Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 378 Dismissal!

"Husband, why bother arguing with Pei Zhi? You have shouldered a lot of karma in vain."

Yuanhu Water Palace.

Ao Le looked at Lu Qingfeng, who was returning from Xingyunbuyu, with a look of worry on his face.

"It doesn't matter."

"I have great luck, so I can ignore some karma." Lu Qingfeng smiled at Ao Le, not caring at all.

He has "Huang Ting Jing".

The mere karma of "flooding the seven armies" can be eliminated in the blink of an eye, without any impact. What Pei Zhi thought was that they would die together, but he thought too highly of himself.

As for the punishment in heaven——

"The Shinto is in chaos in the Immortal Qin Realm. The Heavenly Court is above, but it can only command half of the Shinto and determine the gods of most of the mountains and rivers. Minjiang and Yuanhu are subordinate to the Shanghe Dragon Palace, and the Heavenly Court cannot control it. The Shanghe Dragon Palace does not deal with the Heavenly Court, and Pei Zhi I was born in the Jiuyao Jihuo Sect, but I belong to the Heavenly Court Immortal Sect. Even if the Dragon Palace punishes me, for the sake of my father's face, the most they can do is dismiss me."

6 Qingfeng has already thought carefully about his actions.

"Even so, it's not worth wasting your luck." Ao Le frowned.

Compared with revenge on Pei Zhi, of course, one's own husband's hair is more important. How can the life of an outsider compare with the feathers of my own husband?

6 Qingfeng smiled, knowing Ao Le's thoughts.

Seeing Lu Qingfeng smiling and recalling what Lu Qingfeng had just said, Ao Le suddenly reacted and asked in surprise, "My husband is in trouble at this time. Has he already thought about resigning as Lord of Yuanhu Water?"


His brows furrowed even more tightly.

Seven armies were flooded.

Failure to punish is not enough to uphold the rule of law.

Even if Minjiang Dragon Lord protects him, he may be dismissed from his post.

"Could it be that Le'er has forgotten that it has been almost five hundred years since Luo Fuzi entered the Chunshen Realm." Lu Qingfeng held Ao Le's palm and said slowly, "Sooner or later, the position of Lord of the Water of Yuanhu Lake will be removed, so why not Before that, let’s trick this old man like Pei Zhi.”

Ao Le raised his head and his eyes fell on Lu Qingfeng's face, showing a moment of panic.

For a while.

Somewhat overwhelmed.

At this time, thousands of divine lights bloomed outside the water palace——

"Lord Long has an order to remove him from the post of Lord of Yuanhu Lake in Guangyuan, and to leave within three days to reach the Minjiang Water Palace!"

Three days later.

"Do you have to go, husband?"

Ao Le stood tall and graceful, standing in front of Lu Qingfeng, his eyes a little red, as he arranged Lu Qingfeng's clothes.

"What a great opportunity. No one else can ask for it, so of course I want to go." Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.


Ao Le put her palm on Lu Qingfeng's chest and paused. She raised her face and looked at Lu Qingfeng, but stopped talking.


6 Qingfeng stretched out his hand to hold it, and said in a gentle voice, "Father said it five hundred years ago. Although the 'Chunshen Realm' has a large background, the strong men in the realm are restrained by the three dragon palaces and the ancient Shang Tianting, and they have no time to do so." He looked at it. When we and other third-level monks entered it, it was like a drop of water pouring into the ocean, and it was difficult to detect. The fifth-level monks were completely restrained, and the fourth-level monks alone among them did not pose a threat to me."

Ao Le shook his head, "If there is no danger and it is a great opportunity, why don't father let the eldest brother and the second brother go?"

"Father has his own considerations."

6 Qingfeng smiled.

Naturally I understand in my heart——

This Chunshen definition has a lot of opportunities, but there are also a lot of dangers inside. The fifth-level monk was restrained and could not take action, but no one could predict whether he would be able to take action in a short time. Not to mention there are an unknown number of fourth realm monks.

Entering Chunshen Realm without help, once exposed, it will be a disaster.

The fact that Minjiang Dragon Lord refused to let his own blood flow forward is proof of this.

"When my mother was captured back to the West Sea, my father never let us brothers and sisters be in danger. I was afraid that it would be difficult to explain to my mother when I saw her one day." Ao Le also felt like a mirror.

After all.

6 Qingfeng is the son-in-law, and his blood connection with Ao Lie and Ao Le is still far behind.

"This is the way it should be. As a father, this is how you should be."

6 Qingfeng smiled at Ao Le and said, "My father is kind to me, and you and I are husband and wife. It is my duty to go to Chunshen Realm, there is no need to do this."

Minjiang Longjun treated him well. Although he had some intentions, his kindness was genuine.

Regarding this incident, Lu Qingfeng really had no complaints in his heart, "It's Yuanhu. At this time, we are in troubled times, and the Yaoze Yao Kingdom and Qi Kingdom are in chaos. After I leave, Minjiang will have Yuan Bi, Lan Feihu, and Zhang Shu Wait for a group of generals to guard you. You can return to Minjiang, lest Yao Ze loses his eyesight, or Jiu Yao Ji Huo Sect and Yuan Youtong Shen Palace go crazy."

"Don't worry, husband, Le'er is waiting for your husband's safe return."

Ao Le looked up and saw her husband's bright and lively eyes. She couldn't help but stretched out her arms to hug Lu Qingfeng. She buried her cheek on Lu Qingfeng's chest and said softly, "My husband always has an idea."

"It has been more than 5,500 years since the Dragon Palace and Heavenly Court attacked the Chunshen Realm. My husband's clone entered the Chunshen Realm five hundred years ago, and the situation is clearer than Le'er. However, it is better to be more cautious when entering the real body. The three major In the Dragon Palace, we, Minjiang, belong to the Shanghe Dragon Palace, but even within the Shanghe Dragon Palace, there are many factions, and they are not monolithic, let alone the three major Dragon Palaces of the Shanghe River, East China Sea, and West Sea. In addition, there is the Ancient Shang Heavenly Court..."

Ao Le buried her chest and couldn't help but exhort and chatter non-stop.

This is the first time in seven hundred years that the couple has been separated for a long time. Although Chunshenjie is about to be captured, no one knows whether it will take one or two hundred years or one or two thousand years. If anything happens during this period, life may be in danger.

Ao Le said a lot.

6 Qingfeng listened and sighed in his heart, also feeling a little melancholy.

If possible, he didn't want to move. Just a food king

Regarding Zhilu Zhongjun's matter, Minjiang Longjun ordered Lu Qingfeng to obey unless he betrayed Minjiang.

However, there are many opportunities here, and the dangers are all under control, so it is not like this.

Only separation is the most painful.

Saying goodbye to Ao Le, after a long time, the body transformed into a escaping light and disappeared outside Yuan Lake.

News of the Nanguan Incident spread.

The Shuijun of Yuanhu suspected Pei Zhi, the envoy of Nanguandao Jiedu, and led the demon soldiers to enter Yuanhu and made a surprise attack on Yuanhu.


Create storms and bring thunderstorms.

For seven consecutive days, the water flooded seven armies.

It’s time.

The demon soldiers took advantage of the situation and attacked, causing heavy casualties in the Thirteenth Level Pass on the south side of Nanguan Road. Even Pei Zhi's generals suffered casualties.

Seven days later.

Nanguan Road City God Wenshanjun arrived and the heavy rain had stopped.

Pei Zhi sued Lord Yuanhu to court. The leader of the Qi Kingdom prayed to heaven and asked the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace of Shanghe River and the Emperor of the Ancient Shangtian Court to be dismissed from his post and beheaded on the "Slaying God Platform".

same day.

The Dragon Lord of Minjiang removed his position as the Water Lord of Yuanhu Lake in Guangyuan and ordered General Yuan Bi of Yuanhu to temporarily take over the post of Water Lord. Guangyuan was ordered to return to Minjiang.


Minjiang Longjun personally led Guangyuan and rushed to Shanghe!

"The seven armies were flooded, what a nonsense!"

In the vast sky, a cluster of clouds swept by the strong wind.

Above the white clouds, Minjiang Longjun looked at Lu Qingfeng beside him, but couldn't help but scold him. Looking at Lu Qingfeng's body with one pair of eyes, although he couldn't see much accumulated karma, he knew how much karma he would bear and how much luck would be wasted by such ridiculous things as flooding the seven armies.

"Father, calm down."

"Pei Zhi is really hateful and secretly led the demon soldiers to attack Yuanhu. My son-in-law is so angry that he has to fight for the position of Shuijun, so I want him to feel better!"

6 Qingfeng smiled apologetically, but was furious at the same time.

"Even so, you should think twice before acting." Long Jun said with a glare.

"My son-in-law understands."

"It's just that Pei Zhi deceived me that there was no Taoist brother Luofu in the Yuanhu Water Palace, and he caused a lot of troubles in the past five hundred years. This time he even led a demon army to the gate of Yuanhu, which almost caused a catastrophe. I When I was angry and made it rain, I just wanted to give him a punishment and vent my anger."

6 Qingfeng’s indignation is hard to fill.

Minjiang Dragon Palace has constant friction with Yuanyoutong Shrine and Jiuyao Jihuo Sect. Naturally, Nanguan Road, run by Pei Zhi and Gan Ziang, is at odds with Yuanhu Water Palace. Over the past five hundred years, there have been constant frictions, large and small.

Yuanhu Water Palace has three thousand fire crow soldiers, three thousand water marching soldiers, three thousand war soldiers, and three thousand Yuanhu water army, but they are not afraid.

It's just annoying.

This time, just when he was about to step down, Lu Qingfeng vented his inner anger.

"You should change your temper."

Minjiang Dragon Lord sighed after hearing this, "Although many people in the Shanghe Dragon Palace applauded this move, even the Dragon King privately praised it. But there are also people who want to impeach you and want to punish you severely."

6 Qingfeng raised his head and looked at Minjiang Longjun.

Minjiang Dragon Lord said in a deep voice, "Don't worry. I will remove you from your position as Yuanhu Water Lord, and the matter will be over. The whole Dragon Palace will not pursue this matter again. As for the Ancient Shang Tianting——"

Minjiang Dragon Lord sneered, "Their hands can't reach the Shanghe Dragon Palace."

"Thank you father for protecting me."

6 Qingfeng heard this and quickly thanked him.

"Don't mention gossip."

Minjiang Longjun waved his hand, skipping the topic, and suddenly asked, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "I mentioned Luo Fuzi just now, do you know where Luo Fuzi went five hundred years ago?"

Finally got to the topic.

6 Qingfeng smiled in his heart. Luo Fuzi was his clone, and he was obsessed with him. Minjiang Longjun thought that Lu Qingfeng didn't know everything, but he didn't know that all the details were in Lu Qingfeng's heart.

"I don't know."

6 Qingfeng shook his head.

Minjiang Dragon Lord was still trying to keep it secret and did not tell him directly. Instead, he asked, "Then do you know how wide the territory of Xian Qin is?"

"I've heard of this once or twice."

"It is said that there are nine continents in Xian Qin, and the one we are in is only one of them, called the 'Ancient Shang continent'. It is isolated from the other eight continents for unknown reasons, and there has been no communication since the destruction of Xian Qin .”

6 Qingfeng stayed in Yuanhu for seven hundred years and learned a lot about the Immortal Qin Realm.

As far as he knew, the Minjiang River and even the Shang River were only the boundaries of the 'Ancient Shang Continent', one of the nine major continents in the Immortal Qin Realm. There is very little news about the remaining eight continents. They can only be found in legends. Even with the identity of the fourth-grade god of Lu Qingfeng and the son-in-law of Minjiang Long, not much can be found out.

I only know that in the ancient Shang tribe continent——

Immortal Gate Heavenly Court.

Three Dragon Palaces.

Human dynasty.

As well as demons represented by natural forces such as the Dragon Demon Palace in the North Sea, Zhenwu Tongxuan Mountain in the East China Sea, and the Psychic Wuji Sect in the South China Sea.

Divide the four sides and confront each other.

Minjiang River belongs to the Shanghe Dragon Palace among the three dragon palaces.

However, Yuanyou Tongshen Palace and Jiuyao Jihuo Sect were affiliated with the Ancient Shang Tianting, and were among the immortal sects. There are disciples in each of the sects, serving in the ancient Heavenly Palace.


"There are nine continents in Xian Qin, but did you know that before Xian Qin, there were only five continents in this world?"

Minjiang Longjun looked at Lu Qingfeng and smiled.

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