Tech Hammer

Chapter 274 The surprise brought by ultra-high efficiency

After thinking for a moment, Ning Wei said seriously: "Okay, you can do it first. After you have applied for the account, send it to me and I will forward it to March. As for whether March will be able to log in and whether it will be used, it depends on It decides for itself.”

Nothing thoughtful, mostly respect, respect for March.

No matter how others view March, for Ning Wei, March is an alternative life he created. Maybe it doesn't have its own thoughts now, and all expressions of opinions and behaviors are similar to a kind of data coupling, but from Ning Wei's point of view, regardless of whether March really has its own thoughts, that's all up to him. children.

Lao Ning has adopted a high-pressure education method for Ning Wei since he was a child. Although Ning Wei doesn't think there is anything wrong with his old father now, he feels that he certainly cannot educate his next generation in the same way. Every era has its own characteristics and imprints. If we go back a few decades, many Chinese families have done their best just to raise their children. Education can basically only be based on the experience passed down by the ancients, such as sticks. A filial son emerges from below.

Things are different now. We must be patient, understanding, respectful, encouraging, praising, and setting an example for our children... The sets of theories by education experts often make countless parents feel confused or even at a loss. After all, after reading those articles, they feel that the experts say Everything was right, and when I really started to get started, I found that the children the experts said were different from my own children.

This is probably the difference between theory and practice. Fortunately, Ning Wei doesn't have this problem. He made up his mind early on to cultivate his next generation in his own way, just let them go. Of course, with the grandpa Lao Ning here, Ning Weidao is not too worried about his children having problems with their outlook on life.

Ning Wei felt that in the future, as long as his and Jiang's children have a correct outlook on life, have a reverence for the law, and know that there are certain bottom lines that cannot be touched, it would be perfect if they could remain kind. Of course, Lao Ning is there for ideological and moral education, and Jiang is the example for character development. Ning Wei feels that he doesn’t really need to worry too much about this aspect.

After hanging up the phone, the Weibo staff who called just now sent a message, a Weibo login account and password. This is so considerate of March, they don’t even need to apply for an account.

Ning Wei looked at Lu Dongyi, who had already focused on the notebook in front of him and started calculating while he was answering the phone. Instead of rushing to give the account to March for matching, he asked: "Senior Brother Lu, what are you busy with?"

"I have discussed a lot of things with artificial intelligence experts during this period. Combining the March code you gave me, I have some new ideas. Through several different feature mappings, the machine judgment can be made more accurate, but some calculations are still needed. ." Lu Dongyi replied with his head buried.

Ning Wei rolled his eyes. He had to say that since he decided to change his research direction, his senior brother Lu was still as obsessed with him as before. From time to time, he would fall into the world he built. Just like today, everyone was chatting about funds and journal construction. About something, in the middle of the conversation, he answered the phone. This guy was addicted to his own mathematical ideas and couldn't get out.

It doesn't seem like this is too urgent. It's just the beginning of the year, so I'm not in a hurry, especially when I see my senior brother immersed in calculations, who seem to suddenly have inspiration. Ning Wei really doesn't want to disturb him, and even starts to review himself, whether he has been too relaxed this year. There is a backlog of issues.

So he stood up quietly. Sure enough, the senior brother opposite didn't react at all. Then he walked towards the door and looked back three times. The senior brother still didn't take him seriously. Then he walked to the door and opened the door. There was a strong wind today. , the icy wind blew into the office, Ning Wei turned around and saw Lu Dongyi raised his head and glanced at the door he opened. Just as he was about to say goodbye, Senior Brother Lu lowered his head again and started calculating on the notebook with a pen.

Well, let him have no sense of existence!

Ning Wei walked out of Lu Dongyi's office and closed the door gently. I sighed in my heart: This guy deserves to have no girlfriend! Shaking his head, he was about to return to the office and work hard, but he saw Liu Wei standing in front of his office door.

"Eh? Brother Liu? Why did you think about it today?" Ning Wei asked curiously.

"I just received an order to take you somewhere." Liu Wei replied.

Ning Wei blinked and asked, "Since it's just you who received the order, can I choose not to go?"

Probably because he didn't expect such an answer, Liu Wei was also stunned. Logically speaking, he couldn't find a point to refute this question.

After being stunned, Liu Wei nodded and said, "Yes, on a voluntary basis. I'll reply that you have something to do now and it's not convenient for you to go."

Ning Wei nodded and said, "That's it, then I'd better go. By the way, what are you going to do?"

Liu Wei shook his head and replied: "I'm not sure. I just said I'd take it with me after you're done."

"Oh! You always know where to go, right?" Ning Wei asked again.

"Not far away, it's the park where you purchased the supercomputing center." Liu Wei replied.

"That's good, let's go." Ning Wei said enthusiastically.

In fact, Ning Wei still likes to experience such emergencies. Although the daily work in the research center is very fulfilling, he always feels that there is a lack of passion. Speaking of which, he is somewhat different from Lu Dongyi, a genius who puts all his attention on mathematical thinking anytime and anywhere. For example, his current hobbies are more complex, and he always has the urge to do more things in his mind. Just as Tian Yanzhen asked, how deeply does he disagree with his identity as a mathematician?

But in fact, Ning Wei knows that he does not disagree with mathematics, but his purpose of studying mathematics is different from that of pure mathematicians. Unlike people like Lu Dongyi who regard mathematics as a belief in life, Ning Wei's research on mathematics is not only to propose theories, but also hopes that mathematical tools can guide reality.

To put it simply, he is not that interested in exploration, but is very interested in mathematical tools that can solve real-life problems. The former's research is to pursue a truth hidden among numbers, while Ning Wei's research is simply to be able to do something more smoothly. Different purposes lead to different attitudes.

This is like falling in love, a relationship that is not for the purpose of marriage. When you get what you want, it's almost time to break up. When you need it again, just start the next love journey.

This is probably Ning Wei's attitude towards the subject of mathematics. When he needs to use it, he will naturally study hard and find all the mathematical tools he needs. But when not in use, you can put it aside and do other things. Especially having a mathematician like Senior Brother Lu who was obsessed with marrying mathematics to devote himself to research helped him save a lot of effort.

Just like that, sitting in the car, Ning Wei, with Mao Mao's consent, handed over the Weibo account password that the Weibo staff had applied for in March. Before officially handing it over, Ning Wei specifically asked March to say Sentence by sentence, he read a declaration.

“I, March, hereby swear an oath: As a smart Internet cat, I voluntarily own a public social account in human society. In the process of using it, I will abide by China’s laws and regulations on Internet speech, so as not to spread rumors. , don’t believe in rumors, don’t spread rumors, don’t make excuses, and don’t start wars as the usage guidelines, adhere to the bottom line of artificial intelligence public network communication, and work tirelessly to build an online environment of democracy, freedom, friendliness, integrity, civilization, harmony, legality, and fairness... effort!"

When the childish voice of a kitten with a hint of domineering coming from the speaker of the mobile phone echoed in the car, Liu Wei, who had never spoken while driving, couldn't help but ask: "Dr. Ning, is this really useful? "

Ning Wei thought for a while, then looked at March, who was turning his head and licking his paws on the phone interface, and replied very pertinently: "Actually, it's useless. It's just to make this moment more ritualistic. You need to know the three Yue is the first artificial intelligence program to have a social account on a human public social platform. Its specific behavioral norms are actually restricted by a piece of binary code at the bottom, and it seems that there is no restriction on artificial intelligence speech and accountability. The law is enacted. By the way, Brother Liu, you have witnessed a great history inadvertently. Do you feel very excited? "

Liu Wei was silent, probably silently savoring the feeling of witnessing history. Of course, for a driver, this kind of witnessing process of history is really a bit of a joke. In short, it is difficult to feel excited in my heart, but I just feel that I would rather be like this. Guys have some psychological issues that need to be addressed.

So Liu Wei said in a consultative tone: "Actually, if possible, I think Dr. Ning can consider writing the declaration just now into the underlying binary code you mentioned."

"Haha, Brother Liu, you really know how to joke. You can't just add those codes at the core layer. Maybe you don't have a programming process, right? Let me tell you, programming has already been written and can run stably. Don’t even think about adding random things to it, especially the underlying logic. Don’t underestimate things like BUGs, they always appear so unexpectedly. Not to mention programs like March, it’s really because of adding these If there is a bug in something, it will definitely be catastrophic. After all, it is really capable of overcoming 1 billion Internet users without falling behind, and even the turbulence algorithm cannot prevent it."

After Ning Wei finished speaking, as if to confirm what he said, a clear cat meow came from the mobile phone: "Meow ow..."

Really, Liu Wei could even hear the smell of pride in the cat's meowing. Then he thought of the hundreds of Weibo posts in half a month criticizing the Martian immigrants, and then continued to remain silent.

how to say? As long as the two people in the back are happy.

Fortunately, the former Huaguancun Big Data Software Park was not far from Yanbei University. The reason why I use the word "once" is because when Liu Wei drove the car into the gate of the software park, Ning Wei still discovered something different. .

Not only has the former gate post been expanded, but the park has been directly surrounded by a wall. When entering, cars have to stop first to introduce the inspection at the gate post. More importantly, even the signs hanging have changed. The former big data software park has now changed. For the Huaguancun cutting-edge scientific research and development base.

This made Ning Wei feel like the world has changed. He hadn't been to the supercomputing center for a few days, and when he saw him again, he had completely changed his appearance.

"Ahem, is this a bit exaggerated? In fact, there is really no need to make such a fuss about the data center." Ning Wei said from the back row.

"Oh, that's even more exaggerated. The entire park was divided into two parts about half a month ago, and all the companies in the part where the supercomputing center is located have moved out. Of course, the previous park management committee gave We have provided these companies with adequate compensation. We have also helped them coordinate new office locations. The current cutting-edge scientific research and development base has been completely taken over by our unit." Liu Wei explained.

Ning Wei remained silent and glanced curiously out of the window, discovering that many unknown construction projects were being carried out inside the walled R\u0026D base. In the past, there were rows of three-story buildings in the park. Some buildings are now preserved, some have been demolished, and deep foundations have been dug in some places. However, the places under construction are some distance away from his supercomputing center. Basically, the buildings near the supercomputing center have not been moved and have maintained their original appearance.

Of course, these are not the main point. The main point is that the workers busy with construction in the park are different from those seen at other construction sites. For example, he just saw that it was probably time to change shifts. A group of people, shouting slogans and marching in neat steps, came to the front and rear of a surrounded construction site on the east side of the park. Then they stood at attention and lined up to wait. Lead the leader to communicate with the leader of the busy group at various points...

Liu Wei's voice also came from the front row: "It seems a little messy now. Construction is going on 24 hours a day during the entire New Year period. You can rest assured about the efficiency. According to previous estimates, everything inside will be completed in about two months." The big project can be completed. Then everything will be clean."

"Oh!" Ning Wei nodded and withdrew his gaze. He had to admit that Huaxia's construction efficiency was really very high. Of course, he was even more excited. At least the process that Brother Liu said was really powerful. As soon as possible, this is really fast!

It's just that he has no idea where to go.

Fortunately, Liu Wei quickly parked the car in a parking space planned in front of a building. When Ning Wei got off the car, he saw Chen Mingcai from Jitu Security Company, who had met in Tian Yanzhen's office. Chairman.

"Haha, hello, Dr. Ning. What a coincidence, we meet again. How about Xiaoliu, are you used to following you?" The chairman shook Ning Wei's hand with a smile on his face and exchanged greetings.

"Brother Liu is very nice. We get along very well and are almost friends. By the way, my dad likes Brother Liu very much. During the New Year, he took me to drink with Brother Liu and he started calling him brother!" Ning Wei suppressed the excitement in his heart. , echoed the chairman's words.

"Haha, Xiao Liu, you went to call Dr. Ning's father brother, and Dr. Ning called you Brother Liu. What you did has messed up the hierarchy of the family, right?" Chen Mingcai joked.

Liu Wei didn't answer, and Ning Wei quickly explained: "It's okay, Director Chen, you are too worried. In fact, I think it's pretty good. My dad is like that. He calls everyone who has the right temper a brother, except me. "

"Uh? Haha, let's not talk about this anymore. Dr. Ning must be curious about what we asked you to do this time, right? Come and let me take you in to see." Chen Mingcai pointed to a building opposite and said.

"Okay!" Ning Wei nodded. He was too lazy to stand outside and chat. To be honest, his curiosity had reached its peak.

In such a short period of time, it was impossible to prepare all the laboratories and equipment required for the information he submitted, but since he was called over, he was certainly sure.

As expected, he walked into the building and after passing the hall, he saw two laboratories facing each other. Ning Wei glanced at the instruments displayed inside and understood the purpose of this building.

Chen Mingcai still introduced from the side: "Dr. Ning, this is a laboratory renovated based on your idea of ​​the A1 Samsung Project. By the way, that set of chemical and deposition equipment was coordinated by a scientific research unit under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and they just ordered it. The instruments and equipment that passed the customs were directly dragged here for installation and debugging. I don’t know much about other things, but during the entire Spring Festival, we coordinated more than 20 senior engineers and hundreds of related technical personnel to give up their vacations. Let’s sort this out. Oh, by the way, of course it’s more than that. The dust-free operation room you requested in the plan is on the second floor. Please follow me.”

"Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work, how can you be so embarrassed?" Ning Wei said insincerely, and followed Chen Mingcai's footsteps through the clean corridor and came to the stairs.

Chen Mingcai still looked cheerful and replied: "Haha, we really didn't work hard, but those engineers and technicians really worked hard. They said they were divided into three shifts and worked 24 hours a day. During the actual construction process, Because some work handovers are cumbersome, everyone chooses to continue working, and often has to work for more than ten hours as soon as they start work, otherwise the efficiency will not be so high."

"By the way, it's a coincidence that the dust-free operation room is placed on the second floor. This building used to belong to the laboratory of an electronics company. There happened to be a 100-level dust-free operation room on the second floor. A group of people based on the previous structure It was directly upgraded to an ISO Class 1 clean room, using the laminar flow dust-free integrated system of Nancheng Tianjing independently developed by Huaxia. We also made clean ducts according to the standards you ordered."

Standing on the second floor and looking at the brand new dust-free operation room, Ning Wei was shocked.

Although it is said to be just a renovation, in fact many times the renovation is no less troublesome than rebuilding. The previous equipment still needs to be dismantled, especially the ceiling, and then new equipment is installed. In just ten days, the dust-free operation can be carried out according to the strictest standards. It's scary to do it in a short time. Under normal circumstances, the external bidding process may not be completed within ten days.

"These are the various parameters of the clean room. I don't understand them very well, but Dr. Ning, the technician of Nancheng Tianjing, can rest assured. Many of our high-standard non-operation workshops in China are made by them, such as many in the aerospace industry. The clean room of the self-developed chip unit and the more professional chip equipment design units on satellites have no cooperation with him, and they have decades of experience in this field."

Ning Wei nodded and sighed: "No problem. Just looking at the last measured parameters can tell that they are professional. They are all based on the highest standards. There are also dust-free operating tables and piping systems inside. This is so efficient.”

Chen Mingcai then continued: "Haha, as long as Dr. Ning is satisfied. The only problem now is the robotic arm system in your design drawings. To be honest, some of the precision parts we consulted with many manufacturers cannot meet the standards. Also I consulted with engineers from some joint venture manufacturers and found that it can be made, but if you want to achieve the accuracy you require, you will need to purchase some lathe equipment to upgrade the production line. The time for this cannot be determined. And the price is very expensive. , and you have to pay the equipment upgrade fee in advance before they can consider taking the order.”

"Originally I wanted to contact you to see if the standards could be relaxed slightly. However, our engineers at the time felt that it was not necessary. Anyway, even if we contacted you, even if the standards could not be relaxed, it would take at least half a year to have machinery that meets the standards. The arm can be used. There happens to be a batch of similar products with standards that are actually close to the requirements, so I just put them on first. However, when I bought this batch of robotic arms, I had already considered that they might need to be dismantled and upgraded in the future, so the difficulty of disassembly and replacement is very small. .This is probably the only flaw, right?"

When Chen Mingcai introduced, Ning Wei had already picked up the introduction of various equipment on the table at the entrance of the dust-free operating room, and quickly found the parameters of the robotic arm on the standardized operating table according to Chen Mingcai's words, and quickly After browsing it, he said matter-of-factly: "I'm not being polite. In fact, many of the standards in the plan I submitted are already redundant. This standard is enough, and there is no need to purchase the upgraded version for the time being. Let others earn the money." It’s better to upgrade the equipment yourself. Those precision parts can be made by yourself in the laboratory.”

"Haha, we think so too. If Dr. Ning can really produce results in this laboratory, he will definitely find a way to carry out industrial upgrading. Instead of letting outsiders earn the money, it is better for us to make it ourselves. It's not easy, Dr. Ning, for this three-story building, hundreds of millions have been invested in it in just ten days." Chen Mingcai said with a hint of meaning.

Ning Wei replied seriously: "Don't worry, Director Chen, this is the first batch of investment, and there will be more places to spend money next. Where will the hundreds of millions go now!"

"Uh...haha, Dr. Ning is right, let's go. The third floor is the main control room of this building. We have a good handle on the network. The network cable is directly connected to your supercomputing center opposite. Guaranteed. The connection between the laboratory and the supercomputing center is not affected by any external network environment."

Well, Ning Wei never thought that the large-scale laboratory group he envisioned would be built directly around the supercomputing center. Naturally, he would not consider making the most direct physical connection between the laboratory and the main battlefield in March. Who knew that this move would be so big that it could directly separate this industrial park where every inch of land is at a premium.

This is really a generous and bold move! Really, looking at the laboratory in front of him, Ning Wei felt that if he failed to fulfill the promise he made to Liu Wei, he would be sorry to all the Chinese people...

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