Tech Hammer

Chapter 275 Stay up all night tonight, testing the hand-rubbed chip

Ning Wei is still very satisfied with the laboratory in front of him, except that the dust-free operation room is built on the second floor, which makes him a little confused. According to his idea, this kind of dust-free operation room should be placed on the first floor, even if it cannot be placed on the first floor.

Fortunately, the neighborhood is far away from the road, and the small three-story building has obviously undergone secondary reinforcement, so the impact should not be too great.

The main reason is that it is not easy to put forward more extreme conditions now. The only thing to blame is the inexplicable design of the previous company. In fact, the designers of that company were also very aggrieved at that time. They also wanted to design a dust-free laboratory on the first floor. However, at that time, there were reinforced beams on the top of the first floor of the old building, which directly made it difficult to install the ceiling of the dust-free system. In order to To save costs and meet deadlines, we simply designed the dust-free laboratory on the second floor.

Of course, in general, it won't have much impact. In comparison, the impact of the machine's substandard accuracy is greater. Obviously the designers have also taken this into consideration. The third floor is mainly the monitoring room and network computer room. Any console downstairs can transfer data here, and then to the supercomputing center not far away.

After being able to achieve this level in ten days, Ning Wei felt that he could not ask for more.

"Dr. Ning, the first phase of the project is still under construction, but now it is mainly concentrated on the periphery. And we have done the fence processing, so it should not disturb this place. This is the first laboratory to be delivered to you, and the laboratory management is If you have anything to do, just make this call. This is Engineer Lu, who is responsible for the overall scientific planning of the entire project. He was originally supposed to come today, but there was an emergency just now and he had to go there first to deal with it."

"In the future, Gong Lu will be responsible for the maintenance and logistics of the entire park, including the replacement of wearing parts of various instruments and machines in the laboratory, as well as the management of laboratory consumables. In short, he will be the great steward of the park from now on. As for who you want to use in the laboratory, we have no objection. You focus on professional ability, and we focus on background training. All people hired must abide by the various management regulations of our park and must receive special training from the management committee before joining. .”

"Last and most important. In the future, there will be results in the park. The profits will be distributed between us according to the 2:8 model. Dr. Ning, you will get 20% of the profits from the technical investment. Of course, you will not get the profits in vain. After all, you will get 20% of the profits from the technology investment." People also need money to do things. The rent, water and electricity, security, fire protection and other daily work consumption in the park are borne by us. Our company is the main body, but the wages and bonuses of the technical staff are all borne by you. Are these all okay?"

Standing in the computer room of the laboratory, Chen Mingcai said to Ning Wei seriously.

Many reports have proven that Ning Wei is not interested in red tape in contracts, so he tried to describe the contents of dozens of pages of contracts in the most concise way.

The effect was very good. Ning Wei understood it immediately and pointed out the problem to the point: "2:8 allocation? Mr. Chen, don't you have much confidence in this high-investment research center?"

"Huh? Not confident?" Chen Mingcai was stunned. He didn't quite understand what Ning Wei meant.

"Yes, for example, if we take five years as a cycle, if the center launches a series of new technologies in ten years, it may earn a total of trillions in revenue, are you going to share 200 billion with me? You accidentally worked and became the world's richest man Isn't it bad? After all, there are not many people in the staffing area. Most of the core areas are automated, and the periphery will take on some teaching functions, so can this distribution model really be sustainable?" Ning Wei asked extremely seriously.

Are you afraid of making too much?

Chen Mingcai was slightly stunned and then immediately reacted and added: "Well, don't you still have to pay wages to the R\u0026D personnel? And in fact, there are many stipulations in our contract, such as some achievements that are not suitable for external technology transfer, then We will only give some rewards in the form of bonuses. In addition, if some results are urgently needed by our brother units, we may give them priority at a relatively low price."


After hearing this explanation, Ning Wei nodded with satisfaction, felt comfortable, and said: "If you say that, I will feel relieved. Let's do it like this. Where is the contract? Let's sign it quickly. What should you do next? Why don't you go, I still have a lot of things to do in the laboratory. In fact, you have just built a shelf, and I have to re-build the inner core of this laboratory."

Chen Mingcai felt that Ning Wei had perfectly explained what it means to turn against someone and deny someone.

According to general principles, even if you are polite at this time, Ning Wei should treat him to a meal or something, right? You must know that although he focused on the engineers and technicians who arranged the laboratory debugging machines, he stayed in the park throughout the Spring Festival holiday for this project and did not dare to move.

The young man in front of me is doing well. I just took him around the laboratory and I am about to chase him away...

Chen Mingcai thought for a while and said: "Well, the contract is not in my hand. It is still in the office. How about we go to the office to sign it now?"

Ning Wei simply shook his head and said: "It's so troublesome. I'm too lazy to run around today. Otherwise, you can go do your work first, and when I'm done, I can take the time to go over and sign the contract. The ribbon-cutting and other honorable projects are just a matter of time." Forget it, science doesn't need those tedious activities. By the way, these instruments and equipment are all set up, and the materials I need to use for experiments are also ready, right? I have to go to Engineer Lu to use them. Apply? Or does it have stock in the laboratory warehouse?"

"The design is that there is a certain amount of reserves in each building. After using up, you can just go to Lao Lu to apply. The materials in this building are all in room 103 downstairs. All rooms have smart locks. You can enter after entering your fingerprints and irises." Chen Mingcai replied.

"Then why are we still lingering here? Time is money, Director Chen! Let's go, go and enter it quickly, and then I will send you out. You can do whatever you want to do, and don't give me face. Really, You’re not being polite, you’ve done enough before! Leave it to me now. By the way, do you have the instructions?”


"Very good!"

In this way, Chen Mingcai was sent directly out of the laboratory by Ning Wei before he could fully react, and then he saw Liu Wei waiting outside the laboratory.

"Xiao Liu, is Dr. Ning always like this?" Chen Mingcai turned to look at the closed laboratory door and asked with emotion.

"What's it like?" Liu Wei didn't react. He didn't follow him into the laboratory just now. After driving the car to the park, he relaxed a lot. After all, everyone within a radius of about one kilometer was his own. Although he was not involved in the construction of the laboratory, the safety facilities and arrangements can be seen everywhere in the park. From his professional perspective, it is really easy to find the flight path of a mosquito. The standard loose-on-the-outside and tight-on-the-inside style Security arrangement.

"You just have no sense of the world at all! Look, he's really good at crossing the river and burning bridges. I just took him around the laboratory, and he rushed me out. Is this necessary?" Chen Mingcai said angrily. .

It really feels like I have become a tool, which is really unpleasant.

"This..." Liu Wei hesitated.

"Tell the truth!" Chen Mingcai glared at Liu Weiyi, his unhappiness evident in his words.

"Yes! Actually speaking, it's not that Dr. Ning doesn't understand this, he still has to look at the person." Liu Wei said very pertinently.

"Oh, look at me!" Chen Mingcai's eyelids twitched.

"Yes, it depends on the person. Dr. Ning's grasp of the world is actually very accurate. He is actually very sensitive when needed. For example, he can really take care of his girlfriend's thoughts. But you don't have to feel aggrieved. In fact, he comes to you for help. Those of him are the ones who feel the most aggrieved." Liu Wei commented.

"Girlfriend! Jiang Chenshuang, right? It seems that the two of them took wedding photos a few days ago?"


"Ning Wei attaches great importance to it?"


"Okay, I understand. You'd better go in and keep an eye on it. Some of the equipment inside can be dangerous if not operated properly according to engineers. I'll leave first. Oh, by the way, remember to notify me when he is leaving. Forget it. Yes, take him directly to my temporary office here, in Room 307, Building A2."

"Yes! Promise to complete the mission."

"Okay, don't be so formal, remember to call me Director Chen."

"Yes, Director Chen!"

Liu Wei walked into the laboratory, closed the door again, and saw that Ning Wei had put on a white coat and was sitting on the console of the laboratory on the first floor, busy.

Well, it doesn't really look dangerous, except that the whole figure looks a little lonely.

Liu Wei thought for a moment, stood in front of the laboratory door and carefully read the rules and regulations for entering the laboratory on the notice board hanging at the door. Then he went to the changing room to wash his hands and put on his white coat. Just walked into the laboratory.

Naturally, Liu Wei would not touch those devices that looked very unpleasant. He stood behind Ning Wei as usual and watched Ning Wei quickly tapping the keyboard on the computer on the console. .

"Brother Liu, come in."

"Well, I thought you didn't notice me."

"I can do two things at once. I knew it just now when you entered the laboratory, but you are one of my own anyway, so you don't need to greet me, right?"

"Well! Mr. Ning, are you here?"

"Write a standard interface program based on their system. You can think of it as a translator. We have seen in the laboratory that many of them are actually automated equipment, and the data collection work is directly summarized on the workbench, without manual recording. What we need to do now is to enable March to quickly understand these data, but different devices come from different manufacturers, have different platforms, and data records are also different, so we must first unify standards."

"There should be a ready-made template for this, right?"

"Yes! Of course there is! Otherwise, the engineers at Huawei will not be exhausted. But this laboratory is different. Isn't it directly connected to our supercomputing center? It doesn't need to be so complicated. I actually use a ready-made interface program. , but a slight change can improve efficiency.”

Liu Wei fell silent. He couldn't say much when it came to such an extremely professional topic, but he understood that if you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. This is just like if you want to win a war, it is still important to have cutting-edge weapons. The principles of poor tactical interweaving and rich firepower coverage are actually the same.

"OK! Done! Now we have to test these instruments. Just in time, you can help me conduct preliminary tests of these instruments!" Five minutes later, Ning Wei clapped his hands and stood up from the operating table.

"I don't quite understand this!" Liu Wei was a little embarrassed.

He understands the value of these machines. Although he can't name them, he has probably browsed through Ning Wei's plans. In short, the cheapest thing similar to a microscope in this laboratory costs hundreds of thousands, and there are those For a relatively large system, a set would cost eight figures. He was afraid that if it was damaged, he would not be able to afford the compensation if it was sold.

"You don't need to understand. It's basically just a matter of pressing a button. You definitely don't need to do anything like dismantling and modifying it." Ning Wei said without raising his head.

"You want to dismantle and modify it?" Liu Wei was shocked.

It was said that these gadgets were very accurate and were sealed tightly. He doubted very much whether they could be restored if they were really taken apart.

"It's so new. It can't be used without modification, and it's not as difficult as you think. As long as you understand the principles and have debugging equipment, it's not difficult. However, the debugging equipment is not in place yet, and we won't disassemble and assemble it for the time being. Okay. These properties are enough now. The main function of this laboratory is to test whether the material properties at various scales meet the requirements. The data in this area is very important. The data model is established for the most important steps of production. You can take a look first Instructions, I will connect the system to the system later, you can turn on the devices one by one, and I will see if the data structure here is correct."

"Oh well!"

Really, Liu Wei never imagined that he would one day wear a white coat and work as a laboratory assistant. Of course, this is not really a good memory. It is probably that he was ordered by Ning Wei to press various buttons. His cautious temperament made him have to confirm with Ning Wei twice every time before operating, and even earned praise from Ning Wei. , saying that he has the rigorous attitude necessary for scientific research...

Well, Liu Wei had the illusion that maybe if he had taken another path back then, he might have become a qualified man in science and engineering. Of course, Liu Wei was not sure whether this was really the case, because he doubted Ning Wei's ability to make everything simple.

He was busy downstairs like this for a long time. At noon, he took Ning Wei to the canteen of the park for a meal. In the afternoon, he went to the supercomputing center. Unfortunately, Yu Xingwei was not there. Ning Wei's most important assistant returned to Jiangsu temporarily. Da went to submit his thesis and prepare for thesis defense. He would not be back until March, so in the afternoon he was busy with Ning Wei in another laboratory.

However, when he arrived on the second floor, Ning Wei did not let Liu Wei enter the dust-free operation room, but only asked Liu Wei to help him put on the bulky matching dust-proof clothing. Really, the whole process was so complicated that Liu Wei found it a bit incredible. According to the instructions posted in the changing room, not only can you not bring anything with you, but you must also use special soap to remove makeup before entering the clean room. You must drink a glass of water to wash away any particles that may be present in your throat, and then wear a mask to cover it. All facial hair.

Next, you need to arrange your hair, put on a dust mask, clean your shoes, put on shoe covers, and then put on special boots. And after completing these, it is only the first step. Next, we have to go to the main changing room next door, which is also an air lock room.

Liu Wei could not enter this room, but Ning Wei still assigned him a task, which was to inform Ning Wei of the next dressing steps through a microphone outside, and observe through the glass whether Ning Wei did every step. In place, if not in place, there will be a reminder. Of course, the former is not necessary, but the latter is still necessary.

So Liu Wei then understood the entire steps of changing into this dust-proof suit. First, put on long nylon gloves and dustproof clothing. At this point, be sure not to let the clothes touch the ground. Tuck all the trousers into the boots and fasten the buttons on the boots. Next, put on the filter device after wearing neat clothes. The filter device should be inserted into the battery pack and fixed on the belt together, and then put on the safety helmet. The edge of the safety helmet should be stuffed into dust-proof overalls, connect the hose of the safety helmet to the filter device, and then tighten the knob.

Next, put on safety glasses, put a disposable protective cover on the helmet, buckle the helmet, and finally put on a rubber glove, and then the whole set of equipment was put on the body. Liu Wei checked the time and saw that the entire changing process took about twenty minutes. How should I put it, just by changing into this set of clothes, Liu Wei felt how difficult it was to do scientific research.

What followed was a long wait. The clean room was not made of transparent glass, so Liu Wei had no way to directly see Ning Wei inside. Fortunately, Liu Wei studied the description of the entire dust-free system and learned that there are also embedded cameras in the dust-free operation room. Unlike ordinary cameras, this completely flat camera with no sanitary dead corners is integrated with the internal dust monitoring design. , so you can see what Ning Wei is doing in the operation room through the monitoring room next to it.

All cameras in the dust-free operating room are designed as flat panels, so the viewing angle is not as flexible as ordinary cameras. But you can probably see the pattern of Ning Wei's movements, basically walking around the equipment, and then leaning down to check. Among them, he spent the longest time at the robotic arm installed around the laboratory. From time to time he would go to the clean room console to make some records.

Well, the whole process is actually quite boring. Because from the perspective of observation, we don’t actually know what the people in the camera are doing. We only know that after Ning Wei was busy for about two hours, he officially started the large equipment in the operation room, and the robotic arm also started to move. It just doesn't seem to be on a mission, it's just doing some dexterous-looking movements, probably still testing.

During this period, Ning Wei's cell phone rang twice. The first time was from Tian Yanzhen. Liu Wei thought about it and didn't answer it. The second time was from classmate Jiang. Liu Wei answered the call without hesitation. and then informed Jiang that Ning Wei was engaged in an important scientific research task and it was temporarily inconvenient to answer the phone. He would inform Ning Wei to get back to her as soon as possible after finishing the matter at hand.

Based on his understanding of Ning Wei, Director Tian didn't answer the call, so he didn't answer it. He just called back to explain and that was it. But if Mr. Jiang didn't answer his call, Ning Wei would probably scold him when he came out of the Wuchen Room.

In short, he didn't know what Ningwei was busy with in the operation room. He only saw that time passed by one minute and one second. It was almost seven o'clock in the afternoon, and he still didn't know what he was busy with in front of the operation desk in the clean room.

Finally, even Chen Mingcai called.

"Xiao Liu, are you still in the laboratory?"

"Yes, Director Chen, Dr. Ning is still in the clean room. He is still busy after entering in the afternoon."

"Oh! How long do you think he will be busy? Can he come out before eight o'clock?"

"I don't know! It's not easy to disturb him. Judging from the monitoring room, he is very focused now."

"That's it! Do you need me to find someone to deliver dinner to you?"

"No need, Director Chen! I'd better wait until Dr. Ning comes out."

"Okay, then you don't have to bring Dr. Ning here today. We'll see if he comes tomorrow. If not, I'll bring him the contract tomorrow."

"Okay! Director Chen!"

Here Liu Wei put down the phone and monitored Li Ningwei as he finally walked away from the console and walked towards the exit.

"Huh..." Liu Wei let out a long breath and finally came out.

To be honest, Liu Wei really admired Ning Wei at this time for being able to stay alone in the operation room for more than five hours wearing such airtight clothes. This is probably the resilience of scientific researchers, right?

However, as soon as Ning Wei left the laboratory, he started to complain in the changing room: "I'm going to tell you, Brother Liu, this thing is not only troublesome to wear, but also cumbersome! Really, I just wanted to be in it Just take off these clothes and start working."

"Director Tian and classmate Jiang just called. I didn't answer Director Tian's call. I told classmate Jiang that you are doing a more important experiment and it is not convenient to answer the phone." Liu Wei ignored Ning Wei's complaints and reported .

"Oh, okay, I have to call Chen Shuang back and tell her that I won't be going back tonight."

"Not going back?"

"Yes, I won't go back! We will stay here all night tonight! We have already run the digital three-dimensional circuit design and arrangement many times in March. Now that the required instruments are in place, naturally we have to try it. We will stay here all night tonight In the laboratory, it depends on luck, whether you can rub a chip with your hands and come out."

Ning Wei rubbed his hands excitedly and said.

"Rub the chip by hand?" This sentence really shocked Liu Wei.

What is this for? What's going on? The laboratory was just handed over to you today, and you haven't signed the contract yet. If you stayed up all night just to rub a chip together, would a bunch of people still be alive? Especially the big guys who initially opposed the construction of this laboratory.

Although he does not have much information at this level, the budget given by Guang Ning has already made many people want to object. If the person above had not directly made the final decision, those opponents would not have been given a chance to make their voices heard. It would be impossible to complete the renovation of this building in one holiday so efficiently.

But these are all in the past, and there is no point in discussing them. He just hesitated and asked: "The chips you are talking about are things like mobile phones and computer CPUs? The ones with better performance than Intel?"

The very layman's question earned Ning Wei a roll of his eyes: "What a fool! If the chips produced by this equipment can be more powerful than Intel's decades of technology accumulation, let alone one trillion in five years, I can do it in one year." Believe it or not, you can make trillions? Test, test, do you understand?"

"And what was tested this time was not a CPU, but a three-dimensional silicon-carbon bonded radio frequency chip. According to the original design, it can cover radio frequency applications from L band to microwave millimeter wave, 3G, 4G, WiFi, 802.11ad and WiGig frequency bands. If you want In terms of process level, Intel is now said to have mastered the 3NM manufacturing process technology, and the thing we developed is probably a 180nm process."

"180nm?" Liu Wei felt a little low. Although he didn't know much about technology, he could still calculate how many times the 180nm process was different from the 3nm process. The difference was about 60 times.

"You look down on our chip, don't you? New materials and new processes, let me describe it to you, let carbon nanotubes grow according to a pre-designed circuit in a through-silicon hole that is 333 times thinner than a human hair, like this There can be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of through silicon vias in the future, and they must also be arranged according to the design plan. And there are hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of carbon transistors responsible for various units in each through silicon via in the future. Wan, just take your time and do the math."

"The 3nm process integrates 250 million transistors per square millimeter, but they are concentrated on one plane. This is different for us. In the future, we will count the number of transistors in cubic millimeters. How does this number add up? Not only that, but also The new packaging process, did you see the machines controlled by the robotic arms around the outside just now? Those are the packaging equipment for the entire process, a complete set!"

"Let me tell you this, although others are better at 3nm technology than us, if we can really develop this chip today, and the various test results can meet the standards, and there are no major problems with the chip's heat dissipation, we can mail the finished product to the United States. Go and take a look at the big boss of Intel. I wonder if he will fly to China right away. When he sees me, he will kowtow and call daddy as soon as he sees me. Do you believe it?"

In fact, Liu Wei wanted to say that he didn't believe it, but seeing Ning Wei's excitement, he chose to shut up.

Fortunately, Ning Wei didn't argue with him at all, and directly picked up the phone. As he expected, he did not call Director Tian first, but directly called Jiang.

"Hey, I have an important task tonight, so I won't be going back. Please tell my parents. ...Well, well, don't worry. The main thing is that I have to keep an eye on the automated process. I'll do it when I have nothing to do at night. They will sleep. ... Well, you tell them not to worry, the family is left to you... I tell you, don't miss me so much..."

Seeing Ning Wei chatting happily on the phone, Liu Wei silently took out her phone, walked to the other end of the corridor, and dialed Director Chen's number.

"Dr. Ning said he would stay in the laboratory tonight. Yes, it's best to bring two beds... He said he would rub a chip with his hands. If it succeeds, he will be the first in the world... Well, good!"

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