Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 355 All the gods are looking at me! The Barbarian God Realm is over! [6000-word chapter] (9/

.., Taoist Master Huang Ting

Hoo ho ho!

The rich spiritual energy hits your face, making you feel relaxed and happy.

Lu Qingfeng felt the surging mana in his body, the clarity of his soul, and the perfection of the golden elixir.

A look of joy suddenly appeared on his face——

Name: Lu Qingfeng (Taoist from Guangyuan)

Race: human

Faction: Zhenyuan Mountain

Title: Lord of Zhenyuan Mountain, Patriarch of Guangyuan, and the most powerful person in the material world in all eternity

Cultivation level: Formation of elixir and golden elixir realm

Level: Level 1320 (112w/112w)

True Yuan: slightly

Life span: 3440/24200

Root bone: 4

Merit: unknown

Karma: Unknown

Kung Fu:

The third level of Huangting Sutra [Characteristics: Evolution of Dharma (third level); Control of all dharma (third level); Elimination of karma (third level)];

The 126th level of the Luofu Sword Code (no superior level);

The 126th level of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Demonic Laws (mysterious level);

Yellow Robe True Secret (Mysterious Level) Level 126;

The 126th level of the Five Thunder Heart Sutra of the Prison (Mysterious Level);

The third level of immortality method in the world of mortals (authentic level);

Technique: slightly

Magical powers: the method of transforming blood and dividing souls, the method of killing souls with the golden sword, the method of freezing water, the water dragon method, the diamond curse, the thunder in the palm, the cloud top step, the method of poisoning the clavicle and piercing the heart, the method of hearing the heaven and seeing the earth, and the evil spirit of the gods. , Dutian Demon Flame, Dutian Demon God Transforms into Blood and Flyes, Earth's Polar Magnetism Annihilates Sword Qi, Mountain-Opening Technique, Transformation Technique, Incarnation Outside the Body, Divine Light of Desolation

Great magical powers: Splitting light into shadows, condensing swords in the void, magic spells wrapped around silk threads, Daluo Cave View, Seven Birds and Small Divine Numbers, Taiyin's robe for crossing disasters, Great Sun's annihilating divine light, Small Thousand Thunder Prison, Nine Heavens Capital Reversing the Universe, Invisibility, Reversing the Taixu Glazed Wall, Five Color Divine Light, Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Magnetic Extinction Divine Light

Equipment: Lost Soul Bell (second-level immortal weapon), Sanyang Yiqi Sword (first-level immortal weapon), Dragon Whale Mountain (first-level immortal weapon), Golden Centipede Bamboo Staff (first-level immortal weapon)

Occupation: Alchemist (seventh level), Weapon Refiner (seventh level)

Talisman refining: slightly

Taming the beast: slightly

After some realization, twenty years passed by.

Lu Qingfeng had just reached the peak of the golden elixir a hundred years ago. With the third level of perfection in the "Mortal Immortality Method", his soul broke free from the shackles of longevity and fell into a state of enlightenment in an instant.

Walking in the physical world.

Incarnate into the Twelve Heavenly Demon Gods.

The soul, mana, and body are infinitely improved, and the realm is constantly improved. So much so that after reaching the peak of the golden elixir, the process that originally took hundreds or even hundreds of years to continuously comprehend and polish the golden elixir to nourish the soul and body was greatly shortened in just twenty years.

Lu Qingfeng sensed the golden elixir, sensed his own cultivation and status, and a message came from somewhere -

"Ten years later."

"The catastrophe of the soul!"

This is the last stage of forming a pill to advance to the Yuan Shen. Once you pass the 'Yuan Shen Tribulation', you can immediately reach the state of the Yuan Shen.

As for the current state, it may be called——

Half-step to the soul!

Lu Qingfeng's eyes were bright and he stood between heaven and earth. His face was sometimes happy and sometimes emotional, and it was complex and changing.

"Sixteenth Generation."

"Nine thousand two hundred and twenty-four years."

Looking back, I feel a lot of emotion.

Lu Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, and scenes flashed through his mind——

In reality, from Shangyang Kingdom to Weeping Swamp, and then from Juyun Mountains to Xuanyuan Water Realm.

Qingshan, Qingyu, Yue Miaoyin, Yue Lingxi, Zhou Yuan, Zhou Su, Gu Buyan...

One person, one thing after another.

Everything you encounter, see, and think about is all passing by.

In some games, from Heisha Town in Tianhu Realm to Yuanyi Mountain in Bingling Realm.

In the red smoke world, Fufeng Mountain is the mountain god. He has traveled thousands of miles in six lives and built an invincible foundation for fifteen hundred years.

The most powerful immortal in the world in the Evergreen Realm, he has been suppressing the world for two hundred years. The true immortal shed blood and bowed down.

The golden silkworm in the Heavenly Witch Realm goes against fate, and the sea of ​​blood rises and falls in the Five Directions Realm. Two lifetimes of accumulation in the Black Star World, three thousand years of starry sky training the heart.

Taoist Huang Luo, Wang Pan, Zhenren Tieyu, Han Lin, Ren Changsheng, Lin Feng, Liuchi...

Then from the Milky Way Realm to the Barbarian God Realm.

Until now.

Already a half-step soul.

Sixteen lives before and after, nine thousand years in a flash.

"The ultimate soul is in sight."

Lu Qingfeng's thoughts were racing, and he looked inside his Dantian to see a golden elixir, and a spiritual thought was gestating inside it. This is the embryonic form of the Yuan Shen. When you advance to the first level of the Yuan Shen, the state of "cultivating the spirit", you will cultivate your soul and think about the spiritual thoughts. Eventually, the thousands of spiritual thoughts will evolve into the second level of the Yuan Shen. God's realm.

The magic power and supernatural powers are not comparable to those in the Golden Elixir realm.

Lu Qingfeng's thoughts spread eighty miles in an instant.

Within eighty miles, everything is in your heart, no matter how big or small. It is different from the spiritual sense of the previous monks, which is only a vague sense. Different from the "Peeping into the Sky and Measuring the Earth" and "Heaven Listening and Seeing the Earth", it is a magic method and a method of detecting supernatural powers.

Spiritual thoughts are like eyes, even clearer than what can be seen with eyes.

The Yuanshen Zhenyi has thousands of thoughts and ten thousand spiritual thoughts, and is sensing thousands of miles and thousands of miles around, all under his nose. With the movement of spiritual thoughts, the void can be moved to thousands of miles away in an instant.

It is an invincible magical power that can only be possessed by those who have reached the realm of Yuanshen——

The void moves!

In some lower realms, this is called ‘teleportation’.

Lu Qingfeng thought, and immediately broke through the void, and his spiritual thoughts connected the place under his feet with the place where the spiritual thoughts can sense the limit eighty miles away. With one move and a cry, it landed eighty miles away like the Demon God of Dijiang breaking through the sky.

"What a magical power."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes brightened slightly.

With his profound knowledge, his ability to reach the realm of Yuanshen is far beyond that of the ordinary Yuanshen True One, allowing him to move farther and sense a wider realm.

in this way.

If you anticipate the enemy ahead, you will naturally be able to fight in a hundred battles.

Even many methods of escaping and moving are inseparable from the help of spiritual thoughts. The stronger your spiritual thoughts are, the more advantages you can take advantage of.

"The realm of Yuanshen is the beginning of the true manifestation of my magical powers."

Seventeen magical powers and twelve great magical powers flashed through Lu Qingfeng's mind, and his heart was filled with anticipation.

Suddenly at this time.


Lu Qingfeng's heart suddenly palpitated.

On a whim!

Looking around, I suddenly realized that this sudden enlightenment had brought me to heaven unknowingly.



"Not good!"

Lu Qingfeng didn't think too much, he swayed and turned into the Demon God of Dijiang. With a fierce flutter of his wings, he was about to break through the void and return to the material world. However, the heavenly space is countless times more stable than the material world. Even the half-step soul, even the Demon God Dijiang, was still stagnant for a moment.

And a brief stagnation is fatal.


Lu Qingfeng suddenly felt a stinging pain in his four wings, and as his spiritual thoughts passed by, he saw the four wings behind him stirring up the space, but the space in all four directions was like a piece of iron. The force of the shock almost shattered the four wings behind Lu Qingfeng's back, causing blood to drip from his body. .

"It's over!"

Lu Qingfeng's heart sank to the bottom.

Look up.

The sky is full of brilliance——

There is a holy man with bright light and wings on his back, wearing a white robe of holy light and holding a book in his hand.

Someone holding a war hammer has bulging muscles and a sense of power.

There is a wise old man holding a staff, surrounded by various elements, with a withered face.

There is an icy girl who is as cold as winter, with hair as white as snow.


Powerful beings came one after another, and Lu Qingfeng was so pressed that it was difficult to move.

"In the name of my God of Light——"

"In the name of my god of strength——"

"In the name of my God of Magic——"

"In the name of my Winter Goddess——"

"With me——"

Above the surrounding sky, 3,600 powerful gods looked at Lu Qingfeng with either indifference, hatred, or murderous intent.

Bursts of divine sounds.

"Gods of the Barbarian God Realm!"

As Lu Qingfeng's thoughts moved, the sounds of judgment from the gods were still raging in his ears, and the 'Dutian Demon God Transformed into Blood and Flyed' method was activated immediately. The twelve demon gods exploded inside the body, and the soul began to collapse, causing the physical body to disintegrate.

The sky sheds light.

The world began to freeze.

Heaven and earth, matter, void, soul!

Everything is stagnant.

However, nothing could stop Lu Qingfeng, and with a thought -


The loud sound was loud, and it was quickly frozen. With just a thought, Lu Qingfeng's soul disappeared. Even the blood essence and blood that remained in the material world as a life-saving back-up were turned into ashes and dissipated at this moment, and they did not dare to be retained.

Both death.

The soul disappeared immediately, and the world of barbarians and gods could not stop it, nor could the gods of heaven and earth stop it.

Then he submerged into the supreme and bottomless chaotic space.

The sky was left full of gods, with stern faces and cold eyes, but there was a god looking down at the place where Lu Qingfeng's soul was completely destroyed, with a slight frown on his brows.

[The player self-destructed and is now dead, please choose reincarnation/resurrection]


next moment.

Lu Qingfeng appeared on the first level of the Abyss of Scourge, in the original Watcher's lair, with a somewhat ugly look on his face.

Look up at the sky.

As you pass through the void, you can seem to see the gods gathering all over the sky. Among them, the God of Light, the God of Magic, the God of Power, the Goddess of Winter, etc. are all the eternal true gods in the legends of the material world. Lu Qingfeng glanced at it and recalled that there were no fewer than ten eternal true gods who had just appeared. The rest are all immortal gods.

"What a big battle!"

Lu Qingfeng's face was purple and his eyes were full of anger.


All the gods of the Barbarian God Realm figured out his whereabouts through some method, and they all descended upon him the moment he unconsciously entered the heaven due to his sudden enlightenment.

Block the escape route.

In that case, the "escape method" is completely useless. Lu Qingfeng did not even dare to try the method of blood rebirth after the nine-turn real body was refined, for fear that his soul would be captured, and he would immediately destroy his soul, body, and remaining blood essence, and then self-destruct.

Only by relying on the system and the dead space could Lu Qingfeng be sure to escape the blockade of thousands of gods.

Fortunately, he was so skilled in self-destruction that the gods froze the world, but Lu Qingfeng's spiritual thoughts were born. Instigated by a trace of divine thought, the twelve demon gods exploded, and the self-destruction method of magical powers stimulated by mysterious level skills was difficult to stop and reverse even by the Eternal God King.


[Name: Lu Qingfeng]

【Root bone: 1】

The soul is in sight, and due to the resurrection of the body, the bones have dropped to 1 point. Although there will be no serious problems in practicing in the future, the speed of practice will inevitably slow down.

In the long run.

The impact is not small.

"The secrets of the Barbarian God Realm have long been disrupted by the 'God of Tai Sui', and all methods of calculating the secrets are useless."

"How can the gods in this world calculate my whereabouts in advance?"

Lu Qingfeng glanced at the root attributes and frowned.

Although Gen Gu 1 does not delay the subsequent practice and is not fatal, at this moment, a hazy energy envelopes his body and the blood lingers in his heart, which really makes Lu Qingfeng despair.


The secret is confused.

The gods of the Barbarian God Realm were able to figure out his whereabouts from the chaos of heaven, and they were still locked after his self-destruction and resurrection, which was beyond Lu Qingfeng's expectation.

Ben thought.

In this life, I was lucky enough to come to the Barbarian God Realm, and a great opportunity was right in front of me. Coupled with the chaos of heaven, the heaven and material worlds are isolated.

It's really the right time and place, and it's a great opportunity to fish in troubled waters.


Lu Qingfeng stirred up troubles in the material world and swept across all directions. Countless temples were shattered, and countless believers of the gods either surrendered and merged with the Guangyuan Immortal Way, or hid in the nooks and crannies.

The influence of all the gods in the lower world was nearly uprooted by Lu Qingfeng.

in this way.

One can imagine how these gods affected Lu Qingfeng's senses.

But Lu Qingfeng is not afraid of the confusion.

Who wants to——

"The God of Suijun Taisui has such a great reputation, but--"

Such a powerful person personally took action to disrupt the secret of heaven, but the gods of the Barbarian God Realm found a loophole.

Lu Qingfeng miscalculated.

Too much trust in this heavenly god.

Sensing the blood in his heart, he held the feathers of seven birds in his big sleeves, concentrating on moving his mind, silently observing the comings and goings, and calculating cause and effect.


An idea flashed in my mind.

A powerful god with a good reputation in the material world and a high status among the gods in the Barbarian God Realm, but who has never appeared among the gods in the sky this time, flashed through his mind——


"It is said that the God of Destiny controls the fate of all living beings and holds the 'Clay of Destiny' in his hand. If someone can figure out when and where I will enter the heaven in the chaos of heaven and under the cover of the 'Inverted Taixu Glazed Wall', this is the only way. god."

Lu Qingfeng shook off the fly ash from his sleeves and combed through the causes and consequences, shaking his head with bitterness on his face.

It was also because he was too ostentatious.

He thought that the secrets of the Barbarian God Realm were in chaos, and since he had great supernatural powers to cover up his own secrets, no one in the Barbarian God Realm could plot against him.

But I don’t know that ants look at the sky.

He has been running rampant in the material world for three thousand years, but he was calculated early on, waiting for him to fall into the trap. Just now, as soon as you step in, all the gods from the sky descend.


"Xuan Ning and the others are fine."

Lu Qingfeng sensed the disciples and the many disciples who ascended to heaven from Zhenyuan Mountain. Although there were casualties, most of them were still alive and kicking.

"in this case."

"The gods of the Barbarian God Realm are extremely limited in what they can do under the chaos. They can only concentrate on dealing with one person or a few people. But in the material world, I established the Guangyuan lineage and showed the greatest potential. Gods Of course I would be the first choice to take action.”

After some thinking, it became completely clear.


The gods of the Barbarian God Realm waited for three thousand years to kill only him, instead of finding and killing the immortal monks who ascended to the upper world before that. This shows that this method can only be used once, or the price of using it once. It is too big, even the Eternal True God cannot use it frequently.

"That's okay."

"Thousands of years later, with Xuan Ning's qualifications, they may have been promoted to the realm of Mahayana True Immortals. Even if they are found, they will be able to protect themselves."

Lu Qingfeng felt relieved.

One more thought——

"The Barbarian God Realm can't wait any longer."

Lu Qingfeng sighed.

A great opportunity is right in front of him, but the blood in his soul and heart is strong. Once he steps into the heaven again, all the gods in the heaven will come together, and the situation will happen again.

Hiding in the material world and trapped in the golden elixir realm is just a waste of time.

"That's fine."

"Just go."

This life.

From the Milky Way Realm to the Barbarian God Realm, Lu Qingfeng's determination to become a Yuan Shen and a Mahayana True Immortal is to attain the path of earthly immortals and heavenly immortals.

I even thought a lot about where to go outside the realm of the gods——

Although he was in the Barbarian God Realm, he offended two powerful men in the upper realm.

But in the ancient world, there were countless powerful people, and there were also many who were not afraid of these two. For example, in the Galaxy Realm, Venerable Poison Dragon, who sent him to the Barbarian God Realm, is a good place to go. Or join the heaven, join the Jiejiao...


Become an immortal in the world of barbarian gods, and then defect to another world.

Even if Yin Jiao and Liu Tong hold grudges, they won't be afraid as long as Lu Qingfeng finds a strong backer. Maybe even if he defected to these two people, he would be able to clear up all the past grudges and not necessarily shut him out.

and even.

After Lu Qingfeng became an immortal, his powerful martial arts and many supernatural powers may not be weaker than these two great powers.

Of course, these are all false at this moment.

If you are careless, you will lose everything.

The gods of the Barbarian God Realm were paying attention and peeping in the void. No matter how powerful Lu Qingfeng was, he could not quietly enter the heaven under the blockade of a group of true gods and god kings.

The path to becoming an immortal in the Barbarian God Realm was cut off in advance the moment he stepped into the Heaven Realm.

"Barbarian God Realm."

Think no more.

Lu Qingfeng's figure flickered, and the next moment he appeared in Zhenyuan Mountain.


"Send my order——"

"From now on, the God of Light, the God of Magic, the God of Power, the Goddess of Winter... and other 3,600 gods are evil gods. Anyone who believes in evil gods will be expelled from the four realms."

"Those lurking in the four realms will be killed without mercy!"

"Those who spread the belief in evil gods will be killed without mercy!"

"Burn all the books that record the evil gods. Anyone who dares to keep or disseminate them will be killed without mercy!"


Jingyun stepped on the void and landed on the cloud platform. Listening to the 'kill' orders spit out from the mouth of the ancestor, his heart was chilled, but he didn't know what the gods in the sky had done to attract the people who had always been indifferent. Master is so angry.

Every word fell into my ears.

There are a total of three hundred and eighty "kill without mercy", which completely blocks all the beliefs of the gods. Once it is executed, not to mention that it will never cause further trouble, it will also make the believers of gods in the material world have no choice but to hide in corners and become useless.

"Respect the order of the ancestor!"

Jingyun responded respectfully.

Lu Qingfeng raised his hand, and a copper bell fell in front of Jingyun. When Jingyun took a look, his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

"This is the 'Bell of Desolation'. It should be a magical weapon of Master Guangyuan in the material world. It is passed down from generation to generation and cannot be brought into the heaven."


Jingyun quickly took the ‘Desolation Bell’ and said yes.

Lu Qingfeng had another thought——

Three yang and one qi sword.

Golden Centipede and Bamboo Staff.

Dragon Whale Mountain.

A total of five immortal weapons fell into the air, and with a wave of their sleeves, they disappeared in all directions.

But it fell into the hands of the five most talented disciples among the three generations. Among them, the Shaoyang Sword fell into the hands of Jingyun.

Don't wait for Jingyun to thank you.

Lu Qingfeng then faded away and disappeared.

Jingyun looked forward and saw the place where the master left, on the lotus platform, hundreds of magic weapons and precious lights shining straight towards the bullfighting.

The lowest level is also a fifth-level magic weapon!

He was stunned for a moment.

Thirty years later.

I don’t know where in the heaven.

A big river is rushing mightily, and the water is filled with smoke and clouds, making it difficult to see very far. A small boat was sailing on the river. There was an old man in a raincoat on the boat, immersed in the boat and playing with dozens of lumps of mud.

These mud blocks seemed to be one piece at first, but they fell apart for unknown reasons. Now the old man kept piecing them together, his hands were withered, but he still couldn't piece them together.


The old man suddenly raised his head and stared into space.

In the soul, from nowhere, endless blood threads wrapped around him suddenly, tightening suddenly, circle after circle. The old man frowned, his withered hands trembled slightly, and he stretched out his hand in the void, as if to tear off the blood thread.

However, when his hands fell and he pulled, his soul felt a sharp pain.

It got tighter and tighter.

The old man immediately stopped moving, stood up from the boat, and looked towards the river. Through the long river, he saw through the void and fell into the nameless place on the first layer of the abyss in the material world.

Among the barren mountains and ridges.

A decayed old man wearing a Yin-Yang Taoist robe happened to raise his head and his eyes met with the old man's.

"Since you escaped."

"Isn't it good to be alive?"

The old man on the boat spoke slowly, his voice was ethereal.

"Don't worry about fate, God King."

"This magical power is called the 'Magic Curse of Demonic Silk Winding'. It is a small gift given by the poor Taoist to return to the God King before he leaves."

Lu Qingfeng's body was stooped, his skin was sagging, his hair was long and withered, his eyes were dull, but there was a smile on his face.

Thirty years.

Finally reaching the realm of the soul, after setting foot in it, he realized that at the moment when he was rejected by the material world, Lu Qingfeng decisively cast the 'Demon Silk Curse', targeting the old man on the boat - the God of Destiny.

I will invest all my remaining 24,300 years of life in this life. Such a lifespan is comparable to that of two Yuanshen monks.

Under the curse.

Even if the God of Destiny is comparable to the Earthly Immortal, he will still suffer a big loss.

Lu Qingfeng smiled, finally letting out some of the anger he had held in his heart for thirty years.


King Destiny shook his head, "You can't kill me."

Lu Qingfeng was still smiling.

Of course he knows——

With his first cultivation as a soul, even if he spends more than 20,000 years of life and curses with great supernatural powers, even if there is no proper method for the Mahayana true immortal, his cultivation will stagnate and regress, or his body will die.

But for the God of Destiny, who is comparable to an earthly immortal, it is difficult to be fatal.


"After being disgusted, the poor man will be satisfied."

Lu Qingfeng saw that the God of Destiny's face was calm, and he didn't seem to care about the curse at all. He didn't say much, he just smiled. Seeing that the repulsive force in the material world was getting stronger, he immediately stopped staying.

Don’t talk to the God of Destiny anymore.

After entering the Yuanshen Realm for the first time, more than 200 million experience points were invested in the four magical powers such as the 'Light of Desolation', 'External Incarnation', 'Transformation Technique', and 'Yun Dian Step', as well as the "Mortal Immortality Method" .

In the moment of thought.

More than 200 million experience points were consumed.

The four magical powers are promoted to the great magical power.

"The Law of Immortality in the Mortal World" has been upgraded from the authentic level to the mysterious level.

Before he had time to check, Lu Qingfeng took one last look at the King of Destiny and saw the broken clay slab on the boat under his feet. The smile on his face turned into smoke and disappeared before it faded away.

In the long river of destiny.

On the boat of destiny.

"Totally dead."

God King Destiny looked around, and his expression finally showed a slight change. Above the soul, the blood threads are getting tighter and tighter. Close your eyes and stare, divine power surges, refining the blood.

After refining one path, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net ten paths were born in the soul.


The soul is already covered with blood, the power is obscured, the soul is dirty, and the eyes of the God of Destiny, which can see through the fate of all living beings, are also turbid.

I'm afraid even Lu Qingfeng himself didn't expect it.

In the realm of Yuanshen, with a lifespan of more than 20,000 years, and to curse the Eternal God King in the Barbarian God Realm, he could not only disgust the God King of Destiny. If this trend continues, the blood threads will gradually penetrate into the depths of the soul, and can even drag an eternal and immortal god-king into the dark and bottomless star realm, where he will fall into a complete sleep or even perish.

The boat of destiny carries the God of Destiny and sails into the depths of the long river of destiny.

This eternal god king who controls the destiny of all beings in the Barbarian God Realm does not know whether he can control his own destiny.

But all this.

It has nothing to do with Lu Qingfeng.

( = )

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