Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 523 Less than a moment but an eternity!

Yi Shuyuan did not choose to carry a backpack on his back. He just carried the dozens of kilograms of things like this, sniffing the water vapor all the way along the village road to the river.

During this process, the big carp in the fish basket kept swinging, and the sound of "pah pah pah" was very rapid, which also showed that the big fish had been out of the water for a long time and could hardly stand it anymore.

Until Yi Shuyuan walked to the river, put the fish basket into the water at the stone steps on the river bank, and then slowly dumped it.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, is that you? Why are you so unlucky that you don't even have time to do anything?"

Looking at the big green carp that almost died on the shore, Yi Shuyuan was a little bit dumbfounded. He was afraid that this ignorant big fish that had a vague sense of spirituality would also be frightened.

Hearing these words, the big fish suddenly calmed down. It did not swim into the river immediately in the fish basket. The fins swayed and calmed down for a while, and then slowly exited the fish basket.


The big fish spit out a burst of bubbles towards Yi Shuyuan.

Yi Shuyuan seemed to be thinking about the meaning, and then said something half-guessed.

"I asked you not to forget your original intention, but I think you must at least be a human being, so forget it if you are just a fish."

The big fish turned around and swam toward the river, turning back and swimming twice.


The water splashed for a while, and the big carp disappeared, leaving only the conspicuous waves on the surface. The movement was as if someone had just dived under.

“It’s really freeing”

The fisherman murmured in disbelief, and the villagers who followed behind also looked at each other and started talking.

"You just let the fish you bought for one tael of silver go?" "This Taoist is really special!"

Qing Ling ran to the river with a bunch of things and looked at it, then looked at Yi Shuyuan.

"Senior brother, why did you let it go? I really want to eat fish."

"There should be something to eat."

Yi Shuyuan said, looking at the villagers behind him. Although Xi Liangsheng did not follow, there were some family members behind him. At this moment, he also said with a smile.

"This fish is released for the newborn, and it is also a blessing for the newborn. I hope that if the villagers catch it again, they can keep it alive and not eat it!"


Some hesitated, while others agreed.

"That man is right!" "Anyway, if I catch it, I will definitely let it go!"

"You don't want to fish! Okay, okay, I have collected the money after all. If I catch another fish, I will release it."

Yi Shuyuan bowed his hand to the fisherman, and then took many packages and luggage from Qing Ling. It was hard enough for the child to chase after so many things.

Seeing that this Taoist seemed unusual, the relatives of the Xi family invited them to be their guests. Of course, Yi Shuyuan did not refuse and followed them directly to Xi Liangsheng's home.

Because he heard that the Taoist released a big fish to pray for the newborn, Xi Liangsheng, a first-time father, was very grateful. He felt that the Taoist was right and kindly invited him to have a meal at his home.

Of course, Yi Shuyuan did not refuse, and even took the opportunity to ask for a stay in the village. Someone agreed, but he would have dinner at Xi's house.

Dinner was eaten at Xi's family. Except for the mother who was in the room with her baby and it was inconvenient to go out to eat, everyone in Xi's family and the two Taoists ate at the same table.

As expected, Yi Shuyuan did not lie to Qing Ling. There were fish on the dinner table, and the fisherman bought a few more fish and brought them, one of which was braised in braise, and the other stewed in soup to help the mother produce milk.

At this time, Xi Liangsheng went to the inner bedroom to wait on his wife and then came out after dinner. He saw the Taoist and his parents chatting happily.

"Taoist Priest, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing. It's just what Pindao and his junior brother saw after they came down the mountain."

Saying that, Yi Shuyuan looked at Xi Liangsheng and said.

"What does Xixiongtai wish for now?"

"Hahaha, what else can I wish for? I just want to raise children, honor my parents, take care of my wife, and live a stable life! I always feel that this day is really rare for me. It's really, really rare."

As he was talking, Kirano realized that he was a little distracted and quickly picked up the wine bottle.

"Come, come, Taoist Master, please drink. Dad, please drink less."

"Hey, bring it here. It's a happy event today, so please leave me alone!"

The people at the table were eating happily, the little Taoist boy Qingling was also laughing with his mouth full of food, and Yi Shuyuan was also blessing with a smile, but he could feel that at this moment Liangsheng was not even close to Fang Cunshan.

After eating, Yi Shuyuan took Qing Ling to the empty house next door to stay overnight.

Late at night, Qing Ling was happily making noise on the bed.

"I haven't slept on a proper bed for a long time. I can sleep well today! Senior brother, senior brother? What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing, go to sleep."


After blowing out the oil lamp and the room became dark, the little Taoist boy seemed to fall asleep quickly, and Yi Shuyuan also gently closed his eyes.

The demonic calamity bred by the way of heaven is simply ever-changing, even worse than the last one, no, more than just a few points!

The last time a snow python appeared on ice and snow, it seemed to be invincible, but in fact, Yi Shuyuan found it easier to deal with it, and this time.


As soon as Yi Shuyuan sighed, Qing Ling heard it and spoke immediately.

"Senior brother, are you still awake?"

"Children, don't stay up late, go to bed quickly!"


The power of my mind was too strong, and I interfered with this demonic realm with the remaining power of the demon transformation. Instead, I went crazy for many years, but it was not without hope.

When I woke up in the Taoist temple, I was about to say goodbye, but the master's deadline was approaching. I settled everything and took my junior brother down the mountain. After arriving here, it has been almost two years since I woke up.

These things are simply unavoidable, because it is impossible for Yi Shuyuan to ignore them.

In the past two years, Kirangsheng has married a wife and had children. This is a great surprise and great happiness for him who was an elderly eunuch in his previous life.

Yi Shuyuan found that everything was a step too late for him, and now he was almost at his wits' end!

Well, Jiang Lang won’t mention it, just wish yourself good luck.

"Brother, have you slept? I can't sleep on such a good bed."

This time Yi Shuyuan didn't answer, he just pretended to be asleep, and soon he actually fell asleep.——

It seems that because of the debt in the previous life, in this life, Xi Liang gave birth to three children in the family. In six years, she gave birth to three children, two boys in the first year, and a girl in the sixth year.

The family is happy and living and working in peace and contentment in the village.

Of course, Yi Shuyuan couldn't stay in the village forever. After all, he also needed to make a living, so he always took Qing Ling to travel or help out.

But no matter how you go, no matter how far you go, at least you won’t come to Xijia Village every year.

Sometimes we come once, sometimes we pass twice. Many people in the village are already familiar with these Taoist brothers, and many people in the village even have their fortunes told by that Taoist.

This summer, twelve years have passed since Yi Shuyuan first came to Xijia Village.

It was already evening when Yi Shuyuan arrived this time. He met the old village chief at the entrance of the village and was directly invited to his home.

The junior brother ate openly at the village chief's house, while Yi Shuyuan picked up some vegetables and walked around the village with a bowl, eating as he walked, until he reached the river.

Kirangsheng was also here holding his rice bowl, or in other words, many people were holding their rice bowls and enjoying the cool weather by the river, eating and chatting.

Although it is evening now, there are still people fishing, it is the fisherman back then.

"Alang, stop fishing and go home to eat."

"Go right now!"

"Wow, wow, wow."

A large group of water splashed in the middle of the river, and some villagers who were eating by the river and watching immediately said.

"How big of a fish does it take to splash in the water?"

The fisherman looked back and said.

"It should be the big green carp. I can see it occasionally. This big fish has really become spiritual. It's a blessing that I didn't kill it back then. Otherwise, what a sin it would have been! Alas, Taoist Priest Are you there too?"

After hearing what the fisherman said, many people turned their heads to look in the direction of the fisherman's line of sight and saw the Taoist man carrying a rice bowl who had arrived at some unknown time.

"Oh, Taoist Master, you are here!" "Oh, I should have known I would have invited you to my house!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, the old village chief has already entertained you!"

"Taoist Priest, you shouldn't leave tomorrow, right? Tell my baby's fortune!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

"And that boy of mine!"

"Yeah, definitely!"

Yi Shuyuan promised to come down, and then he squatted to one side to eat, right next to Xi Liangsheng.

At this moment, Hirano was looking at the river, and he didn't know whether he was looking at the fisherman's float or the splash caused by the big fish further away.

"Liangsheng has something on his mind?"

Yi Shuyuan asked this question, and Xi Liangsheng shook his head and said nothing.

The parents have passed away one after another, and the children have gradually grown up. The two boys can even go to the fields to help.

The harvest from the fields has always been good, and the family atmosphere has always been happy and harmonious. However, over the years, Xiangsheng began to feel that something was missing.

Especially every time I see the Taoist priest come to the village, stay briefly and then leave in a hurry, this feeling will become stronger at that time.

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, and his mood seemed a bit complicated. After a long time, Kirangsheng suddenly asked.

"Taoist Priest, you are extremely accurate in fortune telling and have noble character. Why don't you stop at a fixed place? It will not be difficult with your ability. You are always so busy, coming and going in a hurry. Are you practicing?"

Yi Shuyuan had just taken a mouthful of rice. As the saying goes, he would chew and swallow for a while, and then he would answer when his speech was clear.

"I am looking for a way. There is a place I have always wanted to go to but I can't find the way."

"What place?"

Yi Shuyuan looked at the river and was silent for a long time, and then murmured an answer as if in a trance.

"Square, inch, mountain"

Kirangsheng frowned, what kind of mountain is this? Never heard of it.

This time, the two Taoists Qing Xin and Qing Ling only stayed in the village for one more day, and then they set off and left, still in a hurry. Not to mention that Qing Ling was used to it, and even the people in Xijia Village were already got used to.

Life in the village seems to be the same day after day, and so does the Kiranosei family.

But Kiranosheng occasionally started to have strange dreams.

When he first heard Taoist Qingxin mention the name Fang Cunshan, Kirangsheng had no idea at all, but as the days passed, he would think of that conversation in his dreams from time to time.

Gradually, the image of Lingtai Fangcun Mountain appeared repeatedly in his dreams, causing Xi Liangsheng to suffer from insomnia frequently, and it gradually became a place that haunted him.

Xi Liangsheng went out to inquire about Lingtai Fangcun Mountain many times, but to no avail. The villagers said that there was no such place in the world, but he just didn't believe it and knew that this place must exist.

A few years passed in the blink of an eye, and Xiangsheng and his wife had proposed many times that they wanted to go out to find Fang Cunshan.

This has led to several quarrels breaking out in the always harmonious family, which usually ended with Kirangsheng's compromise, but occasionally the quarrels would become more intense and the elders in the village would need to be persuaded.


This year, Yi Shuyuan passed by Xijia Village again, and he felt in his heart that Xi Liangsheng was approaching the Lingtai!

This time Yi Shuyuan came to Xijia Village early in the morning. When he passed by Xi Liangsheng's house, he saw a tall young man carrying a bag and getting ready to go out.

As soon as he arrived at the door, the young man bumped into the middle-aged Taoist Yi Shuyuan and the young Taoist Qingling.

"Oh, Taoist Priest Qingxin, Taoist Priest Qingling, are you here?"

"Li'an, are you going out?"

Qing Ling asked, and then looked towards the courtyard like her senior brother, and saw Hiroshi and his wife coming out with a boy and a little girl.

The young man smiled.

"My father is thinking about Fangcun Mountain. I, as his son, will look for it for him! If my father said there is such a place, then I believe it must be there. I will go explore the way for my father! By the way, Taoist priest, tell me how this trip will go. ?”

Yi Shuyuan frowned, pinched the hand hidden in his sleeve, and his heart skipped a beat.

Can’t figure it out!

"This is hard to say."

"Taoist Priest, please advise him. He hasn't married yet and has children. Why should he go out?"

Mrs. Liu said with a cry, while the young man looked back with a smile.

"Mom, how can you go out after you have a wife and children? My father, uh, I won't talk about it anymore. Taoist priest, I'm leaving first!"

As if she was afraid that she would not be able to leave, Xili'an hurried out with a smile on her face and longing in her heart, perhaps not just to fulfill her father's wish.

Seeing that the young man left, Yi Shuyuan looked at Xi Liangsheng. Although he had mentioned Fang Cun Mountain back then, it was obvious that Xi Liangsheng had never mentioned it to anyone, otherwise Yi Shuyuan and his junior brother would have come here, and Xi Liangsheng My daughter-in-law will definitely not look good.

This time, Yi Shuyuan only spent one night in Xijia Village and left in a hurry the next day.

From this time on, Yi Shuyuan would take his junior brother through Xijia Village at least once every six months. Every time he came, Mrs. Liu would beg Yi Shuyuan to tell fortunes for her eldest son.

See if he is safe, why he has been gone for three years, why there are so few letters or messages, and why there has been no news for this year.

On this day, Yi Shuyuan came again. At the gate of Xi Liangsheng's house, he saw another young man carrying a bag and going out. There was a sound in the distance.

"Mom and dad, don't worry, I will definitely find my eldest brother. Maybe Fangcun Mountain is too far away!"

"Son, you have to be careful. If the money is gone, come back." "Son, you."

"Don't worry, I will come back if I think I can't find it anymore. Girl, take good care of your parents!"

The girl next to Mr. and Mrs. Kirano nodded heavily.

"Well! Second brother, you must get the eldest brother back!"

The voices in the courtyard followed the family's footsteps outside the courtyard, and then they saw Yi Shuyuan coming here. The young man saluted the Taoist, but Yi Shuyuan shook his head slightly at him.

The young man frowned and didn't care at all, and walked directly to the entrance of the village. On the way, many villagers came to advise, and some were encouraging.

This time, another three years have passed!

But this time, Yi Shuyuan did not leave again. He chose to stay in the county and would go to Xijia Village from time to time.

Neither of their sons came back. Mrs. Liu would often shed tears. Xi Liangsheng also seemed to have aged many years. In order to take care of her parents, their daughter never got married even though there were many proposals for marriage.

On the other hand, Qing Ling, Yi Shuyuan's younger brother, seemed to be "moved" by the daughter of the Xi family and came to Xijia Village more frequently than Yi Shuyuan.

It was dawn that day, and Yi Shuyuan came with his junior brother again. The latter walked briskly to Xi Liangsheng's house, preparing to help their family with work.

"Lingya, Lingya"

Qing Ling screamed twice, but saw the girl rushing out and covering his mouth with her hand.

"Shhh don't talk!"

Qing Ling's face turned slightly red. He had never touched a girl's hand, let alone Xi Lingya's. Then he suddenly saw the girl carrying a baggage.


"Qing Ling, I can't stay any longer. I can't see my mother crying every day, and I can't see my father slumped and blaming himself. I want to get my eldest and second brothers back. Can you help me take care of my parents for a while? .”

Facing the girl's almost pleading eyes, Qing Ling was stunned.

"How can a girl go out alone?"

"Please, come back and I will marry you!"

"Ah, I, I will go with you and let my senior brother help take care of you."

Qing Ling looked towards the outside of the courtyard as she spoke, and Yi Shuyuan happened to be walking towards him. However, at this moment, Yi Shuyuan just shook his head slightly, feeling something in his heart and understanding the magic of the devil. He knew that this was the time.

Sure enough, two gray-haired people rushed out of the room. Mrs. Liu almost staggered out and hugged her daughter.

Xiangsheng also rushed to the door of the courtyard, and the couple instinctively wanted to protect their daughter.

"Mom, daddy."

Mrs. Liu's vision was no longer clear because she cried all the time.

"Don't go, don't go, Lingya, wuwuwu, don't go - old man, look what evil you have done - do you want all our children to die, ah -"

Blood and tears flowed from Mrs. Liu's eyes, which frightened the girl's spirit to the point of screaming, but she just looked at Kiranosheng.

"Tell me, tell me - do you want to go to Fangcun Mountain?"

Kirano stood frozen on the spot, with infinite regret rising in his heart. He shed tears and shook his head, his lips trembling and speechless.

"No, no. Lingya, don't leave."

Outside the courtyard gate, Yi Shuyuan slowly closed his eyes. In the river beside the village, big carp stirred the water, but the color of the water seemed to fade away.

In an instant, all the scenes seemed to be burned to ashes by fire, and everything turned into nothingness.

Yi Shuyuan opened his eyes, and in front of him was the cave. Jiang Lang stumbled, looking around in confusion, and then suddenly turned back when he heard the sound of crying again.

Yi Shuyuan also turned around, and it was Zhang Liangxi who was sobbing with his eyes closed!

“Oh~~~Oh oh~~~~”

The crow of cocks sounded in the distance, less than a moment before dawn.

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