Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 354 3000 years pass by in a hurry

.., Taoist Master Huang Ting

It is extremely difficult to break through the golden elixir for an ordinary Gangsha. The Nine Levels of Gangsha is even more difficult. It has the characteristic of "governing all dharma". Although the nine levels of magic power will not conflict with each other, if you want to refine a flawless golden elixir, you must keep trying and balancing.

Four hundred years.

Finally, after grinding into the nine levels of Gangsha, the mana becomes the same, and the golden elixir is refined by wind and fire.

Reaching the final stage of the Dan Formation Stage in one fell swoop——

Golden elixir realm!

From then on, the golden elixir became immortal and indestructible. Like Luo Gu, he could even use the golden elixir to protect his soul and survive for a short time even if his body was broken. Either seize the body, or deal with the funeral affairs and reincarnate calmly.

Infinite mystery.

This is Lu Qingfeng.

The Lords of the Thirty-Six Abyss are all disciples of Zhenyuan Mountain. As the Lord of Zhenyuan Mountain and the founder of the Guangyuan Immortal Sect, they have been blessed by the luck of the abyss and have been practicing for thousands of years, just like ordinary real people who have been practicing for two or three thousand years. .

Only in this way can we achieve such speed of practice.

Otherwise, it may not be possible to accomplish the Nine Levels of Gangsha even if the three thousand years of life are exhausted.

However, with this experience, in the future, whether practicing in real life or reincarnating and re-cultivating in the game, condensing evil spirits, balancing mana, and casting golden elixirs, I will become more comfortable. Even without such luck bonus, the speed of practice can be improved. Great improvement.

in the past.

The "Huang Ting Sutra" is not at the third level, and there is no 'indication' method. Lu Qingfeng needs to practice it again and again to become familiar with all the details of each realm. He can only practice it repeatedly in order to practice without mistakes and make great progress in reality.

Now that the Dafa of enlightenment is in hand, it saves the effort of repeated practice.

It only takes one or two rounds of practice to become proficient in it quickly.

As the realm gets higher and higher, the importance of ‘initiating’ Dafa is self-evident. Lu Qingfeng can also save a lot of time by exploring the path for real practice in the game.

‘Enlightenment’ of the mysteries of Dafa.

Luck is equally mysterious.

It is difficult for ordinary practitioners to see it.

Not only Lu Qingfeng.

In Zhenyuan Mountain, the disciples such as Xuanningzi and Xuanchengzi, the protectors such as Ferdinand and Bolant, and the masters of the thirty-sixth level of the abyss, all practiced at an extraordinary speed.

Five hundred years ago.

The 'Skeleton King' Ferdinand finally became the 'Jade that does not turn into bones', turning all his strength into immortal mana, condensing the golden elixir, and reaching the pinnacle of the golden elixir in one fell swoop.

Leave the material world and step into the heavenly world.

Another hundred years.

The "Three-Headed Dog of Hell" Brandt practiced the fire method and achieved the "Five Elements Yin Sha Earth Ultimate True Fire", which condensed the evil spirits and refined the Gang to achieve the golden elixir.

Advance to heaven.


The nine direct disciples, including Xuan Ningzi and Xuanchengzi, were all individuals with extraordinary talents and transcendent understandings in the Abyss of Divine Punishment, and later came to achieve the Golden Elixir.

Entering heaven one after another.

Thousands of years later.

When Lu Qingfeng achieved the Golden Elixir.

Among the twenty-four named disciples, some have achieved the golden elixir one after another. They all shattered the void and soared away.

in the material world.

The abyss of damnation.

Zhenyuan Mountain.

Only Lu Qingfeng, the founder of Guangyuan, was like a needle that fixed the sea, allowing the years to change and his disciples to ascend, he remained unmoved and stayed in the material world.

The lineage of Guangyuan is prosperous.

Centered on the thirty-sixth floor of the Abyss of Divine Punishment——

Spreading to the north towards the Death Knell Plain.

In the Taoyuan Immortal Sect of Biya Mountain, as the three immortals were killed, the three immortals fled into the heaven, causing a rebound in the Death Knell Plain, and finally disappeared. The disciples of Biya Mountain have become a presence that everyone wants to kill in the Plains of Death Knell.

Those who run will escape, those who will die will die.

But the Immortal Dao inheritance of Taoyuan lineage spread in the Death Knell Plain.

As the influence of Zhenyuan Mountain reached the Death Knell Plain, the Immortal Dao inheritance of the Guangyuan line spread again and took over the mainstream.

In the Death Knell Plain, the path of immortality flourished.

Head east to the Moonlight Islands.

The nine major disciples of Zhenyuan Mountain went to preach in person, supporting one line after another, and they all respected Zhenyuan Mountain. On the Moonlight Islands, many temples and ethnic groups either defected or were destroyed.

Among the Moonlight Islands, immortality has become the mainstream.

To the west is the stormy sea.

This is the boundary where Zilan Water Mansion is located.

Zilan Water Mansion is hidden in the deep sea. Perhaps it is afraid of Lu Qingfeng's fierce power and has never been able to retreat. It does not dare to have any conflict with the Guangyuan Immortal Sect. It hides when it can, and avoids when it can.

Keep your posture to the lowest level.

In this situation, Lu Qingfeng would not be able to kill them all. Then a corner of the storm sea area was left as the habitat of Zilan Water Mansion.

But two hundred years ago.

The eight reincarnated true immortals of Zilan Water Mansion quietly left the material world.

Decades later.

Lu Qingfeng passed on the title of Lord of Zhenyuan Mountain and Head of the Material Realm of Guangyuan Immortal Sect to Jingyun, the first disciple of the third generation, the eldest disciple of Xuan Ningzi and the Lord of the first level of the abyss, and awarded him the Sun Sword of the Three Yangs and One Qi Sword, and then entered the heaven. .

Another few decades.

Zilan Water Mansion sounded the clarion call for counterattack.

Eight reincarnated immortals, including Yu Xiangzi and Taoist Long Ming, suddenly appeared in the Abyss of Heavenly Punishment and attacked the master of the thirty-sixth level of the abyss without knowing where they were hiding.

Never thought about it.

Lu Qingfeng, who had been hiding in the void for decades, suddenly burst out, catching the eight reincarnated immortals of Zilan Water Mansion off guard and killing two of them——

It was Taoist Yu Xiangzi and Long Ming.

Obtained two long-coveted immortal weapons, the 'Golden Centipede Bamboo Staff' and the 'Dragon Whale Mountain'.

The remaining six reincarnated true immortals, alerted, one after another broke through the air and entered the heaven.

Lu Qingfeng couldn't catch up, so he had to let him go.

in this way.

In the material world, the Zilan Water Palace was destroyed, and the storm sea area returned to Guangyuan.

In the material world, immortality prevails.

Among the three branches of immortality, Guangyuan is the most respected.

Completely establishing himself as the overlord of the material world.

The Lord of Zhenyuan Mountain and Patriarch Guangyuan also suppressed the material world, leaving the stubborn conservatives in the material world of Barbarian Gods and the devout believers of the gods in the upper world without any hope.

He is respected as the 'most powerful person in the material world in all eternity'.

Time flies.

Lu Qingfeng came to the Barbarian God Realm three hundred years ago, and after three sermons, he occupied the thirty-sixth level of the abyss.

Another thousand years.

Suppressing all directions, Guangyuan is the only one in the material world.

Another two thousand years.

Lu Qingfeng struggled step by step, pondered over and over again, and finally reached the peak of the Golden elixir.

This year.

Lu Qingfeng is three thousand four hundred and twenty years old.

The thirty-sixth level of the abyss is a place with mountains and water systems.

Lu Qingfeng landed among the mountains and rivers, practicing the 'Zhoutian Xingchen Fist'.

Stepping on the earth, mountains and rivers, with the sun, moon and stars above your head, the starlight converges on your body, absorbing the infinite vitality of the mountains, rivers and earth, refining the essence of the sun and moon in the sky, and nourishing the body and soul with the help of the power of the stars around the sky.

The soul sublimates.

The body is complete.

Suddenly, it seemed as if he had entered another realm, and the world was suddenly different.


Lu Qingfeng slowly drew back his strength and exhaled a stream of white air from his mouth, as if he had returned to his original nature, just like an ordinary young man, with no trace of cultivation on his body.

Walking among mountains and rivers, heaven and earth are in perfect harmony.

[Name: Lu Qingfeng (Guangyuan)]

[Cultivation: Dan Formation·Golden Dan Realm]

[Shouyuan: 3420/24200]

“The third stage of the ‘Mortal Immortality Method’, ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Fist’, is completed.”

Lu Qingfeng glanced at the 'Shouyuan' column with a smile on his face.

After practicing this method for more than three thousand years, he finally reached the third level of peak practice. The lifespan increased dramatically by 21,200 years, even exceeding the maximum lifespan of most souls in the world.

"The ordinary Yuanshen is really one, with a lifespan of 10,800, which is the number of one group."

Lu Qingfeng is only at the peak of the Golden Core, but his lifespan has already reached 24,200 years old.

Just waiting to be promoted to Yuanshen.

The longevity can increase by another 7,800, exceeding the limit of 30,000.

And in the future, if you practice the fourth level of the "Green Wood Immortality Fist" in the "Long Chen Immortality Method", as long as the spiritual tree does not die, you can even live forever and become an immortal in the mortal world!

On the road to immortality, the biggest hidden danger has been eliminated.

Lu Qingfeng seemed to have taken off a layer of shackles, and his body and mind were extremely relaxed. It seemed as if I had broken free from a layer of shackles, and for a moment I felt great freedom and freedom.

Walking on mountains and rivers.

Waves of insights came to my mind.

The cultivation level that has reached the peak of the golden elixir is rapidly improving again——

Soul leap!

Mana increases!

Unknowingly, the physical body is being tempered by the heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the heavy magic power.

in this way.

The soul, mana, and body are improved at the same time.


Twelve Dutian Demon Gods jumped out of Lu Qingfeng's body and roared into the void. The infinite spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathers, and the thoughts of all the demon gods in the sky gather to strengthen the twelve demon gods in the sky.

The twelve Dutian Demon Gods who had not yet had time to reach the peak of the Golden Core, suddenly had mana rolling like a river, and their aura was equal to that of Lu Qingfeng, not weak to the peak of the Golden Core.

Lu Qingfeng walked through the mountains and rivers and looked into the abyss.

The nine-turn true body has a solid foundation and hides unimaginable power.

Walking on the earth, Lu Qingfeng transformed into the Houtu Demon God. The human body has a snake tail, seven hands behind the back, and two hands on the chest. Holding a flying snake in both hands, you can feel the thickness of the earth and the mysterious movement of the earth.

When he met the river, he turned into the demon god Gonggong. With the body of a python head, covered with black scales, with black dragons on its feet, and green pythons wrapped around its hands, it can control all kinds of water, merge into all kinds of water, and transform into rivers, feeling the surging lakes, seas, and rivers, and the mysterious movement of water.

Sometimes he leaps to high altitudes and transforms into the Demon God Tianwu, comprehending the mysteries of the wind.

Sometimes he submerged into the clouds, thunder raged, and turned into a strong demon god, realizing the power of thunder. The Nine Transformation True Body is fused with the 'Five Thunder True Body' and has the ability to control the five thunders. Transforming into a strong demon god is like becoming the Lord of Thunder, with all the thunder in the world under his control.

Keep walking.

Keep enlightening.

The magma underground, the abyss and the sea of ​​fire, the mountains and the earth, the wind in the sky...

Not only the thirty-sixth level of the abyss.

Not just the Thirty-Six Abyss.

Lu Qingfeng's footprints are everywhere in the Moonlight Islands, the Deathstroke Plains, the Stormy Sea, and the Deadly Deep Sea.

If it is a flame demon, or an emerald demon with vegetation growing wildly as he walks, or a water demon that stirs up tens of thousands of waves in the sea...

Walking in the material world, completely unconscious.

Suddenly, he transformed into a faceless and terrifying demon like a yellow bag, red as red fire, with six legs and four wings. When his four wings shook, it shattered a hundred miles of space. His six feet stepped on the void, and for an instant it seemed as if half of his body was submerged in the void. In the mezzanine, riding on the turbulence of the void and using the space storm, it suddenly appeared tens of thousands of miles away when it reappeared.

A flutter of wings can fly thousands of miles!

Even the realm of golden elixir is really difficult to imagine, UU read www.uukanshu. net Only Yuanshen Shinichi, who is proficient in speed and space, has such ability.

Lu Qingfeng transformed into the Demon God Dijiang and controlled space.

Keep flapping its wings.

One hundred thousand miles.

Millions of miles.

The space changed rapidly, eventually shattering the void, and the entire body submerged into it, appearing in the void interlayer. Continue to flap your wings and fly quickly through the air.

The celestial qi mechanism is clear.

The next moment.

The space is shattered and suddenly enlightened.

Lu Qingfeng suddenly appeared in the heavenly world from the thirty-sixth abyss in the material world.

( = )

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