Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 330 What a sinner, how dare you come to my Fiery Island to run wild? !

?Xuan Yuanzong.

While everyone was discussing Lu Qingfeng, Lu Qingfeng was still killing everyone in the Bone Realm.

No ties.

No flaws.

No worries.

Lu Qingfeng slaughtered wantonly in the Bone Realm. Under the Da Luo Cave Temple, any demon sect monk who is riddled with sins cannot escape Lu Qingfeng's eyes.

Kill with the power of thunder.

However, no matter how Lu Qingfeng slaughtered them, the White Bone Demon Sect never came out, and even recalled all the disciples from all sides to Yunyan Mountain, with the intention of defending it to the death. Before he can find a way to deal with the 'Evergreen Taoist', I'm afraid he won't be able to step out of Yunyan Mountain.

In the Nine Dry Sea.

Lu Qingfeng killed the remaining five cultivators from the Demon Sect at the peak of Lingxu and rested here briefly to practice. The Demon God Zhurong, the Demon God Jumang, and the Demon God Gonggong live in the evil spirit lair, swallowing the rich evil spirit of bones.

If we talk about demons.

Lu Qingfeng, who practices the "Twelve Heavenly Demon God Laws", is undoubtedly the devil among devils. The three-headed demon god who was created by imagining the thoughts of the demon gods in the sky is many times more powerful than the bone demon god.

With the help of the evil energy of the Nine Dry Sea, he was rapidly improved.

Lu Qingfeng sat cross-legged above the Nine Dry Sea.

In the huge Nine Dry Sea, the bloody aura of his death even overshadowed the strong evil aura, and no one dared to approach.

"Shrinking turtle."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head.

With the White Bone Demon Sect shrinking like this, he really had no good solution. He can only walk around and kill the Lingxu monks of the White Bone Demon Sect. However, as the White Bone Demon Sect continues to recall its disciples, there has been no trace of them in recent days.

"If we gather together 72 Dutian Ghost Generals and lead 3,600 Xuan Ming Yin soldiers, a single charge will be enough to crush the gate of the White Bone Demon Sect."


The White Bone Demon Sect was not slow to respond. Lu Qingfeng had only killed seven Xudan Daoists and was already unable to retreat.

Not counting the six Dutian ghost generals sent to secretly protect Qingshan and Qingyu.

At this time, there were only seven Dutian Ghost Generals who had just been trained in Dutian Xuanming Ce. However, with the help of the physical bodies of the seven real Xudan masters refined over these days, as well as hundreds of spiritual monks, plus the five hundred green scarf warriors, the strength of the seven Dutian ghost generals has been raised to The peak of pill formation.

Although he has never forged a true body or condensed demons and refined agang, he is still a first-level golden elixir after all.

Even against a real person from the Leisure Ju Dharma Realm, he can be evenly matched. As they swarmed forward, even Master Jin Dan had to be careful.

Achieving things in a hurry is already quite impressive.

If we attack Yunyan Mountain at this time, it might be possible to open the mountain gate and cause a massacre.


"Taoist soldiers should try not to be exposed as Changqing Taoist."

Ghost generals and dark soldiers.

Lu Qingfeng has another use.

"Since the White Bone Demon Sect is closed to the public, we simply don't care about it."

"In the realm of bones, there are more than just demonic masters here."

Just like in the Xuanyuan Realm, there are four sects in Juling Mountain, each with a master Jiedan in charge. In the vast land, there are many real people who practice rogue cultivators.

The same is true for the Bone Realm.

Lu Qingfeng could not break through the gate of the White Bone Demon Sect.

At the lower level of the sect, there are only two or three master Jiedan sects or even fewer mountain sects. Lu Qingfeng is completely able to come and go freely and kill at will.

Look west.

"Soul Eater Sect."

"The two immortal Jiedan masters are in charge, let's start from Tiansha Mountain first!"

Lu Qingfeng stood up, and the three demon gods Zhu Rong, Jumang, and Gonggong merged into his body silently.

About to rush to the west, Lu Qingfeng's expression suddenly changed and he looked south, "How brave!"

There was an angry look on his face.

The figure shook and disappeared.

Not long after.

In the barren mountains outside Jiuku, the rays of light flicker and rush straight to the south.

Head south towards Tianyuan.

Phantom wave sea.

This day.

The sky is clear and cloudless, and the blazing sun hangs like a fire.

Outside Fiery Island, a red-faced monster with a short stature, as skinny as a monkey, and whose body was as red as fire stood in the air. Beside him, there was a charming woman with a hot figure, standing quietly with a seductive smile on her face.

"It's just that the boundaries of a remote place are high."

"You dare to do it in front of Zou, and you broke Lao Shizi's formation, and then you tell me!"

But I saw the red-faced demon waving his sleeves, sending out a large cloud of dark fire and falling on the Fiery Island.


The formation roared, swaying to the point of being burned by the yin fire and blue clouds.

The outskirts of Agni Island.

A group of monks sensed the movement here and rushed over. When I saw this, I was immediately shocked.

"Who is this person who dares to run wild on Fire Island?"

"More than just acting wild, this is where the Liehuo San people are found and they're here to fight!"

"Who dares to be so bold? Liehuo Sanren is proficient in alchemy and weapon refining, has friends all over the world, and his own cultivation is not weak. He often studies the art of alchemy behind closed doors, how can his enemies come to his door?"

"Perhaps he had made enemies a long time ago and came to the Phantom Wave Sea to live in seclusion just to avoid his enemies. Now it is unknown whether he is found again."

The four monks in the field were talking non-stop one by one.

Zou Buping activated Yin Fire Biyun, while Tu Jiao stood quietly beside him.

The formation outside Liehuo Island has been heavily reinforced by Lu Qingfeng and is quite impressive. But with no one in the main formation, they couldn't stop Zou Buping's fierce attack. Seeing that the formation was teetering on the verge of collapse, but at this moment, the portal of the Fire Island formation opened, and a flame demon rushed out from the island.

It has an animal head and a human body, covered in red scales, with fire snakes pierced through its ears, and fire dragons on its feet!

It was the Demon God Zhu Rong.

As soon as he appeared, he attacked the red-faced demon Zou Buping.


While roaring, the fire dragon under his feet spurted out fire that filled the sky, burning the dark fire and blue clouds back.

"What a sin!"

Zou Buping's eyebrows rose in anger, he waved his sleeves repeatedly, and stepped forward to fight with Demon God Zhu Rong. Flames are flying, and the fire method is mysterious. Zou Buping, who seemed to be fierce and unbeatable, was suppressed by Demon God Zhu Rong just after the fight. He was retreating steadily and had no power to fight back.

"The Raging Fire Sanren are stronger!"

When the monks around him saw this, they couldn't help but be shocked.

More than thirty years ago, Liehuo Sanren fought against Tianyou Mountain Jiu Panpo in Huolingbei Field, and became famous without falling behind, showing his outstanding fighting power in the real elixir realm. However, when we saw him today, he could fight against the red-faced demon who looked no weaker than the real pill realm with just the demon god he had sacrificed, and he had the upper hand from the beginning.

The strength may have exceeded the real elixir realm.

"It's definitely the Dharma-gathering realm."

"Even higher!"

In the darkness of the Phantom Wave Sea, Jiu Panpo hides in the void.

Seeing the battle on Agni Fire Island, his brows suddenly furrowed. She was promoted to the Dharma Gathering Realm, and after a little stability, she came to the Phantom Wave Sea to seek revenge on the Liehuo Sanren for the past.

Who would have thought that as soon as she arrived, she would see someone outside Fiery Island taking action before her. So he hid and watched, waiting for the opportunity. But now that I saw the power of the flame demon, I felt a secret hatred in my heart but wanted to retreat.

"Not urgent."

"Let's take a look first and then talk."

Suppressing the thoughts in her heart, Jiu Panpo hid herself deeper and deeper without revealing any energy, except for one pair of eyes that fell in the direction of Liehuo Island.

The location of Agni Island.

Demon God Zhu Rong fought with Zou Buping and gained the upper hand. Zou Buping was defeated step by step.

When the charming woman on the side saw this, her pupils shrank slightly, a pair of apricot eyes showed a smile, and she said sweetly, "I have met Tu Jiao of the Shendu Sect, and I have met Taoist Liehuo. This is a misunderstanding, Taoist, please stop now."

"Destroy the Divine Sect?"

Lu Qingfeng was wearing a fiery red robe, with an indifferent expression, and felt a slight pause in his heart, "No wonder he is so rampant."

His thoughts were turning secretly but he didn't show it on his face. Lu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Tu Jiao, "The Destruction Shen Sect is far away in the north. Why do you want to go wild on my Fiery Island?"

Tu Jiao became even more arrogant when she saw that Lu Qingfeng spoke but did not take back the Flame Demon God. Feeling displeased, he said in a crisp voice, "This is a long story. Can we come in to discuss it in detail?"


Lu Qingfeng put his hands behind his back and raised his eyebrows, "It's just for the sake of Mingqing Lingshui. Let me tell you, what bargaining chips did you prepare to exchange for the formula in Pindao's hands?"

The Miedu Shen Sect is one of the two strongest sects in the Xiaguang Region where the Xuanyuan Sect is located.

Lu Qingfeng had known about it for a long time.

When he released the Ming and Qing Spiritual Water, he had predicted earlier that this sect would definitely come to his door. The Xiaguang Territory is indeed vast, and it took thirty years to destroy the Shenzong, which was beyond Lu Qingfeng's expectations.

If you can afford the price.

Lu Qingfeng didn't mind selling the Ming and Qing spirit water formula that was cracked sooner or later to the Miedu Shenzong. Firstly, you can make a fortune, and secondly, you can save a lot of trouble.

"Fellow Taoist Liehuo——"

Tu Jiao was obviously not used to the directness of the 'Fire Fire Sanren'. She glanced at the embarrassed Bu Zou Ping in the distance and then said, "Fellow Taoist, you might as well make an offer first. I will destroy the Shen Sect's dominance in the north. As long as it's not too much, Everyone can respond."

This person is not weak in strength, so he needs to hold on for the time being and get the Ming Qing Ling Shui formula first, and then think of ways to concoct it later.

In the God of Destruction Sect, the ‘God Eye of Destruction’ is the top magic method. However, Ming Qing Ling Shui can increase the power of the Eye of Destruction by 20%. Once the configuration method is mastered, it will be just around the corner for the Miedu Shenzong to surpass Nanmian Feiyan Pavilion.

Tu Jiao knew the priorities and suppressed her temper, not daring to act impulsively.

"Three million spiritual stones."

"Or the equivalent of rare and exotic treasures."

Lu Qingfeng said directly. UU reading www. uukanshhu.net

Holding the Ming and Qing spirit water formula in his hands, it brought him more than 600,000 spirit stones in just thirty-two years. The quoted price of three million spirit stones was only a profit of 150 years. .

If Dutian Xuan Mingce had not consumed too much and the Destruction Shen Sect was not weak, Lu Qingfeng would not have even considered selling the formula.

Just make money slowly.

"I came here sincerely, why should my fellow Taoist deceive me?"

Tu Jiao frowned slightly, a little angry, "A maximum of three hundred thousand spiritual stones."

"Coming from sincerity?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Zou Buping who was retreating steadily under the pressure of Demon God Zhu Rong in the distance, and his eyes fell on Tu Jiao, "Bring me three million spiritual stones and give you the formula of Ming and Qing spiritual water. I also have a furnace of elixirs." I will not accompany you in the furnace."


Turn around and return to Fire Island.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with alcohol!"

Seeing Lihuo Sanren's "lion's mouth open wide", Tu Jiao didn't hide it anymore. Her charming face suddenly turned ferocious, and with a wave of her hand, a golden archway appeared in the sky, with a total of five gate towers.

The outlet of Qi is extraordinary.

Lu Qingfeng turned around and looked——

[Magical Weapon: Luoshenfang]

[Level: Seventh Level]

[Explanation: It looks like a golden archway with five gate towers in total. He threw his hand into the air, and it immediately reached a height of tens of feet. Surrounded by colorful clouds and smoke, violent winds and fire were emitted from the door, and thunder and flying forks were emitted. Along with the sound of thunder and lightning, they rushed forward like a furious wave with a fierce momentum. Evil, incomparable. Wherever it passed, not to mention people, even the entire mountain was turned into ashes, which was extremely powerful. The treasure that destroyed the Shenzong Mountain. 】

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