The ghost old lady spoke slowly.

"Hiss Liu, young human, the smell of flesh and blood is so delicious. Koo Koo, human, let me taste your meat."

The beep sounded again.

With it comes the smell of corruption.

Lin Yu couldn't bear it anymore and directly released General Zhu.

The old ghost lady was only at the fierce ghost level. As soon as Zhu Jiang came out, her face was filled with fear.

After a while.

Lin Yu sat on the bed expressionlessly.

The ghost old lady was opposite him. She had been splashed with water, and her smell was not that strong anymore.

"Who gave you the key card in your hand?"

If he hadn't asked this question, he wouldn't have let Zhu Jiang come out to intimidate her.

The ghost old lady glanced at General Zhu and answered honestly: "Director Pi gave it to me."

Lin Yu didn't mean anything about this answer.

But he didn't expect that Director Pi would want this ghost to kill him just because he didn't give him a gift.

"It was you last night, too."

The ghost old lady nodded. In order to survive, she said it before Lin Yu asked her.

"Director Pi asked me to come over last night to scare you, and also asked me to hint that you were going to give him something. When I came over yesterday, you were not in the room. I told Director Pi when I got back. He came to me at night and asked me to come over again. You must be in the room this time, and I thought I was here to scare you, but the supervisor said, let me eat you."

"He also said that you took his position as manager and he wanted you to die in the most painful way."

As for what is most painful, it is watching oneself being eaten but not being able to die.

Lin Yu's expression turned completely cold.

May the murderous energy in your body be doubled.

"Master, I'm going to deal with that old ghost."

The murderous intent in his words scared the old ghost lady to the point where she couldn't help but tremble.

"No, it would be too easy for him to let him die like this."

Since you want to die in the most painful way, then just give it back to him.

General Zhu knew what Lin Yu meant, nodded and continued: "Do you want to kill this old ghost?"

Lin Yu glanced at the old lady Gui, who immediately begged for mercy. Lin Yu looked away.

"Let her go. By the way, you know what to say when you go back, right?"

The ghost old lady was stunned, looked at Lin Yu's face and hesitated: "You said you don't live here?"

Lin Yu smiled, this ghost old lady is very smart.

"Let's go."

It was already early in the morning after I finished dealing with the ghost old lady.

Before falling asleep, Lin Yu was still thinking, does he need to get up early to go to work as a manager?

The next day.

It was already ten o'clock when I woke up.

There are no ghosts to disturb me. It seems that the manager still has privileges.

After washing up, I went to the manager's office.

Yan Yi is already inside.

Seeing him, Yan Yi stood up, poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

"Manager, the matter has been almost settled."

Lin Yu nodded, he was not here to deal with matters.

"By the way, when are the working hours of the people in the front office?"

Yan Yi replied: "Manager, their working hours are fifteen days, and it is already the eighth day."

A week later, Lin Yu nodded.

There were still seven days, which was longer than he thought.

.. .. .. .. ..

"How much do you know about Director Pi?"

Thinking of what happened last night, Lin Yu looked slightly cold.

Yan Yi was keenly aware and frowned slightly.

Did Director Pi offend this manager?

"Manager, Director Pi has worked at the Blood Spring Restaurant for more than a hundred years. He started as a waiter and became a supervisor. He has been taking over as the supervisor for fifty years. He manages the front office very well. Usually there are no big mistakes. The restaurant will not fire anyone. director."

The last sentence carries some temptation.

Lin Yu glanced at him indifferently: "Don't play tricks in front of me, I have no intention of firing him."

Yan Yi looked stern and quickly lowered his head to apologize: "Manager, I'm sorry, I shouldn't..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Yu: "Okay, you can continue to deal with the matters here, and I will go to the front hall."

After walking out of the manager's office, Lin Yu looked back at Yan Yi.

Yan Yi.

Yan Xu.

It's hard not to wonder about their relationship.

Also, can Yan Xu really sell manager positions at will? Not having to ask for permission from certain leadership?

For example, the boss.


Arriving at the front hall, Yang Caiwei and others were standing in front of the stage waiting for the guests who had not yet arrived.

Lin Yu saw Manager Pi at a glance. He was standing in the darkness and peeking.

Lin Yu deliberately stepped harder, and Director Pi turned around when he heard the sound.

The moment he saw Lin Yu, a trace of jealousy flashed across Manager Pi's face, which quickly disappeared.

The old face raised a smile and said in a respectful tone: "Manager, you are here."

Lin Yu stood still in front of him, feeling inexplicably relieved when he saw the old ghost hating him but not being able to kill him.

276 Another super-grade vaginal material, compulsory bribery

"By the way, I heard that you collected those human things?"

Manager Pi's face stiffened, and he said forcefully: "They insisted on giving it to me and said that I would take care of it. I thought it would not violate the restaurant's rules, so I accepted it."

Tsk, use the restaurant rules to suppress him.

Lin Yu smiled: "I'm afraid Director Pi doesn't know. In the real world, if someone in a position like Director Pi accepts something, it must be handed over to the superior."

Enough talking.

Manager Pi was stunned, and his face turned ugly when he realized it.

He probably didn't expect that Lin Yu would directly ask him for something.

Although his collection of things did not violate restaurant rules, it would have offended the manager.

Then he's finished.

The manager of the Blood Spring Restaurant has great power.

Manager Pi gritted his teeth and smiled: "Manager, I'll get it right away."

Lin Yu nodded arrogantly: "Hurry up."

The four characters of "bullying others" represent "four eight seven" incisively and vividly.

Looking at Manager Pi, he was holding back his anger and dared not speak.

Lin Yu curled his lips.

Yang Caiwei saw Lin Yu first. Her perception was very keen. Every time he or Director Pi came, she could spot it immediately.

It's just that sometimes she doesn't show it.

"Emperor Fengdu, did you also ask for leave today?"

Lin Yu was startled.

"Also, who else?"

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