By the way, General Zhu had fought against the Ghost King, so didn’t he recognize General Zhu?

Putting down his doubts, Lin Yu left with Zhu Jiang.

Early the next morning.

Lin Yu was woken up by the system prompt in his head.

[Task 9: Rich people all like to play for excitement. Spending a lot of money can only satisfy the soul, and only by escaping from death can the adrenal gland be exploded. Playing is all about excitement. 】

[The host is asked to go to the dungeon, Crazy Playground. This is a dilapidated playground. It also has more glorious moments, and it is also the memory of many ghosts. The host is asked to transform the playground. The task amount is (**/**)] .

283 Ghost General Peak Recovers Danshi

[And complete the 100-player trial experience and reach the satisfaction value (0000/1000)]

[Mission reward: Crazy crit card*10, bloody ragdoll*1, Yan Shi*1]

After hearing the reward, Lin Yu felt a little strange.

"Why are the rewards so small this time?"

Moreover, what do you think of letting him transform the playground?

Speechless, Lin Yu was relieved that there was no time limit for this mission.

After getting up to wash up and go out, Lao Wu was already sitting downstairs.

There were several plates of food on the table, and he was having a drink alone.

"Emperor Fengdu, you're down, want to eat something together?"

Lin Yu nodded and listened to him talking about the grand ceremony in the main city two days later during the meal.

"I heard that ordinary ghosts can also enter that day. I'm going to go in and visit. Do you want to come with me?"

Lin Yu nodded: "Yes."

Exactly two days later, Wu Bo said that he could get the food in one day.

I don’t know if it’s true or false.

Avoiding Lao Wu and taking Zhu Jiang to Wu Bo's yard, he took Zhu Jiang to unlock it.

Wu Bo's yard was very big, except that he only saw a few ghost servants. Lin Yu summoned the little ghosts.

The kid lowered his head and apologized: "Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't know this was Wu Bo's home."

After returning that day, Lin Yu told him about the incident.

Xiaogui grew up in Fengcheng and has long been accustomed to the customs and customs there. Fengcheng has a tacit approval of treasure digging.

But it's different elsewhere.

"It's okay, just be more careful next time."

The kid was still not in high spirits, so Lin Yu comforted him with a few words. After a while, Wu Bo came down with General Zhu.

Zhu loosened the chain around his neck a little, and there was a gap in the lock position.

Just as Wu Bo was about to speak, his eyes suddenly fell on the kid's face.

His brows furrowed.

Lin Yu subconsciously stood in front of Xiao Gui and looked at Wu Bo. His reaction was very strange, which reminded Lin Yu of Wan Shitong's words.

Without waiting to ask, Wu Bo strode down and came to Lin Yu, his eyes still falling on the kid.

"Don't you want to introduce me?"

Lin Yu stepped aside silently and said: "My contracted ghost, you can call him little ghost."


Wu Bo repeated it and smiled with unknown meaning.

"You're lucky. You had a blessing to the general before, and you contracted with him later."

The last sentence was so quiet that Lin Yu couldn't hear it clearly.

"What's the meaning?"

"No, bring him here tomorrow and you can go back."

Is this going to drive people away?

Lin Yu held back his doubts and stood up with General Zhu.

As he was about to go out, Wu Bo's voice came from behind: "That kid, you'd better not let him out again, or he'll get into trouble and he won't be able to leave."

Lin Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Wu Bo knew the identity of the little ghost.

But it looked like he didn't plan to say anything.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhu Jiang's chains were also untied the next day.

After being unlocked, his strength soared to the peak of the ghost general.

Lin Yu was a little surprised. He thought General Zhu's strength could surpass that of Ghost General, but he didn't expect that he would only reach the peak of Ghost General.

But this is also good.

Another day.

Today is the grand ceremony in the main city. According to Lao Wu, the reason for holding the grand ceremony is that the Ghost King got a treasure.

As for what kind of treasure it is, he doesn't know.

Lin Yu didn't have the intention to explore, he was just catching up on the fun and waiting for Wu Bo to bring out the food, then he could leave.

There were a lot of ghosts in the main city today, and most of them came to join in the fun.

Lin Yu had no choice but to find Old Wu beside him. After searching for a while, he found that there were too many ghosts to find, so he simply gave up.

It was the last day, and there was nothing he could do.

After wandering around the main city for a whole morning, Lin Yu couldn't stand the crowds anymore, so he left the main city and went back to the inn. When he arrived at the inn, he found that Old Wu hadn't come back yet.

Lin Yu didn't pay attention. He rested in the room for a while and before getting up, there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door, there was a familiar-looking ghost servant outside.

"Sir, our Lord invites you to come home."

Wu Bo is back.

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Before leaving, Lin Yu went to see Lao Wu and found that he had not come back yet.

The playfulness is too much.

Arriving at Wu Bo's house, Wu Bo was already sitting on the sofa. He was still wearing the black cloak and had a box in his hand.

"Here, the food you want."

Lin Yu took it and was about to open the box when Wu Bo stopped him.

"You want to let that thing go?"


Wu Bo was speechless: "Don't you know that Danshi has spirituality?"

Lin Yu shook his head, he really didn't know.


Lin Yu didn't care if he was told something, he didn't know it at all.

"The reason why Damshi can only be stolen by the Ghost King is because only the Ghost King can suppress it and cook it. Other ghosts cannot suppress it at all. You can open the box and it will disappear."

Can't open the box.

"Then how can I be sure that there's some food in here?"

Wu Bo said simply: "You don't have to believe it. Anyway, I've already said it right. Don't blame me for not reminding you if Danshi runs away."

In other words, believe it or not, it’s up to him.

Lin Yu frowned fiercely, this was simply posing a problem for him.

Forget it, if Wu Bo wanted to lie to him, it would make no sense if he couldn't open the box.

"` ¨Thank you, this is my little thought."

Lin Yu took out a million coins and put them on the table.

Although Wu Bo asked him to promise one thing to deduct it.

But the unlocking chain he gave General Zhu was enough for him to agree to one thing, and he didn't expect to get Danshi back. He felt bad if he didn't give him some Ming coins.

Wu Bo was a little surprised: "You are more mysterious than I thought."

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