A trace of regret flashed across his eyes.

Surrounded by several people, the woman walked into the temple.

Several people waited until the woman had completely recovered and then began to question her sideways about the reason for this incident.

The woman seemed to have completely endured the hurt, and said to several people very calmly,

"Tonight, Die Ji thanks you all for your help. If it weren't for you, Die Ji, Die Ji would probably be..."

The woman lowered her eyes and frowned slightly, looking endearing.

Lin Yu and the others felt that something was strange for no reason, but they couldn't tell what was wrong, so they just listened to the woman and continued talking.

"My servant and I were passing by near here and accidentally met...him,

Maybe he saw my appearance and followed us all the time. Later, he even took the opportunity to kill my servant. I..."

The woman seemed to have thought of something again and sighed,

"What happened next...you all know."

537 Wit sees through the beauty trap, and then uses the trick again

After listening to the woman's explanation, several people felt a little sorry for her.

She was just passing by, and she was treated like this.

But Lin Yu always felt that something was wrong, but it was hard to say anything now.

After briefly understanding the woman’s situation,

Lin Yu suggested,

"Go to bed early tonight. You... were also frightened tonight. Go to bed early and you will be fine after today."

And he said to everyone,

"Everyone, go to bed early. We can talk about anything tomorrow."

After saying that, Bai Ye took the woman aside,

It’s not just intentional or unintentional,

The woman's eyes swept over him ambiguously.

But upon closer inspection, the woman's eyes were very innocent, and when she saw Lin Yu looking at her, she even showed a slight smile.

Lin Yu was very sure of his feelings and silently increased his vigilance towards the woman.

After the woman noticed Lin Yu's vigilance, she turned around and lowered her eyes.

His eyes were full of determination to win this group of people 02.

The next morning,

After having breakfast,

Lin Yu proposed to the woman to go to the place where the man killed her servant.

The woman was a little panicked,

"I, I don't know. When the thief was chasing me, I panicked and ran here accidentally. Fortunately, I was saved by a few benefactors."

Lin Yunai lost his temper and continued to ask,

"Then do you know what are the characteristics of the place where the servants were killed? After all, they died for you. At least they must be buried in peace."

That's right, Lin Yu is engaging in moral kidnapping. He believes in his intuition. There is definitely something wrong with this woman!

Although no substantial evidence can be produced yet,

However, high-level experts like them still control the sixth sense very accurately, making almost no mistakes.

They all had some doubts in the white night,

But out of trust in Lin Yu, they didn't say much.

He just silently increased his vigilance towards women.

The woman looked like she was remembering,

"That place... seems... there is a big tree. The leaves of this tree are already a little yellow, and then there is..."

The woman spoke vaguely, but she still tried to look like she was remembering.

Several people looked at each other without leaving any trace,

"There's something wrong with this woman!"

At this time, Lin Yu comforted him and said,

"It's okay, it's okay. I can't remember it. It's okay. It's around here anyway. Let's look carefully and we should be able to find it."

The woman hid the secret joy in her eyes, but still looked grateful on her face.

"Thank you all for your help. Die Ji will never forget it. When Die Ji returns home, she will tell her father and ask him to treat you kindly."

"No, no, no, the top priority now is to find the servants, let them rest in peace, and reach bliss as soon as possible."

The woman's face stiffened upon hearing this, but soon returned to normal.

After leaving the gate, Lin Yu asked seriously,

"Miss Die Ji, may I ask from which direction you came last night? Is this important? Can you recall it more?"

Die Ji lowered her head and thought hard,

Wang Wu on the other side has already begun to explore its surroundings.

Dieji thought about it for a long time but "didn't" remember it.

Wang Wu had already deduced the direction from which Die Ji ran out based on the dense footprints around her.

Die Ji saw that everyone's attention was on Wang Wu and not on her.

The unhappiness is already on his face,

When someone looks back, the unhappiness disappears immediately.

It’s amazing how quickly the face changes!

Bai Ye asked Die Ji,

"Die Ji, are you from here?"

Die Ji said with uncertainty,

"It should be here. Oops, why am I so stupid? I can't even remember it."

As he spoke, he hit his head with his hand, looking like he was blaming himself.

Ever since they suspected her, everyone felt that something was wrong. When they heard what Die Ji said, they comforted her perfunctorily.

"It's okay if I can't remember"

"Yes, this may be because the damage at the end was too great, and the brain automatically blocked the scene when you were hurt."

"Don't worry, we're here"

Under the comfort of everyone, Die Ji finally calmed down.

At this time, Lin Yu asked her again,

"Die Ji, will you stay here and wait for us, or will you search with us?"

Die Ji was a little panicked,

"No, no, no, I don't want to stay here, I 823 want to be with you."

Looking at the panicked Die Ji, she was comforted again.

After making the decision, the group decided to search in the direction with the densest footprints.

When leaving, Lin Yu inadvertently turned his head and saw from the corner of his eye the process of the man disappearing last night.

But he still pretended not to see anything and waited to see when the fox would show its tail.

Along the way, Die Ji stumbled along, and she didn’t know how long she had been looking for her.

The sharp-eyed Die Ji pointed in one direction,

"Look, it should be there"

Die Ji may not have noticed,

Lin Yu saw nothing in the direction she just pointed.

I don't know what kind of movements Die Ji made, but everything was there.

Lin Yu decided not to alert the enemy for the time being, and cooperated with Die Ji to finish the play.

Several people reached their destination,

I saw a broken carriage lying there. The carriage even had deep marks of being slashed with a knife.

There were several servants lying next to him with blood all over the floor.

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