Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 522 This change is the most difficult to explain

After laughing, Yi Shuyuan simply found some saponins and simply washed his face and hair under the eaves.

The cold rain and the comfort during cleaning were all so real, and the little Taoist boy next to Yi Shuyuan kept looking at him curiously.

When Yi Shuyuan finished cleaning and turned to look around him, the little Taoist subconsciously took a few steps back. He didn't recognize his senior brother anymore.

"Senior brother, you, you have become different."

"Senior brother, I'm always like this. It's just that I was crazy all day long and didn't know how to deal with it. That's why you think I'm not like this."

The little Taoist boy was stunned for a moment, then suddenly his eyes widened, he pointed at his senior brother and was speechless.

The next moment, the little Taoist boy suddenly shouted "Ah--" and rushed into the rain to go to the main hall of the dilapidated Taoist temple, screaming as he ran.

"Master—Master—Senior Brother is not crazy, Senior Brother is not crazy—"

Yi Shuyuan wrung out his hair and threw it casually behind him. The rain in late spring and early summer was still a bit cool. He looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar Taoist temple. The size of the courtyard could be seen at a glance. Counting the kitchen and latrines, there were only five rooms. .

Although it was dilapidated, looking back on the past twenty years, Yi Shuyuan lived in a comfortable place. The key was that this master could control himself, a madman who tried to escape down the mountain countless times.

In fact, it doesn't look like a Taoist temple at all, and there are no gods worshiped here.

The rain did not stop, so Yi Shuyuan calmed down and walked towards the main hall building, which was the only decent building in the Taoist temple.

When he arrived in front of the door, Yi Shuyuan looked up and saw that the color of the writing on the old plaque was almost fading, but he could still identify it. It was the Daoxin Palace.

After just standing outside for a short while, Yi Shuyuan's clothes were already half wet. He walked into the hall, where sat an old Taoist, and the little Taoist boy was beside him.

"Master, senior brother is here"

Yi Shuyuan walked into the hall. He was very familiar with the place, but he still looked at it carefully, then walked closer and bowed respectfully to the old man on the futon.


The old Taoist opened his eyes and looked at the apprentice who had finished cleaning up in front of him. The moment his eyes made contact, he saw a pair of clear eyes, which seemed to be deeper than the night sky and contained a few shining stars.

"You are pure in heart, are you confused now?"

The old Taoist asked this, and Yi Shuyuan smiled.

"It's like I had a dream, and now I finally woke up!"

"So what are you thinking about now? Is there anything you want to learn about medicine, fortune telling, fortune telling, and divination?"

After hearing what the old man said, Yi Shuyuan's expression returned to calm.

"These disciples have actually seen each other over the years. Although I am crazy, I am not confused. Master, I am here to say goodbye!"

The old Taoist sighed.

"I passed by the market back then and saw that you were young and lonely, abandoned in the busy city. But I could see from your appearance that you had an extraordinary destiny, and you had some care. Do you want to find your biological parents?"

Yi Shuyuan smiled and shook his head.

"They are now living a happy life with children, daughters and grandchildren, and they can enjoy family happiness. I will not disturb them. Although they abandoned me, they have given me life. We just need to be safe!"

A smile appeared on the old Taoist's face, and his expression gradually became complicated, with some relief, some reluctance, and some regret.

"That puts me at ease."

Maybe it was because he saw that Yi Shuyuan was really good, or maybe he felt relieved. At this moment, the old man felt a sense of fatigue coming over him, and it seemed that he couldn't hold on any longer.

As he spoke, Lao Dao's complexion began to turn gray. Yi Shuyuan frowned and immediately stepped forward to support Lao Dao before he fell.


The little Taoist boy screamed, and then his face was full of anxiety.

"Brother, what's wrong with Master? Master, what's wrong with you, Master?"

"Master is ill, very ill"

Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but sigh, is everything in the demonic realm fake? Maybe others could say that, but it was hard for him to say that he came in with the Heavenly Demon Transformation Realm.

Even Yi Shuyuan was not as abstaining from lying as the Buddhists, but his heart was always bright, so he couldn't leave.


A year and a half later, a tomb was erected on a hill not far from the dilapidated Taoist temple, and the old Taoist was buried here.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Master"

When Yi Shuyuan was erecting a tombstone with a wooden plaque, the little Taoist boy started crying again. He took out a few candies with crumpled sugar-coated paper from his pocket and carefully placed them in front of the tombstone.

"Master, woo woo, you eat."

Yi Shuyuan raised his head slightly and reached out to rub the little Taotong's head. The latter lay in his arms and cried hard.

"Brother, wuwuwu. Master is gone, what should we do?"

"Let's go down the mountain!"

The little Taoist boy sobbed and looked up at his senior brother, but he had no objection. He was helpless and he would go wherever his senior brother went!

After leaving this unknown Taoist temple where he had lived for many years, Yi Shuyuan took some rice left in the Taoist temple and the money left by the old Taoist, and went down the mountain with his junior brother Qing Ling.


Obviously, the world after reincarnation here is not Dayong at all. At least Yi Shuyuan has not heard of Dayong's name for more than 20 years since he was crazy.

Yi Shuyuan and his junior brother kept on the road. Occasionally they would stop to pick up some work to support the expenses of the journey. Sometimes they were doing hard labor, and sometimes they would also receive work for Buddhist rituals.

Yi Shuyuan himself often had no problem resisting, but his junior brother Qing Ling was still young and couldn't stand the hunger, so sometimes he had to stop.

Qing Ling asked her senior brother where they were going and why they were walking in such a hurry. Yi Shuyuan always answered calmly: Go where you need to go and find the person you need to find.

One day a few months later, Yi Shuyuan and Qing Ling finally arrived at a village at a river bend. Upon arrival, Yi Shuyuan counted his fingers at the entrance of the village, and then started to trot.

"Ah ah ah, senior brother, wait for me -"

Qing Ling hurriedly chased after him, but saw that his senior brother had lost some luggage while running, so he went to pick it up again. By the time he caught up with Yi Shuyuan, the little Taoist boy had already carried a lot of things and could hardly lift them anymore.

"Senior brother, why are you running!"

The little Taoist boy complained. He looked at his senior brother and saw that he was looking at the courtyard of a family. There were also many villagers gathered at the entrance of the courtyard over there.


Loud cries came from over there, and the villagers outside became excited.

"It's happening, it's happening!" "It's so loud, it must be okay!"

"Congratulations!" "Congratulations to Liangsheng!"

Yi Shuyuan came closer, and the little Taoist boy also followed curiously.

"It turns out a baby is being born inside!"

The senior brother looked through the open door of the courtyard. There were many people in the courtyard, and there were some stools for people to sit on. At the door of that room, a man who was not too old but had a rough face that looked old was there. Talk to people excitedly.

Qing Ling looked at her senior brother and then at the yard over there.

"Senior brother, senior brother?"

Yi Shuyuan sighed and said nothing.

In the yard over there, Xi Liangsheng was very excited. His happiness and joy were beyond words, and he was far more excited than ordinary people giving birth to a child.

"I finally gave birth. I, Xiliangsheng, have a child. I can also have a child. I also have a child!"

"Silly boy, what's the point of that? Of course you can have a child!" "I don't know if it's a boy or a girl? Liangsheng, I see the crying is so loud, it must be a boy!"

Kirano was so happy that he trembled all over and answered quickly.

"Everything is fine, as long as mother and child are safe, both boys and girls are fine!"

"Hahahahaha, Liangsheng, you have to hold on to your anger, you are also a father from now on!"

"Hahahaha." "Liangsheng will be a good father now!"

Qing Ling looked over there and couldn't help but say something.

"Brother, I am so happy to be a father!"

"Well, of course he is very happy."

Yi Shuyuan sighed and shook his head, but a smile appeared on his face. That being the case, so be it!

Someone will come running quickly with a big fish basket on his back. There is a large fish tail exposed in the fish basket and it is swinging desperately.

"Liangsheng, Liangsheng, I heard the noise from all the way here. Look what I brought you, a big green carp, just in time to celebrate for you -"

"Oh, it's such a big fish!" "Really, such a big fish?"

"It must weigh dozens of kilograms, right?"

"More than that, help me quickly, I can't carry it anymore!"

"Knock it down first!"

Upon seeing this, Yi Shuyuan's heart moved and he rushed forward.

"Alas, senior brother"

While people were rejoicing in the courtyard, a Taoist priest suddenly walked in, and his voice was louder than everyone else's.

"Pindao feels something in his heart here on the way. When he sees the joy rising, he knows that something good is going to happen. I'm here to congratulate you! Pindao is bowing his head!"

The villagers looked at the Taoist who came here. His clothes were old and patched, and he looked like a wandering Taoist who came to beg for food. However, his appearance was dignified and dignified.

"Oh, thank you very much, Master!"

Liangsheng smiled and returned the gift. Just when he was about to say something, Yi Shuyuan pointed to the fish basket on the ground.

"It's not easy and very rare for this fish to be born so big. It may be here today to congratulate you, but it doesn't want to be caught ashore. I'm so happy today, so don't kill it!"

Upon hearing this, the fishermen immediately became dissatisfied.

"What nonsense is this Taoist talking about?" "That Taoist, isn't it true that chickens, ducks, and fish can't be eaten? They can all be considered congratulations, right?"


Yi Shuyuan looked at the fisherman and Liangsheng with a smile.

"It would be best if you don't kill any living beings, but this fish is special, maybe it has a spiritual power. How about this, if you can spare a few taels of silver, how about buying it?"

"One or two!?"

One tael of silver is considered a huge sum of money by the people in this village!

However, the villagers looked at the Taoist with suspicious eyes, and some looked at the little Taoist boy outside the courtyard who was a little uneasy and did not dare to come in. The two of them must be together.

"You, you have a tael of silver?" "You don't look like you are rich."

Yi Shuyuan smiled, fumbled for some broken silver from his arms and unfolded it in his hands.

"I just got some money from doing something before, so I will use it to buy this fish. What do you think?"


"Sell, sell, sell! One tael is enough. How many fish can I buy at the market? Sold!"

"Hey, didn't you give it to Liangsheng?" "I'll buy the fish for him after I sell it! Taoist, I'll give you the fish basket too!"

The fisherman spoke directly. Yi Shuyuan glanced at Liangsheng and without saying much, handed the money to the fisherman and then reached out to lift the fish basket.

"Hey, this guy looks thin, but he's very strong!"

The attention of everyone in the courtyard was attracted by the Taoist man and the fish, even Liangsheng, but he just didn't look back at the house.

At this time, Po Wen opened the door and came out.

"Congratulations, mother and child are safe, they gave birth to a boy! Uh, this is"

Po Wen noticed that the atmosphere outside was a bit strange, and then she saw a Taoist man holding a big fish basket with a big fish bouncing inside.

Yi Shuyuan smiled, nodded to Liangsheng and others, and then walked out of the courtyard holding the fish basket.

"Hey, that Taoist, why did you buy the fish?"

"Pindao, go and release the animals!"

After saying that, Yi Shuyuan had already walked out of the courtyard. Some villagers inside and outside the courtyard were stunned for a moment, and many people chose to follow him.

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