Because of Li Nian.

He didn't pay much attention, found a Xinyang restaurant and walked over.

Before the food was served, Lin Yu went to the forum and found that there was a lot of added information in the background.

He didn't want to pay attention to it, so he opened it and glanced at it before closing it, when he saw a verification message out of the corner of his eye.

"Emperor Fengdu, I am Sun Ze."

The returned hand paused.

Sun Ze.

Down below, there are Yang Caiwei, Liu Xuxu and Qian Tong.

Also, Huang Youyou and Zhao Yuan?

Ignoring the two of them, Lin Yu clicked through the other four.

Sun Ze, who was fighting someone on the forum, immediately discovered that his friend had passed the verification. When he saw Lin Yu was online, he immediately gave up arguing with that person.

Come over and send a message to Lin Yu.

"Emperor Fengdu, you are finally back. Thank you for waiting. If you have time tonight, I will treat you to dinner. Call Qian Tong and them."


Lin Yu thought for a moment and agreed: "Okay, where?"

"Yu'an Restaurant, I'll send you the address. See you there at seven o'clock in the evening."

I saw Lin Yu replied with a nice word.

Sun Ze immediately contacted several other people excitedly.

They all exchanged phone numbers, making it easier to contact them.

After telling the place and time of the evening, several other people agreed.

7 p.m.

Lin Yu arrived at the appointment on time.

Yang Caiwei and others have already arrived. Unlike the gray-faced people in the horror world, they appear to be well-dressed and in good family conditions.

It looked a little strange.

Sun Ze came up to him with a familiar face and smiled: "Emperor Fengdu, what is the copy you made? Why haven't you come out after we have been out for a few days?"

Lin Yu followed him closer and said, "It's a difficult special mission, and something unexpected happened in the middle."

When Sun Ze heard that it was a special mission, he didn't ask any more questions and talked about another matter: "Emperor Fengdu, are you hiding something from us? Why did I hear the two ghosts in the kitchen at the Blood Spring Restaurant say that you are manager?"

Lin Yu was startled and said calmly: "Yes, I forgot to tell you. I was just afraid that you would be too excited."

Sun Ze screamed funny: "Do you think I'm not excited now? I'm still very excited."

The exaggerated sound attracted the attention of others in the restaurant.

LiuXuXu rolled her eyes and slapped him back.

"Pay attention to the occasion."

Sun Ze was so slapped by her that he almost choked to death. When he heard this, he rolled his eyes at her and muttered in a low voice: "Violent maniac."

"What did you say?"

LiuXu's ears were sharp and she heard that sentence.

He immediately chased Sun Ze and beat him. The two people rushed into the box fighting.

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Yang Caiwei walked beside Lin Yu and smiled slightly: "That's it for the two of them. Don't pay attention. Thanks to you for this mission, we can all come back."

Otherwise, Qian Tong may not be able to come back.

Lin Yu didn't like hearing thanks, so he changed the subject and said, "Zhao Yuan and Huang Youyou also joined me, but I didn't agree."

Yang Caiwei was not surprised and nodded: "Zhao Yuan regretted it. After he came back, he found out that Liu Xuxu was Boss Liu's daughter. He regretted it at that time, but Xu Xu had already seen him clearly."

"As for Huang Youyou, she broke up with Zhao Yuan after she found out that his family background was average. She quickly joined a rich second generation who was from Xu Xu's circle. When she saw Xu Xu, she became a sister to Xu Xu, but Xu Xu ignored her."

Both men had their own consequences.

It's not like Zhao Yuan couldn't tell Huang Youyou's tea skills.

He just likes it that way.

Had a meal with a few people.

Early the next morning.

Lin Yu received a call from Bai Ye~.

He was originally wondering why Baiye didn't call him when he came back this time.

I came this morning. What do you call it? It’s late but you’re here?

"Emperor Fengdu, congratulations on completing the special dungeon mission. I heard that you have reached level five. When will you come to the headquarters to engrave your badge?"

Lin Yu was slightly startled when he heard Bai Ye continue: "Hai Tu said that you participated in their plan and agreed to join the official."

Tsk, he forgot this.

"Okay, I understand, I'll go right away."

Lin Yu was a little helpless. He was forced to join the official even after helping.

He felt that he shouldn't do this favor.

Complaints are complaints, Lin Yu also understood that the officials had finally caught him and agreed in person, so they probably wouldn't let him go.

Forget it, as long as you don't interfere with him.

Drive to Jiangcheng.

Bai Ye was already standing at the official gate waiting for him.

Lin Yu walked over and teased: "Aren't you afraid that I won't come?"

Bai Ye replied simply: "If you don't come until noon, I will go find you myself."

Lin Yu was helpless: "You are really persistent."

Arriving at the office, Bai Ye took out a contract and said, "This is a labor contract with benefits."

The contract is made in duplicate.

Working hours are very relaxed, no need to clock in, no need to work overtime, as long as the tasks are completed, there are three monthly performance tasks, a monthly salary of 1 million, and room and board expenses are provided for 10,000 per month.

"Are you satisfied?"

Lin Yu's requirements are not high, and the time above is also very relaxed, so he is quite satisfied.

After receiving a positive answer, Bai Ye put away the contract.

"Let's go, I'll take you to engrave the badge."

"What's the use of the badge?"

Lin Yu said doubtfully.

"Represent your identity."

Just like the director badge in Thriller World and the manager badge of Blood Fountain Restaurant.

"By the way, how did you become the manager of the Blood Fountain Restaurant this time?"

No wonder Bai Ye was confused, this kind of task seemed to be very simple for Lin Yu.

"Bought it with Hades coins."

Bai Ye fell silent, and there was a moment of silence between the two of them.

After a brief silence, Bai Ye took a deep breath: "I really hate your rich tone."

She fully understands how difficult it is to deal with the underworld coins in the horror world.

It's like Lin Yu who doesn't use Ming coins as money.

"It cost a lot, didn't it?"

Very little compared to his assets.

However, think about the price of Hades coins in the real world.

Lin Yu was a little hesitant to tell the truth.

"It's not a lot, maybe a million."

Just the word "million" left Bai Ye speechless.

This is not a lot.

The usually cold woman was so stimulated that she lost her normalcy.

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