Taoist companions help me live forever

Chapter 369 The redemption of ordinary people

Liao Yi was a casual cultivator, and his late-stage cultivation of Qi and his profession as a Talisman Master allowed him to get along quite well among the lower classes.

Human happiness comes from comparison.

Naturally, he can't compare to those foundation-building monks, let alone the real person and the true king. Those are all figures in the sky.

But compared to the old monk who lives on the same street, lost his son in middle age, and risked his life to fight in the wild for the sake of his grandson's practice; the old monk whose whole family borrowed money to practice, but failed to be selected as a disciple of the Taoist temple for three consecutive years A young man with a dream, who wants to go to the city to study with a teacher, but cannot pay the rent and is kicked out by his landlord, so he can only live on the street. In order to make ends meet, he often has to take the initiative to accept the help of his widowed neighbor from a man...

He has no wife or children, but has a small amount of savings. He also has his own house in the city and can help his neighbors next door from time to time, so his life is naturally happy.

But that day, everything changed.

Countless monsters came from all directions, and the city walls were as fragile and indestructible as tofu. It was said that the city defense formation that could withstand True Monarch Nascent Soul only lasted three breaths before it was torn apart, and then... no one came out to resist.

Later, he learned that the city's senior officials had already received news of the beast tide.

But they blocked it all.

So they ran away, while low-level people like themselves were left behind to serve as food for the monster beasts to delay the beast tide.

He had survived for decades, and the home he thought he would live his whole life in was destroyed in an instant.

The widow next door who was still being gentle with him yesterday and cautiously asked him if he wanted to live together rushed out to look for him, but was thrown to the ground by a monster that jumped out from the corner. He could even clearly see the beast's open mouth. In his big mouth, that snake-like tongue.

His breath stagnated, and then like crazy, he took out a second-level talisman that was originally used to save his life. With a reaction speed faster than that of the eighteen-year-old, he killed the monster to pieces, and then pulled him up and suffered a slight injury. The injured widow joined the fleeing team.

But where to escape?

As he watched the large team continue to lose members, he finally decided to leave the team and took the widow back to the place where he once lived.

He dug a tunnel at home that connected his home with the one next door.

The purpose was to secretly meet the widow.

The tunnel is very deep, ensuring that no movement from above will be noticed.

If coupled with the Breath Condensation Talisman, it would be enough to block the perception of second-level monsters.

As for higher-level monsters, they probably wouldn't be interested in ants like them.

In this way, he transformed the tunnel into a basement step by step, hiding day and night from the monsters wandering in the city, and bringing the things from the house above ground into the ground little by little like ants moving house in storage bags.

The originally lonely life actually seemed quite enjoyable with the company of the widow.

Again, happiness comes from contrast.

Compared to the neighbors who lost their lives, at least the two of them were still alive.

There is hope as long as there is life.

Moreover, he and the widow got married. They simply worshiped and got married in front of a half-burned red candle in the dark basement.

The widow, this woman named Nianxiu, became his wife, the other half of his life.

Originally he thought he was just lusting after the other person's body, but when Nianxiu almost died at the mouth of a monster, he realized what he meant.

Some things cannot be understood until they are lost.

In the blink of an eye, they have been living in the basement for more than two years.

Liao Yi found that he could hardly remember what the sky looked like during the day, as if it was born black and everything was dull and without much vitality.

This day.

Liao Yi returned to the basement with the collected food.

As usual, Nianxiu stood guard at the door, holding an oil lamp in her hand, making her shadow appear illusory and huge behind the wall.

"You are pregnant now. You need to rest more. Don't wait for me next time."

Liao Yi took the oil lamp from Nian Xiu's hand, walked along the aisle, and walked hand in hand to the inner room.

The originally straight tunnel was widened by him day by day, and there were rooms with different functions such as bedrooms, grain storage rooms, utility rooms, talisman making rooms, kitchens, and latrines.

"I'm not a weak woman, don't forget, I also have some cultivation."

Nian Xiu rolled his eyes at Liao Yi.

Liao Yi muttered: "What kind of cultivation is the third level of Qi training?"

But when Nianxiu's hand touched his waist, he quickly changed his words:

"The stars are beautiful tonight. I will take you up to see them later."

In the current living environment, even going out to see the sky is a luxury.

But Nianxiu was not as excited as before. Instead, he suddenly touched his slightly rounded belly and said:

"Brother Yi, the child kicked me today."

Liao looked happy and said: "Really? This little guy is still restless in his stomach. In two days, I will find some delicious food for you two. When I visited Mrs. Wang's house today, I saw that some small tomatoes planted in her backyard were almost ripe.

And at Uncle Niu’s house, I’m going to check to see if the demon chicken from last time has laid eggs again, and there’s more…”

He talked about nearby resource points like a treasure trove.

But seeing Nianxiu still looking gloomy, he stopped and asked:

"What happened to you today?"

Nianxiu asked softly: "Do we really want to give birth to the child? Even we don't know how long we can live. Every time you go out, I am always worried, afraid that you will never come back.

I am really afraid that one day we will no longer be together, but the child has not grown up yet.

I am even more afraid that my children will get used to living underground and hide like mice.

We are human beings, people who can enjoy the sun, rain and dew openly.

But we are now accustomed to this dark world, and our children should not live like this. "

She burst into tears and fell into an emotional breakdown.

Liao Yi hugged Nianxiu tightly, his face full of distress.

Because he has to look for food on the ground from time to time, he can still enjoy the free air and look at the endless starry sky.

Although there will be danger, his world is broad and free.

But Nianxiu had to wait underground day and night, staying in this depressing and small space, especially after becoming pregnant, and the number of times she went out for fun dropped sharply.

"It's okay, it's okay. We will be able to return to life on earth soon. When the child is born, we will definitely be able to give him a normal life."


Nianxiu's eyes lit up.

"Really, it's all true."

Liao Yi said with longing: "Recently, I have met fewer and fewer monsters when I go out. It seems that they are planning to migrate away. When they leave, we will return to the ground, and everyone will come back by then.

We will still live the same life as before. "

Nianxiu's mood gradually stabilized and she apologized:

"I'm sorry, Brother Yi, I don't know what happened today."

Liao Yi hugged his wife's body and patted her back gently, feeling very stable.

"I won't blame you. If it hadn't been for you in the past few years, I might have turned into a savage, or one day I couldn't bear it and rushed into the monster group to die. It's you and the child who gave me hope.

I am too selfish, I want a child, I want to have a child with you.

I let him come into this world, so I have to take good care of him and you. "

The two hugged each other quietly in the quiet underground world.

Until a loud noise woke them both up.

They have long been accustomed to resting during the day since they stayed up at night.

"What happened?"

Nianxiu held her husband's hand tightly.

Loud noises continued to sound, and they could clearly feel them even deep underground.

"It's okay. I'll listen to the news later and I'll go out to see if another demon king has passed through."

Liao Yi comforted his wife.

But from the trembling bodies of both of them, it can be seen that they are not calm.

"Wait a minute, I really want to hear someone talking?"

Nian Xiu suddenly looked happy.

"Someone is actually talking."

Liao Yi held his wife down and said, "Don't move, I'll listen."

He stood up with his weapon, took out a bamboo tube from his storage bag and placed it against the ceiling, listening intently.

After a while.

Seeing that her husband was still silent, Nianxiu asked quickly:

"What's wrong? Is someone talking outside?"

Liao Yi turned his head, his eyes were already red, and tears were filling his eyes.

"Xiu'er, we can return to the ground! Someone is here to save us!"

He shed tears, took a deep breath, held back his excitement, and said in a deep voice:

"Just wait, I'll go out and take a look now."

Nianxiu's face lit up with joy: "Go up now?"

Liao Yi nodded heavily: "This is our only chance, for you and the child."

Liao Yi didn't hesitate, climbed out of the basement and carefully stuck his head out.

The strong sunlight made his eyes still a little uncomfortable to adapt to. Fortunately, he had good cultivation and quickly adapted to it.

Then I saw two suns in the sky.

There were also the streaks of escaping light in the sky that made him tremble. From time to time, a spiritual light fell down. The monster beast that once made him tremble was turned into coke and broken into pieces under the spiritual light, without any resistance.

"According to the order of the Great Love, restore our territory to the human race! The demon race retreats! Those who do not retreat will die!"

As the chants rang out over and over again.

Liao Yi was surprised to find that he and his wife were not the only people alive in the city. From time to time, sporadic people emerged from the corners. They looked at the escaping light in the sky. They knew that the great monk in the sky could not hear them, but they still shouted and waved their hands over and over again. .

It was as if the whole city was resounding with human voices.

Loose cultivators are like weeds. Even if they grow in the cracks of rocks, they will still absorb meager nutrients and survive.

Liao Yi climbed up to the roof and stood on the ruins, feeling the sun kissing his skin. He closed his eyes and heard the roar of people in his ears, which seemed to bring him back to the lively past.

Since today, he has firmly remembered a name - the Great Love Master!

It was this person who gave them new life and hope.

This scene happened in all the fallen monster areas.

Only when you have lost can you understand the beauty of ordinary things.

ps: I'm stuck, so I have another chapter tonight and will be updated before twelve o'clock. (End of chapter)

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