"Zhao Yuan, Manager Pi came here this morning and said that Zhao Yuan asked for leave, but he didn't mention you."

Yang Caiwei had worry on her face.

Lin Yu smiled: "He can't control me now. I don't have to go back to the front office to work."

"Then where were you transferred?"

Sun Ze said this. There were no guests now, and Director Pi was not here, so he came over.

Lin Yu didn't tell them about being a manager. He just said lightly: "Now I am an assistant manager."

"That's too good of you."

Sun Ze's face was full of envy, jealousy, and hatred, and then he laughed.

"Is the assistant manager better than the supervisor? Brother, you have to protect us from now on."

"Well, don't worry."

Lin Yu's answer made Sun Ze even happier.

Just as he was about to say something else, he saw Supervisor Pi out of the corner of his eye and quickly turned around and ran away.

After sneaking back to his seat, he thought that Emperor Fengdu was now the assistant manager, and Manager Pi would definitely give him three points.

He is now the buddy of the assistant manager, why is he running?

Oh, this damn conditioned reflex.

Lin Yu also saw Manager Pi, so he shouted to the manager so that Yang Caiwei and the others could hear. Lin Yu said something to Yang Caiwei and walked over.

Manager Pi was holding several boxes in his hand. Just looking at the boxes, he felt that the contents were valuable.

"Manager, these are the things those boys gave me."

Lin Yu was not polite and took them all. Manager Pi's old face twitched and he endured it.

"Manager, if nothing happens, I'll leave first."


Lin Yu glanced at him, and he opened all the boxes again, as Sun Ze had said before.

The reason why Manager Pi looked at Zhao Yuan so differently.

It was because Zhao Yuan gave him a piece of rare ore.

Now, he has opened all the boxes, and there is no so-called rare ore.

"Is that all?"

Lin Yu didn't even raise his eyes, his tone was nonchalant.

Manager Pi's face stiffened. He was a smart guy, otherwise he wouldn't have been a manager for more than fifty years.

"Manager, there is also a piece of rare ore that I left at home but I didn't take it over."

Lin Yu raised his head and smiled: "In that case, why don't you take it?"

Manager Pi didn't expect that Lin Yu would be so thoughtful. He had given him so much and he still wanted it.

However, Gui had to bow his head due to his position.

"Yes, I'll get it right away."

When he turned around, Director Pi had a sharp look in his eyes. This human being must not be allowed to stay.

After sending away Supervisor Pi, Lin Yu returned to the front hall and asked Yang Caiwei to claim their things.

Qian Tong was surprised: "Emperor Fengdu, why do you have these things in your hands?"

"Well, Manager Pi bribed me."

It was not said at all that he forced Supervisor Pi to bribe him.

These words attracted the attention of the female ghost at the front desk.

After working with Pi Lao Gui for so many years, what kind of character is the female ghost or even Pi Lao Gui?

For him to take the initiative to bribe an assistant manager, I can only say that it is impossible.

It seems that this guy is not just the manager's assistant. After all, the manager's assistant has no right to directly order the supervisor.

Huang Youyou also came over to get it, and Lin Yu didn't care. These things had no value to him.

Huang Youyou was very sensible today and went back after taking the things.

Looking at the people joking with Emperor Fengdu, Huang Youyou gritted her silver teeth.

She actually made a mistake. If she had known better, she would have stopped trying to hook up with Zhao Yuan.

But now, no matter how much she regrets, it's too late.

There were two small things left, Lin Yu took them and walked to the front desk 0..

The female ghost glanced at him and said, "I don't accept bribes."

Lin Yu's smile remained unchanged and he put the things in front of her: "It's not a bribe, it's for safekeeping. If these two don't find the owner, I'll leave it to you first."

The female ghost glanced at the thing and said, "No need, the owner is dead and no one will come to get it."

"In that case, let's leave it here as a souvenir."

After saying that, he turned and left.

The female ghost looked at the two boxes and frowned.

Manager Pi came back quickly, holding a cloth bag in his hand. The moment he came closer, Lin Yu felt what was in the cloth bag.

This feels a lot like bronze.

Super quality vaginal material.

Manager Pi gritted his teeth and said, "Manager, this is it."

Lin Yu took the bag and it was not heavy, it could even be said to be very light.

Opening the bag, a touch of gold comes into view.

It turned out to be golden.

I took out the things and just wanted to take a closer look.

He glanced at Manager Pi from the corner of his eye. His face couldn't help but twitch, and it looked like he was in severe pain.

Lin Yu held the thing in his hand and said, "If it's okay, you can leave first."

Manager Pi lowered his head and agreed, watching him leave.

A system prompt came from Lin Yu's mind.

"Super-grade Yin Material: Smoke and Cloud Marrow, Quality: Excellent. When added to the Yin vessel, it reduces the weight of the Yin vessel and increases its speed. It has a certain tolerance and can be used as a concealed weapon."

hidden weapon.

Lin Yu's heart moved and he immediately called Ding Liang out.

After telling him that he had obtained another super-quality piece, Ding Liang became extremely excited.

The more I realize that following Lin Yu in 3.0 is a lot of choices.

"I will give you the vaginal material. This time I need an assassination type vaginal device. You can look at the design first and wait until I find enough vaginal material to make it."

Ding Liang agreed wholeheartedly.

During lunch, Sun Ze talked about Zhao Yuan.

"I saw him after get off work. He came to see Huang Youyou. I heard that he didn't go back last night and I don't know where he went. When I saw him this noon, his whole temperament changed. Looking at It’s very gloomy, like a ghost.”

Speaking of this, Sun Ze couldn't help but feel a little scared when he thought of the way Zhao Yuan looked at him.

"I think Zhao Yuan seems to have a grudge against us. His current state is very wrong. Everyone should be vigilant."

The faces of Yang Caiwei and others were also very cautious. Lin Yu had not seen Zhao Yuan and did not know what his situation was now.

But I didn't come home last night.

But Supervisor Pi knew that he was asking for leave.

277 Zhao Yuan’s contract ghost, three of you, two of you and one of me

What is the relationship between the two?

In the afternoon, Lin Yu sat in the office bored.

Mission one is complete, but mission two is clueless.

Moreover, the system has never released any more tasks.

Lin Yu always felt that the system seemed to be waiting for something.

Also, if it is true as Lao Lei said, the ones who steal Danshi can only be ghost king-level ghosts.

So how could he stop it?

Even losing your life can't stop it.

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