Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 329 200 years later, my disciple Lu Qingfeng will be famous in the third realm!

Traveling quickly.

It wasn't until they crossed Chaotian Abyss to the south and entered the realm of Phantom Wave Sea that Zhou Su and Xiang Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

This is where the Liehuo Sanren Cave is, and the three sects Xuanyuan, Baigu, and Tianyou are forbidden to fight here. Entering the Phantom Wave Sea is temporarily safe.

The two pressed the escape light and landed on an inconspicuous desert island.

Fang Yi fell.

Zhou Su then bowed his hands and bowed to the ground, "Thank you so much, Second Senior Brother, for risking your life to save me."

Seeing this, Xiang Chao quickly helped Zhou Su up and said with a wry smile, "Senior brother is incompetent. Although he tried his best, he still relied on senior Shuiyun to survive in the end. If it comes to it, junior sister did not hesitate to sacrifice herself to become the disciple of that senior. , but it saved my brother’s life.”

Zhou Su took advantage of the situation and stood up. Seeing Xiang Chao like this, he stopped talking and just kept the friendship in his heart. His eyes wandered, and he thought of the cheap teacher who seemed to be a giant in the magic way.

"I don't know where Senior Shuiyun came from. He seems to be a member of the devil's path, but I have never heard of his name in the three realms." Xiang Chao was also thinking, and suddenly asked curiously, "The Shuiyun Dafa taught by that person 》 and the 'Water Dragon Technique', they sound extraordinary, even the junior sister was shocked and thought it was something extraordinary."

Water Dragon Jue.

It should be the method used by Taoist Shuiyun just now when he killed four demon cultivators. The four water dragons roared into the void, overwhelming the heaven and earth. It was definitely a powerful spell that surpassed the 'Raging Waves Mountain'.

"Water Dragon Jue."

"Shuiyun Dafa."

Zhou Su was silent for a moment.

"There are countless masters from all walks of life. Junior sisters are all top-notch in talent and talent. It is normal for them to be favored by seniors who travel far and wide."

Xiang Chao saw Zhou Su silently, thinking that he was being forced to become a disciple. He felt depressed and couldn't help but laugh, "I see that Senior Shuiyun behaves freely and uninhibitedly, does everything he wants, and his cultivation is definitely not weak. Junior sister can worship him as a disciple." , maybe it will be a good thing for our Xuanyuan Sect. Besides, under the circumstances at that time, Junior Sister——"

"The 'Water Dragon Technique' is a super-level technique."

""Shuiyun Dafa" is a side-level skill."

Zhou Su's eyes were complicated and he said slowly.

"Junior sister——"

Xiang Chao kept talking, then suddenly paused, staring at Zhou Su with his eyes fixed on him, "Junior sister?!"

In such a large Xuanyuan Sect, the most powerful spells are just a few high-level spells learned from the first secret realm.

For the super-level magic technique in the first secret realm, the ‘Xuanyuan Spirit-Slaying Grand Mudra’, the Xuanyuan Sect had painstakingly studied it from generation to generation since its founding, but in the end they only obtained many middle- and low-level magic techniques.

It can be seen that ultra-level magic is rare and precious.

This is especially true for side-level skills.

The fundamental method of Xuanyuan Sect, "Xuanyuan Heart Sutra", is only at the subtle level. If you practice it to the golden elixir stage, you will have no way to continue it. After going through three realms, the highest method in the White Bone Demon Sect and Tianyou Mountain is only at the exquisite level.

The inheritance is limited, so it is difficult to advance to the soul, and there is no such case for thousands of years.

However, "Shuiyun Dafa" is a side-level martial arts technique that directly refers to Mahayana. The significance to Xuanyuan Sect is self-evident.

"Xuan Yuanzong treats me well, and Master treats me very well."

"The "Shuiyun Dafa" and the "Water Dragon Art" can be regarded as some rewards."

Outside Feilingchuan, Lu Qingfeng once again changed into the Changqing Taoist attire, easily crossed the formation, and went deep underground to wait. Thinking back on what happened just now, I couldn’t help but smile.

With the help of Xuanyuan Sect, who has been protecting each other for a long time, he can practice so smoothly in reality.

Lu Qingfeng is not a heartless person.

I am willing to repay you, and I finally found an opportunity today.

Lu Qingfeng had countless techniques and techniques, but only a few gave them to Xuanyuan Sect. As the master of the Hedan Hall of Xuanyuan Sect, he cannot be associated with him.


It is most appropriate to give it to Zhou Su, the disciple who is the leader of Yuzhu Peak. Moreover, by forcefully accepting Zhou Su as his disciple, there will be no other benefits from now on.

It's a precautionary measure.

As for the source of "Shuiyun Dafa", Lu Qingfeng remembered that it came from an immortal sect somewhere in the Evergreen Realm.

He had acquired too many skills in the evergreen world.

Throwing it out at will is enough to make all the immortal sects in the mountains and rivers go crazy.

"Shuiyun Dafa" is only one of them.

Xuanyuan Water Realm.

Xuanyuan Peak.

Above the main hall, all the masters of various peaks and halls who have never gone out are listed.

In addition, there are two supreme elders, Qian Lai and Shi Wan, as well as Gu Buyan.

Zhou Su and Xiang Chao were at the bottom, standing respectfully in the hall.

Master Wu Jie was the first to speak, "Today I am calling you all to discuss three things. One of them is a good thing, one is a bad thing, and one is unknown. Which news do you want to hear first?"

"Don't be too pretentious and start by talking about the bad things."

Qian Lai has always been impatient and has no leisure time.

"Yes, uncle."

Master Wu Jie didn't care and said loudly, "This bad thing is that Jiu Panpo, the three kings of Tianyou Mountain in the east, refined the fairy spirit beads and was promoted to the Dharma Gathering Realm."

As soon as this statement came out.

Except for Kou Xuan, the leader of Luozhen Palace, and Wen Zhong, the leader of Jiying Palace, who were already known, the expressions of everyone in the hall changed.

half year ago.

The Yushan Immortal Mansion was destroyed, and magical weapons were flying around. During the fight, the fairy shell appeared again, and the fairy spirit pearl was taken away by Tianyou Mountain.

Unexpectedly, in just half a year, Jiu Pan Po had already refined it and successfully achieved a breakthrough.

"The strength of King Panshan should not be underestimated. He has already become the Demon King of the Dharma-Gathering Realm. With Jiu Panpo's breakthrough, Tianyou Mountain's power will greatly increase, and he may not be able to rest peacefully!"

Zhuo Jun, the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, frowned and looked a little heavy.

The presence of one more Dharma-Gathering Realm Demon King would put too much pressure on Xuanyuan Sect.

"The chance of the Immortal Spirit Pearl helping to break through is low. Tianyoushan and Jiupanpo are really lucky!"

"Currently, Tianyou Mountain is still in the wait-and-see stage, wandering between our sect and the White Bone Demon Sect, and has not easily taken sides. However, humans and monsters are not at odds with each other, and the situation is very unfavorable for our Xuanyuan Sect." The leader of the Patrol Mountain Palace Kuang Tianqi also spoke up.

Everyone in the palace had similar thoughts to the two of them.

But seeing Master Wu Jie's face looking untroubled, he smiled and said, "We can't control what happens to Tianyou Mountain, so we can only strengthen our vigilance. But there is good news to the north."

Master Wu Jie didn't want to talk too much about Tianyou Mountain, and he didn't dare to talk about it. He looked at Kou Xuandao and said, "Junior brother Kou, please tell me more carefully."


good news?

Everyone looked at Kou Xuan.

Kou Xuan nodded, with a smile on his face, "There is news from the north. In the past two months, Taoist Changqing has appeared and disappeared. He has successively killed seven real people of the Demon Sect in the White Bone Realm, and suppressed the remaining real people of the White Bone Demon Sect to huddle in the clouds. Don’t dare to come out of the mountain.”

Kou Xuan was eloquent.

The process that started two months ago when Taoist Changqing killed Master Xiexin of the White Bone Demon Sect in Feilingchuan of the White Bone Realm, and ended a few days ago when he killed the seventh Master of the White Bone Demon Sect was full of ups and downs and fascinating.

"Kill seven real people in a row?"

"Taoist Changqing is so fierce?!"

"With such strength, I'm afraid I might not be able to fight with the one from Huangpao Mountain when I bumped into him, but he actually turned against the White Bone Demon Sect? Haha! Wonderful! It's really wonderful!"

As soon as Kou Xuan finished speaking, there was a commotion in the main hall.

This news is really shocking.

Far more powerful than Jiu Pan Po's promotion to the Dharma Gathering Realm.

The alchemy stage is divided into four realms.

Even the weakest Void Core realm is still at the level of a real person. His strength is extraordinary and his life-saving ability is extremely strong. Even if he is defeated by a real person in Jufa Realm or Jindan Realm, he is still 70% sure of escaping.


Even if the three sects of Xuanyuan, Baigu, and Tianyou want to kill a Xudan Daoist, it is not safe for a strong Jiedan Realm alone to take action. They can only send out five, six or even more Jiedan Daoist to surround and intercept him. , Involvement, it is possible to kill.

This is also one of the reasons why Master Jiedan has such a high status.

Just like when Wu Huo Zhenren lost to Han Ji, if he only wanted to escape, even if Han Ji and Wu Sheng Hall Master took action together, they would not even think of harming his life. Only Xinghuo Lingbei Chang and a group of disciples were restrained and put into danger.

But he could resist it for a long time.

Among the three realms.

Counting three to five thousand years ago, only a handful of Jiedan masters were killed.

And this Changqing Taoist was actually able to kill seven people in a row? !

"more than!"

"Half a year ago, when the main force of the White Bone Demon Sect was in the Black Death Swamp, this Changqing Taoist took action and killed six of the White Bone Demon Sect's Xudan Daoist. Counting the seven this time, the White Bone Demon Sect's Xudan Daoist was enough Most of it is broken, no wonder it is shrinking into Yunyan Mountain."

Leng Qianjue, the master of Lingji Hall, sounded passionately, and he was obviously extremely excited by the disaster that the White Bone Demon Sect had encountered.

Thirteen virtual immortals!

You must know that in the entire Xuanyuan Sect, excluding the masters of various halls and peaks, there are only nineteen masters of Xudan. The White Bone Demon Sect has made rapid progress in practicing demonic skills, but according to the information obtained by the Xuanyuan Sect, there are only twenty-two.

Losing thirteen Xudan Daoists all at once was really a traumatic experience.

More importantly, it is difficult for the White Bone Demon Sect to break out of the situation!

"Taoist Changqing escaped from the Mysterious Magic. Master Huanyou led the two kings and four guardians of the White Bone Demon Sect to ambush him, but Taoist Changqing escaped easily. Taoist Changqing mastered a 'Purple Gold Bowl' magical weapon. Once Master Xudan He was trapped and couldn't break free at all. Immediately after the thunder came, Master Xudan couldn't hold on for even a moment, and he was about to be blown to pieces."

"It's really difficult."

Kou Xuan grinned, obviously in a good mood.

As Taoist Changqing successively killed Demon Sect Xudan Zhenren in the Bone Realm, his methods were also fully revealed in front of others.

A time of fighting.

Often, the purple gold bowl is first used to trap the opponent, and then the powerful thunder method is used to attract the thunder prison in the sky and kill the opponent. If the opponent has an extraordinary magic weapon nearby, the Taoist Changqing will also sacrifice the twin beads of wind and fire to transform the wind and fire into a great grind.

The three sects' methods cooperate with each other, and only the real person who has created the real body can resist for a longer time.

But once no one comes to help, sooner or later it will be refined on the spot.

Duan is fierce. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net

"I don't know where the White Bone Demon Sect provoked such a powerful enemy. It's true and I'm very happy!" Even Qian Lai couldn't help but clasp his hands and praise loudly, smiling happily.

"The White Bone Demon Sect has caused serious trouble. At this time, the real person is hiding in the clouds and smoke. The Changqing Taoist is going around killing the Lingxu monks of the Demon Sect again. He is ruthless in his killing. I am afraid he will not stop until death."

Kou Xuan finally said.

"The White Bone Demon Sect was killed by thirteen real people one after another, and its strength was greatly damaged. Now it is suppressed in this way, and it shrinks to the Yunyan Mountain and dare not come out. It has no time to fight with our Xuanyuan Sect. We only need to find out the attitude of Taoist Changqing, We can take the opportunity to attack the Bone Realm."

Shi Wan, the other Supreme Elder from above, listened with anticipation on his haggard face.

Then he said curiously, "In the past few decades, many top figures have appeared in the three realms. The Fierce Fire Sanren from the Phantom Wave Sea, the yellow-robed old monster from the Huangpao Mountain in the past, and this man who fought against the White Bone Demon Sect alone. Taoist Changqing is really overwhelming.”

indeed so.

Such a person may not have appeared in the past two or three thousand years. In the past thirty or forty years, they have appeared in clusters, and all of them have mysterious origins and great powers.

"The Three Realms are vast, perhaps not known before."

"Just wait two hundred years, my disciple Lu Qingfeng will definitely be one of them, and he will be famous in the three realms!"

Gu Buyan looked calm and spoke calmly.

Everyone in the hall looked sideways at the empty seats in the Hedan Hall. Thinking of the young master who had been in seclusion on Feiyun Island all year round, they were unable to refute for a moment.


As they both belong to the Xuanyuan Sect, it would be a good thing if Lu Qingfeng could take the lead.

It’s just that it’s not like this in ancient times——

"Master Lu Zhang is extremely talented."

Zhou Huayu coughed lightly, dealt with the matter, and then changed the subject and said, "Regarding the White Bone Realm, my two disciples from Yuzhu Peak have something very important to report."

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