Taoist companions help me live forever

Chapter 368 Meeting of the Honorables

Love Island.

In just a few moments, Yu Xian fought in the entire human territory and killed dozens of venerables, which shocked and frightened everyone.

Before today, the seventy-two thrones of the human race were still full.

But after today, thirty-three seats will be immediately vacant.

One day's difference caused serious consequences comparable to those of the war between good and evil.

But no one thinks that the human race's power has been weakened and will be backstabbed by the demon race.

With the presence of the Lord of Great Love, the monsters dare to die if they dare to come.

Facing the thirty-nine venerables, Yu Xian let out a breath. It seemed that he did not have the awareness to act as an executioner just now, but rather said with compassion:

"The human race has lost so many pillars in one day. My heart aches. I hope you can take this as a warning and do your best for the human race in the future. Never let today's tragedy happen again."

"We are born as human beings and enjoy all the honors in the world. We must not forget our true intentions."

"As you occupy the honorable position of the human race, you should fight for the human race."

Hearing this, all the venerables responded with slightly embarrassed smiles.

"What Venerable Great Love said is absolutely true. I dare not say it to others, but I, Zhou Tong, am willing to fight for the human race. From now on, wherever Venerable Great Love's sword points, that will be the direction in which I fight."

The human god who was previously known as Lord Shenmu took a step forward and took the lead in surrendering.

"In the past, the nine deities of the Nine Councils stood side by side, and it was difficult to pass down government orders. We were powerless and did not want to waste our strength or even our lives to be a stepping stone for others, so we went our own way. But today, the Venerable Great Love is overwhelming the others and is single-minded. Sir, we are sincerely convinced and willing to work under the command of His Holiness the Great Love.”

"The Venerable Great Love is destined to be the leader that the human race has been waiting for for many years. If we can get the leadership of the Venerable Great Love, we and the human race will be able to eliminate the evil, unify the world, and restore peace to the world."

"If heaven does not give birth to great love, the human race will be like a long night."

"I have a stupid mouth, but what all the venerables said is from the bottom of my heart."

If someone takes the lead, everyone's nice words won't seem so stiff and awkward.

Although everyone has been in high positions for a long time, none of them have practiced Qi step by step. Even if they are not familiar with the most basic skills of talking, they have seen it a lot, and it doesn't matter if they learn a few words.

In an instant, the atmosphere changed from tense to cheerful and harmonious.

After seeing Venerable Great Love's quick-kill performance just now, no one would think of confronting him at this time, even if they had other thoughts in mind.

There was a smile on Yu Xian's lips, and he didn't mean to stop it. He seemed to be enjoying it very much.

After all, he practiced hard and became the best in the world step by step. One of his goals was this - no human venerable or big shot would have to bow his head and act like a grandson when meeting him.

Immortality has never been the goal of spiritual practice, but a trophy that belongs to the victor after practicing to the end.

If you spend your whole life feeling frustrated, afraid, and miserable, what's the point of living forever.

I have only heard of emperors and dignitaries seeking immortality, but never of beggars and commoners.

"OK OK."

Yu Xian pressed his palm down to stop the compliments from everyone, and said with a smile:

"No matter how nice you say it, those who deserve to be punished will still be punished."

Hearing this, the faces of the venerable people who arrived first relaxed.

However, the expressions of the fourteen late venerables froze, and they couldn't help but complain in their hearts.

This great loving venerable man was not a son of a man. They all bowed their heads to such an extent that he was actually aggressive and refused to let them go.

But thinking about the dozens of sages who died so simply, they were no longer so angry.

"But it's up to your Majesty to deal with it."

All the venerable men bowed their heads and accepted the punishment.

Yu Xian smiled gently and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm not a murderer, and I won't conspire to harm you. After all, I want to kill you, so there's no need to go to such trouble."

The latecomers hurriedly said: "What the Great Love Master said is absolutely true. No matter what the punishment is, we are all convinced and do not dare to have the slightest resentment."

"That's good."

Yu Xian turned out a dark golden bead the size of a fist and shaped like an eye pupil in his palm, and continued:

"Not long ago, I received revelation from heaven and refined this treasure called Jingshen Eye."

"This object, under the guise of the mighty power of heaven, can eliminate disasters and relieve misfortunes under the gaze. The most important thing is that it can resolve the blood curse of the demon clan."

"I believe you should understand that the blood curse is the most important reason why the human and demon clans are in constant dispute and war. Once the demon clan's blood curse can be solved and the demon clan regains its sanity, there will be hope for peace."

"So I intend to establish a peaceful defense line between humans and monsters, and you will serve as patrols, stationed across the border, and at the same time guard this shocking eye. When the curse of the demon clan's bloodline is resolved, the demon clan's offensive will naturally collapse.

Of course, I know that during this process, the careerists behind the demon clan will not give up and will use many means to obstruct it.

This is your danger.

However, I will give you a call for help. As long as you can hold on for a while, I will arrive. "

With the mobility of the Incarnation Lord, if these dozen Human Race Lords are more diligent, it will be more than enough to protect the border that is tens of millions of miles away.

His primary goal now is to unify the forces of the human race and concentrate resources to do big things, rather than to eliminate the demon race.

Therefore, the threat of the demon army is very necessary.

There is a word called "raising the bandits and respecting oneself".

Without the constant threat from the demon clan, where would his great cause of unifying the human race come from.

But he couldn't do nothing.

After all, the Demon Emperor behind the Demon Clan is also a hidden danger.

He launched an army of monsters to suddenly fight the humans, and he must have his own plan.

While he was unifying the human race, he also wanted to interfere with the Demon Emperor's plan.

Qingqiu Fox Lord's use of barbarians to control barbarians is one thing, and the establishment of a peaceful defense line is another.

The demon army was enveloped by the blood curse.

As long as their bloodline curse is gone, they will naturally have their own thoughts.

It’s not like the demon tribe can’t survive.

There is still a large area of ​​land to survive in the Demon Realm, so why risk your life to fight with the human race for this three-thirds of an acre of land.

One of the main causes of war is the lack of internal resources, which can only be formed by plundering from the outside.

Even if we force them to fight, they will not fight.

"Is there such a treasure in this world?"

Not only the punished venerable, but also the eyes of other venerables were attracted by the shocking sight in Yu Xian's hand.

Someone quickly reacted.

"The Venerable Great Love cares about all the people in the world. We admire him. With this treasure, the demon clan will definitely be able to cause chaos without war."

"In this way, we can support the development of the beast-controlling inheritance. When the time comes, when the beast-controlling clan attacks the demon clan, we can reduce a lot of casualties for our human race."

"But the human race's defense line stretches more than tens of millions of people. Is it too meager with just our strength?"

"Yes, your Majesty, it's not that we don't want to contribute to the human race. It's just that I can't wait for more than ten people. If I want to guard the entire human race border, as time goes by, there will always be times when I neglect it. At that time, I will be derelict in my duty. Xiao, if you tell me, the human race will be in great trouble."

Yu Xian said lightly: "In the past, the Nine Lords Association built many frontline fortresses for the human race, and they have not fallen yet. You have also brought many Nascent Soul Golden Core monks to supplement them. Even if the demon clan venerable comes, they can resist for a long time.

If you fail to do your duty, you will lose your life.

I believe that if you die to atone for your sins, those human beings who have suffered disaster will be able to rest in peace even if they die. "


All the venerables looked at each other, intending to curse, but no one dared to speak.

Are they destined to spend the rest of their lives running on the front lines of the human race day and night?

If you can't live for yourself in your life, what's the point?

Fortunately, they heard the fairy sound the next moment.

"Don't say that I treat you harshly. This is your punishment for being late, so it needs to be severe. However, this punishment is only for a hundred years. You will be required to patrol within a hundred years. After a hundred years, you can start to communicate with other venerables. Rotate.”

It turned out to be only a hundred years.

Upon hearing this time limit, the venerables immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

From being beaten to death on the spot, to patrolling the border for a lifetime, to being rotated for a hundred years.

They immediately felt like they had made a profit.

So everyone bowed respectfully to Yu Xian.

"I sincerely obey your Majesty's orders. We are willing to patrol the border for the human race and protect the safety of the human race."

Yu Xian nodded slightly: "Good."

Then he turned to look at the other venerables and said:

"I intend to unify the forces of the human race, but after studying the situation of the human race, I found that there are still many territories that have not been unified, so I will ask you to help me make more trips to unify the chaotic large and small territories of the human race to facilitate subsequent acceptance and transformation.

I wonder if you are willing? "

"How dare you disobey your orders?"

Venerable Shenmu was the first to stand up.

"The human race has been in civil strife for a long time. Now that the Ming Lord has arrived, it is the time for unification. I, Zhou Tong, am willing to serve as your master."

Yu Xian glanced at the human venerable who had been on the front line of surrender and smiled with satisfaction.

"Does Venerable Zhou dare to issue a military order?"

"Why don't you dare?"

Venerable Shenmu responded loudly.

Yu Xian nodded and said: "Okay, according to the original division of the seventy-two domains of the human race, less than forty domains are nominally unified, and more than thirty domains are still in a state of chaos. I will give you ten years to unify the territories. The wider it is, the higher the reward afterwards.

Whether it's the inheritance of laws or the true interpretation of laws, everything is available.

Even the cultivation methods above and beyond the transformation of gods that you seek are all available. "

Venerable Shenmu's eyes lit up and he asked in disbelief.

"Are you serious about what your Majesty said?!"

"Could it be that Your Majesty has... already achieved a breakthrough?"

His tone was unconsciously dry.

Yu Xian smiled lightly and said without comment: "Yes or no, you can decide for yourself."

"Yes, it must be. Of the seventy-two honorable seats in the human race, there are thirty-nine of us, and there are thirty-three vacancies. The only one I don't see is the honorable one. I thought someone was hiding it, but I never thought about it. I never thought that the truth was there. I'll wait in front of you."

Someone murmured to himself, with a fiery tone.

"Except for those who are in a realm above the Transformation God, who can cross thousands of miles in an instant and destroy the Transformation God with a single palm like your Majesty."

"But why has the Venerable Great Love never ascended? Is it true that as the legend says, the sky and the earth are lacking and cannot ascend?"

Some people fall into pessimism.

"Is what your Majesty said true? Can you also come up with the inherited method of becoming a god?"

Some are more practical.

But no one can remain calm under the temptation of becoming a god.

They have been able to practice to this point, live for thousands of years, and experience the torrent of the world. Practice has long become the anchor of their existence in the world and the core essence of their lives.

At this moment, someone tells them that there is still a way beyond becoming a god, and after they have succeeded, their purest thought is to copy this success.

Even though many of them are still at the early stages of becoming gods.

Not to mention being above the Transformation God, even the Great Master Transformation God is far away.

But without even a dream, what's the point of living for them.

Furthermore, even if you cannot make a breakthrough in your life, you can still leave it to future generations so that those who come after you can inherit their dreams.

This is also the meaning of many monks establishing inheritance.

After everyone digested it for a while, Yu Xian continued:

"My wish is not personal ascension. Even if I become an immortal, I will be alone. My wish is for the world to be unified, for the unity of the human race, and for generations of peace. To this end, I am willing to make every effort, and I will use all means to defeat all those who stand in my way. The enemy was blasted to pieces.

Anyone who is willing to help me achieve my dream is my friend.

I am also willing to provide my friends with satisfactory remuneration.

What I just said is all credible, provided you have made enough contributions. "

If such childish remarks were made by ordinary people, they would only be scoffed at and said to be fanciful.

But from what Yu Xian said, everyone felt an unquestionable heaviness and determination.

Because his power is great enough.

"I am willing to be driven by your Majesty."

All the venerables then prostrated themselves.

The venerables who were assigned to patrol the border could only watch helplessly.

They didn't expect that being late would cause such a huge loss.

There are also people who are quick-thinking and offer their words immediately.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, Huang Liuxian, whose Taoist name is Diding, is the Lord of the Earth Cauldron Domain. I just heard your Majesty's words, and my heart is so surging that I can't suppress it. I am willing to dedicate the Cauldron Domain to your Majesty's dream. Contribute a small amount of effort to the unification of the human race."

What Venerable Great Love said just now was almost straightforward. He knew that his territory would be annexed by Venerable Great Love sooner or later, otherwise there would be no talk of unifying the human race.

So he might as well take the initiative to contribute now and get a good share.

When Yu Xian saw someone so sensible, he reciprocated:

"It turns out to be Venerable Di Ding. If you can contribute to the unification of the human race, I can't treat the heroes harshly and chill people's hearts.

That's great. There is an organization under my command called Datonghui. I am the president, and it is my whole life's hard work. There is still a gap of heaven-level members. I wonder if you will condescend to join the association and become a first-level member. "

In the past, he begged others to join.

Now, others have to contribute to the Datong Association first before they have a chance to join the association.

Venerable Di Ding's eyes brightened and he bowed down on the spot.

"My subordinates pay their respects to the president."

From now on, he is one of his own.

Since he is one of our own, there is no need to worry about being killed by the Great Love "accidentally", otherwise the people of the organization will still be disbanded.

"Haha, please get up quickly."

Yu Xianxu helped Venerable Diding up and looked at the other rather moved Venerables.

"If you want to join the association, you only need to contribute to the unification of the human race in the future. Our Datong Association will welcome you."

Although heaven-level members are also leeks, once the prerequisites are set, they become quite precious in the eyes of others.

Lord Diding also looked at the others with pride.

After all, being the first to eat crabs requires some courage.

As the saying goes, it is easier said than done. Others have figured out the key points, but it is also quite difficult for them to cut their flesh and spit out their own interests immediately.

"Today, I have eliminated many cancers for the human race, and I have received the help of all the sages. I am very happy."

Yu Xian made the final summary of today's venerable meeting and waved his hand.

"I would like to ask you all to come with me to temporarily withdraw the demon army and return our human territory."


All the venerables should be.

On Daai Island, dozens of streams of light escaped, creating such a huge force that it stretched for thousands of miles, and no group of monsters could stop it. (End of chapter)

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