Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 353: 0 years and 1 instant!

This Guangyuan Taoist is probably not the true immortal of Zilan Water Mansion!


"Beyond two veins!"

The thought of this really made me break out in a cold sweat.

If they were not of the same lineage, the two of them entered Zhenyuan Mountain, considering the ferocity of this person who had just killed three reincarnated immortals in Biya Mountain and seized four immortal weapons, especially the 'greed' that could not be concealed for the immortal weapons in their hands. .

Even thinking about it now, I can't help but feel scared.

At that time, Yu Xiangzi even made plans for Guangyuan to fall out, break the void and run away on the spot.

Fortunately, the results are good.

"After all, this person practices Dutian's method, and he may have some connection with my lineage of Heavenly Dao."

"But the specific details will not be known from the teacher until we return to the realm of true immortals."

Yu Xiangzi said finally.

Taoist Long Ming held his shield and listened to Yu Xiangzi's detailed explanation and analysis, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

"If so."

"The two of us really walked away from the gate of hell."

Taoist Long Ming was both frightened and relieved.


Then he frowned again and said worriedly, "This Guangyuan is not the true immortal of Zilan Water Mansion, but a third force has intervened in the Barbarian God Realm. Moreover, this boy is so strong and murderous, senior brother thinks How should I respond?"

Yu Xiangzi shook his head, "There is no doubt that Guangyuan is strong. We cannot have a head-on conflict and wait for him to leave the material world in the stormy sea. With his current strength, he will leave in a few hundred years at most. Wait for him to leave. After that, it won’t be too late for me to leave the stormy sea area again.”

in the material world.

If your cultivation exceeds the golden elixir, you will not be able to stay.

According to their estimates, even if Guangyuan suppresses his cultivation progress, he will only be able to stay there for a few hundred years at most. Any more will delay future practice, which is not appropriate in the long run.

"This is a great plan!"

"Then wait until Guangyuan leaves the material world!"

Taoist Long Ming couldn't help but nod.

The qi machine of the Lost Soul Bell and the Sanyang Yiqi Sword was still in front of me, and the scenes of Luo Gu, Shaoyang Taoist, and Zhongyang Taoist being killed kept reappearing in my mind.

Even though he was Taoist Longming, he would never want to confront Lu Qingfeng.

Avoid if you can!

The two brothers looked at each other, and the escape light became faster and faster. Even the Abyss of God did not want to wait for a moment longer.

I just want to return to the Storm Sea area as soon as possible, and then explore the changes in the Blue Cliff Mountain in the Death Knell Plain.

Escape light and gallop.

Gone in a flash.

Zhenyuan Mountain.

Yuntai Peak.

"It's a good idea."

Lu Qingfeng waved his hand to disperse the scene in the air, in which Taoist Yu Xiangzi and Long Ming disappeared, smiling to himself.



If it is an ordinary reincarnated true immortal, this trick is really useful——

For the sake of self-development and enlightenment, no matter which reincarnated true immortal is, it is impossible to spend too much time in the material world and delay the improvement of one's own cultivation.

Such as the six true immortals in Biya Mountain.

Without Lu Qingfeng as a variable, they would have established a firm foothold in the Death Knell Plain, and then occupied the Abyss of Divine Punishment. When some of their disciples were promoted to the realm of pill formation and could resist the main beams of the Taoyuan Immortal Sect, they would gradually leave the material world and enter the heavenly world. Quickly improve your cultivation level.

This day is not too far away.


It's a pity to offend Lu Qingfeng.

Not only was the foundation of the material world destroyed, but three of the six reincarnated true immortals were also lost. The remaining three were forced into the heavenly realm. The immortal weapon in Taoist Sun's hand was taken away by Lu Qingfeng, and he broke into the territory of legendary creatures. , life and death are still in between.

Really tragic.

If it were normal, it would take at most two to three hundred years, or at least a hundred years, for the six reincarnated true immortals of Biyashan to leave.

But as far as Lu Qingfeng is concerned.

"I have only condensed the three levels of Gangsha now, and there are still six levels that have not yet been condensed. Even if it is one level every hundred years, it will take six hundred years. It will take at least a thousand years to reach the perfection of the golden elixir realm before leaving the material world."

Thousands of years of time.

If Taoist Yu Xiangzi and Long Ming were to die with Lu Qingfeng, they would be more than 1,600 years old when Lu Qingfeng left. The life span of Master Jiedan is only three thousand years, so the choice between them depends on them.


Lu Qingfeng has the "Law of Immortality in the Mortal World", which means that staying there for thousands of years is arbitrary and there is no risk of longevity.

"Dragon Whale Mountain."

"Golden Centipede and Bamboo Staff."

As thoughts passed through his mind, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but think of these two magic weapons again.

Looking to the northwest, he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Don't hit the smiling person with your hand."

Since Yu Xiangzi, Taoist Long Ming, and Zilan Shuifu had not provoked him, it was really impossible for him to seize the immortal weapons from their hands for no reason.

As for borrowing the treasure for several years, he said that he would definitely return it. I'm afraid that if I just mentioned it, Taoist Yu Xiangzi and Long Ming will get angry and run away.

Immortal weapons and precious treasures, who is willing to borrow them? !

"Just wait for the day to come."

The future is long, and Lu Qingfeng has a plan in mind and won't worry about it.

He stood up and stepped out of Zhenyuan Mountain.

During the period of cultivating the alchemy, one situation is difficult and another is difficult.

After the true body is forged and the real elixir is refined, it is the state of Dharma gathering.

Lu Qingfeng forged the 'Nine Transformations True Body', and what was condensed in the Dharma Gathering Realm was also the Nine Layers of Gangsha. Compared with the ordinary Dharma gathering realm, it is more than nine times more difficult?

In the Black Star Realm.

Lu Qingfeng has been walking in the starry sky for three thousand years, and finally stopped at the third level of Gangsha. But in this life, it has only been more than four hundred years, and it has already reached the three thousand years of achievement in that life, condensing the three levels of Gangsha.

With the vastness of the material world of Barbarian God, it is only a matter of time before the remaining six levels of Gangsha are condensed.

Walking in the physical world.

On the one hand, he is condensing the Sha Yin Veins and Qian Tiangang Qi, and on the other hand, he is practicing various methods, refining and analyzing the immortal weapons.

The first ten years.

Lu Qingfeng refined the Shaoyang Sword and successfully analyzed the 'Death Bell'——

[Evolution: Bell of Lost Souls]

[Method 1: The method of refining the Bell of Lost Souls, experience value: 500 million]

[Method Two: Divine Light of Desolation (Supernatural Power), Experience Value: Fifteen Million]

[Method 3:...]

The light of abjection!

Lu Qingfeng has been coveting this magical power for a long time.

When Luo Gu of Biya Mountain was in the upper world, it was precisely because he understood this magical power from the ancient spiritual treasure "The Bell of Desolation" that he delayed his own cultivation, so that he had no hope of achieving immortality.

But there is no doubt about the power of Luo Lu Divine Light.

With this magical power, Luo Gu had a place even among the many Mahayana true immortals in the upper world. Ferdinand, the former lord of the first level of the abyss, was restrained by Luo Gu's magical power and was unable to fight back.

Extremely powerful.

Fifteen million experience points can also be seen with magical powers.

When he was in the Red Smoke Realm, Lu Qingfeng analyzed the corpse of the Monarch Butterfly and obtained the two magical powers of 'The Divine Light of the Great Sun's Annihilation' and 'The Robe of the Taiyin's Journey Through Era', each of which only required 12 million experience points.

In the Eight Views Tower of the Black Star Realm, after analyzing the body of the Golden Phoenix Bird, the 'Golden Phoenix Divine Light' obtained was a weakened version of the five-color divine light, and it only had fifteen million experience points.

From this point of view.

Both the potential and the power of the fallen divine light are not weaker than the golden phoenix divine light.

"After all, the Lost Soul Bell is just an imitation of the Lost Soul Bell, and the 'Lost Soul Divine Light' on it is already among the magical powers."

"The original Luo Po Divine Light on the Luo Po Clock may be an attribute of great supernatural powers."

This method is mysterious, soul-crushing, and hard to guard against. Among all Lu Qingfeng's magical powers, he lacks one such magical power.

A moment of joy.


"The method of refining the Bell of Lost Souls."

"One billion experience points."

The gap between immortals and mortals is so huge.

Earlier analysis of the eighth-level magic weapon showed that the experience value was only about 8 million. However, the level 2 immortal weapon instantly soared to 500 million experience points. It was only in the Five Realms that Lu Qingfeng gained so much experience points in one go, or even more, with the help of the sea of ​​blood descending from the sky.

However, if you don't have the opportunity to practice ordinary practice, if you want to accumulate experience points that can be exchanged for the refining method of the 'Death Bell', you have to practice at least six or seven times from the fetal breath to the peak of the real elixir realm.

"Even if the golden elixir is at its peak, the total experience value is only a little over 200 million."

Lu Qingfeng felt weak for a while.

The dejected Zhong Qiang is strong and extremely greedy, but due to the limited experience value, he can only put it down temporarily.

On the other hand, the Divine Light of Desolation can be exchanged first and mastered.

A flash.

The second decade.

Lu Qingfeng refined the Zhongyang Sword and successfully analyzed the 'Shaoyang Sword'.

[Derivation: Shaoyang Sword]

[Method 1: Shaoyang Sword Refining Method, Experience Value: 80 Million]

[Second method: "Three Yang Immortal Technique - Shaoyang Chapter" (authentic level), experience value: 50 million]

[Method 3:...]

The third decade.

Lu Qingfeng refined the Sun Sword and successfully analyzed the 'Zhongyang Sword'.

[Derivation: Zhongyang Sword]

[Method 1: The method of refining the Zhongyang Sword, experience value: 80 million]

[Method 2: "Three Yang Immortal Technique - Zhongyang Chapter", experience value: 50 million]

[Method 3:...]

The fourth decade.

Lu Qingfeng analyzed the ‘Sun Sword’.

[Derivation: Sun Sword]

[Method 1: The method of refining the Sun Sword, experience value: 80 million]

[Method 2: "Three Yang Immortal Technique - Sun Chapter", experience value: 50 million]

[Method 3:...]

Like this.

All four immortal weapons obtained from Biya Mountain were analyzed. The more he analyzed, the more Lu Qingfeng felt the scarcity of experience points, and the more diligently he practiced.

time flies.

The first hundred years.

Lu Qingfeng successively practiced in the Huanglong Disha and the Five Mountains Divine Gang, and condensed the "Five Dragon Gangsha" in one fell swoop, achieving the fourth level of gathering skills.

Great improvement in mana.

The second century.

Lu Qingfeng searched for the Xuanyin Earth Evil and the Red Fire Tiangang, and achieved the 'Red Xuangang Evil', achieving the fifth level of Dharma gathering.

The third century.

The sixth level of gathering Dharma realm.

The fourth century.

The seventh level of Dharma gathering realm.

Six hundred years later.

The nine levels of Gangsha are condensed, and the Dharma-gathering realm is complete.

Lu Qingfeng has just begun to understand the mystery of the golden elixir. He must use his magic power to refine the actual elixir into a golden elixir, which will be immortal and indestructible, and achieve the state of the golden elixir.

This is Lu Qingfeng's first time to attack the Golden Core Realm.

The road of life is unfamiliar.

Suddenly he stopped.

After these years of practice, Lu Qingfeng also discovered the shortcomings of ‘Dianfa-Enlightenment’——

"If you don't have enough accumulation, just giving enlightenment will be like a castle in the air."

Such as Qigong practice.

During the acquired stage, foundation building stage, and spirit deficiency stage, Lu Qingfeng had practiced repeatedly before, so when he used the 'Evolution Method-Enlightenment' to gain enlightenment, all kinds of mysteries burst out, and countless insights came to his mind, causing him to do it dozens of times and hundreds of times. With each practice, it becomes more solid and the foundation becomes deeper.

But after reaching the elixir formation stage, there are many obstacles and many obscurities.

Although the enlightenment method is still good, it is far behind the first three realms.

"Make bricks without straw."

That's the truth.

Magical powers, alchemy, and weapon refining are quite different.

Lu Qingfeng can practice and try again and again, so the 'indication' method is used in these aspects, and it is truly used on the edge. UU reading www. ukanshu.net

As for the exercises.

Instead, you can practice first, and when you encounter a bottleneck, you can use 'hints' to break it and speed up your understanding. This is the right way.

After discovering such shortcomings.

Lu Qingfeng has an 'initiation' every twenty years, which is mostly used for magical powers, elixir refining, weapon refining, and formation techniques.

The practice of martial arts and the improvement of cultivation level rely more on oneself.

Seven hundred years.

Eight hundred years.

Nine hundred years.

In a blink of an eye.

Thousands of years have passed since Lu Qingfeng climbed up to Biya Mountain.

It has been four hundred years since the Nine Layers of Gangsha condensed and reached the peak of gathering magic.

( = )

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