Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 372 Give me back the treasure!

As soon as this statement came out.

Whether it was the Nanguan Road, Taoist Zhu Pheasant, Fei Xiong, or Qing Yan, the two great demons had different expressions on their faces. He looked at Bai Ziyue and the others, and then at the sword energy portal that had just dissipated in the distance, without making a sound.

Observing the movement of the sword energy portal, you will know that the treasure inside is absolutely extraordinary.

They didn't want to let Bai Ziyue and the others leave easily. At this moment, the Yuanhu Shuijun was young and energetic and couldn't help but take the lead in attacking. Everyone was happy to do so.

Even Nanguan Road Inspector Gan Ziang's thoughts flickered, but he did not speak.

Bai Ziyue and Zhu Xuanji felt depressed when they saw Lu Qingfeng's imposing manner, and their faces became even more angry.

But when it comes to temperament.

Gong Yangyu was the first to be unable to resist. He raised the sharp sword in his hand and pointed it at Lu Qingfeng. His eyes were red and he cursed angrily, "You are a Minjiang son-in-law. You have been hiding in Yuan Lake for hundreds of years and dare not come out. Now you have recruited this man." Taoist brother Luo Fuzi, he is very stubborn because of his strength."

The words fell.

"Shuzi is rude!"

Ao Le was at his side, his cheeks red with anger. The sword in his hand was unsheathed and he glared at Gong Yangyu.

"Your Majesty."

"The last general calls for battle and kills this madman!"

Lan Feihu stepped forward, his huge fangs full of evil aura. Yuan Bi's face remained unchanged, and he also took a step forward, the trident in his hand flashing cold light.

However, the two of them haven't moved yet.

There was a sword light on the side of him, swaying in the sky, going straight towards Gongyang Yu.

"Luo Fuzi!"

The long sword in white is surprisingly Shura Fuzi, the No. 1 sword of Nanguan Road who has just been thrown into the Yuanhu Water Palace less than half a year ago!

Without saying a word, take action first.

"I give you three thumbs up. I didn't expect you to be a protective dog!"

"Today I will teach you how powerful I, Yuan Youtong, is at the swordsmanship. Then you will know that there are mountains outside the sky and there are people outside the mountains!"

The ram shouted angrily.

Kneading secrets in one hand and holding a sword in the other.

The flying sword flew through the air and went straight to Luo Fuzi. He stepped forward with the sword in his hand, but he had to fight at close range.

"The dual cultivation of life and life is really extraordinary."

Seeing the three-foot-tall flying bear demon in the distance, he was amazed.

Cultivation of both the nature path and the life path.

This Gongyang Yu can also fight in close combat when wielding a sword. He can fight two against one at close range, which is extraordinary.

The Qingyan Demon stood silently, looking like a young man with fierce eyes as he stared at the fight between Gong Yangyu and Luo Fuzi.

Luo Fuzi had a cold expression and was speechless. The long sword behind his back appeared in his palm at some unknown moment. He held the sword and swung it, and the light of the sword swayed through the void——

Boom boom boom!

It collided with the flying sword in the sky, and it was indistinguishable.

He stepped forward with a sword in one hand.

As the long sword shook, thousands of sword lights split up and confused people's eyes. The sharpness of the sword sent chills down the spine. The next moment, the sword light shone with sword energy, one sword light divided into ten or a hundred paths, and each sword light burst out with sword energy.

Just for a moment.

The sword formation was completed, and Gong Yangyu, who was charging straight at him, was enveloped.

Boom boom boom!

Luo Fuzi held the sword in his hand, raised the tip of the sword, and made an overwhelming sound in the void. Gong Yangyu was shrouded in it and couldn't see his figure at all. He could only hear bursts of roaring sounds coming from inside.

"not good!"

"Stop it now!"

Bai Ziyue and Zhu Xuanji saw that the situation was not good and immediately shouted angrily. A hand seal and five swords flew together and crashed into Luo Fuzi's sword-light formation. Each one kept counting while pointing his fingers to pop out a stream of gray light that fell on all parts of the sword-light formation.



The long sword in Luo Fuzi's hand slashed suddenly, with a bang, blocking the gray light, knocking five swords flying, and thousands of sword lights gathered together——


A figure was revealed, flying upside down like a broken kite, blood dripping from the air.

It is Gongyang Yu.

"Junior Brother Gongyang."

"Senior Brother Gongyang!"

Bai Ziyue and Zhu Xuanji caught Gong Yangyu and saw terrifying sword marks on his body, blood spattered three feet deep and bones visible. The trauma was still secondary, his energy was quite weak, and his face was even pale. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot and would not be able to fight again in a short period of time.

Even if Bai Ziyue and Zhu Xuanji hadn't taken action just now, Gong Yangyu would have almost ended up in the sword-light formation.

"What a terrifying sword formation!"

Even Gong Yangyu himself felt frightened for a while, his face was frightened and angry, and he stared at Luo Fuzi, but he could only adjust his breath silently and did not dare to say another word.

This time.

Everyone looked at the white-clothed long sword Luo Fuzi who was standing in the air in front of Yuanhu Shuijun, and their eyes suddenly changed.

Fubo Zhenren Gongyang Yu is one of the best in the entire Qi Kingdom. Both of his life cultivation and life cultivation have reached the third level, and none of them are lower than the third level. With this kind of strength, even if anyone on the scene faced off, they couldn't say they would have the upper hand.

However, he almost lost his life after fighting Luo Fuzi for only a few moments.

This strength really shocked everyone on the field.

Luo Fuzi held the sword, his face was expressionless and his eyes were indifferent, as if he was the one who just took action, and he was not the one who almost killed Gongyang Yu just now.

"You should not be careful about what you say. This is a lesson that should be learned."

Lu Qingfeng's voice was low and his eyes were cast on Gong Yangyu and the others.

Seeing that Gong Yangyu still had an angry look on his face after hearing this, he ignored it and pointed at the three of them, "I am in charge of the territory of a hundred thousand miles around Yuan Lake, and the three valleys are where I often retreat. Wait. It is really shameful that the three of them were born in Yuanyoutong Shrine and committed such robberies! Return the stolen treasures as soon as possible. For the sake of the elders of your sect, I will not care about them. If you are stubborn, don't blame me. I will show no mercy!"

Luo Fuzi's body is the 'Three Light Tianxin Sword'. Although he cannot practice any magical powers or techniques, Lu Qingfeng's formation cultivation is absolutely unparalleled in heaven and earth.

Thousands of years of enlightenment have already contributed to creation.

With the sharpness of the eighth-level magic weapon and the mystery of the formation path.

Even with one against three, Luo Fuzi could suppress Gongyang Yu and the others.

Lu Qingfeng was confident, but he was angered by Gong Yangyu, and he showed no mercy at the moment——

The cock crows and the dog robbers!

Stubborn and restless!

Gongyang's face turned red when he spoke bluntly——


He couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood, and his expression became even more depressed.

"What a sharp-tongued Minjiang Prince Consort!"

Bai Ziyue pointed at Lu Qingfeng. He couldn't help it any longer and said in a cold voice, "You're just relying on your strength. Let me ask you, do you dare to fight me fairly?!"

Luo Fuzi is strong, Bai Ziyue is not weak, but he doesn't dare to provoke him.

But although this Yuanhu Water Lord is a genius and a fourth-grade Water Lord, after all, his training time is short and his chances of winning are extremely high.

"Thieves who steal will be beaten to death with sticks!"

Lu Qingfeng flicked his sleeves and snorted coldly.

This is rejection.

But it was also expected by everyone.

Based on the deeds and reputation of this Yuanhu Shuijun over the past hundred years——

He is greedy for money and loves treasure, keeps his head down and does not care about his face, but he is content with being the son-in-law of the Dragon Palace...

How could Bai Ziyue become so angry and lose his mind because of his sarcastic remarks that he would fight with the mighty Five Swordsmen?

"Courageless bandits!"

Bai Ziyue was disappointed in his heart, but he was unforgiving in words, pointing at Lu Qingfeng and scolding him.


As soon as the words were spoken, a sharp sword roared in the sky. The sword light rose again, but this time it went straight to Bai Ziyue.

"Luo Fuzi!"

Needless to say, Bai Ziyue insulted Yuanhu Shuijun, and Luo Fuzi took action again without saying a word.

Bai Ziyue and Zhu Xuanji were shocked.

Gong Yangyu was recovering from his injuries when he suddenly opened his eyes in shock.

Immediately he saw the light of the sword shaking, he had to deal with Bai Ziyue just like he had dealt with Gongyang Yu.

"Suicune calm down."

"Brother Luofu, wait a minute."

The battle was about to begin. Gan Ziang stood aside and could no longer stand. Gently swallowing the words "Yu" and "Ding" in your mouth, it will appear in the air, and you need to freeze the sword light, and at the same time speak out the words very quickly.

But Luo Fuzi ignored it.


With one move of the sword and two words of brokenness, he still has to go to Bai Ziyue.

Gan Ziang frowned slightly, with anger on his face.

"Brother Dao, please spare this boy first and let me hear what Mr. Gan Shijun has to say." Lu Qingfeng called out, and Luo Fuzi immediately stopped the light of his sword, sheathed his sword and stood up. Only one pair of eyes, like sharp swords, fell on Bai Ziyue, making people sit on pins and needles.

"What a swordsman!"

When Gan Ziang and others saw Luo Fuzi's strength and his obedience to Lu Qingfeng's words, they all felt complicated. Then I thought about the rumor that Lord Yuanhu used nine nine-flowered mirror stones to recruit this Nanhai sword cultivator to serve him for a hundred years.

At first I just felt like a prodigal, but now I have no other thoughts.

"Gan Shijun Mu guards the Nanguan Road. Although he has a close relationship with Yuanyoutong Shrine, he will definitely not favor these three thieves."

Lu Qingfeng pointed at Bai Ziyue and the others and said loudly to Gan Zi.


As everyone listened, they finally realized that this Prince Consort of Yuanhu Lake and Prince Consort of Minjiang River were completely stupid.

Gan Ziang studied under Zhuge Yan. Although Zhuge Yan said that he had close contacts with Yuanyoutong Shrine, as the prime minister of a country, he did not put it in the public eye, and no one dared to put it in the public eye.

However, Lu Qingfeng pointed at Gan Ziang and bluntly said that he had close contacts with Yuanyou Tongshen Palace.

Being incompatible with the obscure ways of officialdom, what is he but a stupid young man?

"Suicune was joking."

"I am an official of the imperial court personally appointed by His Majesty, and I have always been impartial."

Gan Ziang was full of righteousness.

Lu Qingfeng waved his hand and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net said impatiently, "Everyone knows the relationship between the envoy and Yuanyou Tongshen Palace, so don't talk about him. The envoy has just stepped in to help the three thieves. , if you don’t have a good opinion, I will definitely read this book again and again!”


Hearing this, Gan Ziang felt a headache. He didn't want to mess around with Lu Qingfeng anymore. He looked at Lu Qingfeng and said, "Catch people and take the stolen goods. Shuijun keeps claiming that people have stolen the treasures of the Water Palace. Can you tell me the details of the losses?"


Lu Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "It has something to do with the defense of the water palace, and it should not be discussed with outsiders."

"So it means there is no proof or proof?"

Gan Ziang's eyes were solemn.

After hearing this, Lu Qingfeng's expression immediately changed, "You are such a sweetheart, you really want to favor the three thieves from Yuanyoutong Shen Palace! These three people were sneaking around in front of my Yuanhu gate and stole all my treasures in full view of everyone. Are you allowed to quibble with your white teeth?!"

But he was furious on the spot.

Seeing Lu Qingfeng like this, Gan Ziang's face remained calm, and others looked at him, looking like he had a pearl of wisdom in his hands.

"This is greedy treasure, and I'm furious."

Everyone from all directions saw that Lu Qingfeng and Gan Ziang were like a young boy and a wise old man. The gap between the two was so great that Lu Qingfeng could not hold on for even one round.

Awaiting follow-up.

"Stop chatting and return my treasure quickly!"

But Lu Qingfeng's face was extremely angry. He stopped paying attention to Gan Ziang and instead shouted angrily at Bai Ziyue and the others.


When Bai Ziyue saw that Gan Ziang finally stood up, he was not afraid of Luo Fuzi and scolded Lu Qingfeng.

"Okay, okay!"

After Lu Qingfeng heard this, he was really angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He opened his mouth and shouted to Luo Fuzi in white clothes, "Brother Taoist, please take down three of them!"

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