As soon as I saw this scene,

Dieji cried and fell to the ground.

538 The mystery of the death of the servant, the obsession of the wisteria spirit

Die Ji, who fell to the ground crying, was comforted by everyone.

When Die Ji stops crying,

Only a few people began to explore the murder scene.

Although Lin Yu knew that the scene he saw now was caused by Die Ji's spell,

But he still checked carefully,

Based on the position of the servant falling to the ground, the location of the injury and the location of the blood spurt, he

It was determined that the servant was killed by something that appeared suddenly and hit him with one hit.

The servant did not offer the slightest resistance before his death,

But what puzzled him was that if one servant didn't resist, why didn't all the servants resist?

Then there is only one reason, and that is that they were all killed when they were undefended,

What's strange is how the carriage is still moving and is able to kill all the people in motion with one hit using the same technique.


Lin Yu had a guess,

He walked towards Die Ji and sighed.

"Here in the deep mountains and old forests, I guess...that man had some accomplices last night, but there are no clues now.

So we can only let them go to the ground for peace of mind. What happens next... we will try our best to catch the real culprit.

Please take care of yourself, Lady Die, and don’t be too sad. I think they don’t want you to be in any danger.”

Die Ji covered her heart, with tears in her eyes, and nodded timidly.

"Okay, everything is at your discretion."

Hearing that Die Ji agreed to his proposal,

So he arranged for several people to bury the dead servants.

Wait until everything is settled,

Lin Yu asked Die Ji again,

"Now that your servant's matter has been dealt with, what do you plan to do in the future?"

"Can I trouble you to send me home? I will definitely repay you well."

Dieji immediately replied eagerly,

Lin Yu pretended to be hesitant,

"This... we still have important matters to go to Fucheng, I'm afraid..."

Dieji immediately replied,

"My home is near Fucheng"

When Lin Yu heard this, he immediately decided,

"Okay, we'll take you back on the way. It might be a bit hard on the way.

If Die Ji can't bear it, just tell me and we can rest where we are, do you think that's okay?"

"Okay, I will try my best not to hold you back."

In this way, Die Ji joined Lin Yu's team and went to Fucheng.



"Wow, look at how beautiful this wisteria tree is."

"Yeah yeah"

"It can't be another ghost or something."

A disturbing voice came over.

"Lan Ka, no one will think you are mute if you don't speak."

"I won't, Luo Luo Luo, just hit me."

After saying that, Lan Ka ran towards the wisteria tree with his feet up.

When Die Ji saw the wisteria tree, her expression changed slightly, but she quickly concealed it.

Lin Yu, who had been paying attention to Die Ji, saw the scene of Die Ji changing her face.

And Bai Ye happened to see this scene,

The two looked at each other and then looked away.

The tacit understanding of their companions made them understand what they were going to do next.

He also became more wary of Die Ji.

Die Ji must have something up her sleeve!

Arriving under the wisteria tree,

I saw a girl sitting on the branch,

The girl saw someone coming,

He flew down the tree.

I saw the girl wearing a purple kimono, her hair in a bun, and a simple hairpin on her head.

Not stained with the popular black teeth.

The fresh and fresh outfit makes everyone’s eyes brighten.

The girl walked up to Lin Yu with a melancholy look on her face.

"Excuse me, have you seen my lover?"

Lin Yu was stunned,

"What does your lover look like?"

Hearing Lin Yu's question, the girl raised a sweet smile,

"My lover is a warrior. He is thin but not weak. He looks handsome and handsome, just like a handsome young man."

After saying this, the girl had tears in her eyes again,

"But one day, he said he wanted to do something for the lord he was loyal to.

He said that he would marry me when things were done, and then we would retire together, okay...after he left, he never came back."

Lin Yu recalled that among the people he had seen since arriving here, no one like this had appeared.

"I'm really sorry. We have never seen such a person appear. May I ask when he disappeared?"

"It must have been more than a thousand years ago. I've been waiting for so long that I can't remember clearly."

Lin Yu didn't even know what to say.

"Well, in this case, it may be very difficult to find him."

"No matter how difficult it is, I still want to see him once."

Lan Ka said quickly beside him,

"It's been more than a thousand years, and I have been reincarnated countless times."

Upon hearing this, the girl cried even harder.

Lin Yu glanced at Lan Ka and said comfortingly,

"Did he say where to meet you?"

The girl wiped her tears,

"He said the place where we first met, this is the place where we first met."

Lin Yu thought about the sentence for a while,

"Could he have moved on to another relationship, married a wife and had children elsewhere?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the girl refuted him,

"Impossible. He said he would definitely marry me. He has already given me the most important things in his family as a token of love."

Lin Yu knew that there was a 99% chance that the girl's lover was dead.

There is only one percent chance of surviving, but if you encounter something you can't escape,

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