, "I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm leaving first."

Watching him leave, the female ghost breathed a sigh of relief. She took the little ghost back to where Lin Yu was, and unexpectedly discovered that there was a thousand-yuan ghost coin here.

0··Ask for flowers··· 0

"Sister, it's one thousand nether coins, we can buy food."

The kid is very thin and his clothes are very torn.

Just looking at these two siblings, you can tell that they live in poverty.

The female ghost didn't answer, but took the ghost coin and chased him out.

But at this time, Lin Yu had already reached the market.

Here, he felt the down-to-earth prosperity of a small border town.

It is different from the inner area.

The market here has small stalls on both sides.

It sells the meat of ghost beasts and a staple food unique to the horror world.

There are restaurants and shops on both sides.

He also saw the penis row.

Walking around the market, there was a sudden sound of gasping behind me.

.... .... ...

A hand approached quietly.

Lin Yuli immediately turned around and came face to face with the female ghost who wanted to hold him back.

The female ghost was stunned and quickly reacted.

"plz follow me."

Lin Yu was a little confused. The female ghost seemed to be in a hurry and kept looking back at him.

His eyes couldn't help but look to both sides, with vigilance.

Lin Yu felt a little strange and followed him.

The female ghost led him to a corner and took out the Thousand Yuan Ming Coin.

"This is what you left behind, we can't have it."

Lin Yu didn't answer. He could see that the two siblings were living a very difficult life.

With the idea of ​​​​compensating someone for scaring him, he left a thousand yuan in ghost coins.

Unexpectedly, she came over.

"This is compensation for scaring you, accept it."

The female ghost insisted and shook her head: "No, you didn't hurt us, there is no need to compensate us."

Lin Yu was helpless. This was the first time he couldn't give out the money.

"So be it."

His heart moved.

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