Tech Hammer

Chapter 254 This time it must be

Although he knew very well that he was unlikely to attend the Wolf Award Ceremony, Ning Wei still thought he had to call the chairman of the People's Foundation. The reason is also very simple. He does not want to single-handedly break the Westerners' perception of Chinese people as friendly and polite. If nothing happens, he would rather feel sorry for the primary school teacher of ideological and moral ethics.

So Ning Wei wrote down the number left by Chairman Shechtman, opened his mailbox, and asked March to pick out this email from the Wolf Foundation from countless unread emails and take a quick glance at it.

The reason for giving the award back to him is actually similar to what Yu Xingwei said, except that the wording is more formal. By the way, he also listed his achievements this year, which made Ning Wei feel a little embarrassed. How should I put it, probably because he didn't see this official annual summary, he almost forgot that he already had so many illustrious military exploits.

Of course, the most important part of this email is that the Wolf Review Committee expressed understanding and very politeness about this behavior. As for the Turing test, everyone is doing it for the sake of making the world a better place and for the advancement of science. This is understandable. .

Ning Wei could feel the emotions brewing between the lines, and he felt that the person who wrote this email probably had tears in his eyes. It's a pity that this is just an email. If the paper mail from a hundred years ago was stored, he might still be able to find traces of tears soaked on the letter paper.

With all these thoughts in his mind, Ning Wei dialed Dan Shechtman's number, no more, no less. After hearing three ringtones from the phone, the call was connected.

"Hey, who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Shechtman, I am Ning Wei."

Dan Shechtman's emotional voice came from the phone: "Finally contacted you, Mr. Ning. Oh my god, you remind me of Perelman, the hermit in mathematics. Really, I want to be like you. It’s difficult to connect with talented people. But I’m sure you wouldn’t refuse to attend our annual Wolf Prize presentation ceremony like he did, right?”

Ning Wei replied: "I don't dare to compare with Mr. Perelman, but I have similar ideas to him. I am very grateful to the jury for their kindness and decision to award this award to me, but I really don't have time to attend the award ceremony." .”

"No time? This answer is too perfunctory. Mr. Ning, you have made such a big joke to the whole world. Don't you want to say hello to everyone at the award ceremony?" The voice on the phone was still gentle.

"Haha, that's the problem. You may not know that I am timid by nature and am most afraid of being beaten. There is an old saying in China that often goes well when you go, but in the end you can't come back." Ning Wei was very happy Tell the other person frankly about his worries.

Dan Shechtman: “…”

Probably because he really didn't know how to answer Ning Wei's words, the other end of the phone hesitated for a long time before speaking: "Mr. Ning, this kind of thing can't happen. If you are worried about personal safety, we can guarantee that it will not happen." No problem, after all, the world cannot bear the loss of a genius like you dying for no reason. As the most dazzling star among the winners this time, if you can't come, it will make this award ceremony a lot worse."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Shechtman. Really, I believe what you say. But I have a suggestion. If you really want me to attend this award ceremony, I have an idea, but I need to Let's each take a step back, are you willing to listen?" Ning Wei said sincerely.

"Of course, you say."

"As long as you choose any city in China for this year's offline awards ceremony, I am willing to attend on time. It would be better if it is Beijing, so I can help you contact the venue for this award ceremony. In addition, I also very much hope that I can fulfill my friendship as a landlord. Have you ever been to the capital? Have you been to the Forbidden City? I have been, and I can also be your tour guide." Ning Wei sincerely invited.

Dan Shechtman: “…”

It's hard to imagine that everyone was obviously very polite, but Ningwei could make him speechless every two words he said. In fact, Dan Schechtman doesn’t know if this kind of thing has ever happened in history, but he feels that it can’t be explained by taking a step back. Because he couldn't figure out where Ning Wei would take a step back, and at the same time, he felt that if he agreed, then this step backward would be a bit big...

In the end, Dan Shechtman responded politely: "Well, this is indeed a good suggestion. I will consider it carefully."

This answer probably did not satisfy Ning Wei, and he continued: "Actually, there is another way, that is, the awards can be circulated around the world! Save the trophies and medals first, and then award them to the winners at the right time. For example, next year we The March Awards are officially launched. I will definitely invite you to be a guest then. At that time, you can also bring my medals or trophies to China and hand them over to me in person. I think this has a more ceremonial feel. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"

Really, at this moment, Dan Shechtman wanted to say to Ning Wei: "You are so good at playing, why don't I, as the chairman of the foundation, become you?" But he held it back, because he knew that the person on the other end of the phone was How hot is this young scientist? And after talking about these few words, Dan Shechtman himself is not sure whether Ningwei can really go back intact if he goes abroad at this time. After all, now he really wants to keep this big boss directly in the future. country.

In the end, all the complaints in his heart turned into one sentence: "Okay, we will consider your proposal carefully, Mr. Ning."

Ning Wei also responded politely: "Really, thank you very much for your understanding."

The two sides then ended the call in an extremely friendly atmosphere.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Wei looked at the time. It was already eight o'clock in the evening. Thinking that after self-study at nine o'clock, Jiang would be able to accompany him. He couldn't help but relax. He simply put down what he was doing and walked outside the door to plan. Taking a breath and thinking about the development direction and preparation issues of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, what surprised him was that as soon as he went out, he saw Liu Wei wearing single clothes in the cold and windy yard, with one hand behind his waist. He placed one hand on the ground and was doing a standard-looking one-handed push-up.

Even a single piece of clothing could not completely cover the tight muscles in his arms. Ning Wei touched his chin, but his mind was thinking about Liu Wei's height and weight, and how much force it would take to complete a single task when his body was in an unbalanced state. Hand push-ups, this can actually be reduced to a geometry and physics problem.

Of course, Ning Wei can only make a simple theoretical reduction of the complex exercise movements of the human body. After all, this is a whole-body exercise, which also involves the strength of the abdomen, waist and legs for support, but even after a rough calculation , Ning Wei found that theoretically speaking, he definitely couldn't restore this action now.

Liu Wei, who has both ears and eyesight, probably sensed Ning Wei walking out of the room. After straightening his arms, he stood up. While moving his arms, he nodded to Ning Wei and said, "Dr. Ning."

It's a very warm way of getting along. Although I have only known Liu Wei for a day and a half, Ning Wei feels that he has adapted to Liu Wei's existence. In fact, if we really want to be serious, there is no problem of adapting or not, because Liu Wei is actually a very good at hiding himself. Basically, if Ning Wei has nothing to do with him, he will not hang around Ning Wei. Not even saying much.

When Ning Wei is looking for him, he always appears next to him as quickly as possible. This fastest speed can even be calculated in seconds. Even when you are at home. Because Ning Wei only knew that the house next door to the house he bought had been rented by the company behind Liu Wei, so now Liu Wei is not only his driver, but also his neighbor, and he can also be his very important employee in the research center. Research partners are the kind of people who can talk about anything else as long as they don't discuss academic issues.

"What about exercise?" Ning Wei responded casually.

"Well, I'm used to it. It's uncomfortable not to move every day." Liu Wei said honestly.

"Looking back, I suggested to Director Tian that we could add some horizontal bars or something like that. By the way, someone just invited me to attend the Wolf Prize Award Ceremony in Israel next month. By the way, it's not cool for you to wear something like this. ah?"

It's a very jumpy way of chatting, but fortunately Liu Wei has a strong ability to grasp the key points.

"Going to Israel? I'm afraid it's inconvenient now, Dr. Ning. To be honest, after our comprehensive judgment, it is actually quite risky if you want to go abroad in the near future. So if you want to listen to my advice, you should still It would be better to refuse this invitation." Liu Wei said pertinently.

"Brother Liu, aren't you confident enough in yourself?"

"This is not a question of self-confidence. The main reason is that there are too many uncertainties in other people's territory." Liu Wei said with a wry smile.

"Actually, I think so too, so I also made suggestions to him, hoping that they would consider holding the awards ceremony in our country. In this case, both safety and award receipts can be guaranteed." Ning Wei clicked. He nodded and said.

After hearing what Ning Wei said, Liu Wei was obviously surprised. He looked at Ning Wei and asked, "They actually agreed?"

Ning Wei nodded and said seriously: "Yes, the chairman of the Wolf Foundation told me that he will do it next time!"

"Definitely next time?" Liu Wei took a deep breath and then spit it out.

"Yes, definitely next time!" Ning Wei nodded seriously.

After the two looked at each other for about ten seconds, they laughed out loud at the same time.

"Haha, Dr. Ning, it turns out you are quite good at telling jokes." Liu Wei said with a laugh.

"No, I just feel very emotional. In the past, I honestly wanted to say something from my heart, but except for a few friends around me, few people were willing to pay attention. Now I am joking with those respectable people, and they have to use their mobile phones to recognize it. If you listen carefully, it's as if people around you have suddenly become very patient. Now that I think about it, I feel quite happy, but I offended a lot of people." Ning Wei said with emotion.

Liu Wei was a little embarrassed. He was not very good at complimenting, so it was hard to accept these words.

Fortunately, Ning Wei's phone rang in his pocket, making the situation less embarrassing.

I took out my cell phone and looked at it. I was a little surprised when the chairman of the foundation called me again.

"Hey, Mr. Shechtman, is there anything else you can do?" Ning Wei asked politely after the call was connected.

"Dr. Ning, I have just carefully considered your proposal and had some exchanges with members of the foundation. We feel that this may be a good proposal. The relationship between Yiguo and China has always been very good, so no matter what the award ceremony is, Whether it is held in the Israeli parliament building or in an auditorium in the capital of China is actually the same. The most important thing is the guests present at this event, what do you think?"

Really, Ning Wei was really shocked when he heard the words of the old gentleman opposite him. He even wondered if he had heard wrongly. Was he planning to carry out the unconventional play to the end?

In accordance with established award rules, the selection of Wolf Prize winners is determined by a panel of experts from various fields. The decision of the panel is final and cannot be changed. Even if something like Yu Xingwei's happened this time, the result should be to directly cancel this year's Wolf Prize in Mathematics. But now the chairman of the foundation not only insists on awarding the award to him, but also agrees to a request that even he finds outrageous in order to allow him to attend the award ceremony.

Bullish on March? Do you want to ask him? Give him drugs? A bunch of thoughts passed through his mind at once...

"Well, Mr. Shechtman, are you serious?" Ning Wei confirmed again.

"Dr. Ning, I am very serious. We will send people to the Chinese capital to prepare for this award ceremony after the Chinese New Year. Of course, according to the previous rules, you can invite nine relatives and friends to attend this event. If it is convenient, this This award ceremony can even be held at Yanbei University. As you said before, if we choose to hold this award ceremony in Beijing, you will help us choose a suitable venue, right? Dr. Ning?"

In fact, Ning Wei really wanted to tell Chairman Shechtman on the other end of the phone that he was joking just now, because everyone knew that this incident was almost impossible to happen, so he just said it casually. But he felt that if he really said that, he would really offend a gentleman, so he gave up.

"Of course, it's an honor to be able to do my little bit."

"Also, you said that you would serve as a host and take us to visit the capital. By the way, you said about the Forbidden City, right?"

"Yes, this is what I should do."

"Then I look forward to our meeting in the capital of China. Goodbye!"


After hanging up the phone, Ning Wei looked at Liu Wei, who had returned to the room and put on his coat while he was on the phone, and said in a calm and calm tone: "Well, Brother Liu, what I seemed to have told you just now is Definitely next time?”


"They will definitely change it this time!"


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