Tech Hammer

Chapter 255 Logic Line

Liu Wei was a little confused. He thought Ning Wei was joking again. After all, this time must be the same as next time. Although there is only one word difference, the attitudes represented are completely different. The former is extremely serious, while the latter can even be understood as perfunctory.

But soon Liu Wei discovered that Ning Wei really didn't seem to be joking with him, but was serious. Because the young doctor had already started calling his mentor to report the good news.

In fact, it can't be called a report, because Liu Wei could feel that Ning Wei was actually confused. To be honest, Ning Wei was asking Director Tian to help him find out whether the Wolf Foundation or the big guys on the review committee wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law? In order for him to attend an awards ceremony, he had to make such a big sacrifice?

In Ning Wei's own words, if he didn't figure out what was going on, even if the Wolf Prize Award Ceremony was really held in China, he wouldn't want to attend. Liu Wei wasn't sure whether Ning Wei was joking. If he really meant it, then he was extremely cautious.

A scientist who is bold and radical in his behavior but cautious in his daily life. How should I put it, although it is quite contradictory, he likes it very much.

He could also tell that this news was definitely an unexpected surprise for Tian Yanzhen on the other end of the phone, because Ning Wei's words had come out of his mouth several times, "Director Tian, ​​don't get too happy yet. "That's it.

And after Ning Wei said this sentence, he always added different words, such as "There may be a conspiracy", "Maybe you want to use me", "When something goes wrong, there must be a monster", "If someone really wants me to What should I do if I become a son-in-law?"

It was probably these words that made Liu Wei feel that the guy he wanted to protect was still a vibrant young man. So when Ning Wei hung up the phone, he couldn't help but said: "Dr. Ning, actually we can also help with this problem. Director Tian probably can only ask someone familiar, but it may not be the truth."

"Really?" Ning Wei's eyes lit up, and he immediately replied: "Do you want me to let Yue Yue cooperate with you in intelligence analysis? It's not my fault. When it comes to data processing, Yue Yue can definitely kill anyone in an instant. "

Liu Wei had seen Ning Wei's ability to kill snakes and follow the stick, and he immediately regretted his nonsense and said hesitantly: "I have to ask about this."

"No problem! Of course, if it doesn't work, forget it. Anyway, there will definitely be opportunities to cooperate in the future. I'll go do something else first, and you can continue to exercise." After saying that, Ning Wei turned around and returned to his office.

Liu Wei looked at Ning Wei's back, then shook his head and walked into his room. At this time, neither of them knew that the answer that troubled Ning Wei would soon appear automatically.

Time difference is always a good thing. For example, when Ning Wei posted the video on Weibo, it was midnight in Snow Country. It was also late at night in the United States when Ronnie Leton was being interviewed by reporters and slapped all the big guys. The advantage of this is that no matter how outrageous Ronnie Ledon said or how painful the stab in the back was, it would only be a few hours before the other side reacted.

When the first rays of sunshine lit up the passion of people working on Wall Street, Ronny LeTun's words had spread throughout the United States.

How should I put it? For Bill Gates and many other high-tech founders who spoke in front of the camera, this was tantamount to a direct slap in their faces, clear and loud. Especially when Ericsson is included in the list of applicants for the alliance that is being built, this will make everyone feel hesitant.

But for people on Wall Street, they only had about two hours to explore what was going on behind the scenes. This is the most authentic vanity fair. The reason why mathematicians are often reused here is because financial practitioners often have the same logic as mathematicians. Any abnormal statements must be linked to interests.

Whoever can find this connection first will often have the password to wealth. You must know that the financial market has never been a place to talk about feelings. Those who think that feelings are more important than money have long since disappeared from this street, so the logic of interests is always the most important.

Let's put it this way, even if Ningwei is proven to be Ronny Letun's illegitimate son in China, they will most likely not believe that this is the reason why the chairman of Ericsson publicly supports the Chinese artificial intelligence platform. Because even the father-son relationship cannot be more important than capital.

Because of the content on Weibo and the metaphor of that video, Huawei suddenly withdrew almost all lawsuits against its friends... Countless information began to be compiled, and soon the Wall Street crowd came to a shocking conclusion.

At present, except for Huawei, there are almost no trustworthy products with turbulence algorithm protection. Even CEFC and Samsung, which are also authorized, have only been authorized for more than two months. In order to spread the equipment around the world, they still need to seize the time to release production capacity. There is still a time lag in between. Even if the two companies had made complete preparations before, no one would have all the production lines ready before the contract was officially finalized.

Another problem arose in the middle, a problem that caused a stir in the entire market!

Just a month ago, the three major U.S. stock exchanges, the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Securities Market, officially commissioned Cisco to upgrade the overall network security of the securities market network. It is said that the contract has just been signed recently. And equipment upgrades have been started simultaneously in the three major markets.

It is said that this upgrade uses Cisco's self-developed new generation network equipment that is comparable to Huawei's turbulence chip and can effectively isolate DDOS attacks and various malicious crawler technologies. Although the upgrade project is said to have begun, since it cannot affect market operations, network upgrades are mostly concentrated during the market closing time. Before it is announced that the upgrade has been completed, it is difficult to even tell how far this project has progressed. It is estimated that no one knows except Cisco and the three major market management.

But this time the joke was too big.

Although Cisco claimed in the announcement that it had undergone the most rigorous testing and accepted third-party testing and evaluation, it finally led to this large contract. But combined with Ericsson's reaction, this definitely made countless people question Cisco's previous guarantees.

It's really hard to say what the mood of senior securities managers was at this time.

They originally wanted to find the connection between the whole thing by studying a big melon, and then make the right decision. However, they found that the logic behind it led to a result that made them feel chills down their spines. You can imagine how pessimistic the mood of countless people will be at this time.

We must know that all financial transactions are based on a strong network security system. If the entire underlying transaction security system is at risk due to this upgraded order, there is no doubt that this risk will be infinitely magnified.

The phone lines of marketing management are already being buzzed with calls, and so are the calls of Cisco executives. But no one can speak out at this time. For Cisco's executives, they can't even make a statement at this time because they are still waiting for urgent testing and evaluation by global technology departments. Really, regarding this unexpected situation, even the company's engineers are not sure whether it will really have an impact or how big the impact will be.

In fact, before today, Cisco was really confident in its own products. With its strong R\u0026D capabilities, they really just learned from Ning Wei's paper and rewrote the code almost according to the ideas provided in the paper. Although after The test effect is only about 80% of similar products from Huawei, but it is enough with its own security strategy.

But now that Ningwei’s video has come out and Ericsson’s reaction, no one can sit still. For the management, they only need to assign tasks. After all, the code is typed bit by bit by the software engineers below. In order to achieve a certain function, do they use the code published by Ning Wei in the paper? Will it be used after learning? We have the same problem, whether the reliability is enough, not to mention the senior management, most engineers involved in R\u0026D are also full of question marks at this time.

Of course, while waiting for test results, Cisco executives did nothing. For example, Cisco's chairman and CEO, Chuck Robbins, made more than ten phone calls. Cisco's chief technology officer has been in constant contact with the technology departments of peers, including Ericsson, and the news he received was not optimistic.

But one thing is commendable. After communicating with the big guys on Wall Street, Zhuo Ke has already comforted Ning Wei, the founder of Turbulence Algorithm, and has gone to the extreme in preparation for this, such as giving this young Chinese man more opportunities. Honor even sent technical personnel overnight to assist market network administrators in switching the network back to the old network.

Yes, even companies like Cisco are careful enough when it comes to upgrading orders in the trading market. While upgrading, the old and stable network system was also maintained. If there is a problem with the upgraded product, it only takes half a minute at most to switch to the old network equipment channel.

But everyone understands that even if they suddenly replace all the upgraded equipment, or even make the backup network as good as possible, it will not be enough, because this is not only a technical issue, but also involves a problem of market confidence. This is really thanks to Ericsson's backstabbing without warning, turning a technical problem that can be easily solved into a major event that may shake the entire market's concerns about security and cause it to lose confidence!

This is why the Wolf Foundation is determined to award this year's Mathematics Prize to Ning Wei, and even decided to compromise and hold the award ceremony in China in order to allow Ning Wei to participate in the award ceremony.

If by any chance Cisco's products fail the test, then at least Ning Wei should be reassured not to post on Weibo in the near future. This is not an exaggeration, because Ning Wei has proven himself before. For a person who casually posts a Weibo post dissing the concept of the metaverse and can make the entire technology sector plummet, not to mention he also controls a mathematician who can theoretically post hundreds of Weibo posts a day to explain a principle, how much attention should be paid to him Weibo is not an exaggeration.

Yes, everyone has done everything they can before the final result comes out. In the end, if Cisco's products have no problems at all, then everything will be easy. By the way, the so-called big company in Snow Country that is not very obedient will have to be taught a lesson. But if there is a problem...

What if it finally shows up.

"The test report came out. There is an unavoidable problem that may cause the entire system to crash. The analysis report is here. We have reason to suspect that this is not a code problem, but that in that paper, he put this hidden The channel idea was built into the algorithm, which directly led our engineers to directly call him to provide a set of functions when refactoring the code, and then this result appeared."

At that time, when the technology officer of the company's network R\u0026D department placed the test report on the desk of Luo Zhuoke's office, everything finally settled.

"In other words, we are just like Ericsson, and all our products may have the same problem?"

Luo Zhuoke looked at the report and had cold sweat on his back when he asked these questions:

If we hadn't been cautious enough when receiving the order to upgrade the market network, and the old network and the old backup network had not been directly dismantled, then today would have been really fun.

"How should I say this..."

"Vario now is not the time to shirk responsibility, please answer my questions directly!"


Luo Zhuoke looked at the technical person in charge opposite, nodded, and said: "Okay, very good! In other words, with an investment of 500 million US dollars in half a year, you gave me such an answer sheet? Do you remember? Three A few months ago, you were standing here, patting your chest and assuring me that although the performance of our products is a little worse than Huawei's, there is absolutely no problem in terms of safety! Without your guarantee, how could we have discussed it? Place an order from Wall Street?!”

"This is an accident, really an accident! No one thought before that he could add these things to the algorithm he conceived, but it would not affect the operation and performance of the entire algorithm at all, and we also have mathematicians..."

"Okay, Wario, no need to explain. You should know how much damage this will bring to the company's reputation. I suggest you submit a resignation letter to me immediately. It's not that I am unkind. Really, I am In order to protect you, you can imagine what the upcoming board meeting will be like. When this news gets out, you may really be torn to pieces by the angry shareholders if you still stay in the company!" Zhuo Ke said tiredly. He waved at Wario and said.

"I understand, thank you, Mr. Luo Zhuoq."

"Also, this news must be kept strictly confidential. Your resignation letter will be approved in three months. During this period, including the news of your voluntary resignation, it must be kept strictly confidential. Is that okay?"

"No problem. The engineers involved in this test have signed the strictest confidentiality agreement."

"Okay, now you can make an announcement and tell everyone that our latest product has no problems and the contract can be performed normally!" Luo Zhuoke waved his hand.

Let me tell you something, the National Day holiday will probably only be updated once a day. It’s not because the author wants to be lazy, but as of today, my wife and I have received four electronic invitations and three wedding banquets during the National Day holiday. , a full moon is not easy to refuse...

Compared to the same period last year, I didn’t receive any invitations, which makes me suspect that the marriage rate is soaring this year... ugh!

In addition, for the first update, I will try to write as much as possible to improve the completeness of the story!

Thank you everyone!

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