Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 379 Great opportunity!

"There were only five before Xian Qin?"

This Lu Qingfeng really didn't know.

Minjiang Dragon Lord was not in a hurry to explain. Instead, he changed the subject and said loudly, "More than seven thousand years ago, the ancient Shang Heavenly Palace and the three dragon palaces of Shanghe, East China Sea, and West Sea discovered at almost the same time that they were wandering outside the ancient Shangbu Continent. A small world. After several trials, I learned the details. It was the hiding place of the remnants of the Yue Kingdom that were destroyed by the Immortal Qin during the Immortal Qin period. The famous Prime Minister of the Yue Kingdom, 'Chunshen Jun', was the leader and retreated to this world. Therefore, this world It's called 'Chun Shen Jie'."

"After more than a thousand years, the Dragon Palace and the Heavenly Court locked the Chunshen Realm and began to send disciples to break through the endless void and enter this world. As these ancient warrior monks practiced in the Chunshen Realm, their cultivation levels soared, or they... Open up a territory and split the land to rule a place, or establish a mountain and establish a sect to educate a place. The fate and cause and effect of this world and the Immortal Qin are increasingly involved."

"With this heavy involvement, the top experts from the Dragon Palace and the Heavenly Court have joined forces to use the supreme method to guide and drag the Chunshen Realm closer to Xianqin."

"It has been more than 5,500 years."

If he were an ordinary person, he would have been confused by Minjiang Longjun's successive changes.

But Lu Qingfeng knew clearly——

Five hundred years ago.

‘Luo Fuzi’ serves Lord Yuanhu, and his one-hundred-year term has expired. Lu Qingfeng originally intended to leave and concentrate on his practice. Unexpectedly, Minjiang Longjun threw out a big pie and revealed a great opportunity.

This opportunity is Chunshenjie.

The Immortal Qin Realm was once extremely powerful, and even under the leadership of the First Emperor of Immortal Qin, Qin Zhen, the army was directed to attack other worlds outside the Immortal Qin Realm.

Before the establishment of Immortal Qin, there were only five continents in the Immortal Qin realm.

After the establishment of Immortal Qin, to this day, there are nine continents in the Immortal Qin realm.

Four of the continents were formed by annexing and capturing other worlds.


The quality of the Immortal Qin Realm itself is inferior to that of the original Evergreen Realm and Five Directions Realm. Other worlds annexed have lower status. Some can only accommodate Yuanshen monks, not even a Mahayana True Immortal.

These worlds merged with the Immortal Qin Realm and became the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth continents.

Then Xian Qin was destroyed.

The Immortal Qin Realm was exiled.

However, after the Immortal Qin era and the Immortal Han era, this method of annexing the world has long been perfected. In the Ancient Shang continent, the Ancient Shang Heavenly Court and the three major dragon palaces also mastered this method.

Moreover, the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Palace are powerful.

During these years of ruling the Ancient Shangbu Continent, he has been searching for and annexing the small worlds surrounding the Ancient Shangbu Continent. It's just that ordinary monks, even many third and fourth realm monks, don't know about this.

Only those who belong to the Dragon Palace and Heavenly Palace, such as Minjiang Dragon Lord, are qualified to know.


It is a world that Heavenly Court and Dragon Palace have recently found, and are now in the process of capturing and annexing it.

As for what Minjiang Longjun said just now——

To put it simply.

It's like a naval battle.

The Xianqin side sent sailors to jump on the enemy ships, bury nails one by one, and pull up ropes between Xianqin and the enemy ships.

Because Xian Qin's ship is large and the enemy's ship is small.

Therefore, the enemy ships could only draw closer to Xian Qin uncontrollably.

Eventually the two ships came into contact and entered into a boarding battle.

The situation in the Immortal Qin Realm and Chunshen Realm is just like these two ships, one big and one small. The monks from the Immortal Qin Realm who entered the Chunshen Realm were like those nails. Cause and effect and luck are the ropes.

As soon as the Chunshen Realm "connects" with the Immortal Qin Realm, Chunshen Realm will be unable to escape. Sooner or later, it will be swallowed up by the Immortal Qin Realm and turn into the territory of the Ancient Shangbu Continent.

Before the establishment of the Immortal Qin Empire, there were only five major continents in the Immortal Qin Realm. After the establishment of the Xian Qin Empire, it continued to annex other worlds.

This is the origin of the other four continents.

Five hundred years ago.

The great opportunity Minjiang Longjun told Luo Fuzi to break through the fourth realm and even the fifth realm in the future was referring to the Chunshen Realm. Regardless of whether it is the five-hundred-year-old Luo Fuzi clone, Lu Qingfeng who is about to enter at this moment, or even the other monks sent by the Dragon Palace and Heavenly Court, they are all 'sailors', and they are all nails.

After entering Chunshen Realm, he was firmly entrenched in it.

Cause and effect are involved.

When Chunshen Realm approached Xianqin, it was eventually merged into Gushangbu Continent. There are spirits in heaven and earth, and they will judge and reward meritorious deeds.

By then, luck will come and your cultivation will skyrocket.

If ‘Luo Fuzi’ develops well in Chunshen Realm, he may become a fourth-level monk in Chunshen Realm, or he may open up territories and control large areas. Or he founded a sect and had considerable influence in the Chun Shen world.

With the help of the rewards from the world after the annexation, if you practice hard in the future, your chances of being promoted to the fifth realm will indeed be much greater than if you stay in the ancient Shangbu Continent.

And Minjiang Dragon Lord takes Fuzi as his disciple, so he can share a lot of this luck.

"Good means."

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but admire.

But instead of praising Minjiang Longjun, he praised Xian Qin's methods.

If enough time is given to the Immortal Qin Realm, as the territory becomes larger and larger, and the world is upgraded, it is not impossible to build a big world that can accommodate the Celestial Star Lord and even the Golden Immortal Dao Lord.


That is to say, the Immortal Qin Realm has been exiled to the void, and it is unknown where it is wandering. Only those in the prehistoric heaven could annex other worlds so wantonly.

Otherwise, heaven will definitely punish you.

Even when the Immortal Qin Shihuang exiled the Immortal Qin Realm, he might have had this important consideration in mind.

"Now you should know where Luo Fuzi went."

The Minjiang Dragon King rode on the clouds and said slowly.

"It turns out that I went to Chunshen Realm."

"It's no wonder that with Brother Luofu's strength, we haven't heard anything about him in five hundred years."

Lu Qingfeng felt 'astonished' for a moment.

Five hundred years ago.

Minjiang Longjun accepted ‘Luo Fuzi’ as his disciple.

Lu Qingfeng knew it clearly.


Once five hundred years are up, he will overwhelm the Seventh Army of Zhennan Pass commanded by Pei Zhi. Otherwise, Haolai is also a fourth-grade water lord, and his luck can speed up his practice. Lu Qingfeng will not delay his practice progress just for the sake of temporary pleasure.

It is nothing more than relying on foresight.

He acted like this knowing that he was about to go to the Chunshen Realm and his position as Lord of Yuanhu Water would be removed.

"Hualong Pond."

Lu Qingfeng is not afraid of entering the Chun Shen realm.

With the clone of 'Luo Fuzi' exploring the way inside, there are absolutely only a handful of people in the entire ancient Shang continent who know Chunshen Realm better than him.

Compared to Chunshenjie, Lu Qingfeng is undoubtedly more looking forward to the Hualong Pond where he is about to go.

"This Hualong Pond is the most precious treasure of the Dragon Clan. It was divided into three parts and was acquired by the three dragon palaces of Shanghe, Donghai and Xihai respectively to lay the foundation. Ordinary children of the Dragon Clan entering the Hualong Pond can purify their bloodline and practice faster in the future. You As a human race, entering it can speed up your understanding and practice."

"Entering Hualong Pond for three years will be of infinite benefit to your promotion to the fourth realm in the future. If you can advance to the fourth realm in the Chunshen Realm, your luck will be with you in the future, and your cultivation will be smoother."

Minjiang Dragon Lord led Lu Qingfeng, and the blue clouds fell straight down from the Nine Heavens Gang Wind Layer, whistling incessantly by the ears, and fell to the earth, like a dragon coiling in the majestic and mighty river, like a vast ocean.

It is the location of the largest river across the ancient Shangbu Continent and one of the three major dragon palaces——


The Shanghe Dragon Palace is far more magnificent than the Minjiang River, let alone the Yuanhu Water Palace.

Hidden in the mighty Shang River.

The navy guards, the yaksha patrols, and the gods come and go.

The weather is very strict.

Minjiang Longjun was familiar with this place and led Lu Qingfeng straight to the Dragon Palace. When Yaksha was patrolling in the water, he saw the Minjiang Dragon Lord. They all bowed respectfully, obviously recognizing him.

And as a Dragon Lord of one side, a dignified second-grade god, his status in the Dragon Palace is by no means low.

Groups of naval forces investigated and moved out of the way.

Go straight all the way.

The Shanghe Dragon Palace is really vast. Once you enter it, there are many immortal palaces everywhere, and you are really confused and don't know where to go.

Minjiang Dragon Lord led Lu Qingfeng around seven times and eight times, stopping in front of a palace.


The golden dragon is coiled around and wants to chant. A heaven-swallowing aura hit him, making Lu Qingfeng feel dizzy.

"Come in with me."

Minjiang Longjun stepped into the palace first and his voice sounded.

"Hualong Palace!"

Three large Chinese characters with flying dragons and phoenixes on the palace gate tower capture people's attention. Long Jun called, Lu Qingfeng came to his senses, and hurriedly followed behind him and walked in.


"Isn't this Brother Ao Zhan? It's such a coincidence that we can meet him in the Hualong Palace."

As soon as Fang entered the palace, he heard a surprised voice. Lu Qingfeng looked up and saw in the empty hall, a strong dragon man wearing a dragon robe, a green face and a white beard strode forward to greet him, his face filled with joy.

"It turns out to be Brother Ao Geng."

Minjiang Longjun handed over his hand, but his words were a bit hesitant.

"Ao Geng!"

"Ao Geng, Dragon King of Wujiang?!"

Lu Qingfeng was behind, his eyes slightly narrowed, and he fell on the green-faced and white-bearded Dragon Clan strongman. He recognized his origin and immediately understood why Minjiang Dragon Lord looked strange.

In the early years.

Ao Geng, the Dragon Lord of Wujiang River, has a close relationship with Ao Zhan, the Dragon Lord of Minjiang River.

Even before Ao Zhan became the Dragon Lord of Minjiang, he often interacted with Ao Geng when he was still in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. After Ao Zhan secretly married Ao Le's mother, he hid his wife who was pregnant with Ao Le in the Wujiang Dragon Palace when they were simultaneously hunted by Xihai and Donghai.

Only later.

Just like what Ao Lie and Lu Qingfeng said back then.

The mother of the four brothers Ao Le and Ao Lie was found and taken away by Xihai. Ao Le was left alone in Wujiang Dragon Palace. UU Reading www.uuknshu.net Because he had no father or mother, he was often bullied by Wujiang Dragon Prince and Daughter.

Since then, there have been fewer contacts between Minjiang Longjun and Wujiang.

In other words, it’s completely cut off.

Although Wujiang Longjun did not do this intentionally, Wujiang Longjun even took in Ao Le and her daughter at that time, and Minjiang Longjun was still kind to her. But for hundreds of years, before Ao Le married Lu Qingfeng, Minjiang Longjun couldn't help but feel uncomfortable every time he saw Ao Le's timid temperament.

It is really impossible for him to have frequent contacts with Wujiang again.

Over time.

So alienated.

However, as we are ministers in the same palace, it is inevitable to encounter each other occasionally. At this time, the Dragon Lord of Minjiang sent Lu Qingfeng to the Hualong Pond of the Shanghe Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Lord of Wujiang also sent people to the Hualong Pond.

Just happened to meet him.

"I will send the seventh and eighth elders to practice in Hualong Pond and later enter the Chunshen Realm. Brother Ao Zhan, this is -"

Wujiang Longjun was quite enthusiastic. He glanced at Lu Qingfeng, then looked at Minjiang Longjun and asked.

"Lao Qi, Lao Ba."

"People say that Wujiang Longjun has many heirs. When Leer was still in Wujiang Dragon Palace, he had nine sons. The seventh and eighth sons were young and ignorant at the time, and they were the two who bullied Leer the most."

Lu Qingfeng lowered his head, thoughts swirling in his mind, and a faint murderous intention brewing.

"Leer's husband-in-law, his name is Guangyuan."

Minjiang Longjun introduced him, but did not let Lu Qingfeng see Wujiang Longjun. Lu Qingfeng rolled up his sleeves and fell to a place in the palace.

While he was in the air, he heard Wujiang Longjun's slightly apologetic voice, "It turns out he is Leer's husband. He is indeed a talented man with extraordinary bearing. What happened back then——"


The void fluctuated, and the next moment, Lu Qingfeng came to a familiar space, and Wujiang Longjun's voice suddenly stopped in his ears.

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