Tech Hammer

Chapter 276 Tell everyone what the real industrial revolution is

Although he didn't really believe that the laboratory was handed over to Ning Wei for just one day, and he could produce high-tech products that Intel's boss had to fly to China to see, but when it came time to see it, Liu Wei was still full of expectations.

To put it bluntly, he was willing to give up his good life to stay by Ning Wei's side, guarding this young man's fragile and precious life day and night, waiting for this moment. The only thing I didn't expect was that the time was surprisingly fast.

But when he patiently accompanied Ning Wei to have dinner, and then found an empty room in the laboratory, set up a bed, put on brand new green sheets and quilts, and found Ning Wei, he saw the big man The scientist was staring at the console in a daze in the laboratory on the first floor.

Walking into the laboratory and looking at the string of numbers on the console monitor that gave him a headache, Liu Wei couldn't help but ask: "Dr. Ning, when do you start rubbing the chips in the evening?"

"Huh? Didn't it start a long time ago? What do you think I was doing here from the time we finished the phone call to before eating? I was supplying materials and debugging equipment. Did you see these data? ? Now we are waiting for the test report, and then comparing it with the data model we ran before. Wait, you can't tell me that when you rub the chip by hand, you really rub the chip out by hand, right?" Ning Weiwu He turned his head and looked at Liu Weiwei with a surprised look.

To be honest, this look is really hurtful. Even as calm as Liu Wei, she couldn't help but blush and explained: "Of course I didn't mean that. How is it possible to rub out the chip with your hands?"

Ning Wei simply looked away and explained: "That's good, otherwise I will doubt your ability to understand! Look, what equipment in this laboratory is not automated? Including the clean room upstairs, in fact Most of the work can be done automatically by machines, which is why I want to build a new laboratory. In fact, it cannot be said that the equipment in the school laboratory cannot be used at all, but when it comes to automation, it is not as convenient as building a laboratory by yourself. ?”

"Especially when it comes to multi-person operations, let me tell you that these devices are very efficient when used well, but they can kill people if used improperly. Don't think that you are just a person who helps me debug these devices today. If you encounter that kind of frizzy guy and give you a mess with your eyes closed, it may take a week or more or even be irreparable."

Liu Wei was a little surprised, pointed to the monitor that Ning Wei was facing and said, "So when you say rubbing the chip by hand, you are just watching these instruments automatically complete the chip? No human intervention is required?"

Ning Wei smiled and explained: "Haha, how can you not participate? Full automation is of course possible, but this laboratory has not yet reached this condition. And if you don't participate at all, why should I stay here overnight? The bed at home is not as good as Is it comfortable here? But then again, although there is no need for manual labor at all, the level of automation is already quite high. Most of the time we don't need to do anything, we just watch."

Okay, just watch.

Liu Wei probably understood that the so-called rubbing the chip by hand was actually just two people sitting and waiting for the laboratory to get the chip out. She couldn't help but sigh: "Then this is too simple, isn't it?"


Ning Wei glanced at Liu Wei and said, "Brother Liu, you're just explaining to me what it means to be fearless when you are ignorant! You don't really think that you can achieve world leadership out of thin air by buying equipment, do you? You know our field How many people did the director ask in order to get other laboratories to open their data to us? How much electricity did it cost me to integrate these data? And how tired is my March kitten recently?"

Liu Wei didn't know how to answer, especially if she was very tired in March? At least on the day of the New Year's Eve dinner, he seemed to be very relaxed in March...

After a series of rhetorical questions, Ning Weicai said earnestly: "So, Brother Liu, don't think this is easy. We just do the hard work in normal times. Without the March Smart Platform, without the efforts of many people , let alone one night, you may not be able to master it even in a year. This is just like some top academics when they were studying. You can see that they are always playing, but every time they take the exam, they are in the top few. They study. People just didn’t notice it at the time. Of course, this is different from my situation. Although I usually don’t work hard, my grades have always been pretty good. This is probably talent.”

In fact, without adding the last sentence, Liu Wei wanted to give Ning Wei and the people he mentioned a thumbs up. But after adding the last sentence, the smell changed, making Liu Wei not want to say anything. Not everyone likes to read, and not everyone has good memories when they read.

A top student may not be brighter than a bad student. For example, Ning Wei, for example, often exudes an unpleasant aura all over his body. For example, at this time, one sentence made the originally good chatting atmosphere less enjoyable.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't like to chat. When Liu Wei found out that he couldn't help him all night, he sat next to Ning Wei silently. Since he didn't need to do anything, he should just be himself. Our job was fine, just a little boring, but just the two of us could play with our phones and read novels, and the time passed.

As for Ning Wei, he naturally had to stare at his screen. God knows at that time, he didn't understand what was so interesting about data that refreshed extremely fast from time to time. Liu Wei occasionally raised his head and glanced at Ning Wei, who was staring at the screen thoughtfully. Hehe, any lack of effort behind the scenes is all fake. Is being so focused just a show of pretense? Obviously I have a very high IQ, but I am still afraid that others will show off at any time without knowing it, and I don’t know who is influencing me...

After spending time with Ning Wei until twelve o'clock, Liu Wei went out to check. There is actually nothing to worry about in terms of safety. The main thing is to make sure that all his partners are at their posts. Liu Wei's cautious temperament has almost been engraved in Liu Wei's bones. As he told Ning Wei before, there was never room for any mistakes in his mission.

When he came back, he found that Ning Wei had left the laboratory on the first floor, so he quickly went up to the second floor and found that Ning Wei had begun to put on the dust-proof equipment on his own to enter the dust-free workshop.

Ning Wei was obviously much more proficient in wearing this set of clothes for the second time. He didn't need to remind him step by step what the steps were. It took about ten minutes at most to put on a set of equipment and then walked into the operation room.

There was nothing much to say. In Liu Wei's opinion, the machine started up, the robotic arm moved, and the computer on the console turned on and off, then on again. But this time Liu Wei didn't have to wait long, only half an hour at most, and Ning Wei walked out of the dust-free operation room.

"Ahem, was it successful?" Liu Wei couldn't hold back and asked.

This question once again earned Ning Wei a surprised look.

"Brother Liu, you seem to be more excited than usual tonight? Speaking of which, you didn't seem to care much about my research before? It's a bit unusual tonight." Ning Wei looked at Liu Wei and said.

"Do I have one?" Liu Wei frowned. He really didn't feel that he was any different from usual.

"Absolutely!" Ning Wei nodded affirmatively, and then said with a smirk: "Let me guess, Brother Liu also wants the big boss of Intel to come to China to kowtow to us and call us daddy?"

Liu Wei was speechless.

"Haha, I'm kidding. Wait a minute. Didn't we just send in the materials that passed the test and start rubbing them? We can go to sleep for a while, and then the serious robot hand rubs the chips. Can it be successful? We'll find out in a few hours. If you're too excited at this time, why not go get some sleep first. There will be some noise when things get better." Ning Wei walked up and patted Liu Wei on the shoulder.

It was obvious that he was not the only one who was more excited today. Really, if you just looked at Ning Wei's relaxed look, Liu Weizhen believed that this guy in front of him could be as calm as usual. Unfortunately, when Ning Wei patted him on the shoulder just now, Liu Wei It was obvious that Dr. Ning's hands were trembling slightly. Many times, these uncontrolled body language can reveal a person's true state.

"Let's go, but can you really sleep today? Aren't you so excited that you can't sleep?" Liu Wei asked casually, feeling a little funny. This young guy didn't know how to pretend in front of him.

As expected, these words made Ning Wei stop, turned his head and said disdainfully: "Ha, Brother Liu, you know me too late. I'm not bragging. When I wrote the turbulence algorithm, There are only a few lines of code left to complete, and I can test it directly after writing it. But because it was my usual rest time, I immediately closed the computer and went to sleep. I have seen this kind of big scene a lot, and I will be worried about rubbing my hands together. Chip can’t sleep?”

"Haha, go and rest early. If you have enough energy, you can continue the test later." Liu Wei reached out and patted Ning Wei on the shoulder and said.

"Brother Liu, you are a little ignorant when you smile..."

"Stop saying anything, I'll take you to rest." Liu Wei decisively interrupted Ning Wei's nonsense. How should I put it, he didn't have to win this game, but he definitely couldn't lose.

At one o'clock in the morning, the two of them were lying on the bed, breathing evenly, no one spoke, they seemed to be asleep, and they couldn't hear the sound of turning over. Five minutes later, Liu Wei's voice sounded in the room.

"Okay, stop pretending, I know you're not asleep. This is not how normal people fall asleep."

"Oops, I was just about to fall asleep when you woke me up!"


"Okay, what does falling asleep look like for a normal person?"

"During the sleep stage of normal people, breathing is not static, but slows down regularly but lasts longer. This is a natural reaction when muscle tension decreases and people are in a relaxed state."

"Brother Liu, aren't you? Do you even want to study these?"

"Of course, judging a person's status from breathing is a basic skill."

"alright, you win!"

There was another moment of silence.

Liu Wei asked again: "Tell me about the chips being rubbed upstairs? If today's experiment is successful, does it mean that mass production will be possible soon?"

Ning Wei replied: "Although the possibility of success is very high, after all, it has been calculated many times before, but mass production is still a little difficult, but it is not difficult. In fact, to put it bluntly, the functions it implements are different from other functions now. There is not much difference in the chip, it is just that it can bypass the previous patents. The most difficult part is the continued improvement of the process, such as from the current 180nm to 90nm, and then to 60nm... Just like silicon-based chips, the unit volume requires The more transistors you have, the more problems you have to solve, and I can't do that alone."

Liu Wei asked doubtfully: "Don't you have March?"

Ning Wei turned over and looked at Liu Wei on the other side of the wall through the night light, explaining: "March has no creativity. Its current ability is mainly auxiliary. For example, if I design a chip layout first, it can pass With strong resource integration capabilities, we can make mathematical judgments on what problems this chip layout may encounter, and then give suggestions for modifications.”

"There is a premise. Someone needs to continuously provide similar data in March. For example, someone has designed a certain channel in this way before, but there was a problem. When this data is uploaded to the March Intelligent Platform, if there is another similar The design will be directly marked, and even if something can be deduced through mathematics, it can give correct reference opinions. So if there is enough data, it can indeed participate in process improvement."

"In addition, we have linked many professional paper databases to March. If some theoretical discoveries are crawled by it and through its modeling, this theoretical discovery can be established in the direction of our research. It can indeed use these theories to directly promote the improvement of technology, even revolutionary improvements. But these are ultimately based on people's initial research."

"So from this point of view, March is still just a tool. You can't ask it to come from scratch. This is also the purpose of building this laboratory. With the help of automation, many experiments in the core laboratory may not even be needed in the future. People come to participate. In this way, March can enrich its database by conducting experiments and recording data on its own. Of course, this efficiency cannot be too high unless it builds enough such automated laboratories."

"This is the correct usage of March, so I hope that as many laboratories as possible are willing to share their laboratory data with March. For example, the silicon silicon tube three-dimensional chip manufacturing technology currently in progress can be said to be the predecessor. The synthesis of all research data, so to advance this technology still requires someone to continue working in this direction.”

"Of course, this is not a difficult task. After the chip is rubbed out, I will do a basic test first. If there is no problem, tomorrow we will send it to a national testing center for a comprehensive test. When the test report comes out, if There are no big problems with all the indicators, which means that this new structure is feasible. This also represents the birth of a new chip development direction with great market potential. The annual semiconductor market size alone is enough to make many people I'm excited. Next, I will ask March to refer to current silicon-based chips to design larger integrated chips, such as CPUs and GPUs."

This kind of popularizing science in a way that he can understand makes Liu Wei feel very happy. Rubbing the chip directly with one hand truly overturned his outlook on life. However, Ning Wei's words also brought some questions to Liu Wei: "In addition to suggesting a direction, does this chip have other meanings?"

Ning Wei smiled and said: "Of course, as far as radio frequency chips are concerned, at least you don't have to license other people's technology and can use it directly. If the chip has excellent indicators, it can be sold to other companies that need chips, such as Apple and Tesla. These, and radio frequency chips are widely used, not only for mobile phone reception, but our chips are mainly concentrated in high-end fields, such as ID cards, which are not needed.”

"Then since March's data integration capabilities are so great, why don't other laboratories take the initiative to join? I think the conditions you proposed should be very good, right?" Liu Wei thought for a while and continued to ask.

Ning Wei thought for a while, sighed and replied: "The reason is very complicated. Apart from the interest relationship, it is impossible to cover everything, and March's ability to expose forgery is extremely strong. If the laboratory is connected, there will be false data, or inefficiency and duplication The data will be discovered immediately, which is actually very troublesome. To be honest, this is a problem I only discovered after recently accessing some laboratory data. Before, I considered everything too idealistic."

"According to what you say, if all scientific research project reviews are connected to the March Intelligent Platform, wouldn't it be able to effectively eliminate all kinds of fake projects?" Hearing this, Liu Wei suddenly became interested.

Ning Wei quickly said: "I didn't say that. If there are duplicate projects in the database, we can quickly check them out. But some projects are actually very promising and useful. March can't judge whether these projects should be The project establishment only refers to the research process after the project establishment. If the data is submitted to March for evaluation, a result can be obtained quickly. For example, if the data is copied, or the submitted data and experimental process are digitally simulated, it is found that it is impossible for the laboratory to achieve You can really tell the difference very quickly.”

"That's enough. I'll go back and give you some advice. In the future, projects of a certain level must regularly submit data to the March Data Platform for review. What do you think?" Liu Wei said seriously.

This suggestion made Ning Wei silent for a long time, and then he said faintly: "Brother Liu, I remember you told me before that I have a habit of attracting enemies, and there is a group of people abroad who don't want me to live a stable life. Many are still big shots, right?”

"Yeah! Yes, what's wrong?" Liu Wei nodded and responded.

Ning Wei let out a long sigh and said: "Hey, have you ever thought about it? If you really suggest it, and then really plan to do it, people who don't want me to live a stable life in the future will probably not be limited to foreign countries. Those who want to beat me up People who want to kill me may even have to queue up."

Quite a real question, Liu Wei said without thinking: "Didn't I say that unless I die first, nothing will happen to you. And there are many people like me, more than one. I just happened to be arranged It’s just by your side. So you really don’t have to worry about safety.”

Ning Wei smacked his lips and commented indifferently: "Yeah! That's whatever. That's fine. In the future, when I'm short of money, I'll just organize an event, pick a time somewhere, and those who hate me will sign up in advance. If you participate, you only need to pay 100 yuan and you can slap me in the face. As long as I can hold on, if I do this event a few more times, I may be able to successfully become the richest man in the world. Nothing else, but a bit useless. Face. So, it’s not unreasonable for me to be so annoying. There are always people pushing me further and further down the path of being annoying.”

Liu Wei said: "It may indeed offend some people, but if you think about it on the other hand, it will definitely make more people like it. Even if such an event is held, at most I will stand in front and help you get slapped, and you will stand behind and count. money."

"That only works if others are willing to fight. Doing so loses the principle of integrity!"

"Don't worry, you won't be short of money, and you won't be beaten because of this. If necessary, you can kill as a warning. What is more important, money or life, there is always someone who can tell the difference!" Liu Wei's tone really had a hint of murderous intent. .

Just like that, the two of them chatted about each other, and then suddenly there was music from the second floor. Then Ning Weide jumped up from the bed, put on his shoes and rushed out. Seeing Ning Wei's appearance, Liu Wei didn't know that this was the sound indicating that the hand-rubbed chip was completed. He quickly got up from the bed and followed Ning Wei to the second floor.

By the time Liu Wei rushed up to the second floor, Ning Wei had already started to put on the equipment. After two experiences, he was obviously faster. This time, it only took seven or eight minutes for Ning Wei to finish dressing and walked in. Clean room, he soon came out with a tray, placed it, and then began to take off his clothes.

"Successful?" Liu Wei asked.

"Well, this is the kind of chip I'm talking about. Brand-new materials and new design. However, the packaging still uses SIP technology. Filters, frequency bands, RF switches, power amplifiers, etc., all functions are concentrated in this one Isn’t it magical inside the small chip? And it’s purely domestically produced and self-developed. Wait, it seems that foreign instruments are used, forget it! Those are just tools.”

As Ning Wei spoke, he picked up a chip and placed it in front of his eyes to admire.

"Let me take it and see if it's okay." Liu Wei asked.

"It uses Flip chip packaging technology. It doesn't have pins and is not that delicate. Just take a look." Ning Wei nodded.

Liu Wei looked at the remaining seven chips neatly arranged in the tray, and curiously took one and observed it carefully. In fact, it seemed to be no different from ordinary chips, and it still had some warmth.

"Wait for me. I'll do a simple test first. There are still a few testing equipment here." Ning Wei first took out his mobile phone, took a photo of each corner of the chip, and then said while holding the tray.

"Oh, I'll hold it for you."

Just like that, when Ning Weizai finished tossing, it was daybreak.

"Is there any problem?" Liu Wei couldn't help but ask as she watched Ning Wei walk out of the laboratory with test equipment with an excited face.

"Haha, I think we can call the bosses from Intel and Qualcomm and ask them to come and kowtow to me!" Ning Weifei said with no trace of exhaustion from just staying up all night on his face.

With that said, Ning Wei took out his mobile phone, called up March, and pointed a thumbs up at the phone's camera: "In March, you have made a meritorious service again!"

"Meow..." The kitten glanced at Ning Wei arrogantly, and then waggled its tail like a swing.

"Haha, look how stupid this little guy is!" Ning Wei pointed at the phone and said, and then a message popped up on the phone: "Hey, you little guy even posted a Weibo? What did you say? I'll go... "

Hearing Ning Wei's words, Liu Wei silently took out his phone and opened Weibo. Yes, as someone close to Ning Wei, he also downloaded Weibo, but he only followed Ning Wei before. He found out in the car After Weibo in March, there is another March.

At this time, the first Weibo post appeared on the Weibo homepage of March's real-name certification of artificial intelligence.

This is probably the first Weibo post independently released by a human artificial intelligence program: "Tell everyone what the real industrial revolution is. This is the chip I made with my little claws! @Huawei, here comes the 5G you want. La!"

The accompanying picture is the photo of the chip just now, a nine-square grid, eight photos of the chip, and the kitten face in March is in the middle!

Liu Wei looked at the main interface of March, although there was no Weibo, but it had more than 10 million fans, and fell into deep thought. Then he raised his head, pointed at the chips, and asked: "Is this chip classified?"

"Ah? It's not confidential, right?"

Ning Wei touched his head and said: "This thing is just a new direction. I also said that purely in terms of performance, it has not improved much. Although in the long run, the development potential is stronger than silicon-based chips. After all, carbon There are only two atomic layers, but silicon has three. The second issue is the original channel structure, and these patent applications have been submitted."

"Oh!" Liu Wei relaxed completely.

Immediately afterwards, his cell phone rang: "Xiao Liu, what does the little claw rubbing the chip on the Internet mean? Did you succeed last night?"

"Yes, it was successful. Dr. Ning just did a test and said that purely in terms of performance, it has improved compared to the current technology."

"Just wait, I'll be there soon."


After hanging up the phone, Liu Wei said to Ning Wei, "Mr. Chen will be here soon."

"Why wait for him? We still have to send the chip to the testing center." Ning Wei muttered dissatisfied.

"Ahem, let's wait. You also said that sharpening a knife does not waste time chopping firewood. With Mr. Chen coming out to say hello, they should pay more attention to it, prioritize it to the highest level, and come to conclusions faster. Faster." Liu Wei said sincerely.

"Isn't my signature enough?" Ning Wei asked in surprise.

Liu Wei remained silent for the time being.

"Hey, so, Brother Liu, are you teaching me to treat Mr. Chen as a tool, right?" Ning Wei blinked and asked again without taking it too seriously.

Really, this environment does not match the results at this time. The inner joy is intertwined with the deserted environment of the scene, which makes Ning Wei feel that if he doesn't say anything flirty, look at Lao Liu's helpless look, he is happy for him. Mood to commit crime.

"It's not just Mr. Chen. Really, you can now regard everyone around you as a tool, including me. As long as this chip can really reopen an era as you said. There is no limit, and the standard is controlled by this laboratory The era in your hands." Liu Wei said very cooperatively.

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