Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 371 The powerful forces in Nanguan gathered together, Shui Lord Guangyuan launched an attack

Three Valleys.

Three figures fell out of the sword-light portal in the sky.

Everyone's clothes were messy and they were quite embarrassed. His face was even more confused, and his eyes were filled with anger.

Gong Yangyu gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Tian Xin Zi is abominable today. The majestic Tian Xin Sword Master left an empty tomb to tease us and other juniors. He really disgraced the face of Xian Qin Qi Practitioners!"


Looking for the ruins made it easier to enter, but in the end, the joy was in vain——

In the ruins cave, except for the sharp sword energy that gradually dissipated everywhere, and except for the sword arrays that were about to collapse, there was nothing.

No inheritance.

No treasure.

Entering the treasure temple and returning empty-handed, no wonder Gongyang is so foolish and angry.

Bai Ziyue's face was partly angry, partly suspicious, and he frowned and said, "Maybe someone got there first."

"Get there first?!"

Gongyang was extremely stupid and laughed back, "Although the outer formation is not intact, it is only slightly decayed. But if you want to enter the ruins cave without touching this formation, and without touching the formations inside, Taking away all the inheritance and treasures would be difficult even for a strong person in the fourth realm."

"In the Nanguan Dao, and even in the Qi Kingdom, if we talk about the most accomplished formations, I am Yuanyoutong Shenggong. Also, Master Ziyang is the most powerful with a single thought. But without the sword command in hand, who can find it? Come here?"

Gongyang Yu would rather believe that Tian Xinzi was playing tricks on the juniors than believe that anyone could get there first.

Bai Ziyue lowered his eyes and remained silent.

While thinking, the figures of Gong Yangyu and Zhu Xuanji kept flashing by.

Bai Ziyue wouldn't believe it if someone said he could get there first.

It would be even more ridiculous to say that Tian Xin Sword Master, the famous Immortal Qin Qi practitioner, was teasing the younger generation.


The possibility of the third situation is extremely high.


Zhu Xuanji never spoke.

Seeing this, Gong Yangyu also fell silent.

The atmosphere was a little tense for a while.

But only for a moment.

Zhu Xuanji frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. We'll talk about the ruins of the cave after we leave this place."

Bai Ziyue and Gong Yangyu looked at each other, each with their own thoughts in mind, but they both nodded.

Although this treasure hunt was mindless, they themselves did not obtain any treasures or inheritance. But if they are blocked by others and they are allowed to open their mouths, it will be difficult to argue.

It's better to escape far away.


As soon as the light emerged, tens of thousands of divine lights fell down between the sky and the earth, cutting off all paths up and down in all directions. In the divine light, a brilliant loud sound resounded——

"Three Taoist brothers came to Yuanhu from far away, why are they in such a hurry?"

The three escaping lights were immediately blocked, revealing Bai Ziyue's three figures, their brows furrowed, and their faces full of displeasure.

"Who's blocking the way?!"

The ram was extremely angry and shouted loudly.

Look towards the sky.

But I saw a young man and a girl approaching with arms in hand.

This young man wears a feather crown on his head, a green dragon robe, and gold boots on his feet. He has a handsome appearance and a dignified appearance.

The girl has a beautiful face and is dressed in a smart white dress. The white dress is fluttering, showing off her good figure. With a sword tied around his waist and his long hair tied up, he looked like a handsome young man in troubled times.

Behind the two men, there was another swordsman in white and two generals.

It turned out to be a group of people from the Yuanhu Water Palace, headed by Guangyuan, the Lord of the Yuanhu Water Palace, and Ao Le, the little dragon girl from the Minjiang Dragon Palace.

The one who spoke just now was Yuanhu Shuijun.

"It turns out to be Yuanhu Shuijun."

"I have long admired my name."

The three of them were blocked, especially when they saw the swordsman in white behind Lu Qingfeng, they knew that it would be difficult to leave easily today. Bai Ziyue simply stopped and smiled loudly at Lu Qingfeng, without the embarrassed, confused, and uncertain look he had just now.

"Five Swordsman."

"Xuanji Zhenren."

"Master Fubo."

"I have admired these three great names for a long time."

Lu Qingfeng landed in the sky, looking at each other from afar with Bai Ziyue and the others, and spoke loudly.

The three people in front of me all came from the 'Yuanyoutong Shenggong', one of the two major immortal sects in Qi. Each of them has a great reputation. They have been famous for much longer than Lu Qingfeng, and their reputation is not comparable to that of Lu Qingfeng.

For example, Bai Ziyue, nicknamed the 'Five Sword Master', wields five swords and can deploy the 'Five Elements Rotating Sword Formation' at the snap of his fingers. He has not suffered a single defeat in the past five hundred years.

For example, Zhu Xuanji, known as the "Zhenren Xuanji", is not only able to predict the secrets of heaven, but also masters obscure spells and tricks. It is easy to predict the enemy before he can kill someone without even knowing it.

The last one, Gong Yangyu, was equally remarkable. He was a famous genius in Qi State. He had cultivated both sex and Tao, and both of them were worthy of reaching the third level. Although his cultivation speed cannot keep up with Lu Qingfeng's, his reputation as a genius in Qi State is no less than that of the former.

In his early years, he was trained in the army and served as "General Fubo". After that, although he was no longer in the army, he was called "Zhenren Fubo".

The three of them gathered together.

Within the territory of Qi State, no matter where you go, there will be three earthquakes in one area.

"Don't talk about the situation."


"You came in such a fierce manner. What did you mean by stopping us and the other three fellow apprentices?"

Gong Yangyu was already angry in his heart, but when he was blocked by the Yuanhu Shuijun with a bad reputation, he became even more angry and did not give Lu Qingfeng any face.

"How brave!"

"How dare Shu Zian be rude!"

Before Lu Qingfeng could say anything, Lan Feihu took a step forward with a golden stick behind him, opened his mouth and exposed his fangs, and his voice sounded like thunder.

"Sure enough, they are criticizing Mao Daiyu and don't know etiquette."

Gong Yangyu glanced at Lan Feihu and saw his true form at a glance, without even looking at him with a straight eye.

Really arrogant.

"I'm so angry!"

As soon as Gong Yangyu finished speaking, Lan Feihu and his three corpses jumped in anger and were about to retort -

"What a loud tone!"


There was a burst of fire coming from outside the sky. Before anyone arrived, the sound came first and landed on the horizon. Lan Feihu paused and looked at this person.

Lu Qingfeng also looked at him and smiled immediately, "It turns out to be Taoist Brother Zhu Pheasant."

The person who came was wearing a fiery red robe and a flying phoenix crown on his head, but he was a well-known Xingdao San practitioner in Nanguan Dao. It was said that he was the master of Zhu Pheasant in Demon Ze, and his fire skills were astonishing.

Gongyang Yu scolded Lan Feihu as 'a person who criticizes hair and wears feathers', but he also scolded Taoist Zhu Pheasant.

"Pindao has met Yuanhu Shuijun."

Taoist Zhu Pheasant and Gong Yangyu had no good looks, but they rushed to Lu Qingfeng but bowed and saluted without losing any etiquette.

Gong Yangyu stared at Taoist Zhu Pheasant without any fear, and laughed out loud, "Who am I talking about? It turns out it's the famous Taoist Turkey who can't survive in the demon swamp."

This is a slap in the face without any shame.

With his own good cultivation and the support of Yuan You Tong Shen Palace, he was not afraid of everyone present, even Lu Qingfeng and Ao Le.

Not to mention the rootless duckweed and Zhu pheasant Taoist.

"What a sin!"

How could Taoist Zhu Pheasant endure such humiliation? He didn't care about Gong Yangyu's background at the moment, and raised his hand to shoot out flames that filled the sky, trying to cover Gong Yangyu.

"Well done!"

Gongyang Yu was not afraid. He held the sword in his right hand and made a seal with his left hand. A sword light came out and went straight into the flames.


next moment.

The flames dissipated, but the sword light was a spiritual flying sword in the sky.

It separates at the first touch, no distinction between up and down.

Both of them are angry and want to fight again.

A loud sound came from the west——

"Brother Zhu Pheasant, please wait."

Gongyang Yu frowned, and Taoist Zhu Pheasant also stopped his hand and looked to the west.

I saw three rays of light coming at the same time.

One of them, with a solemn and majestic appearance, and a golden road in the void, walked slowly.

"Nanguan Road City God, Lord Wenshan."

The other man was wearing armor and holding a Taoist soldier. His middle-aged appearance showed the aura of killing in a battle formation.

"The envoy of Nanguan Road, Pei Zhi."

The last person, wearing a plain white robe and a turban on his head, looked dignified and upright while being elegant and easy-going.

"Inspector of Nanguan Road, Gan Zi'ang."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at it and immediately recognized that these were the three top beings in charge of the gods, the military, and the government in Nanguan Dao.

Whether it is his own strength or the power he holds, he is no less than him, the Lord of Yuanhu Water.

"It's exciting now."

Lu Qingfeng laughed softly at Ao Le beside him.

Ao Le put one hand on the sword at his waist, his face was serious, and he was silently alert to his surroundings. Listening to Lu Qingfeng talking to her, the tension in her heart dissipated a lot, but her right hand was still pressed on the hilt of the sword.

Just like a hundred years ago.

When Lu Qingfeng first came to Yuan Lake, he was just like a guard.

"Husband, be careful."

"These people are very strong."

Ao Le reminded in a low voice.

"Save it."

Lu Qingfeng responded with a smile, not afraid. With his current level of cultivation, fighting alone, no one present could be his opponent.

Not to mention that Luo Fuzi was on guard behind him.

With the arrival of Nanguan Taoist City God, Jiedu Envoy, and Supervisory Envoy, Taoist Zhu Pheasant and Gong Yangyu suppressed their anger and stopped.

For a while.

There was a confrontation on the field.

On the Yuanhu Water Palace side headed by Lu Qingfeng, Ao Le, Luo Fuzi, Lan Feihu, and Yuan Bi were all on the list.

Taoist Zhu Pheasant is single and does not deal with all parties, but he is closer to Lu Qingfeng.

This is also a wonderful person.

Knowing that Lu Qingfeng belongs to the Minjiang Dragon Palace lineage, he has no prejudice against people with a great demon background. There are even many spirits and big demons working in the Minjiang Dragon Palace and Yuanhu Water Palace.

Like Lan Feihu and Yuan Bi, they were all born from strange beasts.

Taoist Zhu Pheasant thought that he was weak alone and was not welcomed by the immortal sect or the court, so he could only rely on the Yuanhu Water Palace.


The three powerful men in Nanguan Road are on the same side, but they are distinct from each other.

In the Nanguan Road, Jiedushi Pei Zhi was born in the Jiuyao Jihuo Sect, one of the two top immortal sects in Qi, and the Yuanyou Tongshen Palace. Although they are both righteous immortal sects, they are different from each other. The friction is not small.

Gan Zi'ang, the inspector of Nanguan Road, was the favorite disciple of Zhuge Yan, the prime minister of Qi. Zhuge Yan also had a deep connection with the "Yuanyou Tong Shen Palace". With this important relationship, the relationship between Gan Ziang and Pei Zhi is naturally delicate.

Not to mention.

Of these two men, Pei Zhi was in charge of the entire army of Nanguan Road, and he was able to control the troops and horses of various prefectures and counties in Nanguan Road. Gan Ziang was in charge of government affairs, and he was in charge of people, finance, etc.

There is no shortage of friction between them.

On the other hand, Nanguan Daocheng Huang was from a humble background and had nothing to do with Yuanyou Tongshen Palace or Jiuyao Jihuo Sect. Heng is in the middle, in charge of Nanguan Shinto, as a buffer.

Seriously. UU read www. uukanshu.net

Although Gan Zi'ang is the inspector of Nanguan Road, he is more familiar and close to Bai Ziyue, Zhu Xuanji, and Gong Yangyu.

"I've met Gan Shijun."

Seeing Gan Ziang, Bai Ziyue and the others hurriedly came forward to greet him.

Although there is not much difference in strength between the four of them, Gan Zigui is a chief executive, and his status is half as high as that of the three Bai Gao.

Gan Ziang looked at the three people, then looked at Lu Qingfeng in the distance, and spoke to the three people without moving his expression, "What happened? Why did you confront Yuanhu Water Palace and Taoist Zhu Pheasant?"

Bai Ziyue and the three of them looked at each other, but Gong Yangyu was the first to respond.

At this time.

Another person comes——

"What a lively scene."

"Nanguan Realm has not been this lively for a long time. How can we be missing two brothers!"

Sounds like roars of dragons and tigers resounded through the void, and then a mountain seemed to come from the distance, smashing the void and falling straight to the top of the mountain, causing the mountain to sink dozens of feet.

Bursts of smoke revealed his figure, but he was a strong man with a height of three feet and a huge back. Holding two mountain-breaking hammers, the ends are sturdy.

Beside this person, there was a wisp of green smoke that transformed into a young man with a more delicate face. A pair of eagles looked at the wolf with a cold light.

"Xionglang Mountain——"

"The Great Flying Bear Demon."

"The Great Blue Smoke Demon."

Lu Qingfeng raised his eyes and smiled even more in his heart.

This time.

The experts from all over the Nanguan Road have finally arrived.

His eyes darkened, Lu Qingfeng slightly cupped his hands in all directions and said loudly, "Three Taoist brothers from Yuanyou Tongshen Palace sneaked into the territory under my jurisdiction of Yuanhu and stole the treasures of my Yuanhu Water Palace. I must give you an explanation for this matter. , please also be a witness and do not interfere."

Yuanhu Shuijun.

Be the first to attack!

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