Lin Yudang didn't hear it and said, "I'm going back. If you think of something, you can contact me with the black crow envelope."

After Wu Bo agreed, Lin Yu stood up and left.

He did not go to Tongfu Guizhan again, nor did he say hello to Lao Wu.

The things have been obtained and the purpose has been achieved. He paid three more days of room rent at Tongfugui Inn, which was enough for Lao Wu to notice that he was gone.

After all, this time, he didn't treat him badly.

at the same time.

Inside the Tongfu Gui Zhan.

A male ghost in a black cloak walked out of Lao Wu's room (Mano's). He looked at the direction Lin Yu left and laughed: "Sure enough, you are not going to say hello to me, tsk, what a pity."

After saying that, the male ghost walked out of the treacherous stack, and a ghost servant appeared next to him.

"Sir, do you want to go back?"

"Well, let's go back."

After half a day's journey, Lin Yu arrived at the Purgatory Forest Army.

It was already dark, roars came from the Purgatory Forest, and Lin Yu stopped moving forward.

Take out some food and call Zhu Jiang and Xiao Gui out.

Ding Liang was studying a new vagina again and was unwilling to come out.

He also gave him the Buddha that was rewarded by the system last time. According to him, the value of this was comparable to the hair of the previous Ghost King.

After simply filling his stomach, Zhu Jiang, who had been silent all this time, spoke: "Master, Wu Bo told me that the little devil's identity is very special."

Lin Yu didn't have many surprises and had already been mentally prepared.

"How special?"

Zhu Jiang was silent for a moment, avoided the kid and said, "It has something to do with the main city."

284 Return to reality and have dinner together

This was something Lin Yu didn't expect. Although he realized that to be recognized by Wu Bo, the kid's identity should be either rich or noble.

But I never thought it was related to the main city.

The main city is inhabited by the five great ghost generals and the ghost king. Could it be that the little ghost is the child of the ghost general?

If this is the case, why is Wu Bo unwilling to speak out?

Lin Yu always felt that it was not that simple.

Seeing the kid running around happily, Lin Yu simply didn't want to think about it anymore.

Let nature take its course, the little ghost is already his contracted ghost, no matter what his identity is, it doesn't matter much.

At night, because of General Zhu's presence, Lin Yu passed through the Purgatory Forest as quickly as possible.

They traveled all night and arrived at the Blood Fountain Restaurant at dawn.

At this time, the restaurant was already open for business.

Pushing the door open, a question came to my ears: "Guest, do you want to go to a private room or a private seat?"

Lin Yu smiled: "I'm going to the manager's office."

A moment later, in the manager's office.

Yan Xu hurried over and looked at the box on the table, a little surprised: "You got it back so quickly?"

Lin Yu knew that he was testing, and said: "I met a familiar ghost, and he helped me."

Yan Xu looked at him with more searching eyes.

"I see."

"By the way, you said before that you would give me half of the food? How do you want to give it to me?"

490 Lin Yu was very curious about what Danshi looked like.

There are spirits that will escape.

Moreover, Wu Bo said that Danshi requires ghost king level suppression before it can be cooked.

Has Yan Xu reached the Ghost King?

[Master, he is in the middle level of Ghost General. 】

Zhu Jiang's voice sounded in his head.

"You don't have to worry about this. Although I don't have the strength to suppress it, our Blood Spring Restaurant has built a room specially designed to suppress the food. However, no one else can enter except me."

Lin Yu was a little disappointed, it seemed that he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Well, I just need to get the stuff."

"However, what kind of strength can half of Danshi suppress?"


Yan Xu smiled: "Just a ghost general."

The conversation ended and Yan Xu left the office.

Lin Yu got up and went to the front hall to take a look. Yang Caiwei and others had already left, but a new batch of candidates came to the front hall.

After getting the food, Yan Xu asked him: "Do you intend to stay at the Blood Spring Restaurant permanently? I can give you a position above the manager."

"No, I like freedom."

Yan Xu didn't force him, smiled and took out a badge.

"Then we'll see you again."

at the same time.

(acda) A reminder sounded in my head.

[Dungeon mission, retrieve Dangshi (completed)]

[Dungeon reward: Dangshi has been placed in the horror space]

After completing the Blood Spring Restaurant, there were still a few days before the next copy. Lin Yu did not plan to go directly to the Crazy Amusement Park, but clicked to teleport.

White light flashed.

He returned to the villa.

Back to the real world again.

Smelling the fresh air, Lin Yu suddenly felt uncomfortable.

There is always an air of corruption in the air of the horror world.

Unknowingly, he got used to it.

The phone rang, and Lin Yu was stunned for a moment before reacting.

This time I stayed in the horror world for too long.

The call was from Gray Rabbit, and there were already many missed calls from her on the phone.

Lin Yu pressed the answer button, and Gray Rabbit's voice came: "You are finally back. I thought you were abducted by the female ghost in the scary world, and you were intoxicated in the gentle land."

What's the meaning?

"I'm doing a copy mission."

Gray Rabbit snorted: "Of course I know, that's why I thought. Since you're back, let's call Li Nian back. This little girl is so worried about you that she can't sleep."

Lin Yu was speechless because Gray Rabbit was speaking strangely.

"okay, I get it."

After that, hang up the phone.

After calling Li Nian, Lin Yu took the car keys and went out.

He came back in a hurry and didn't eat in the horror world. He was a little hungry.

The call was answered instantly, and Lin Yu put the phone on the car holder.

"Xiao Nian, I'm back."

"Brother Lin."

A gentle female voice came, filled with joy: "Are you okay? Why did the copy take so long this time?"

"Well, there was an accident that delayed the time. I'm fine."


Silent for a moment, Lin Yu turned around and said casually: "I'm looking for a place to eat, so I won't talk to you for now."

Li Nian was silent for a moment, and then a low voice came: "Okay, then Brother Lin, goodbye."

Lin Yu hung up the phone and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

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